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@CCP : Do not cave in to Goons on Inferno 1.1

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David Cedarbridge
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#81 - 2012-06-18 00:54:48 UTC
Shepard Wong Ogeko wrote:
Constable Chang wrote:

In brief, 'The Goons' exist at a 'meta level' outside the MMO. They are like some kind of higher-order entity and as such they have an 'evolutionary' advantage.

So much so that we are the reason CCP never finished up with the Jove stuff. We are just so powerful and mysterious that they didn't have to bother making npcs to fill that role.

Next CSM, we are pushing for a goon faction ship. It will jam like a blackbird and use rifters like drones.

Oh god, why are there not 20 of these in my hangar right now. This is literally the only good post in this whole stupid thread.
Cutter Isaacson
#82 - 2012-06-18 00:55:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Cutter Isaacson
Richard Desturned wrote:
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
When you have been playing for 7 years you might also know that even back in 2010, there were over 300 thousand unique subscribers operating in excess of 700 thousand characters. So before you blindly quote numbers at people, make sure they aren't ones pulled from a bodily orifice.

Source: CCP Quarterly Economic Newsletter 2010 roll down to page 8, heading "Demographics" for the actual numbers.

"The current number of accounts is well over 340,000 and with the launch of Tyrannis in June account numbers have continued to increase into Q3 of 2010."

accounts, not individual players

According to CCP it has 361k subscribers, not accounts. Not entirely certain who got it wrong there, Dr whats his name, or CCP themselves. Differing terminology makes this irritating.

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." Elim Garak.

David Cedarbridge
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#83 - 2012-06-18 00:58:28 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:

Problem is there is no effective way to secure an alliance of disparate groups against infiltration and alliance disband which is surely what would happen. Until CCP spend some programming effort giving us configuration options on how we want to run alliances to specific purposes (for example a hisec mass wardec alliance would not be run or configured to work the same way as a tight 4-5 corp lowsec pirate alliance) then its not going to be a very feasible project.

For example, if we wanted to move our current 46 allies over into a single alliance shell that could join the goon wardec for free (assuming for a moment that we don't count the 6-7 actual alliances that are allied) then we'd need to create an additional 46 alt corps (for a total of 92 member corps) simply to ensure that the alliance is not disbanded by infiltration. Since each alt corp needs at least one account in it to stay functional and click the support button thats a minimum of 16 accounts devoted purely to anti infiltration technqiues and is quite a ridiculous length to go to simply to continue what we have already.

The alliance structure would cost 1b isk to set up, 16 trial accounts full of alts, and 200m a month maintenance fee. With an additional one account full of alts per 3 additional members (+6 maintenance per month.)

Very quickly running this kind of thing would become a full time job which is quite the disproportionate :effort: to go to when opposing a dec of 50m per week and a couple of dozen random stealth bombers at trade hubs.

As always with the type of grand vision suggested by the poster above - Eve makes things far more complicated than it needs to be.

I've seen you posting this around a lot as if it were some sort of excuse. If you can't figure out how to keep your alliance secure enough to function and can't trust the people you seem to want fighting with you then you aren't really "allies." This all smacks of more needing CCP to hold your hand through things that real alliances have been able to pull off for years.
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#84 - 2012-06-18 01:04:28 UTC
David Cedarbridge wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:

Problem is there is no effective way to secure an alliance of disparate groups against infiltration and alliance disband which is surely what would happen. Until CCP spend some programming effort giving us configuration options on how we want to run alliances to specific purposes (for example a hisec mass wardec alliance would not be run or configured to work the same way as a tight 4-5 corp lowsec pirate alliance) then its not going to be a very feasible project.

For example, if we wanted to move our current 46 allies over into a single alliance shell that could join the goon wardec for free (assuming for a moment that we don't count the 6-7 actual alliances that are allied) then we'd need to create an additional 46 alt corps (for a total of 92 member corps) simply to ensure that the alliance is not disbanded by infiltration. Since each alt corp needs at least one account in it to stay functional and click the support button thats a minimum of 16 accounts devoted purely to anti infiltration technqiues and is quite a ridiculous length to go to simply to continue what we have already.

The alliance structure would cost 1b isk to set up, 16 trial accounts full of alts, and 200m a month maintenance fee. With an additional one account full of alts per 3 additional members (+6 maintenance per month.)

Very quickly running this kind of thing would become a full time job which is quite the disproportionate :effort: to go to when opposing a dec of 50m per week and a couple of dozen random stealth bombers at trade hubs.

As always with the type of grand vision suggested by the poster above - Eve makes things far more complicated than it needs to be.

