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Announcement: -WHG- Joins STPRO

Edaine Numenor
Numenor Benevolent Holdings
#21 - 2012-06-09 15:10:18 UTC
You know the adage "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Joining the militia requires a man of conscience to exercise a great deal of self-control and discipline in restraining the exercise of the "new legal liberties" of violence allowed.

I hope that you will be able to accomplish your stated purpose and keep your focus on the conflict between the State and Federation and not become entangled in the temptation of joining the violence between the Empire and Republic. Even if you are clear about your motives, there will be many who will now assume that you fully embrace the views of the all the official allies in this factional conflict. Wars make strange bedfellows.

Some will now consider you a friend whom you do not consider a friend. Some will now assume that you hold values that you do not hold. Joining the militia often requires one to weave a complicated web of justification. We shall see how you do in this.

Liberating slaves wherever, whenever, and however I can.

Malcolm Khross
#22 - 2012-06-09 15:41:01 UTC
Edaine Numenor wrote:

Some will now consider you a friend whom you do not consider a friend. Some will now assume that you hold values that you do not hold. Joining the militia often requires one to weave a complicated web of justification. We shall see how you do in this.

You speak from wisdom but how I will handle this is simple, I will not try and justify anything. The Honor Guard has made very clear what it stands for and we will operate fully in support of that stance at all times. Our actions will be our justification and there is nothing else to it.

~Malcolm Khross

Ilsenae Alexandros
Caldari State
#23 - 2012-06-09 15:52:38 UTC
Jandice Ymladris wrote:
[...] While I don't support Tiberius Heth [...]

Er, we don't either.

To know the face of God is to know madness.

Seriphyn Inhonores
Elusenian Cooperative
#24 - 2012-06-09 19:24:51 UTC
Your Wirykomi Corporation lays claim to the sovereign systems of Alsavoinon, Aubenall, Eugales, Frarie, Moclinamaud, Oicx, Renarelle, and Vlillirier. Though Wirykomi has not controlled these territories for any consistent period of time since the Provist blind auction (they have been free and in control of the local inhabitants for almost three years now), Alsavoinon is currently vulnerable to enemy assault.

Even if your own organization will not seek to occupy Federation systems, how do reconcile your parent corporation's territorial and economic ambitions with your outfit's MO? This inquiry applies to your outfit's non-support of Executor Tibus Heth, even when your parent corporation is allied with both the Kaalakiota Corporation and the Caldari Providence Directorate. After all, unless you're rich and powerful, compliance is enforced on all State subjects and citizens.
Malcolm Khross
#25 - 2012-06-09 20:29:47 UTC
Seriphyn Inhonores wrote:
Your Wirykomi Corporation lays claim to the sovereign systems of Alsavoinon, Aubenall, Eugales, Frarie, Moclinamaud, Oicx, Renarelle, and Vlillirier. Though Wirykomi has not controlled these territories for any consistent period of time since the Provist blind auction (they have been free and in control of the local inhabitants for almost three years now), Alsavoinon is currently vulnerable to enemy assault.

Even if your own organization will not seek to occupy Federation systems, how do reconcile your parent corporation's territorial and economic ambitions with your outfit's MO? This inquiry applies to your outfit's non-support of Executor Tibus Heth, even when your parent corporation is allied with both the Kaalakiota Corporation and the Caldari Providence Directorate. After all, unless you're rich and powerful, compliance is enforced on all State subjects and citizens.

This is a fair and reasonable question, allow me to try and answer it in kind.

The Wiyrkomi Corporation has not taken any direct attempts to occupy or control Federation systems, as you've said, even after purchasing development rights in those systems. Wiyrkomi's interests have always been in honest business, both within the State and without. Keep in mind that the blind auction authorized Wiyrkomi development rights and security rights to those systems as long as they remained in Caldari control.

