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The Goons are at it again...

Mine Lady
Edith Keeler's Ore and Resources
#1 - 2012-06-10 21:03:50 UTC

I haven't played EVE in a while, so I logged on today only to find out that the goons are killing hulks again, and offering 100 million ISKs for every 10 kills a person gets. This will effectively wreck the economy. I went to an ice field that was normally full of miners and it was empty... totally empty of people. Matter of fact no matter what asteroid field I went to they were totally devoid of people. This is not a good thing.

I don't think CCP should allow this sort of thing to occur on this scale. It wrecks the economy and it ruins the game.
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#2 - 2012-06-10 21:25:16 UTC
posting in goons whine thread #2909098


People who put passwords on char bazaar Eveboards are the worst.

Sarah Schneider
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2012-06-10 22:23:59 UTC
Mine Lady wrote:

I haven't played EVE in a while, so I logged on today only to find out that the goons are killing hulks again, and offering 100 million ISKs for every 10 kills a person gets. This will effectively wreck the economy. I went to an ice field that was normally full of miners and it was empty... totally empty of people. Matter of fact no matter what asteroid field I went to they were totally devoid of people. This is not a good thing.

I don't think CCP should allow this sort of thing to occur on this scale. It wrecks the economy and it ruins the game.

So you're saying, if things became inconvenient for you and/or a group of people, CCP should bring down their hammer? Did CCP removed the word sandbox from their game on the last patch or something? In that case, i don't like the way my rokh deals less damage per salvo than my maelstrom, it's not a good thing, CCP should fix that.

PS: I've just 'visited' several belts in the surrounding systems near Hek, seems to have an awful lot of miners there. Don't lie, please.

"I'd rather have other players get shot by other players than not interacting with others" -CCP Soundwave

Nave Drallig
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-06-10 23:16:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Nave Drallig
Mine Lady wrote:

I haven't played EVE in a while, so I logged on today only to find out that the goons are killing hulks again, and offering 100 million ISKs for every 10 kills a person gets. This will effectively wreck the economy. I went to an ice field that was normally full of miners and it was empty... totally empty of people. Matter of fact no matter what asteroid field I went to they were totally devoid of people. This is not a good thing.

I don't think CCP should allow this sort of thing to occur on this scale. It wrecks the economy and it ruins the game.

Ok not a suicide ganker or hulk hunter got my sec status hits from good old fashioned hunts in low sec... but let me school you on economy 101.. when prices go up because less of the afk bot miners are around it reaches a certain point were it becomes INCREDIBLY lucrative to mine... so more people start mining because it easily covers the cost of lost exhumers. hence balancing the market droping the cost of ores because of large amounts going in then they go away and come back. this my fear mongering friend is how a economy works. hell at the worst points during hulkaggedon (which has been running for over a month now) i actually saw a caracal out mining the belts... was kinda hilarious.
Russell Casey
#5 - 2012-06-10 23:25:00 UTC

Daemon Ceed
Ice Fire Warriors
#6 - 2012-06-10 23:26:45 UTC
Mine Lady wrote:

I haven't played EVE in a while, so I logged on today only to find out that the goons are killing hulks again, and offering 100 million ISKs for every 10 kills a person gets. This will effectively wreck the economy. I went to an ice field that was normally full of miners and it was empty... totally empty of people. Matter of fact no matter what asteroid field I went to they were totally devoid of people. This is not a good thing.

I don't think CCP should allow this sort of thing to occur on this scale. It wrecks the economy and it ruins the game.

Oh my. You're so adorable, expecting CCP to intervene in a campaign that players designed and implemented and that CCP literally advertises in their trailers.

Can't believe how many times I've had to say this in a single week, but WoW is that way ---------------------->

Eve, on the otherhand, is working as intended.
Private Pineapple
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2012-06-11 01:25:49 UTC
So I guess you're quitting again?


