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@CCP : Do not cave in to Goons on Inferno 1.1

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Goonswarm Federation
#281 - 2012-06-18 18:14:08 UTC
i notice jade has once again lied about the CSM by trying to claim they did not oppose the 1.0 situation, and confuse their advocacy for different systems that fixed the problem as opposing a fix to the problem

it is especially hilarious he smears the merc csm by claiming the merc csm agrees with him when the merc csm disagrees with the change because he wants one thats much more severe

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Goonswarm Federation
#282 - 2012-06-18 18:15:25 UTC
the CSM, of course, has repeatedly expressed their displeasure with Jade and his craziness and corrected the record more times than I can count, yet made no impression either

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#283 - 2012-06-18 18:15:57 UTC
Holy **** this exploded into full ****** while I was gone. I'm not sure who's dumber, Jade, or the Black Sun ******.
Kyle Myr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#284 - 2012-06-18 18:17:28 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:

All we have to judge the reality of the situation is that tomorrow the mechanic is being nerfed into oblivion and 0.0 will not have to worry about it ever again.

0.0, worrying about wardecs.

Jade, you don't actually engage any arguments, you just make vague mumblings. This is arguing in bad faith, and why it's more constructive to just laugh at you - your entire argument consists of 'I was exploiting a new mechanic to the fullest extent the system allowed, and CCP changed the rules because of the overall results of exploitation of this mechanic'.

It's extremely egotistical to think this is all about you and your grievances. Posting repeatedly despite a complete lack of evidence, and anyone knows anything refuting your claims makes you look bad. About the only thing we can agree on is that goons who don't use neutral alts in high sec are dumb, and you acknowledge that at best you're killing off newbies and people who deserve to die anyway.

So, I'll stick to enjoying your past exploits, and watching you continue to spew your conspiracy theories.
#285 - 2012-06-18 18:17:57 UTC
Weaselior wrote:
i notice jade has once again lied about the CSM by trying to claim they did not oppose the 1.0 situation, and confuse their advocacy for different systems that fixed the problem as opposing a fix to the problem

it is especially hilarious he smears the merc csm by claiming the merc csm agrees with him when the merc csm disagrees with the change because he wants one thats much more severe

It would be doubly damning, then, if the chair of the csm actually posted decrying Jade`s claims as ridiculous and directly controvertible by verifiable facts.

Oh wait...again...
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#286 - 2012-06-18 18:18:36 UTC
Arrgthepirate wrote:
Holy **** this exploded into full ****** while I was gone. I'm not sure who's dumber, Jade, or the Black Sun ******.

I vote checkbox.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Sixx Spades
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#287 - 2012-06-18 18:19:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Sixx Spades
Arrgthepirate wrote:
Holy **** this exploded into full ****** while I was gone. I'm not sure who's dumber, Jade, or the Black Sun ******.

You missed nothing, bro. It's the same god damn idiocy that's been going on for the last month.

Using a weapon as a deterrent in a diplomatic situation is only viable when you have proven that you have deployed it in the past and are willing to use it in the future.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#288 - 2012-06-18 18:20:20 UTC
Jade: 0.0 is scared of wardecs

0.0: No, we have neutral alts, a jump freighter is literally a grain of sand on the beach to us


0.0: .....

I think anyone who can finally get through to Jade should go become a real live special ed teacher.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#289 - 2012-06-18 18:21:13 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Arrgthepirate wrote:
Holy **** this exploded into full ****** while I was gone. I'm not sure who's dumber, Jade, or the Black Sun ******.

I vote checkbox.

Checkbox is always the best way to vote
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#290 - 2012-06-18 18:22:57 UTC
dontbanmebro wrote:
Weaselior wrote:
i notice jade has once again lied about the CSM by trying to claim they did not oppose the 1.0 situation, and confuse their advocacy for different systems that fixed the problem as opposing a fix to the problem

it is especially hilarious he smears the merc csm by claiming the merc csm agrees with him when the merc csm disagrees with the change because he wants one thats much more severe

It would be doubly damning, then, if the chair of the csm actually posted decrying Jade`s claims as ridiculous and directly controvertible by verifiable facts.

Oh wait...again...