Since those systems are no longer under Caldari control, Wiyrkomi has worked within Federal regulations to develop assets in those systems. Currently it is limited to the Vlillirier system, where you will find a moderate presence of Wiyrkomi Corporate assets and the Honor Guard will defend these assets, even while the system remains in Federal control. Wiyrkomi has not committed itself to claiming this territories for the State and has not engaged in attempts to force development in these systems apart from Federal regulation and permission. This practice will continue.

I should also indicate that the Wiyrkomi Corporation may be in the same political bloc as the Kaalakiota Corporation, but do not presume this means that they are pursuing exactly the same things.

I hope this answers your question, general.

~Malcolm Khross

Wiyrkomi Honor Guard
#26 - 2012-06-09 20:42:18 UTC
Seriphyn Inhonores wrote:
Your Wirykomi Corporation lays claim to the sovereign systems of Alsavoinon, Aubenall, Eugales, Frarie, Moclinamaud, Oicx, Renarelle, and Vlillirier.

The YC111 auction distributed economic development rights, not territorial claims, and they are conditional upon continued occupation of the systems in question by regular Navy elements. This distribution was important to prevent unnecessary and desultory interference between the Big Eight during the opening stages of a new investment opportunity: the exploitation of conquered systems. It did not and does not equate to planting a flag in the ground and proclaiming "cultural deliverance" for everyone young and old. This should be clear to any reasonable observer of the situation.

Seriphyn Inhonores wrote:
Even if your own organization will not seek to occupy Federation systems, how do reconcile your parent corporation's territorial and economic ambitions with your outfit's MO?

How do you reconcile your duty as a military officer to your own chief executive's personal ambition and scheming? We serve proudly, but we are not servile. CEO Khross has defined the limits of our rules of engagement quite clearly, and the message to you and your kind, Inhonores, is clear:

Do not enter Black Rise or the peripheral Citadel systems. Attempt no operations there.
SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#27 - 2012-06-09 23:13:47 UTC
How dare you stand against the federation when they have such a better culture? Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter, at least I can shoot at you without fear of gate gun reprisal. I probably would have any being in a nbsi corp, but i guess that makes it easier.
Blue Canary
Watch This
#28 - 2012-06-09 23:59:17 UTC
Excellent. See you space, Pilots.
Malcolm Khross
#29 - 2012-06-10 04:21:15 UTC
ValentinaDLM wrote:
How dare you stand against the federation when they have such a better culture? Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter, at least I can shoot at you without fear of gate gun reprisal. I probably would have any being in a nbsi corp, but i guess that makes it easier.


DeadRow wrote:
Excellent. See you space, Pilots.


~Malcolm Khross

Karmilla Strife
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#30 - 2012-06-10 06:23:52 UTC
DeadRow wrote:
Excellent. See you space, Pilots.

Hugs and Kisses darling. We should catch up some time.

As for all the naysayers. Even a foreigner like myself knows the difference between a Patriot and Provist. That said I rather enjoy adding fascist to my collection of epithets. Mr. Khross and my comrades remain ever so stubbornly Caldari it's quite refreshing actually. I look forward to an exciting future.
Altarr Orkot
Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#31 - 2012-06-10 07:13:21 UTC
Karmilla Strife wrote:

As for all the naysayers. Even a foreigner like myself knows the difference between a Patriot and Provist. That said I rather enjoy adding fascist to my collection of epithets. Mr. Khross and my comrades remain ever so stubbornly Caldari it's quite refreshing actually. I look forward to an exciting future.

And by joining Heth's paramilitary forces you demonstrated that you are... Wait for it... Provists! It's really not that hard.
Blue Canary
Watch This
#32 - 2012-06-10 09:33:47 UTC
Karmilla Strife wrote:
DeadRow wrote:
Excellent. See you space, Pilots.

Hugs and Kisses darling. We should catch up some time.

As for all the naysayers. Even a foreigner like myself knows the difference between a Patriot and Provist. That said I rather enjoy adding fascist to my collection of epithets. Mr. Khross and my comrades remain ever so stubbornly Caldari it's quite refreshing actually. I look forward to an exciting future.

Ah, Dear Sister. Making space more interesting as always.

And yes, we do. Shoot me a mail.

