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@CCP : Do not cave in to Goons on Inferno 1.1

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Cutter Isaacson
#141 - 2012-06-18 14:22:28 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:
Shepard Wong Ogeko wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:

And lets remember another reality here. This is not hisec wardec people asking for a change in the in game to their benefit.

No, that is not a reality. That is just made up, and possibly a "rumor". The reality is that wardecs have never been a nullsec issue. At best they are a joke, at worst they are irrelevant. The only people that are going to have their game effected by wardecs, and would have any reason to complain, are highsec people.

And yet nobody in the hisec war coalitions has been complaining AT ALL.

Funny, the only people I see complaining about the upcoming changes to the system ARE high sec dwellers.

Just because a change happens to possibly benefit null sec alliances, and lets not pretend that Goonswarm are the only null sec alliance, does not mean that they had anything to do with the changes.

The only people complaining are smaller high sec corps who want to be able to war dec massive alliances, and then bring in infinite numbers of allies for zero cost, thus bypassing the effort and cost needed to form and maintain a cohesive counter alliance.

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." Elim Garak.

David Cedarbridge
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#142 - 2012-06-18 14:22:50 UTC
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
David Cedarbridge wrote:
So wait, changing a mechanic that functionally makes declaring war for any alliance smaller than GSF impossible to win is a sign that the devs favor GSF?

Are you guys really that dense? As it stands now, any 5 man corp declaring war on another 5 man corp is instantly blobbed by "allies" (read: people who just want more things to shoot and have no stake with their other "allies."

I thought you pubbies were against blobbing?

Interestingly I have personal experience of this. I got war dec'd last week by a 50 man alliance, and within 3 days I had amassed 243 people spread over 8 corps as allies, most of whom joined for zero cost. While I am obviously happy to have a large amount of allies, this does seem stupidly unbalanced and is a perfect example of why it needs changing.

Hey Jade. Look at this post. I did your work for you. No need to thank me.
Cutter Isaacson
#143 - 2012-06-18 14:24:55 UTC
David Cedarbridge wrote:
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
David Cedarbridge wrote:
So wait, changing a mechanic that functionally makes declaring war for any alliance smaller than GSF impossible to win is a sign that the devs favor GSF?

Are you guys really that dense? As it stands now, any 5 man corp declaring war on another 5 man corp is instantly blobbed by "allies" (read: people who just want more things to shoot and have no stake with their other "allies."

I thought you pubbies were against blobbing?

Interestingly I have personal experience of this. I got war dec'd last week by a 50 man alliance, and within 3 days I had amassed 243 people spread over 8 corps as allies, most of whom joined for zero cost. While I am obviously happy to have a large amount of allies, this does seem stupidly unbalanced and is a perfect example of why it needs changing.

Hey Jade. Look at this post. I did your work for you. No need to thank me.

Not sure if just goading Jade, or also goading me.

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." Elim Garak.

All Web Investigations
#144 - 2012-06-18 14:32:12 UTC
David Cedarbridge wrote:
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
David Cedarbridge wrote:
So wait, changing a mechanic that functionally makes declaring war for any alliance smaller than GSF impossible to win is a sign that the devs favor GSF?

Are you guys really that dense? As it stands now, any 5 man corp declaring war on another 5 man corp is instantly blobbed by "allies" (read: people who just want more things to shoot and have no stake with their other "allies."

I thought you pubbies were against blobbing?

Interestingly I have personal experience of this. I got war dec'd last week by a 50 man alliance, and within 3 days I had amassed 243 people spread over 8 corps as allies, most of whom joined for zero cost. While I am obviously happy to have a large amount of allies, this does seem stupidly unbalanced and is a perfect example of why it needs changing.

Hey Jade. Look at this post. I did your work for you. No need to thank me.

I don't see a terrible problem with this. No one forces anyone to war dec someone else, you make that choice and you should run the risk of them pulling in allies and curbstomping you. Perhaps there should be a bit of a limiting factor on it, but it shouldn't be an immediate and exponential cost for each ally - perhaps ramp up the price only after the number of allied bodies exceeds that of the aggressor. That way if a 5 man corp declares war on a 50 man corp that corp immediately has to shell out isk if they want even more of an advantage, but if a 9000 man alliance declares war on the 50 man corp then they can bring in truckloads of friends before having to worry about isk
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#145 - 2012-06-18 14:32:19 UTC
I'm sad about these changes because our JF loss mails are ******* hilarious.

