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When EVE online in spanish?¿

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#101 - 2012-06-11 13:41:59 UTC
For what is worth (anecdotal evidence), language barrier has been the top reason that CCP could fix on why people I invited to EVE didn't subbed.

Also, CCP set up with Crucible a new system that allows easier localization, and I can't think of any better candidate language to be the fifth official localization than Spanish. Why? Because at least we are asking it.

Anyway I just would suggest that CCP asked for assistance from the community. We already are flying the game in Spanish so there's a corpus of translations, "rough" translations and words that aren't translated at all (like most names, FAI).

As for the people playing the racist card, all I had to say was said by these guys a while ago:

Molotov - Frijolero (2003)
Tenchi Sal
White Knights of Equestria
#102 - 2012-06-11 13:47:08 UTC
mandarin is the most spoken language in the world.

spanish and english fight back and forth for 2nd place constantly. no one knows for sure which is in second because many studies have one or the other in 2nd. spanish actually comes out in 2nd more then english.

america and europe are in pretty bad situations. lots, and i mean LOTS of corporations around the world are catering more to the latin markets because, unlike the us and europe who are in recession, they are actually booming.

ccp should spend the SMALL amount of money to outsource the translation to get more people to play.

those who bring up "relevance" have no clue whatsoever how business works. in order to bring in bigger groups of players, you need to give them the accessibility. in this case, spanish language client.
Shameless Avenger
Can Preachers of Kador
#103 - 2012-06-11 13:49:44 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:

There are so many more factors than just people and outposts. In fact too many outposts is a very bad thing. Quality of space, infrastructure present, member activity, war history, organization of alliance-level events, out-of-game organization, espionage, etc are all relevant to an alliance's effectiveness. You can own tons of space and be pretty damn irrelevant if its worthless space and you never do anything.

So... to sum it all up. It doesn't matter how many Spanish speakers I can find in game, you will always say we are "irrelevant". Japanese is OK, they can have their Japanese client. I guess there must be some Japan based alliance who is "relevant" and I haven't heard of.

"This is the Ninja. He will scan you down; he will salvage your wrecks and there shall be no aggro"

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#104 - 2012-06-11 13:59:56 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:
Karunel wrote:
Specially as Spaniards are not very English savvy

Really? Roll

Lose the incredibly inaccurate generalizations, irrelevant forum alt.

Irrelevant forum alt, now that stings.

Just FYI I am a Spaniard, I created the first spanish fansite for EVE in 2002, and I've been in a number of Spanish speaking corporations during the last 9 years, so I believe I may have the slightest clue of what I'm talking about.
Shameless Avenger
Can Preachers of Kador
#105 - 2012-06-11 14:12:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Shameless Avenger
Ppl want some stats... let's get some stats... here in the EvE Forum, summing up the threads count of the German, Russian & Japanese sections you get a total of 989 threads...

Now, the first Spanish based EVE forum that google spew at me ( have 1506 threads on the EvE Online Section... but we are "irrelevant".... :\

PS: By the way... their news section looks pretty good:

"This is the Ninja. He will scan you down; he will salvage your wrecks and there shall be no aggro"

Otrebla Utrigas
#106 - 2012-06-11 14:18:38 UTC
Shameless Avenger wrote:
What Galaxy Drones & Jack Dant said... I would not use it either. I probably won't even understand it. It would be like trying to watch a translated Star Trek episode.

"Warping to stargate"... how you translate that?

Warp - verb - "Become or cause to become bent or twisted out of shape, typically as a result of the effects of heat or dampness."

hum... let's try:

Option 1) "Doblandose hacia la puerta estelar"
Option 2) "Saliendo de forma contra la entrada de las estrellas"
Option 3) "Colandose por el sistema solar"

Bah, I give up, there's no way.

¿Tan dificil es decir "saltando hacia la puerta estelar" que es lo que siempre se ha dicho?

I agree with most of my fellow spaniards; I prefer the eve client to remain in english because most of the time, sci-fi translations are awkward, or just plain bad.
Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#107 - 2012-06-11 14:45:28 UTC
Otrebla Utrigas wrote:
¿Tan dificil es decir "saltando hacia la puerta estelar" que es lo que siempre se ha dicho?

I agree with most of my fellow spaniards; I prefer the eve client to remain in english because most of the time, sci-fi translations are awkward, or just plain bad.

What would be the word for "jump," then?

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Darius Brinn
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#108 - 2012-06-11 14:50:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Darius Brinn
bongsmoke wrote:
Morpheo Metelosen wrote:
The spanish is one of the most talked languages in the world, and I think to myself, Why EVE online, who has a very large spanish comunity, isn't translated to spanish?

Why cant spanish people learn english instead? Not that im against a spanish translation for those actually able to afford/use a computer.

As previously stated, we're not strangers to English. Exactly the same as Russians or Germans. Or the Japanese.

We usually post in English and communicate in English, because what would be the point if I tried to speak Spanish in Local channels? There HAS to be a language that everybody can understand, and English is pretty useful for that.

