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The origin of 'Amarr Victor' - an EVE history lesson

Amarr Empire
#1 - 2012-06-04 23:47:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Siobhan
Recently CCP promoted a video entitled:

Raise the Flag II: Amarr Victor:

This video prominently featured the catchphrase 'Amarr Victor'

This term is now widely used in EVE as a rallying cry for Amarrians.

What many of you may not know is where the term originated.

The first person to utter these now immortal words was Admiral Golan Trevize on PIE Inc fleet comms sometime in late 2003/early 2004 in the wake of a victorious PIE engagement with Minmatar terrorists. Despite the fact that Golan Trevize went on to abandon his Amarrian roots - succumbing to the temptation of the mercenary lifestyle - his catchy slogan was adopted by the loyalist pilots of PIE - and their allies in the Curatores Veritatis Alliance.

It made its offical forum debut in a post by the then PIE pilot Ethidium Bromide (who is still an active member of CVA over eight years later) relating to the Jove body parts affair:

It is fair to say that as CVA extended its grip on Providence through 'Operation Deliverance' ( ) that more and more pilots in the EVE universe came into contact with the Amarr Victor slogan - until today it is one of the most recognised catchphrases in EVE...

I can obviously only conclude with:

Amarr Victor
Greyscale Dash
#2 - 2012-06-04 23:48:38 UTC
LOL that's not a CCP video.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-06-04 23:48:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Culmen
I don't think that video is from CCP.....

Also, no mention of the phrase "Roma Victor"?

There is a fine line between a post and a signature.

Amarr Empire
#4 - 2012-06-04 23:51:21 UTC
My apologies - I thought it was a CCP video as spotted it via the CCP Facebook feed. Neverthless the 'history' of the term remains the same :-)
Greyscale Dash
#5 - 2012-06-04 23:52:29 UTC
Siobhan wrote:
My apologies - I thought it was a CCP video as spotted it via the CCP Facebook feed. Neverthless the 'history' of the term remains the same :-)

No it doesn't.
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2012-06-04 23:53:25 UTC
Culmen wrote:
Also, no mention of the phrase "Roma Victor"?

I did not say that Golan was original - just that he was the first one to create the Amarrian version Blink
Ginseng Jita
#7 - 2012-06-04 23:53:59 UTC
Siobhan wrote:
My apologies - I thought it was a CCP video as spotted it via the CCP Facebook feed. Neverthless the 'history' of the term remains the same :-)

You just made a post because you wanted to flash those boobs, or were expecting a nipple slip - right?
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2012-06-04 23:55:51 UTC
Ginseng Jita wrote:
Siobhan wrote:
My apologies - I thought it was a CCP video as spotted it via the CCP Facebook feed. Neverthless the 'history' of the term remains the same :-)

You just made a post because you wanted to flash those boobs, or were expecting a nipple slip - right?

Rumbled Blink
Cascades Mountain Operatives
#9 - 2012-06-05 00:53:14 UTC
do you even control all of providence anymore? are The Volition Cult blue to you guys?

do you still give blues the mushroom treatment?

Tedium and difficulty are not the same thing, if you don't realize this then STFU about game design.

Amarr Empire
#10 - 2012-06-05 00:57:03 UTC
Denidil wrote:
do you even control all of providence anymore?
Cascades Mountain Operatives
#11 - 2012-06-05 01:07:34 UTC
Siobhan wrote:
Denidil wrote:
do you even control all of providence anymore?

influence and control are not the same thing

i know who -7- is.. old CVA allies (who like to shoot blues). i know who -E.E-'s (Raven's new alliance after the F.A. coup). Who is VOLT, 4th, SNF, C.F., TSOEC?

are they your blues? if not how can you claim to control provi.. does -A- still kick over your sandcastles?

Tedium and difficulty are not the same thing, if you don't realize this then STFU about game design.

Amarr Empire
#12 - 2012-06-05 01:42:37 UTC
Not claimed anything...

Just made post about origin of Amarr Victor

You seem to want to turn it into some kind of aliance penis comparing...
Mirkur Draug'Tyr
#13 - 2012-06-05 14:26:26 UTC
Free the slaves!


Thought you quit the game.
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2012-06-05 15:37:16 UTC
Mangold wrote:
Free the slaves!


Thought you quit the game.

I had - but EVE is like the Hotel California...

Although Hardin remains unsubbed for now until economic circumstances improve...
Makkal Hanaya
Revenent Defence Corperation
#15 - 2012-06-05 15:56:28 UTC
Culmen wrote:
I don't think that video is from CCP.....

Also, no mention of the phrase "Roma Victor"?

Ah yes, the famous slogan of the Florida Tomato Growers Association in 1935.

Render unto Khanid the things which are Khanid's; and unto God the things that are God's.

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2012-06-05 16:26:48 UTC
What is this ship?

Occasionally plays sober

Ciar Meara
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#17 - 2012-06-05 16:31:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Ciar Meara

Then, now and forever!

Its quite possible that Golan was drunk and forgot about the Y though and we just ran with it.

- [img][/img] [yellow]English only please. Zymurgist[/yellow]

Mme Pinkerton
#18 - 2012-06-05 16:56:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Mme Pinkerton
Culmen wrote:
I don't think that video is from CCP.....

Also, no mention of the phrase "Roma Victor"?

the OP says the video was promoted by CCP, it doesn't claim that it was created by CCP.

"Roma Victor" is terrible pidgin Latin, don't ever use it - "Roma Victrix" would be correct.

(I don't really care about "Amarr Victor", "Amarr" is a made up word that is not obviously female and although region names in Latin are female as a rule the phrase doesn't sound terrible)