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Future of New Eden

Danfen Fenix
#1 - 2012-06-16 11:55:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Danfen Fenix
So a thought crossed my mind earlier...

Currently, Dust 514 is in the pipeline to come out (as i hope you'd all know by now P ), and be connected to our universe. This will mean that players of two very different types of games would be playing in, and affecting the events and happenings in said universe, able to interact with each other and so on.

Well, my thought is, lets say Dust 514 really 'takes off', and becomes very popular. What could come next? There would be a very good base here for expansion...

Lets say a racing game, almost 'death race'ish, across perilous, dangerous terrains. You buy your vehicles, you lose your vehicles, you own them, including everything from tires to engines (and fitted in the same way as we fit our ships).

How about a 'sim city' style of game? Slightly seperate from PI, but allows the player to buy all of the buildings and create cities on the planets, which may also be attacked/destroyed/affected by battles occuring across EVE/Dust

Edit: perhaps even, the races of the first may eventually take place throughout hte cities of the second...the possiblities P

Lets hear your ideas. How far could our universe be expanded do you think? How many types/styles of games & gameplay could be incorporated in a logical, seamless and clever way?
Lothian Enterprises
#2 - 2012-06-17 00:53:06 UTC
It would likely all be combat focused, the most probable addition to Dust and Eve to New Eden would probably be a fighter sim.

It would bridge the gap between planetary and low orbit, taking off from both carriers, super carriers and planetary environments.
A racing game could be done, but by refining the controls and physics engine in dust this could take that as an additional feature.
Similarly the Sim City would be an expansion of PI rather than an independent game, of which I get tingly in places thinking about constructing my planet side Capital City.

Of which we all know a city is not legally a city until it contains a Cathedral.... Twisted

[center]Haruhiists - Overloading Out of Pod discussions since 2007. /人◕‿‿◕人\ Unban Saede![/center]

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2012-06-17 02:23:36 UTC
I would never play this, but a third and sensible direction to go might be a Facebook game.

Vastly different way to play, and wouldn't require a huge team.

Occasionally plays sober