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Character Bazaar

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(WTS) 21.4m SP Chimera / Rattlesnake Pilot , Great shield skills

Komisarz Ryba
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-06-14 22:42:11 UTC

This man is for sale after a time of faithful service (aint he handsome?)
He can fly a mean Rattlesnake, which is what i've used him for mostly.
However, his skills also include but are not limited to the Chimera carrier, a badass Gila, a good mission running Raven, a Basilisk with all the needed logistics skills.
He has great shield skills, Great drone skills, and he's mostly caldari oriented with a bit of gallente and ammarian goodness sprinkled ontop.

He has great standings with the Caldari state and most of the corporations in it, he can jump into a level IV mission of your choice without problems. Add the rattlesnake to that and you can go do your shopping while the 100% stable passive tank runs, with the drones doing cleanup duty

(disclaimer: Komisarz Ryba's current owner will not be held responsible for lost rattlesnakes)

He also has a sec status of -1.9, which means you can get a cool wanted sign, without the hassles of being an outlaw :D
(I know. i know. it's a bit of a hassle :))

He's currently training to get into a Cerberus, which largely overlaps with his training to get into a Tengu.
If you like atleast 3 of these, he's your man:

-Passive tanks
-Men with leather coats

I'm looking to start the auction off at 7.5B isk,

Buyout would be around 9B ideally but i'm open for offers :)
Quantum Strike Production
#2 - 2012-06-15 03:21:36 UTC
check your mail.
Komisarz Ryba
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-06-15 12:18:29 UTC
Currently awaiting response for ingame B/O offer of 9 billion isk bij qhorin Smile
Quantum Strike Production
#4 - 2012-06-15 12:29:46 UTC
payment sent
Komisarz Ryba
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2012-06-15 12:35:54 UTC
confirming payment recieved, starting transfer to buyer's account :)
Komisarz Ryba
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-06-15 12:44:29 UTC
payment ID:17896235 6/15/2012 12:43:16 PM Plex 1 x EVE Character Transfer 2 PLEX Paid

Komisarz Ryba
State War Academy
Caldari State
#7 - 2012-06-15 14:01:45 UTC
Isk has been transfered to my alt and new main nova kusoni :)