I've seen you posting this around a lot as if it were some sort of excuse. If you can't figure out how to keep your alliance secure enough to function and can't trust the people you seem to want fighting with you then you aren't really "allies." This all smacks of more needing CCP to hold your hand through things that real alliances have been able to pull off for years.

Well obviously hisec trade hub raider friends are not going to be as tight as formal alliance members in some nullsec pact that are only brought into the game from 3rd party forums are they?

Really. The whole point of the Inferno 1.0 wardec allies system seemed to be to provide a quicker and neater way of growing dynamic war situations in the sandbox.

But sure, you can always trot out the "well you should be more like us!" reponse - but the reality is quite a few people don't want to the play the game precisely how the nullsec blocs are playing the game - they like their independence.

And lets remember another reality here. This is not hisec wardec people asking for a change in the in game to their benefit.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#85 - 2012-06-18 01:10:32 UTC  |  Edited by: La Nariz
Jade Constantine wrote:

Well obviously hisec trade hub raider friends are not going to be as tight as formal alliance members in some nullsec pact that are only brought into the game from 3rd party forums are they?

Really. The whole point of the Inferno 1.0 wardec allies system seemed to be to provide a quicker and neater way of growing dynamic war situations in the sandbox.

But sure, you can always trot out the "well you should be more like us!" reponse - but the reality is quite a few people don't want to the play the game precisely how the nullsec blocs are playing the game - they like their independence.

And lets remember another reality here. This is not hisec wardec people asking for a change in the in game to their benefit.

CCP Soundwave wrote:
The other thing is that war dec prices are determined by the value you get from them. If you want to go to war with someone, a higher number of potential targets should be more expensive. If you're a smaller alliance, this makes you a less attractive target, unless you've made someone angry in which case you're responsible for any social repercussions you've created.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

David Cedarbridge
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#86 - 2012-06-18 01:24:11 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:

Well obviously hisec trade hub raider friends are not going to be as tight as formal alliance members in some nullsec pact that are only brought into the game from 3rd party forums are they?

Jade Constantine wrote:
But sure, you can always trot out the "well you should be more like us!" reponse - but the reality is quite a few people don't want to the play the game precisely how the nullsec blocs are playing the game - they like their independence.

By "more like us", you mean actual trustworthy allies to eachother and not just opportunistic bandwagoners right? Oh wait, highsec. Right.

Jade Constantine wrote:
Really. The whole point of the Inferno 1.0 wardec allies system seemed to be to provide a quicker and neater way of growing dynamic war situations in the sandbox.

I'm not really sure how making just about every initated wardec unwinnable for any corp or alliance of equal or lesser size than the defender makes the game "dynamic". There's a lot of buzzwords and begging the question in here. I'm sure you'd like to explain in a way that actually makes sense.

Jade Constantine wrote:
And lets remember another reality here. This is not hisec wardec people asking for a change in the in game to their benefit.

Oh really? You have the CCP email/evemail transcripts and the CSM minutes to show who is asking for these changes or are you still on some kick about how Goons are totally afraid of you and your super scary allies list?
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#87 - 2012-06-18 01:28:04 UTC
David Cedarbridge wrote:
By "more like us", you mean actual trustworthy allies to eachother and not just opportunistic bandwagoners right? Oh wait, highsec. Right.

Well I actually mean recruiting one's membership from a 3rd party paid forum service. But sneer as you like at bandwagoners - isn't that exactly what any pilot joining the largest nullsec bloc is ... a bandwagoneer in effect?

David Cedarbridge wrote:
I'm not really sure how making just about every initated wardec unwinnable for any corp or alliance of equal or lesser size than the defender makes the game "dynamic". There's a lot of buzzwords and begging the question in here. I'm sure you'd like to explain in a way that actually makes sense.

My proposed change to the wardec system resolves the issue you allude to.

David Cedarbridge wrote:
Oh really? You have the CCP email/evemail transcripts and the CSM minutes to show who is asking for these changes or are you still on some kick about how Goons are totally afraid of you and your super scary allies list?

Such things are not to be discussed on these forums anymore.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Memento Moriendo
#88 - 2012-06-18 01:36:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Hermia
Ive returned after a very long break and its really noticeable how the culture has changed. It really is a goon led status quo now. All the pirate corps and many nullsecers seem to aspire to be them, using the same language and purveying the same points of view. They seem to be the cool kids now where even CCP (to appear in-touch with the community) have adjusted. Annoyingly its become seriously uncool to like WiS, so now any self-respecting player who values there image wont talk about it, even if they secretly want it lol.

Dont get me wrong, i like having the goons around and would feel sad if they left. They are easier to hate than BOB, they make a better nemesis and the drama they create is good but for me some drawbacks:

1) Really like the new senior producer guy, looks professional, but this "spaceship development only" plan demonstrates a complete win for the anti-WiS lobbyists.