I wish there was a "Declare war on New Eden button" where we could just make all pilots hostile all the time. NO ONE IS SAFE!
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#146 - 2012-06-18 14:32:29 UTC
David Cedarbridge wrote:
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
David Cedarbridge wrote:
So wait, changing a mechanic that functionally makes declaring war for any alliance smaller than GSF impossible to win is a sign that the devs favor GSF?

Are you guys really that dense? As it stands now, any 5 man corp declaring war on another 5 man corp is instantly blobbed by "allies" (read: people who just want more things to shoot and have no stake with their other "allies."

I thought you pubbies were against blobbing?

Interestingly I have personal experience of this. I got war dec'd last week by a 50 man alliance, and within 3 days I had amassed 243 people spread over 8 corps as allies, most of whom joined for zero cost. While I am obviously happy to have a large amount of allies, this does seem stupidly unbalanced and is a perfect example of why it needs changing.

Hey Jade. Look at this post. I did your work for you. No need to thank me.

Yeah which is precisely the issue the proposal I widely circulated would resolve in a far more elegant solution than the clumsy 1.1 changes.

With the proposal I make - the concord escalation fee would only kick in when the defending coalition IS (or has increased to be by adding allies) beyond the size of the attacker. Hence the purpose of the 1.1 (escalation charge) for protecting small attackers from ridiculous dogpiles would remain intact, while the defense option for smaller defenders facing massive attackers would also remain intact.

Thanks in fact for providing yet another example of how its possible to resolve problems in the wardec system without cutting one half of the community to pieces in the interest of the other.

Some game mechanics can be improved for everyone.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#147 - 2012-06-18 14:34:17 UTC
Arrgthepirate wrote:
I'm sad about these changes because our JF loss mails are ******* hilarious.

I wish there was a "Declare war on New Eden button" where we could just make all pilots hostile all the time. NO ONE IS SAFE!

Today the closest thing to such a button is "declare on Star Fraction/Honda Accord" and you'll end up at war with every pilot who wants to take a shot at you in New Eden hisec.

Tomorrow the button is being removed.

Perhaps you should complain to Mittani?

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#148 - 2012-06-18 14:36:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Arrgthepirate
Dear Jade Constantine,

You have 80 kills so far in the month of June according to Eve-Kills. None of those are against Goons, or TEST. Why do you even give a ****? It's not like you're fighting us.

Cutter Isaacson
#149 - 2012-06-18 14:40:25 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:

Perhaps you should complain to Mittani?

Comments like these are precisely why you are not going to find too many people taking you seriously, and those that do are wearing more tinfoil than you, are probably only semi-literate and have issues with controlling basic bodily functions.

If you want anyone to take you seriously you are going to need to leave your excruciatingly clear prejudices at the door, they serve only to drown any decent point you may ever attempt to make in a sea of crap.

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." Elim Garak.

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#150 - 2012-06-18 14:42:06 UTC

I think you are a bit confused about certain aspects of the discussion Cutter.

Cutter Isaacson wrote:

Funny, the only people I see complaining about the upcoming changes to the system ARE high sec dwellers.

Well yes, because the 1.1 changes are bad. But the previous quote references the mention that said hisec dwelling wardec fighters were not complaining about 1.0. There is the world of difference between these two patches - which one you are complaining about speaks volumes for which camp you are in!

Cutter Isaacson wrote:
Just because a change happens to possibly benefit null sec alliances, and lets not pretend that Goonswarm are the only null sec alliance, does not mean that they had anything to do with the changes.

Yes thats true, but then again it also doesn't mean they didn't. Obviously there is a lot we don't know happens behind the scenes. But in the lengthy Eve News article I wrote a few days ago I lay all this stuff at the feet of fanboyism as much as any kind of specific corruption but thats by the by. The reality is that these changes DO benefit the big guys and if you want to debate that I can certainly show specifc cases of how they benefit down to numbers in ISK.