Hmmm, I just read an interesting article about the chair of the CSM (and two step) over on lost in Eve.
Linked from the discussion a pod cast there Two step has a nice little talk about wardec changes (around the 45.00 and 50.30 marks)

Still I'd advise people to go over and have a read, have a listen - and make up your own minds.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Goonswarm Federation
#291 - 2012-06-18 18:24:15 UTC
"ignore, of course, all the times the CSM directly replied to me and contradicted things I said, over and over, on these very forums" - jade

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#292 - 2012-06-18 18:25:05 UTC
CCP should lower wardec costs to 5 mill per entity and allow infinite wardecs just to spite all these people who don't understand that the new wardec mechanics are there to protect them.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#293 - 2012-06-18 18:25:05 UTC
Weaselior wrote:
"ignore, of course, all the times the CSM directly replied to me and contradicted things I said, over and over, on these very forums" - jade

Can I have your babies?
#294 - 2012-06-18 18:27:15 UTC
Weaselior wrote:
"ignore, of course, all the times the CSM directly replied to me and contradicted things I said, over and over, on these very forums" - jade

u stole my post, brah

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#295 - 2012-06-18 18:33:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Well there is a lot of discussion over whether this actually had anything to do with my "move" or not. Personally I think it is more likely to have been in reaction to the Honda Accord/Goomwarm/Test wardec thing that happened 3 weeks before. But really now, is Eve becoming a game where if the player base discovers ways to find methods of gaming systems effectively those methods should be removed? - I thought we were living in an emergent gaming sandbox where finding ways to bring Jita to a standstill with organized tornado/thrasher gankfieets are the order of the day.

Truthfully, that is correct and I spoke poorly. This change is not in direct reaction to what "you" did, but rather what many others were doing (including you and Honda). Frankly, they knew even before the first iteration was released that this "might" happen and made contingency plans accordingly. It remains to be seen if they will be fully successful or not... they will likley need addtional steps to be taken.

One thing to remember though, Burn Jita used the rules framework to create gameplay that aligned with CCP's vison of how they want their sand box to work. Part of that vision also includes a working system that encourages Merc organizations, with war dec freeloaders being in the minority, not the other way around.

Burn Jita furthered the framework goals CCP has, invalidating Merc work as a valid profession does not.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Richard Desturned
Goonswarm Federation
#296 - 2012-06-18 18:38:50 UTC
this all falls apart when you realize that if jade constantine was truly exposing corruption or whatever he wouldn't be posting here

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Richard Desturned
Goonswarm Federation
#297 - 2012-06-18 18:41:06 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:
make up your own minds - let me "guide" you to the conclusion I want you to believe

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#298 - 2012-06-18 18:45:26 UTC
Whats going on here?
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#299 - 2012-06-18 18:49:05 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Truthfully, that is correct and I spoke poorly. This change is not in direct reaction to what "you" did, but rather what many others were doing (including you and Honda). Frankly, they knew even before the first iteration was released that this "might" happen and made contingency plans accordingly. It remains to be seen if they will be fully successful or not... they will likley need addtional steps to be taken.

One thing to remember though, Burn Jita used the rules framework to create gameplay that aligned with CCP's vison of how they want their sand box to work. Part of that vision also includes a working system that encourages Merc organizations, with war dec freeloaders being in the minority, not the other way around.

Well I can appreciate they have a vision for making the merc profession viable - but I think we all pretty much agree that the 1.1 changes will not really help. Whats needed is a proper revamp of the war system that includes objectives and outcomes for attackers and defenders. You can't really give mercs a purpose in the war system without dealing with the fact the war system currently is pretty empty of content or consequence.

Burn Jita furthered the framework goals CCP has, invalidating Merc work as a valid profession does not.

While I don't agree that the 1.0 wardec system "invalidated" the merc profession (at worst it simply didn't do anything to help it). I do agree (and I wrote at length on the subject in my EveNews24 article) that yes the Burn Jita stuff was furthering CCP's vision of emergent gameplay and consequence (nullsec on hisec) - the problem is that the Fanboyism leads to a one way street. When hisec finds a way to fight back it stops being emergent gameplay and starts being something that needs to be patched out ASAP.

This is the problem really and its why people are so widely upset about turnabout no longer being "fair play" in Eve online.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Rudy Eirikr
Gallente Federation
#300 - 2012-06-18 18:50:49 UTC
Barbara Nichole wrote:
most null sec corps do use Jita and other trade hubs... both to supply their efforts and sell products for good profits to a wider market. This does put them at risk during a wardec. war decs are just one tool against a null sec alliance.

You actually believe this don't you?

Wow, that's just so goddamn cute I'm not sure how to react.