Malcolm Khross
#33 - 2012-06-10 10:46:19 UTC
Altarr Orkot wrote:
Karmilla Strife wrote:

As for all the naysayers. Even a foreigner like myself knows the difference between a Patriot and Provist. That said I rather enjoy adding fascist to my collection of epithets. Mr. Khross and my comrades remain ever so stubbornly Caldari it's quite refreshing actually. I look forward to an exciting future.

And by joining Heth's paramilitary forces you demonstrated that you are... Wait for it... Provists! It's really not that hard.

I really did give you too much intellectual credit.

If you honestly can't distinguish between those seeking to defend their home and their people and blood-thirsty supremacy conquerors, then I would urge you to ask your alliance directors if you can operate as a liaison with WHG. You will no doubt have nothing positive to say regarding WHG unless it is absolutely true, and even then, begrudgingly. This would give you every opportunity to examine our in space and out of space activities as well as our discussions and see if they remain consistent.

~Malcolm Khross

Altarr Orkot
Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#34 - 2012-06-10 11:49:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Altarr Orkot
Malcolm Khross wrote:

I really did give you too much intellectual credit.

Ow my feelings.


If you honestly can't distinguish between those seeking to defend their home and their people and blood-thirsty supremacy conquerors, then I would urge you to ask your alliance directors if you can operate as a liaison with WHG. You will no doubt have nothing positive to say regarding WHG unless it is absolutely true, and even then, begrudgingly. This would give you every opportunity to examine our in space and out of space activities as well as our discussions and see if they remain consistent.

If you wanted to "defend your home" I'm sure the Peace Corps would have been glad to accept a capsuleer, maybe you could even get a commission with CalNav. And if you did I would accept any claims you made about not being a Provist and a fascist attack dog; well if they let you post on the IGS of course. Instead you chose to join Heth's personal army.

Edit: I'll clarify and say that you also could have simply chosen not to join StatePro, but you did. The least you could do is actually have some conviction in the beliefs that brought you there instead of pretending to be in opposition to the organisation's ideals and goals.
Dex Nederland
Lai Dai Infinity Systems
The Fourth District
#35 - 2012-06-10 16:08:41 UTC
Please explain how the State Protectorate is "Heth's personal army," while the WPC and CN are considered free from the KK CEO's influence?

What piece of information, other than Federal capsuleer propaganda, makes you believe this to be true?

The CONCORD Emergency Militia War Powers Act, established the State Protectorate as a capsuleer auxiliary of the Caldari Navy. [1]

The State Protectorate does not equate to the Caldari Providence Directorate. The State Protectorate is the CONCORD established mechanism by which capsuleers can defend the Caldari State and its megacorporations.

Would you prefer that WHG resort to "acts of piracy" in order to protect Black Rise and Wirykomi's property from Federal pillaging?
Malcolm Khross
#36 - 2012-06-10 17:17:30 UTC
Altarr Orkot wrote:

If you wanted to "defend your home" I'm sure the Peace Corps would have been glad to accept a capsuleer, maybe you could even get a commission with CalNav. And if you did I would accept any claims you made about not being a Provist and a fascist attack dog; well if they let you post on the IGS of course. Instead you chose to join Heth's personal army.

Edit: I'll clarify and say that you also could have simply chosen not to join StatePro, but you did. The least you could do is actually have some conviction in the beliefs that brought you there instead of pretending to be in opposition to the organisation's ideals and goals.

Emphasis mine because it's a bold-faced lie. You have constantly and consistently accused me of being a Provist from the very first post you ever made to me. You have refused to listen to any argument to the contrary and have chosen to instead continue to label me exactly as you please, do not feed me with such falsity.

As for conviction, I have plenty of it and it's my convictions that drove me to accept the request to join the STPRO and demonstrate my convictions while in service to defending my home. You're not going to accept that, so there's no sense in repeating it again.

Go ahead, label me a Provist, accuse me of fascism, spill your bile all over these forums and seek to profane my integrity and my honor to your heart's content. My continued actions, my continued adherence to the same principles I've always held to will speak loud enough for themselves. It's a shame you cannot be made to see reason.