Cutter Isaacson wrote:
The only people complaining are smaller high sec corps who want to be able to war dec massive alliances, and then bring in infinite numbers of allies for zero cost, thus bypassing the effort and cost needed to form and maintain a cohesive counter alliance.

That simply isn't true. You cannot bring allies when you make an offensive dec. In part the allies for defensive purposes were a sop thrown at the notion of "balance" in the first place because with Inferno 1.0 the cost to dec a large alliance had risen by 10x anyway. The argument was "thats okay because now people can better defend themselves against the large alliances with the wardec ally system". Now that is being taken away from us more or less, and the increased price to dec large alliances remains.

Its simply a very bad patch and I don't think ANYONE sensible is defending it really.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#151 - 2012-06-18 14:44:46 UTC
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
Comments like these are precisely why you are not going to find too many people taking you seriously, and those that do are wearing more tinfoil than you, are probably only semi-literate and have issues with controlling basic bodily functions. If you want anyone to take you seriously you are going to need to leave your excruciatingly clear prejudices at the door, they serve only to drown any decent point you may ever attempt to make in a sea of crap.

Why (in your eyes) is it wrong to suggest that a goon pilot who is actually enjoying 1.0 Inferno wardec rules should consider complaining to his CEO (who can then presumably forward the complaints to CSM/CCP whoever he has in his contact list/twitter network) to protest the ruining of that individual's specific "fun" in the 1.1 patch?

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#152 - 2012-06-18 14:50:55 UTC
Arrgthepirate wrote:
Dear Jade Constantine,

You have 80 kills so far in the month of June according to Eve-Kills. None of those are against Goons, or TEST. Why do you even give a ****? It's not like you're fighting us.


A better question for you to consider is why am I (as the object of a Mittani's ministry of love special griefing contract ) ABLE to score 80 kills in the month of June (in lowsec no less) without needing to kill a single GOON/TEST pilot in order to go about my business in the Amarr/Minmatar FW conflict zone.

I'll give you a hint. I've seen 3 GOONS total. The first 2 fled system the moment I switched into a gank tornado to blast their bombers to bits. The 3rd fired a torp at me but spammed escape warp so quickly his weapon didn't even detonate in his haste to leave the field.

The reality is that the Goons of the ministry of love are more terrified of mockery and personal consequences they would face on losing a ship to me than they have a desire to actually fight. Hence they run back to empire and get farmed by our many allies.

When you make a wardec against an entity its your job to go find that entity and try to stop them doing what they want to do.

I'm playing faction warfare and making a fortune from kills/complexing/missioning (8.7b so far while this wardec has been running) Surely its your job to stop me.

Otherwise your wardec (like your leader) is going to look pretty foolish.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

David Cedarbridge
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#153 - 2012-06-18 14:54:21 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:
David Cedarbridge wrote:
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
David Cedarbridge wrote:
So wait, changing a mechanic that functionally makes declaring war for any alliance smaller than GSF impossible to win is a sign that the devs favor GSF?

Are you guys really that dense? As it stands now, any 5 man corp declaring war on another 5 man corp is instantly blobbed by "allies" (read: people who just want more things to shoot and have no stake with their other "allies."

I thought you pubbies were against blobbing?

Interestingly I have personal experience of this. I got war dec'd last week by a 50 man alliance, and within 3 days I had amassed 243 people spread over 8 corps as allies, most of whom joined for zero cost. While I am obviously happy to have a large amount of allies, this does seem stupidly unbalanced and is a perfect example of why it needs changing.

Hey Jade. Look at this post. I did your work for you. No need to thank me.

Yeah which is precisely the issue the proposal I widely circulated would resolve in a far more elegant solution than the clumsy 1.1 changes.

With the proposal I make - the concord escalation fee would only kick in when the defending coalition IS (or has increased to be by adding allies) beyond the size of the attacker. Hence the purpose of the 1.1 (escalation charge) for protecting small attackers from ridiculous dogpiles would remain intact, while the defense option for smaller defenders facing massive attackers would also remain intact.

Thanks in fact for providing yet another example of how its possible to resolve problems in the wardec system without cutting one half of the community to pieces in the interest of the other.

Some game mechanics can be improved for everyone.