2) There is probably no chance i will ever attend Fanfest. I watched that latest Alliance Panel and it was terrible, you could see how embarrassed CCP Xagon <--sp? was, it was cringe worthy. I would not be surprised if speakers are told they must be sober to attend next time.

3) I have never been ganked in Hi-sec but i don't think its right that players make disposable alts in disposable ships and gank with total impunity. There should be more consequence, its an act of war and CONCORD should issue free wars for a gank.

4) So many reasons but im at work


CCP, dont cave to goons or at least try and resist!
Alia Gon'die
Outer Ring Applied Logistics
#89 - 2012-06-18 01:41:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Alia Gon'die
Hermia wrote:
Ive returned after a very long break and its really noticeable how the culture has changed. It really is a goon led status quo now. All the pirate corps and many nullsecers seem to aspire to be them, using the same language and purveying the same points of view. They seem to be the cool kids now where even CCP (to appear in-touch with the community) have adjusted. Annoyingly its become seriously uncool to like WiS, so now any self-respecting player who values there image wont talk about it, even if they secretly want it lol.

Dont get me wrong, i like having the goons around and would feel sad if they left. They are easier to hate than BOB, they make a better nemesis and the drama they create is good but for me some drawbacks:

1) Really like the new senior producer guy, looks professional, but this "spaceship development only" plan demonstrates a complete win for the anti-WiS lobbyists.

2) There is probably no chance i will ever attend Fanfest. I watched that latest Alliance Panel and it was terrible, you could see how embarrassed CCP Xagon <--sp? was, it was cringe worthy. I would not be surprised if speakers are told they must be sober to attend next time.

3) I have never been ganked in Hi-sec but i don't think its right that players make disposable alts in disposable ships and gank with total impunity. There should be more consequence, its an act of war and CONCORD should issue free wars for a gank.

4) So many reasons but im at work


CCP, dont cave to goons or at least try and resist!

It really isn't a complete win for anti-wis people. Those people are actually a very, very small minority. Most people want a WiS that is meaningful and has something more to it than just emotes in stations.

Edit: Also, no one is caving to Goons. If CCP were caving to Goons the hilariously free foreverwar would have stayed in place.

Self-appointed forums hallway monitor Ask me about La Maison and what it means for you! These wardec rules are not in place for our protection. They're in place for yours.

Alavaria Fera
#90 - 2012-06-18 01:48:19 UTC
David Cedarbridge wrote:
I've seen you posting this around a lot as if it were some sort of excuse. If you can't figure out how to keep your alliance secure enough to function and can't trust the people you seem to want fighting with you then you aren't really "allies." This all smacks of more needing CCP to hold your hand through things that real alliances have been able to pull off for years.

Why can't we just leave the infinite allies for free in?

I liked how broken it was. Just more fuel to the burning fire that is wardecs...

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Constable Chang
#91 - 2012-06-18 01:51:03 UTC
Frederick Sanger wrote:
We are clearly not all-powerful because we would scrub clean these forums of moronically bad analogies and terrible shitposts. But here we are in this thread.

I'm hoping that CCP will use the SA forums as a model for their own forums... Seriously. SA forums are the most 'functional' forums on the internet.
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#92 - 2012-06-18 01:56:47 UTC
the 1.1 ally changes have nothing to do with goonswarm, what happen to this forum? it full of idoits now...

well ok, not much has changed. :P but seriously? putting a limit on how many allies you can pull it? If goonswarm declares war on you and you want to defend hire a SINGLE LARGE ALLIANCE. or get all of those people that were being mercs for you, and have them form an alliance to fight back.

You people are either too dumb or too soft

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#93 - 2012-06-18 01:56:59 UTC
Jade less words more of this:

CCP Soundwave wrote:
The other thing is that war dec prices are determined by the value you get from them. If you want to go to war with someone, a higher number of potential targets should be more expensive. If you're a smaller alliance, this makes you a less attractive target, unless you've made someone angry in which case you're responsible for any social repercussions you've created.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Alia Gon'die
Outer Ring Applied Logistics
#94 - 2012-06-18 01:57:58 UTC
MotherMoon wrote:
the 1.1 ally changes have nothing to do with goonswarm, what happen to this forum? it full of idoits now...

well ok, not much has changed. :P but seriously? putting a limit on how many allies you can pull it? If goonswarm declares war on you and you want to defend hire a SINGLE LARGE ALLIANCE. or get all of those people that were being mercs for you, and have them form an alliance to fight back.

You people are either too dumb or too soft

possibly both

Self-appointed forums hallway monitor Ask me about La Maison and what it means for you! These wardec rules are not in place for our protection. They're in place for yours.