But, while I understand budget or convenience reasons for NOT making a Spanish version of the GAME CLIENT, simply stating "Y U NOT LEARN ENGLISH?!" is pretty pointless and useless.

You could, after all, tell the same story to Germans, Japanese and Russians.

So, do I think that a Spanish client is unnecessary? Yes, I do.
But, do I believe that the Spanish community have the same RIGHT to a localized client than other countries? Hell yes.

The deciding factor should be how bothersome, expensive or convenient it would be for CCP, seeing as the Spanish community is but a small fraction of the German or the Russian ones.

Still, there are plenty of us out there. And referring to us as "Mexican gardeners" is just as fair, elegant and accurate as defining all American EvE players as illiterate fat-ass redneck dimwits who can't locate their country on a map of NORTH America.
Shameless Avenger
Can Preachers of Kador
#109 - 2012-06-11 15:06:08 UTC
Otrebla Utrigas wrote:

Darius Brinn wrote:

Hey guys... I just saw your website... AWESOME! With the corpse floating and all... and the music... plz give my congratz to whoever did it.

"This is the Ninja. He will scan you down; he will salvage your wrecks and there shall be no aggro"

Otrebla Utrigas
#110 - 2012-06-11 15:28:47 UTC
Richard Desturned wrote:
Otrebla Utrigas wrote:
¿Tan dificil es decir "saltando hacia la puerta estelar" que es lo que siempre se ha dicho?

I agree with most of my fellow spaniards; I prefer the eve client to remain in english because most of the time, sci-fi translations are awkward, or just plain bad.

What would be the word for "jump," then?

The same, it is just that in spanish we always said that way, there is no need for literal translation.

There is no straight translation of "warping" as the action of using a warp kind of FTL in spanish. We just use "saltar a" or "Activar el motor de curvatura para saltar a la puerta estelar" if you want to be precise with the device you are using to jump.

But no shortcuts for us. We can't create a new verb just adding -ing after the word. At least not "officially"
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#111 - 2012-06-11 15:35:01 UTC
To be honest been playing since 2005 and Darius Brinn it's mostly right.

There is a huge spanish community, the trouble is we are dispersed and hidden, most of the time we just keep doing our things as single individuals so the right numbers can't be fully measured (considering all spanish and latinamericans ppl ingame)

Now i can tell that most of spanish players (ppl from spain; europe, can't be fully sure about latinos) have some kind of built in hate/dislike for english language i think it's genetic after our shared history Lol
And involve themselves in an english based game it's hard for them. Make it so the basics to play are in their mother language and they may flock to this game like locust (and you can believe me a large group of spanish players can make Goons look like noobs when it come to gank and grief)

Most of current spanish players don't give a crap about ingame language we already are dealing with english in an everyday basis.
Still i think it would be a good thing to attrac more players to the game as simply as that, and usually a competitive bunch of players.

On an unrelated note i'm willing to translate most of the client just for boredom if need.Big smile
Lin-Young Borovskova
#112 - 2012-06-11 15:37:56 UTC
Otrebla Utrigas wrote:
Richard Desturned wrote:
Otrebla Utrigas wrote:
¿Tan dificil es decir "saltando hacia la puerta estelar" que es lo que siempre se ha dicho?

I agree with most of my fellow spaniards; I prefer the eve client to remain in english because most of the time, sci-fi translations are awkward, or just plain bad.

What would be the word for "jump," then?

The same, it is just that in spanish we always said that way, there is no need for literal translation.

There is no straight translation of "warping" as the action of using a warp kind of FTL in spanish. We just use "saltar a" or "Activar el motor de curvatura para saltar a la puerta estelar" if you want to be precise with the device you are using to jump.

But no shortcuts for us. We can't create a new verb just adding -ing after the word. At least not "officially"

Yep there's also this small barrier some languages can't or don't want to evolve, strangely enough English being a silly language it adapts pretty fast and finds practical abbreviations or designations when in many other languages you just can't because it takes already 2 lines to describe the action.


Cutout Man
#113 - 2012-06-11 16:28:11 UTC
Tenchi Sal wrote:
spanish and english fight back and forth for 2nd place constantly.

Not true. English only places second when the study is counting what languages people can speak, not their native tongues. It's Mandarin then Spanish. It's worth noting that every estimate assumes that all Americans are native English speakers, which is obviously not correct, given the large number of native Spanish speakers resdiing in the U.S. If the numbers were done correctly, its likely that English falls out of the top 3 after Hindi.

Doc Severide
#114 - 2012-06-11 16:40:02 UTC
Einar Matveinen wrote:
Most games are translated to spanish, text and voice:

Skyrim, Fallout 3 and NV, Shogun Total War 2, etc, i don't imagine why EvE online can't be translated to spanish.