Dave Stark
#8 - 2012-06-11 05:00:26 UTC
Private Pineapple wrote:
So I guess you're quitting again?

If OP is quitting, i want their isk.
Xavier Bandar
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2012-06-11 05:12:46 UTC
Mine Lady wrote:
I went to an ice field that was normally full of miners and it was empty... totally empty of people. Matter of fact no matter what asteroid field I went to they were totally devoid of people. This is not a good thing.

You're probably one of those people who would want Shell to start drilling in the Arctic.

Big oil is that way --------------------->
Mike Adoulin
Happys Happy Hamster Hunting Club
#10 - 2012-06-11 06:56:21 UTC
I claim dibs on their stuff.

Everything in EVE is a trap.

And if it isn't, it's your job to make it a trap...:)

You want to know what immorality in EVE Online looks like? Look no further than Ripard "Jester" Teg.

Chribba is the Chuck Norris of EVE.

Mine Lady
Edith Keeler's Ore and Resources
#11 - 2012-06-11 08:37:53 UTC
I'm not going to quit this game. I just wanted to make it clear that I realize that this game is all about bullying other people. I didn't get into this game for mindless pvp which it seems that most of you morons are all about. I play this game for the economic rewards. EVE is fun, but I'm annoyed that you pvp, bullying retards interrupt my mining operations with your mindless hunt and kill all hulks and other mining crafts state of mind. This is unacceptable.

I've made billions of ISKs in this game and it's time someone sent a clear message to the goons and their lame lackeys. It's time I hit the goons financially where it will hurt them, and I can do this effectively to the point where they most likely will call off their lame attack on us honest miners. One thing I have learned from playing EVE is that everyone can be bought for the right price. The Goons won't be amused with the fleet I'm putting together right now as I type this that will show up at their headquarters with the sole purpose of wiping them out.

You pvp freaks make me want to vomit.
Cameron Cahill
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2012-06-11 08:53:29 UTC
Mine Lady wrote:

I've made billions of ISKs in this game and it's time someone sent a clear message to the goons and their lame lackeys. It's time I hit the goons financially where it will hurt them, and I can do this effectively to the point where they most likely will call off their lame attack on us honest miners. One thing I have learned from playing EVE is that everyone can be bought for the right price. The Goons won't be amused with the fleet I'm putting together right now as I type this that will show up at their headquarters with the sole purpose of wiping them out.

You pvp freaks make me want to vomit.

Please please please bring such a fleet to vfk.

No really please do it. After all how could we ever compete with you're billions of isk of funding? I mean all we have is over a trillion isk per month income from tech alone and a twenty thousand man coalition....
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#13 - 2012-06-11 08:56:10 UTC
Mine Lady wrote:
I'm not going to quit this game. I just wanted to make it clear that I realize that this game is all about bullying other people. I didn't get into this game for mindless pvp which it seems that most of you morons are all about. I play this game for the economic rewards. EVE is fun, but I'm annoyed that you pvp, bullying retards interrupt my mining operations with your mindless hunt and kill all hulks and other mining crafts state of mind. This is unacceptable.

I've made billions of ISKs in this game and it's time someone sent a clear message to the goons and their lame lackeys. It's time I hit the goons financially where it will hurt them, and I can do this effectively to the point where they most likely will call off their lame attack on us honest miners. One thing I have learned from playing EVE is that everyone can be bought for the right price. The Goons won't be amused with the fleet I'm putting together right now as I type this that will show up at their headquarters with the sole purpose of wiping them out.

You pvp freaks make me want to vomit.

Last time I checked, mining is about as mindless as it gets. Warp to belt, F1. Wait couple minutes, move ore to can/Rorq/etc. Repeat, ad infinitum. I met someone a year ago that actually miltiboxed a dozen mining accounts simultaneously. Ice mining is even worse.

Try multiboxing 12 accts for PvP and see how far you get.