Alia Gon'die
Outer Ring Applied Logistics
#95 - 2012-06-18 01:58:33 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Jade less words more of this:

CCP Soundwave wrote:
The other thing is that war dec prices are determined by the value you get from them. If you want to go to war with someone, a higher number of potential targets should be more expensive. If you're a smaller alliance, this makes you a less attractive target, unless you've made someone angry in which case you're responsible for any social repercussions you've created.

but the more words he says the more we get to shoot at him, right?

Self-appointed forums hallway monitor Ask me about La Maison and what it means for you! These wardec rules are not in place for our protection. They're in place for yours.

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#96 - 2012-06-18 02:03:35 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Jade less words more of this:

CCP Soundwave wrote:
The other thing is that war dec prices are determined by the value you get from them. If you want to go to war with someone, a higher number of potential targets should be more expensive. If you're a smaller alliance, this makes you a less attractive target, unless you've made someone angry in which case you're responsible for any social repercussions you've created.

The quote doesn't really make sense though. Otherwise why doesn't the wardec cost ramp up when the defender adds more allies (thus targets) into the wardec? Also, why does the wardec cost against goons (for example) calculate 500m per week for (9000 members) when by admission of most of their members there are no more than 90 or so active in empire (and thus reachable through the hisec wardec system).

As for the "social repecurssions" - well doesn't that cut both ways? If an alliance has made itself very unpopular in eve there are litterally dozens of hisec trade hub raiders who'd like to join wars against them but are now prevented from doing so by the exponentially-increasing wardec ally multiplier (which is a bit silly because it increases much further and more extremely than simply layering on additional wardecs would.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#97 - 2012-06-18 02:04:46 UTC
Alia Gon'die wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Jade less words more of this:

CCP Soundwave wrote:
The other thing is that war dec prices are determined by the value you get from them. If you want to go to war with someone, a higher number of potential targets should be more expensive. If you're a smaller alliance, this makes you a less attractive target, unless you've made someone angry in which case you're responsible for any social repercussions you've created.

but the more words he says the more we get to shoot at him, right?

I don't really think you get to shoot at anyone from an npc corp.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Alia Gon'die
Outer Ring Applied Logistics
#98 - 2012-06-18 02:09:22 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:
Alia Gon'die wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Jade less words more of this:

CCP Soundwave wrote:
The other thing is that war dec prices are determined by the value you get from them. If you want to go to war with someone, a higher number of potential targets should be more expensive. If you're a smaller alliance, this makes you a less attractive target, unless you've made someone angry in which case you're responsible for any social repercussions you've created.

but the more words he says the more we get to shoot at him, right?

I don't really think you get to shoot at anyone from an npc corp.

Hurr hurr, you're a clever one Jade. How's tricks?

Self-appointed forums hallway monitor Ask me about La Maison and what it means for you! These wardec rules are not in place for our protection. They're in place for yours.

Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#99 - 2012-06-18 02:12:48 UTC
Grumpy Owly wrote:
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
Grumpy Owly wrote:
Cutter Isaacson wrote:

Were you there? Did you witness any of this yourself first hand, or are you repeating the nonsense of others?

The Mittani wrote:
The CSM is not about spreadsheets. The CSM is about persuasion, deal-cutting, and political nuance. It is not a job for a saint, someone on the autism spectrum, or someone who doesn’t understand why a quiet word in a dev’s ear after a night out drinking is more effective than days of formalized conferences. If you want to get things done, you must be able to read body language, understand how CCP itself works as a business, and determine who the most influential people at the company are. Over the last year I’ve repeatedly proven that I have what it takes to lead, where so many others have failed before.

I'm not asking you to regurgitate what is clearly political campaign material, I am asking if you were there.

No I wasn't there, but there again, I'm "NOT" claiming to believe or attempting to prove that any "special" relationship of corruption actually exists either. I'm merely objectively stating how GSF promoted their influence in response to a comment.

but that would mean... goonswarm made CCP do the war changes the way they wanted in inferno 1.0, which I can find thread saying goonswarm was behind the merc marketplace, and now it's the oppisite, after the person you quoted was removed from the CSM.

logic why you have none

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#100 - 2012-06-18 02:13:11 UTC
Alia Gon'die wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:
Alia Gon'die wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Jade less words more of this:

CCP Soundwave wrote:
The other thing is that war dec prices are determined by the value you get from them. If you want to go to war with someone, a higher number of potential targets should be more expensive. If you're a smaller alliance, this makes you a less attractive target, unless you've made someone angry in which case you're responsible for any social repercussions you've created.

but the more words he says the more we get to shoot at him, right?

I don't really think you get to shoot at anyone from an npc corp.

Hurr hurr, you're a clever one Jade. How's tricks?

Tell me who your main is and I'll tell you.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom