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Re--LoSec/NullSec Explo-Ishtar: Sooooooo, Mates....How Do I Drive This Thing?

Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#1 - 2012-06-07 00:43:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarryn Nightstorm
Yep, so I finally gave in and focussed on drone-whoring skills (Ugh, I got some painful long training-times aheadStraight) for an "all-in-one" solo* exploration Ishtar for losec, and eventually nullsec ninja-plexing.

But then a funny thing occurred to me:

I'm a lifelong PvE missile-thrower, and know almost nothing about using drones as one's primary weapon-system as opposed to the usual "Set to aggressive, launch, allow them to eat all the frigates and/or cruisers, whilst blapping the big stuff."

My Google-fu has turned up almost nothing, too.

So, a few questions for the experienced drone-whores in general, and PvE-Tar-in-hostile-space pilots in particular:

1) Sentry drones:

I want to be well off the warp-in beacon in the rooms in a 'plex, and will need to sig/speed tank, so how do you guys manage that with sentries--I'm thinking that one would poop out the sentries, set a wide (30+ km) orbit about them, let them blap the NPCs whilst they're burning in from range, and then fly back towards the drones when only a few NPCs are left to be ready to scoop them back up.

Or, should I launch lights first to deal with frigs, then use the 2 Heavy/2 Medium/1 Light grouping for the bigger ships, or lights and then sentries?

Are Tech 1 sentries and/or heavies "good enough" whilst I wait out the aforesaid painfully long trains for tech 2s?

2) Cloak/MWD:

The Ishtar's pathetic lack of CPU mandates the prototype cloak with medium-size guns, and having already tried the cloak/MWD trick getting the ship home, I notice that I can't get 75% of my normal speed with the proto cloak--it's close with three Inertia Stabilisers in the lows, but still needs to accelerate for a second or so before warping after you de-cloak, and a bit more without the I-Stabs.

Is this still good enough to slip most "average idiot"-type gate camps, or do you use implants (the ones that increase AB/MWD speed-boost) to make up the difference? I have Acceleration Control at level 4, will level 5 also help, preferably without needing implants? (I have the ship-agility skills at 5 already, and the 'Tar is quite manoeuverable, regardless.)

Also, I found that the Improved cloak will fit if you use small-size guns but will sacrifice about 50 DPS. Full skills with small neutrons will still do around 450-520 DPS, though (depending which drones are used), will this be enough for 6/10 and 7/10 (It should be more than enough for the 5/10s, my Drake does those just fine with much less, if slowly.) plexes as an alternative?

3) Tank:

Obviously sig/speed tanking is the main thing here (the ship is dual-prop'ed), which I'm used to doing with a PvE Tengu. Same deal, or any tricks/potential traps unique to this ship?

I do a fair bit of my explo in Angels space at the moment, and 3 Shadow-Serp Explosive hardeners give me about 86% resist, with the ship's native kinetic resists helping a lot, but EFT tells me I get around 200-ish tank vs. Angels--doesn't sound like a lot if things go pear-shaped (those webber towers in the Angel 5/10's last room need to die ASAP, or it will hurt a lot, even in a hard-tanked Drake). Or should I just stick to Serpentis and Guristas (475-ish tank against those factions)?

Thanks for the advice, people, o7.

Fly not-too-safe.

*Solo: As in, one player controlling one character. Because multi-booting is a crutch for lamers.

Fake-edit: The good ship The Jolly Crab shall ply the space-lanes soon(TM)!

Real-edit: I meant that it accelerates faster with the I-Stabs, not that it is faster, derp.

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

#2 - 2012-06-07 03:16:18 UTC
you might be better using gila for angels. true, ishtar is t2, but gila with one extra mid has better tank vs angels.

and for god's sake, stop using istabs Roll
Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#3 - 2012-06-07 03:20:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarryn Nightstorm
But I-Stabs get little handsome Tarryn off the gate in time Blink

But, they are now consigned to the hangar, it's tank in the lows.

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Beef Knuckleback
Pawnstars INC
#4 - 2012-06-07 03:47:23 UTC
I can't speak to moving around in low/null, but I can speak to tank and tactics.

Tank : Use the resist profile. The ishtar is awesome vs. Guristas, and very good vs. Serpentis in shield or armor configuration. It can tank Sansha/Blood reasonably well as an armor tank and can tank Angel almost acceptably as a shield tank. Unless you fit for Brick Outhouse Neut-Me-Empty totally passive shield tank, moving is a huge part of DPS mitigation and that's where sentry tactics come in.

If you play to the ship's strengths - Serpentis, Guristas, Mission Generic - you can throw fewer slots at tank and will have more room for spank. Against Angel or Sansha you'll be sacrificing some gank and even then won't get an equivalent tank.

Damage mitigation while using sentries : Some people say "orbit your sentries." I tried this and it sucks, especially if you're using an afterburner. It works but if you're swinging wide and need to scoop drones, at least one or two will be out of scoop range at all times. Personally, I motor out to my desired location, eject a piece of loot, round of ammo, or a bookmark ("voucher"), drop sentries and then Orbit the jetcan at my current range (80-100 meters). You won't be moving fast but you WILL be moving, enough to mitigate a good amount of damage.... and all drones will be in scoop range at all times in case you need to quickly switch to lights or mediums (though with an omnidirectional tracking link or two, Garde IIs can hit close orbiting cruisers well enough).