Because those games are low class trash. English or GTFO...
Ager Agemo
Rainbow Ponies Incorporated
#115 - 2012-06-11 16:51:39 UTC
Karn Dulake wrote:
It must remain English


New Zealand
Western Europe (second language)



Mexico (Gods blind spot)
Someother backwards countries who breed a lot and cannot afford shoes let alone computers

+ 1 to spanish and....

i hope you are just trolling and not being a complete clueless idiot....else... for your information....











Official INE estimate 1/1/2011







Official Colombian Population clock







Official INDEC estimate





United States


U.S. Census Bureau[6]





Official INEI estimate







Official Venezuelan Population clock







Official INE projection







Official Ecuador Population clock







UN 2009 estimate




UN 2009 estimate




Official INE projection (2010)


Dominican Republic


UN 2009 estimate




Official INE projection (2010)


El Salvador


UN estimate




UN estimate




UN estimate


Costa Rica


UN estimate


Puerto Rico


UN estimate




UN estimate




UN estimate




UN estimate[citation needed]


Equatorial Guinea


UN estimate


Sahara Occidental


UN estimate

Ese Maldito Cabezudo
#116 - 2012-06-11 18:15:30 UTC


_Guy gets banned from swimming pool. He goes:Why am i banned?[For pissing in a pool]But a lot of people doing that. Maybe most.Why not ban them all?[That may be so, but you were the only one pissing from a diving board.] _---Hungry Ghost

Zel Nughat
Nughat Corp
#117 - 2012-06-11 18:19:16 UTC
I spent 3 years playing EVE before I found some spanish speaking players in game, I was very surprised, they happened to be the most badass pvpers I had ever meet too.

It took me a while longer to realize that there were lots of spaniards and latin americans playing around, and it's true that for many of them language it's a barrier that prevents them from joining on the english-speaking 'güiri-corps' .

The client... not so much, we dont give a rat ass, we adapt, so what's the problem??

It would be nice to new players, people that wants to try the game for the first time on their own or that don't really trust/know any current player.

Spanish, and by spanish I mean real spanish, that is castillian language (I am galician btw), is the 'de facto lingua franca' for all spanish countries, composed of around 500 or 600 millions of native speakers. So I think it would be NICE if CCP could do an aditional client localization to it.

Joder, ya me aburri de escribir la chuminada esta, casi que me voy a por otra cerveza, a ver que escriben los trolls y los güiris estos que tienen el craneo completamente vacio. Un saludete a todos los hispanos, especialmente a los que no sois calvos y a los leprosos, el cliente del eve en castellano llegara alrededor del año 2020, y si no tiempo al tiempo :/
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#118 - 2012-06-11 20:02:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Karn Dulake wrote:
It must remain English


New Zealand
Western Europe (second language)



Mexico (Gods blind spot)
Someother backwards countries who breed a lot and cannot afford shoes let alone computers

The parts of central and south america that don't speak Portuguese would like a word with you.

Mi español es muy malo

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Akirei Scytale
Okami Syndicate
#119 - 2012-06-11 20:16:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Akirei Scytale
Shameless Avenger wrote:
Akirei Scytale wrote:

There are so many more factors than just people and outposts. In fact too many outposts is a very bad thing. Quality of space, infrastructure present, member activity, war history, organization of alliance-level events, out-of-game organization, espionage, etc are all relevant to an alliance's effectiveness. You can own tons of space and be pretty damn irrelevant if its worthless space and you never do anything.

So... to sum it all up. It doesn't matter how many Spanish speakers I can find in game, you will always say we are "irrelevant". Japanese is OK, they can have their Japanese client. I guess there must be some Japan based alliance who is "relevant" and I haven't heard of.

Its the fact that the community is abnormally small.

Plenty of communities that are small IRL have large representations in EVE. Hispanic communities don't.

You also may be surprised to learn that I'm half Latino and spent one third of my life living in various countries in South America.

Also, your average latino has much better english than your average american speaks has any foreign language. There really isn't much need for localization. In fact, most latino gamers I know refuse to play on localized clients, because translations tend to be ****.
Darth Gustav
Sith Interstellar Tech Harvesting
#120 - 2012-06-11 20:17:24 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:
Shameless Avenger wrote:
Akirei Scytale wrote:

There are so many more factors than just people and outposts. In fact too many outposts is a very bad thing. Quality of space, infrastructure present, member activity, war history, organization of alliance-level events, out-of-game organization, espionage, etc are all relevant to an alliance's effectiveness. You can own tons of space and be pretty damn irrelevant if its worthless space and you never do anything.

So... to sum it all up. It doesn't matter how many Spanish speakers I can find in game, you will always say we are "irrelevant". Japanese is OK, they can have their Japanese client. I guess there must be some Japan based alliance who is "relevant" and I haven't heard of.

Its the fact that the community is abnormally small.

Plenty of communities that are small IRL have large representations in EVE. Hispanic communities don't.

You also may be surprised to learn that I'm half Latino and spent one third of my life living in various countries in South America.

Te quiero.

He who trolls trolls best when he who is trolled trolls the troller. -Darth Gustav's Axiom