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EVE-Profit - donate it to another developer... or making it open source?

Abyssal Nanofibre Internal Structure
People Assaulting People in Space.
#61 - 2012-05-29 20:29:15 UTC
Kouryusei wrote:
If you're looking for a developer to take this over, I'm open to talking - I'm the guy behind Bitter Sea Trading ( ) amongst other things. In terms of what I do for my day job, I work for Amazon. o/

Thats cute.. you think you're-wait a minute. I think i've said this before..

Wait a minute. I thought you were a banker? Btw your program blows. So does its name. Twisted


Kou Avery
The Bitter Sea Trading Company
#62 - 2012-05-31 12:58:52 UTC
Applebloom wrote:
Kouryusei wrote:
If you're looking for a developer to take this over, I'm open to talking - I'm the guy behind Bitter Sea Trading ( ) amongst other things. In terms of what I do for my day job, I work for Amazon. o/

Thats cute.. you think you're-wait a minute. I think i've said this before..

Wait a minute. I thought you were a banker? Btw your program blows. So does its name. Twisted

I'm a banker? That's news to me. That's nice that you think that, it's also cute that you think your opinion matters.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#63 - 2012-06-05 22:44:26 UTC
bitterseatrading is not working, everytime i try to create an account, nothing happens.

second eve-profit is giving to all of us a wrong profit return.
Because i made a spreadsheet with the new tax 0.75% and i compared the profit eve-profit gave me.... well the website is pulling out numbers with the old tax 0.50%.

This sucks... unless you have a different explanation.
Nemo Astrai
Gallente Federation
#64 - 2012-06-06 11:01:49 UTC

The opensource version is having its profit calculations fixed. This will be released soon as to the hosted version I don't know anything about this as my version is not affiliated in any way!
Mu-Shi Ai
Hosono House
#65 - 2012-06-08 05:03:06 UTC
"ERROR: cannot open MySQL logfile"
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#66 - 2012-06-08 13:10:18 UTC
Mu-Shi Ai wrote:
"ERROR: cannot open MySQL logfile"

Nemo Astrai
Gallente Federation
#67 - 2012-06-08 15:27:23 UTC
If you are using the current version of eveprofit then there will be a folder called log this needs to be fully read write able by the user your web server is running as.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#68 - 2012-06-08 17:36:18 UTC
Maybe he's using Bittersea website, which I think became non functional after his developer departure.
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#69 - 2012-06-08 18:38:44 UTC
Mu-Shi Ai wrote:
"ERROR: cannot open MySQL logfile"

same error on website
bitterseatrading is down too but "for extended maintenance"
Liara Sunji
Fluffy Pyjamas
#70 - 2012-06-09 00:12:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Liara Sunji
Nemo Astrai wrote:
I've uploaded the original files to source forge plan to make install easier and take things from there.

Downloaded and installed it for myself locally today. Works like a charm. Took me a while to work out how to get it to populate the database with my info but the install was simple and I didn't have any problems.

Kou Avery
The Bitter Sea Trading Company
#71 - 2012-06-09 08:46:38 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Maybe he's using Bittersea website, which I think became non functional after his developer departure.

Incorrect. Not sure if you know how websites work, but one "website" does not use another "website". Nor is the site non-functional, only the developer preview is currently live following an extensive rewrite.

The Eve-Profit bug has been resolved.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#72 - 2012-06-09 09:26:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Kou Avery wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Maybe he's using Bittersea website, which I think became non functional after his developer departure.

Incorrect. Not sure if you know how websites work, but one "website" does not use another "website". Nor is the site non-functional, only the developer preview is currently live following an extensive rewrite.

The Eve-Profit bug has been resolved.

I know how bonds work.

What about you give back the due money to your investors?

Otherwise you are a scammer and nobody should trust you again, expecially not with their API keys.

You should have paid back on 2012-05-08, now it's 1 month late.

I am actually asking myself why a person willing to develop a software for the community would on the other hand not honor his debts. It has almost no sense.
Kou Avery
The Bitter Sea Trading Company
#73 - 2012-06-09 14:56:48 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Kou Avery wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Maybe he's using Bittersea website, which I think became non functional after his developer departure.

Incorrect. Not sure if you know how websites work, but one "website" does not use another "website". Nor is the site non-functional, only the developer preview is currently live following an extensive rewrite.

The Eve-Profit bug has been resolved.

I know how bonds work.

What about you give back the due money to your investors?

Otherwise you are a scammer and nobody should trust you again, expecially not with their API keys.

You should have paid back on 2012-05-08, now it's 1 month late.

I am actually asking myself why a person willing to develop a software for the community would on the other hand not honor his debts. It has almost no sense.

VV, due to ongoing health concerns I have still yet to login to the game (I have not for some considerable time, my current internet connectivity is achieved via an iPad). I'm happy to verify/clarify/prove this with CCP, which will not a pose a problem due to the rather extensive medical documentation and records I have (regarding myself). I'd rather not make this public information, but I guess I can.

Roughly 6 weeks ago I woke up with extreme pain in my right shoulder; spreading down my arm and across my chest and back. My first thought was "oh god, I'm having a heart attack", but then I realized, wouldn't it be the left side? Breathing was rather painful, but it subsided in a period of roughly 10 minutes.