Sentries take some getting used to and can't be totally AFKed, but they have two major advantages. The first is they handle like guns with ADD. Instant damage no travel etc. The second is they don't move. That's a big one - no drone motion means no drone MWD sig bloom means you're that much harder to detect with combat scanner probes.
Mnemosyne Gloob
#5 - 2012-06-07 10:53:02 UTC
1) Get aggro, drop sentries and then either sit there or orbit a jetcan at like 500-1000 m (if you get visitors/combat probes, you can scoop them easily) - only if you need time to get tank stable should you go out farther. Flight of lights to deal with frigates (or if they are a bit out still, pop them with yer sentries) - however i much more like a buddy in another ship that takes care of the frigs. Personally i don't like heavies, because they travel slow.

2)Proto Cloak is not really good enough. To do the trick reliably you need improved cloak. Imo yes, you will pass most standard camps, but don't think that you can always make it - things that can happen: you derp on the cloaking, you jump and find yourself 2000 m from someone, they have fast decloakers, they have littered the gate with junk/drones. However those situations are not that often in my experience (well and you should know where to be cautious).
As to fitting: look into faction stuff that saves cpu - like hardeners for instance. Fits are tight as is.

3)Armor 'tar is fantastic in Serpentis and Gurista space, but will suck in Angel space. As said, better shield tank it or get a Gila. And yes an afterburner will help you significantly. This means either refitting between travel and site or dual-propping it (or just go with ab only Cool)

Oh and put sentry rigs and/or ddas.
#6 - 2012-06-07 11:30:47 UTC
Suggest you try out a few highsec L3/L4 missions first, to get to grips with drone work and get a feel for how sentries perform.

Sentries V should be high on your list - T2 sentries are an order of magnitude better than T1's. Also light/med drones. Heavies are not as useful on a 'tar, so you can take that to IV and leave it there until you really feel you need T2 Ogres etc.

It's worth noting that the Sentries skill is a stand-alone; the racial drone damage skills don't affect it, since for whatever reason sentries aren't treated as drones in the game mechanics. But don't forget EWAR Drone skill - that gives you valuable added control range, which *does* affect sentries. L4 is sufficient with a 'tar since you get a bonus with the HAC skill anyway.

Set up hotkeys. I use CTRL-E for Attack Target, CTRL-W for Return & Orbit, and CTRL-D for Return to drone bay. This is so much quicker than fiddling with the awful drone window.

As for the rest - you've already been given good advice. I strongly suggest you start in Gallente lowsec, since Gardes are Serp-pwners, have the best tracking, and can put 540dps out to 35km optimal with one ODL (The Omnidirectional Tracking Link is your friend, if you can fit even just one).

Have a good read of this. HungryEyes has a lot of experience in null with 'tars, and that guide is invaluable.


Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

Ten Thousand Days
#7 - 2012-06-07 14:46:39 UTC
It's not complicated. i trained Gal/Cal cruiser to 4 (before i got my ishtar) and then bought a gila. Fitted it for 1200 passive shield regen against Guris, a probe launcher and a cloak then fit Some ogre II's - it was about 140 for the gila and about 40 for the rest of the gear.

I made sure i didnt go into anything bigger than an 8/10 and then i let my heavies slowly beat everything to death while i watched tv.

The people above take this far too seriously. it's money for nothing and not difficult.
Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#8 - 2012-06-07 15:14:17 UTC
Thanks for the replies so far, all.

I have read Hungry Eyes' guide a few times, and found it most instructive (CCP, Y U NO MAYK STICKY??).

Yeah, I'll be heading to Serp/Guri space with the 'Tar, looking at EFT for the Gila for elsewhere (once I make the money for the 'Tar back, naturally--buy my Gistum B-Type 'burner, somebody.)...'Tar needs at least 75tf more CPU once the penalty for the sentry-rigs is taken into account, though, it's quite perfectly comical the way it is now.

Shadow Serpentis armour-hardeners help a lot there, and are cheap-ish--92% plus kinetic and thermal resists, can you say oh yeah?

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Violet Giraffe
Space Giraffes
#9 - 2012-06-07 16:01:00 UTC
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:

I have read Hungry Eyes' guide a few times, and found it most instructive (CCP, Y U NO MAYK STICKY??)

Y u no give a link? :)
For the others interested:
Beef Knuckleback
Pawnstars INC
#10 - 2012-06-07 17:18:13 UTC
It's worth noting that an SDA gives a 10% boost to sentries, and sentries only. The new Drone Damage Amplifier gives a 15% damage bonus to all drones (19% for tech 2).

Depending on the fit you decide on, giving up an SDA gives you a rig slot for capacitor (free mid for OTL), grav rig, shield rig, etc. It's at the expense of a valuable low slot, but if you're up against Serpentis / Guristas you don't need to blow as many slots on tank and should be able to squeeze in a DDA.

The Ishtar CPU is hilarious (Gila moreso) - it may be worth considering 3% CPU implants on top of faction gear. Possibly exploration implants as well.
Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#11 - 2012-06-07 21:38:40 UTC
Violet Giraffe wrote:
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:

I have read Hungry Eyes' guide a few times, and found it most instructive (CCP, Y U NO MAYK STICKY??)

Y u no give a link? :)
For the others interested:

Derp, sorry, my bad--everyone should go read that, though.

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Mnemosyne Gloob
#12 - 2012-06-08 07:09:43 UTC
Maeltstome wrote:
I made sure i didnt go into anything bigger than an 8/10 and then i let my heavies slowly beat everything to death while i watched tv.

Right. I wouldn't want to afk-ish do a plex in lowsec or nullsec (i assume you were in 'protected' space). I don't know how long it took you, but if i would be sitting for an hour in a complex somewhere, i am sure that i wouldn't be able to finish most of those i find. Doing them faster also leaves more time to find new ones.