Dear CCP,
Please change wardecs for the reason you already stated you would and are going to. While you do though, please only fix it for half of the game as I rather enjoy forming an alliance of non-allies on the cheap without having to do all the work of actually forming an alliance! Thanks!
Cutter Isaacson
#154 - 2012-06-18 14:54:52 UTC
Funny, the only people I see complaining about the upcoming changes to the system ARE high sec dwellers. [/quote]

Jade Constantine wrote:

Well yes, because the 1.1 changes are bad. But the previous quote references the mention that said hisec dwelling wardec fighters were not complaining about 1.0. There is the world of difference between these two patches - which one you are complaining about speaks volumes for which camp you are in!

If you honestly cannot see why high sec dwellers weren't crying about the first change, the one that allowed them to bypass the need to form a proper alliance, and instead pile on to existing wars for free, then you have bigger issues than simply not being able to read.

Just because a change happens to possibly benefit null sec alliances, and lets not pretend that Goonswarm are the only null sec alliance, does not mean that they had anything to do with the changes.

Jade Constantine wrote:

Yes that's true, but then again it also doesn't mean they didn't. Obviously there is a lot we don't know happens behind the scenes. But in the lengthy Eve News article I wrote a few days ago I lay all this stuff at the feet of fanboyism as much as any kind of specific corruption but thats by the by. The reality is that these changes DO benefit the big guys and if you want to debate that I can certainly show specifc cases of how they benefit down to numbers in ISK.

So your argument here is that even though there is no proof that they did, they MIGHT have? Really? That is your sound, logical and honest answer? Burden of proof is on the accuser Jade, and so far I see no proof from you.

The only people complaining are smaller high sec corps who want to be able to war dec massive alliances, and then bring in infinite numbers of allies for zero cost, thus bypassing the effort and cost needed to form and maintain a cohesive counter alliance.

Jade Constantine wrote:

That simply isn't true. You cannot bring allies when you make an offensive dec. In part the allies for defensive purposes were a sop thrown at the notion of "balance" in the first place because with Inferno 1.0 the cost to dec a large alliance had risen by 10x anyway. The argument was "thats okay because now people can better defend themselves against the large alliances with the wardec ally system". Now that is being taken away from us more or less, and the increased price to dec large alliances remains.

Its simply a very bad patch and I don't think ANYONE sensible is defending it really.

On that one I concede I am wrong in part. You however must also concede that the ability for a smaller alliance, one war dec'd by a larger alliance, to bring in infinite numbers of allies for zero cost is hideously unbalanced. If you get dec'd by a larger alliance, then the best course of action would be to form an alliance of your own. It is clear that this is CCP's plan, and to be honest I think it is a good one.

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." Elim Garak.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#155 - 2012-06-18 14:55:32 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:
Arrgthepirate wrote:
Dear Jade Constantine,

You have 80 kills so far in the month of June according to Eve-Kills. None of those are against Goons, or TEST. Why do you even give a ****? It's not like you're fighting us.


A better question for you to consider is why am I (as the object of a Mittani's ministry of love special griefing contract ) ABLE to score 80 kills in the month of June (in lowsec no less) without needing to kill a single GOON/TEST pilot in order to go about my business in the Amarr/Minmatar FW conflict zone.

I'll give you a hint. I've seen 3 GOONS total. The first 2 fled system the moment I switched into a gank tornado to blast their bombers to bits. The 3rd fired a torp at me but spammed escape warp so quickly his weapon didn't even detonate in his haste to leave the field.

The reality is that the Goons of the ministry of love are more terrified of mockery and personal consequences they would face on losing a ship to me than they have a desire to actually fight. Hence they run back to empire and get farmed by our many allies.

When you make a wardec against an entity its your job to go find that entity and try to stop them doing what they want to do.

I'm playing faction warfare and making a fortune from kills/complexing/missioning (8.7b so far while this wardec has been running) Surely its your job to stop me.

Otherwise your wardec (like your leader) is going to look pretty foolish.