Following on, I had quite excruciating muscular-skeletal pain in my right shoulder for another week. I'm quite an active and fit person normally, but I hadn't suffered any blows recently so it seemed rather odd. Being an idiot, I continued to ignore it - though I had a chat with a pharmacist who gave me lots of lovely medication.

Fast forward to a bit later, and I'm at home with the pain starting to flare up, with a realization that I'd left my painkillers in an office in the middle of central London following a presentation done early (we use it for presentations to stop people having to travel out of the city). Thankfully, I have keys to the building due to my position and get a taxi to the office.

I get in, take the painkillers - and decide to chill out on a comfy sofa (it's one of those "chic" offices) whilst I wait for them to kick in so I can make the trek back home (I currently live in Canary Wharf, after deciding it was more feasible to rent out my main property). 30 minutes later, the pain is unbearable, I can barely breathe, but being an idiot, I decide to call NHS Direct instead of 999. They tell me to call 999. I do so, and due to the nature of the problem (chest pain, breathing difficulties, etc), I'm told an ambulance will be there urgently.

The call was made at 2130, the ambulance got there at 2258. Turns out the ambulance didn't even receive a call till 2237 due to some sort of error (for which a complaint is in, I even have a copy of that). They hook me up to a bunch of machines (ambulances nowadays can do damn near anything, including full ECG's, blood tests and more). My ECG shows as abnormal and my right lung is not getting as much air in to it as my left lung. Obviously, we're all confused (me and the EMT's).

I ended up being taken to hospital, where I spent the night twiddling my thumbs (not in pain, they doped me up) waiting to speak to a consultant. It was useless. I ended up being released and told it was most likely muscular-skeletal despite x-rays showing no problem.

Guess what, 3 days later - I'm back there. Since then, I've undergone extensive testing and I have still yet to be diagnosed. This is obviously very worrying to me and my family (I'm married with a son who's almost 3). I have extended leave from work due to this (they were very understanding) and am currently focusing on resting and trying to get to the root of this problem.

This Tuesday, I have an appointment with a specialist (well, apparently one hell of a guy at diagnosis) at a private hospital - where I'm hoping to get some answers so I can move on to treatment and recovery. I'm doped up to the eyeballs with pills at the moment.

So, I hope this clarifies things for you. o/

If you email me on - I am happy to converse with you over some sort of video conference (e.g. Skype) and provide evidence of my medical problems - I will need assurances that the evidence itself will be kept confidential, though I'm happy for you to disclose your findings to the community in general.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#74 - 2012-06-09 15:35:21 UTC
Shocked OK.

You have to concede the whole thing looks suspicious since you have already disappeared in the past (and I was one of the few wanting to trust you against the odds) and because the "private investors" of yours never shown up to be alive.

See for me 3B is stuff I forget on alts, my decision to give you a second chance is 1000 times more valuable than that.

Now, being this EvE it's natural to not believe whatever possible explanations, but I am Christian and as such I am one to show compassion.

I hope you'll heal up well and you'll be able to return to your life.

Please keep me informed (in game, no need to write down your whole RL here) on your progress, I am sincerely interested about your well being.
Kou Avery
The Bitter Sea Trading Company
#75 - 2012-06-09 16:32:57 UTC
Oh, I entirely concede that point. No qualms there. The private investors are friends, one of which is on a rolling basis and the other which has been paid back.

3B is a trivial amount of ISK, we both know that - I know that trust is far more important. I could easily PLEX far more than that amount and not deal with the hassle, but I find it more fun to work for it this way.

I'm not religious, but I do believe in showing compassion; so that's a point we can agree on.

I hope so too, all I hope for the moment is that someone figures out what the hell is wrong with me!

I'll keep you updated, but if you email the address provided; it'll be far easier for me to stay in touch :-).
Cauchy Schwarz
dropping isk like bombs
#76 - 2012-07-02 20:11:10 UTC
ooh what a shame!
just came back to eve. took me a time to remember the name of the insanely useful tool i used to find my most profitable trades.

now i dont know jack **** about sql and that sort so i cant get it running :-((
can anyone recommend similar stuff or is there an easy way to get it to work now?
Caelis Boirelle
Aurora Investments
#77 - 2012-07-03 12:38:09 UTC
Cauchy Schwarz wrote:
ooh what a shame!
just came back to eve. took me a time to remember the name of the insanely useful tool i used to find my most profitable trades.

now i dont know jack **** about sql and that sort so i cant get it running :-((
can anyone recommend similar stuff or is there an easy way to get it to work now?

I'll second that.

It's a bit of an ask but if anyone would be good enough to produce a dummies guide on how to get this to work it'd be immensely appreciated!
#78 - 2012-07-03 13:34:43 UTC
Eve profit is in test, 2-3 days and the website is going to be full available, under another name and different admins.

Have patience guys.
Nicole Crenshaw
#79 - 2012-07-05 09:42:39 UTC
hello i am thinking of downlording the files i have a few questions about it please

1 what is in the filles
2 is it the full datebase and all that
3 is it easy to get it to work
4 is there any viedos of it
5 when i have downlorded the files what do i do please
Caldari State
#80 - 2012-07-10 06:48:38 UTC
MicioGatto wrote:
Eve profit is in test, 2-3 days and the website is going to be full available, under another name and different admins.

Have patience guys.

Any news when the new site is going to be up and running ?