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An unexpected error occured - client does not run

First post
#1 - 2012-06-09 15:12:12 UTC
Many people complain but I did not find any functional solution here.

Does anybody has an advise for this as it looks like CCP f... it.

I had the same problem 2 weeks ago and those guys either did not send any respond to my petition.
I downloaded all client and installed everything once again.

After 2 weeks the same thing again.
The repair tool "fixed" the problem however the problem is still here and client does not run.
I tried to send petition from the EVE website but either here the system "somehow" failured.
Just "Oops... something is wrong" and petition stuck.

Any advise? THX.
Muad 'dib
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-06-12 05:58:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Muad 'dib
same problem trying to install and run eve on spare laptop. An unexpected error occured. Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 44, in File "lib\initialization.pyc", line 138, in StartLauncher File "lib\initialization.pyc", line 74, in InitInfo File "lib\info.pyc", line 146, in Setup File "lib\info.pyc", line 139, in Get File "lib\info.pyc", line 127, in wrapper File "lib\utils.pyc", line 25, in SGet TypeError: string indices must be integers, not str Locals by frame, innermost last: Frame in at line 56: NoInternetError = ServerUnreachableException = Shutdown = StartLauncher = __builtins__ = __doc__ = '\n This is the entry point into the launcher, it handles setting up the working\n directory, logging and finally importing and starting the laucher within a\n log-proof try/exeception clause so we can catch almost any exception and display\n an error message.\n' __name__ = '__main__' __package__ = None exc_plus = lib = localization = os = socket = sys = threading = urllib2 = wx = zipextimporter = Frame StartLauncher in lib\initialization.pyc at line 141: app = > folder = u'C:\\eve\\eveinstalled' Frame InitInfo in lib\initialization.pyc at line 74: cacheDir = u'C:\\eve\\eveinstalled\\launcher\\cache' folder = u'C:\\eve\\eveinstalled' server = 'TQ' Frame Setup in lib\info.pyc at line 146: cachedir = u'C:\\eve\\eveinstalled\\launcher\\cache' server = 'TQ' Frame Get in lib\info.pyc at line 139: cachedir = u'C:\\eve\\eveinstalled\\launcher\\cache' path = '' server = 'TQ' Frame wrapper in lib\info.pyc at line 127: info = '' path = '' Frame SGet in lib\utils.pyc at line 28: _tmp = '' d = '' default = None key = '' keys = [''] path = '' ------------------------------------- ran repair tool after updates and about 10 mins it says completeed, and the same error window opens weather its the eve.exe or the launcher

sorry i tyred to post the paragraphed version from the error log window but the forums says "we were ganked" when i do and yes i tryed to re edit this.

wtf :(

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CCP Sputnik
C C P Alliance
#3 - 2012-06-12 11:40:32 UTC
Can you let me know if the EVELopedia Launcher Issues and Workaround article was of any help to you guys?

CCP Sputnik | Software Engineer | Team Undone Unit

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