And as for your fleet, I have a clone in the Goons HQ system of VFK-IV in Deklein. I eagerly await your assault. Should be good for some lols, if you can get there. Here's the fastest route from Jita.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2012-06-11 09:02:53 UTC
Mine Lady wrote:
I'm not going to quit this game. I just wanted to make it clear that I realize that this game is all about bullying other people. I didn't get into this game for mindless pvp which it seems that most of you morons are all about. I play this game for the economic rewards. EVE is fun, but I'm annoyed that you pvp, bullying retards interrupt my mining operations with your mindless hunt and kill all hulks and other mining crafts state of mind. This is unacceptable.

I've made billions of ISKs in this game and it's time someone sent a clear message to the goons and their lame lackeys. It's time I hit the goons financially where it will hurt them, and I can do this effectively to the point where they most likely will call off their lame attack on us honest miners. One thing I have learned from playing EVE is that everyone can be bought for the right price. The Goons won't be amused with the fleet I'm putting together right now as I type this that will show up at their headquarters with the sole purpose of wiping them out.

You pvp freaks make me want to vomit.

Normally I don't call troll but you sort of gave it away here. Still, funny thread, guy!
Mine Lady
Edith Keeler's Ore and Resources
#15 - 2012-06-11 09:41:03 UTC
I'm no troll or whatever you call them. I mean business. This destroying all mining crafts has to stop. You Goons best heed my warnings or you will suffer. You may view this as a joke now, but once you start losing ships, money and materials then and only then you will see that there are consequences that must be paid in full for your mindless actions.

Just back off of us miners. I have no desire to grief the Goons but if you continue your campaign then griefing is what you'll get.
Tora Bushido
The Marmite Mercenaries
#16 - 2012-06-11 09:52:10 UTC
99,99% toll or you need a mental check-up Twisted

Lets say I was wrong.... lolz...... then you should be pro hulk killing. I quote "I play this game for the economic rewards." Killing hulks is fun but also about economics.


Meta Gaming Level VII, Psycho Warfare Level X, Smack Talk Level VII.

Mine Lady
Edith Keeler's Ore and Resources
#17 - 2012-06-11 11:16:09 UTC
This is how it always starts you know. Someone voicing that they aren't going to take it anymore, and their frustrations are met with mindless laughter by the pvp community, and then what comes next is retribution. What I'm doing here is trying to avoid all the heartache that I will bring down on the Goons. I'm actually attempting to do them a favor. They need to focus on other endeavors because the path they are currently on will bring nothing but ruin to them, and I will be the instrument of that ruin.

Goonswarm please leave miners alone to mine and make a profit.
Bossy Lady
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#18 - 2012-06-11 11:36:52 UTC
Mine Lady wrote:
The Goons won't be amused with the fleet I'm putting together right now as I type this that will show up at their headquarters with the sole purpose of wiping them out.

You pvp freaks make me want to vomit.

I'll take that bet. 500 mill says they'll find it hilarious

Posting on this character because apparently some people get upset when they're asked difficult questions. M.

Bossy Lady
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#19 - 2012-06-11 11:37:54 UTC
Mine Lady wrote:
This is how it always starts you know. Someone voicing that they aren't going to take it anymore, and their frustrations are met with mindless laughter by the pvp community, and then what comes next is retribution. What I'm doing here is trying to avoid all the heartache that I will bring down on the Goons. I'm actually attempting to do them a favor. They need to focus on other endeavors because the path they are currently on will bring nothing but ruin to them, and I will be the instrument of that ruin.

Goonswarm please leave miners alone to mine and make a profit.

I would like to raise my bet to 5 billion ISK.

Please confirm with a post accepting the bet.

I am willing to offer 2:1 odds.

Posting on this character because apparently some people get upset when they're asked difficult questions. M.

Dave Stark
#20 - 2012-06-11 11:37:58 UTC
Mine Lady wrote:
What I'm doing here is trying to avoid all the heartache that I will bring down on the Goons.

not sure if you're trolling or in need of the men in white coats.
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