You made it mutual so I guess you have a vested interest in us as well. Maybe you should stop leeching free allies, build an alliance worth a **** and come to VFK. Or stop hiding in lowsec, when the whole point of a war, is to fight in high sec. Actually yeah, let's go with that. Also, I'd rather camp EC- then come find you because :effort:
David Cedarbridge
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#156 - 2012-06-18 14:56:53 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:
Arrgthepirate wrote:
Dear Jade Constantine,

You have 80 kills so far in the month of June according to Eve-Kills. None of those are against Goons, or TEST. Why do you even give a ****? It's not like you're fighting us.


A better question for you to consider is why am I (as the object of a Mittani's ministry of love special griefing contract ) ABLE to score 80 kills in the month of June (in lowsec no less) without needing to kill a single GOON/TEST pilot in order to go about my business in the Amarr/Minmatar FW conflict zone.

I'll give you a hint. I've seen 3 GOONS total. The first 2 fled system the moment I switched into a gank tornado to blast their bombers to bits. The 3rd fired a torp at me but spammed escape warp so quickly his weapon didn't even detonate in his haste to leave the field.

The reality is that the Goons of the ministry of love are more terrified of mockery and personal consequences they would face on losing a ship to me than they have a desire to actually fight. Hence they run back to empire and get farmed by our many allies.

When you make a wardec against an entity its your job to go find that entity and try to stop them doing what they want to do.

I'm playing faction warfare and making a fortune from kills/complexing/missioning (8.7b so far while this wardec has been running) Surely its your job to stop me.

Otherwise your wardec (like your leader) is going to look pretty foolish.

I think you mistake foolishness for disinterest. As much as you talk about other people having hilariously inflated egos, yours takes the cake. You've done what of value to call your claim to fame exactly?
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#157 - 2012-06-18 14:59:46 UTC
David Cedarbridge wrote:

I think you mistake foolishness for disinterest. As much as you talk about other people having hilariously inflated egos, yours takes the cake. You've done what of value to call your claim to fame exactly?

He/she/it roleplays a space hooker. That's FAME!

Also, your I can't prove it was goons, because closed doors ect, theory is ********. Absence of proof ect.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#158 - 2012-06-18 15:03:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
The purpose of the war dec changes was to enable Merc corps to be a viable profession in the EVE universe.

It failed to accomplish this, instead it enabled opportunists free reign and ended any hope of the merc profession becoming re-established. This is a "Privateers dream come true" scenario.

The new patch puts the focus back where it was originally supposed to be, hiring professionals to assist you instead of throwing open private wars to every tiny gank squad looking to whore kill mails.

I know you can understand the difference, but because it is not working in your favor this time you chose to ignore what is obvious to everyone else. While I don't blame anyone for ignoring certain facts to further their personal agenda, I personally DO have a vested interest in the merc profession becoming a lucurative profession in EVE again.

tl;dr: I have no problem with game mechanics making it easier for the defender to equalize the odds in a war, but not at the expense of making the merc profession a reality. Hiring extra muscle should have a price tag attached, and if you hire the best the cost should be significant.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Cutter Isaacson
#159 - 2012-06-18 15:04:21 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
Comments like these are precisely why you are not going to find too many people taking you seriously, and those that do are wearing more tinfoil than you, are probably only semi-literate and have issues with controlling basic bodily functions. If you want anyone to take you seriously you are going to need to leave your excruciatingly clear prejudices at the door, they serve only to drown any decent point you may ever attempt to make in a sea of crap.

Why (in your eyes) is it wrong to suggest that a goon pilot who is actually enjoying 1.0 Inferno wardec rules should consider complaining to his CEO (who can then presumably forward the complaints to CSM/CCP whoever he has in his contact list/twitter network) to protest the ruining of that individual's specific "fun" in the 1.1 patch?

Oh dear, I really need to explain? Ok. For the entire time you have been discussing the changes to the wardec system, the greater percentage of that time has actually been spent blaming Goonswarm for said changes.

Quite literally every one of your posts contains either direct reference to GS, or a not so subtle snide remark to the same effect. Your personal obsession with them has twisted you so badly that I would be utterly unsurprised if you started blaming GS for the Greek financial crisis and Third World famine.

Clear enough?

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." Elim Garak.

Holander Switzerland
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#160 - 2012-06-18 15:06:38 UTC
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
Goonswarm is responsible for the Greek financial crisis and Third World famine.

Clear enough?

Dude, shut up.