~Malcolm Khross

Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#37 - 2012-06-10 17:36:26 UTC
Altarr Orkot wrote:

Disclaimer: This message does not necessarily reflect the views of the Ishukone Corporation, its subsidiaries or associated entities.

Note that Commander Orkot's opinions on this matter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of I-RED or its various corporations and employees.

Katrina Oniseki

Blue Canary
Watch This
#38 - 2012-06-10 20:51:27 UTC
I'm proud to serve in the Honor Guard. Khross-haans integrity is beyond a doubt for me.
He's far more than just words.

PS: My goodness, Orkot-haan, is it this time of the month again?

Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise.

Altarr Orkot
Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#39 - 2012-06-11 01:03:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Altarr Orkot
Dex Nederland wrote:
Please explain how the State Protectorate is "Heth's personal army," while the WPC and CN are considered free from the KK CEO's influence?

What piece of information, other than Federal capsuleer propaganda, makes you believe this to be true?

The CONCORD Emergency Militia War Powers Act, established the State Protectorate as a capsuleer auxiliary of the Caldari Navy. [1]

The State Protectorate does not equate to the Caldari Providence Directorate. The State Protectorate is the CONCORD established mechanism by which capsuleers can defend the Caldari State and its megacorporations.

Would you prefer that WHG resort to "acts of piracy" in order to protect Black Rise and Wirykomi's property from Federal pillaging?

Well as you have been so insistent to tell me in the past, Mr. Heth is only the CEO of KK. Please tell me why would he have any influence in the actions of the Peace Corps or CalNav?

And of course the CPD aren't the same as StatePro, I didn't say they were? But the CPD isn't a military force, StatePro is. And what does StatePro do? Fights a war of conquest for... Tibus Heth! They did after all conquer all that space which Tibus Heth sold off.

Like I said, CalNav and the Peace Corps are legitimate organisations that for the most part don't participate in offensive actions (baring perhaps ground assaults by the Peace Corps). The only choices are not StatePro or piracy, there exist other choices which would have allowed him to 'protect'.

But the choice he made was to join the Protectorate; the Protectorate which has been fighting to conquer space for years now. That's what it does, and why it continues to exist. Do they protect things? Sure, but so do other organisations that aren't committed to invading places. When you join StatePro you demonstrate support for Heth and his war. If he didn't agree with that, he didn't have to join, but he did.

Malcolm Khross wrote:
Emphasis mine because it's a bold-faced lie. You have constantly and consistently accused me of being a Provist from the very first post you ever made to me. You have refused to listen to any argument to the contrary and have chosen to instead continue to label me exactly as you please, do not feed me with such falsity.

Well let's be fair here, you've joined StatePro, what exactly are we supposed to believe? Trust me I'm open to changing my mind, but you aren't changing it by joining the militia.
Malcolm Khross
#40 - 2012-06-11 01:30:27 UTC
Altarr Orkot wrote:

Well let's be fair here, you've joined StatePro, what exactly are we supposed to believe?

The same thing many of your colleagues and others believe, that I made my decision carefully and intentionally with the character I've demonstrated throughout my career, that my word of my intentions can be trusted because of that character and that my stubborn adherence to the ideals of honor and integrity will forbid me from betraying them. What you don't understand is that you do not have perfect and intimate knowledge of everything and that you see one facet of the situation, holding to yourself that it is the only true and real facet.

I have stated my purpose, I will adhere to that purpose. You have chosen to ignore it and continue your accusations.

Altarr Orkot wrote:
Trust me I'm open to changing my mind...

No, you're not.

Altarr Orkot wrote:
...but you aren't changing it by joining the militia

Nor by anything else, so I see little difference.

Now, if you would kindly do myself, yourself and others a favor and stop repeating everything you're saying like it somehow becomes more truthful each time. I have listened to and argued with your viewpoint, it has had no effect, let's move on.

~Malcolm Khross