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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Userfriendliness of the unified inventory

Suri Abrams
Umbrella Holding Inc
Umbrella Chemical Inc
#1 - 2012-06-17 20:08:35 UTC
So the new inventory is pretty neat. It has different tabs for different containers. That's great, it means there aren't buttons all over the place, everything is neat and compartmentalized.

However, it brings other issues. For example, it's less usable for people with poor eyesight, such as myself. With the old inventory system, I had it set to show rather large icons, and had different screen-areas for different containers, so I knew where everything was. The new system has this too, to an extent. I can set the containers to show their contents with the old, large icons. I can't, however, get the inventory of available containers to show in icons, the only option available there is tiny text.

My proposal is quite simple. Give us the option to make the list of containers show the big icons as well. This wouldn't bother people who are happy with the text-only version, but would help me (and surely a lot of other people as well) tremendously.

I also think that Minmatar should get hoodies.

(Tack för att du kollade över stavningen, Pellaeon Arcif! Smile)
Jorr Meditir
Embers Children
#2 - 2012-06-18 12:42:14 UTC
I second this.
Eve is texty, but need to offer atleast the same choices as before!
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#3 - 2012-06-18 12:56:51 UTC
I don't have bad eyesight and I still think this is a good idea.

Idris Mandela
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2012-06-18 13:19:38 UTC
Suri Abrams wrote:
So the new inventory is pretty neat. It has different tabs for different containers. That's great, it means there aren't buttons all over the place, everything is neat and compartmentalized.

However, it brings other issues. For example, it's less usable for people with poor eyesight, such as myself. With the old inventory system, I had it set to show rather large icons, and had different screen-areas for different containers, so I knew where everything was. The new system has this too, to an extent. I can set the containers to show their contents with the old, large icons. I can't, however, get the inventory of available containers to show in icons, the only option available there is tiny text.

My proposal is quite simple. Give us the option to make the list of containers show the big icons as well. This wouldn't bother people who are happy with the text-only version, but would help me (and surely a lot of other people as well) tremendously.

I also think that Minmatar should get hoodies.

(Tack för att du kollade över stavningen, Pellaeon Arcif! Smile)

I am all for better accessibility.

*cough* cough*
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2012-06-18 14:01:48 UTC
Roll back UnventoryWhat?
Amadeus Val
Galactica Corporation
#6 - 2012-06-18 14:08:56 UTC
I like having options. Having UI options even more. I had issues sometimes to find the right cargo container or bay when playing around so I support this feature.

Having predefined sizes or even a slider that resizes the icons on the fly would be awesome. These are my two cents, lets have an UI thats not Windows 3.1
Legendary Umbrellas
#7 - 2012-06-19 21:58:53 UTC
The UI in EVE needs to get better both with scaling options and usability. This is something I do agree with, would help me at least when I play with my orca in deep space and handle all that ore.

Even when fitting ships in stations knowing what container is what without the need of squinting the eyes each time.

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Factimus et Vincimus
#8 - 2012-06-23 20:34:18 UTC
In the current UI, none of the elements really stand out. I have trouble finding my Item Storage sometimes (as all buttons look the same). Would be nice indeed if we'd be able to see, in the blink of an eye, where your ship hangar is located, where your item storage is, where your active ship is. AT LEAST add some spacing between the categories.
