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Market exploit or valid gameplay?

Shameless Avenger
Can Preachers of Kador
#1 - 2012-06-04 00:02:33 UTC
So, guy A is selling 100 thingamajigs at 10.00 isk. Then guy B shows up and puts his own sale order for 100 thingamajigs of his own at 9.99 isk. Guy A notices this and in seconds he lowers price of his thingamajigs to 9.98 ISK. Now Guy B is stuck because he has to wait five minutes before modifying the order. Worst yet, when his 5 minutes are up, he changes to 9.97 but by then, Guy A's timer is also up and in seconds he lowers to 9.96.

At this point, Guy B cancels the order, split the stock in half and places 50 thingamajigs at 9.95. As before, Guy A reacts and lowers his 100 thingamajigs to 9.94, thinking that Guy B can't modify price in 5 minutes. But Guy B then places his other 50 thingamajigs at 9.93, bypassing the 5 minutes timer. Now Guy A is the one stuck with the timer and Guy B is the one getting the market exposure.

...and of course, it works both ways when Guy A also split his stock in 4 parts... and so on and so on.

Is it OK to bypass the timer using the split stock / multiple orders method?

"This is the Ninja. He will scan you down; he will salvage your wrecks and there shall be no aggro"

Jacob Stiller
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-06-04 00:18:30 UTC
Shameless Avenger wrote:
So, guy A is selling 100 thingamajigs at 10.00 isk. Then guy B shows up and puts his own sale order for 100 thingamajigs of his own at 9.99 isk. Guy A notices this and in seconds he lowers price of his thingamajigs to 9.98 ISK. Now Guy B is stuck because he has to wait five minutes before modifying the order. Worst yet, when his 5 minutes are up, he changes to 9.97 but by then, Guy A's timer is also up and in seconds he lowers to 9.96.

At this point, Guy B cancels the order, split the stock in half and places 50 thingamajigs at 9.95. As before, Guy A reacts and lowers his 100 thingamajigs to 9.94, thinking that Guy B can't modify price in 5 minutes. But Guy B then places his other 50 thingamajigs at 9.93, bypassing the 5 minutes timer. Now Guy A is the one stuck with the timer and Guy B is the one getting the market exposure.

...and of course, it works both ways when Guy A also split his stock in 4 parts... and so on and so on.

Is it OK to bypass the timer using the split stock / multiple orders method?

If you're going to babysit an order, you may as well anticipate this scenario and refrain from listing your stock in one chunk. If you try to impose a game mechanic to prevent this, it could still be circumvented by multiboxing alts.
sevyn nine
Cutting Edge Incorporated
#3 - 2012-06-04 00:19:04 UTC
Surely you must be joking. In the off-chance you aren't, the answer is "yes."
Fremi Masag
FGC Inc.
#4 - 2012-06-04 00:21:46 UTC
Gotta work smarter, not harder :-)
Shameless Avenger
Can Preachers of Kador
#5 - 2012-06-04 02:02:46 UTC
sevyn nine wrote:
Surely you must be joking. In the off-chance you aren't, the answer is "yes."

In that case, do you think there should be no timer?

"This is the Ninja. He will scan you down; he will salvage your wrecks and there shall be no aggro"

Jacob Stiller
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2012-06-04 02:14:00 UTC
Shameless Avenger wrote:
sevyn nine wrote:
Surely you must be joking. In the off-chance you aren't, the answer is "yes."

In that case, do you think there should be no timer?

That would be a valid "fix" imo.
Shameless Avenger
Can Preachers of Kador
#7 - 2012-06-04 02:19:08 UTC
Jacob Stiller wrote:
Shameless Avenger wrote:
sevyn nine wrote:
Surely you must be joking. In the off-chance you aren't, the answer is "yes."

In that case, do you think there should be no timer?

That would be a valid "fix" imo.

Agreed... if it's OK to bypass, then it should be removed. Less orders, less clikey, less entries on the DB etc etc....

And while we are at it (and please forgive my market noob-ness)... how come that if a "Corp Mate" plases a "Corp Order", another "Corp Mate" can't modify it? Unless there's some shiney role I need to turn on... but's what's the point of making the order a "Corporate Order"?

"This is the Ninja. He will scan you down; he will salvage your wrecks and there shall be no aggro"

Fremi Masag
FGC Inc.
#8 - 2012-06-04 02:24:08 UTC
The timer helps reduce the load on the server so I still think it's needed. The seller who cuts their stacks in half has less product at the forefront so there is a bit of a drawback on that initially. Plus he can only divide into so many stacks before he gimps himself.

The market timer still throttles the spam if they're .01ing. Once you .01 your 2 or 3 stacks, then the timer on the stacks will catch up. That way the server can handle the load for everyone a lot easier.
Shameless Avenger
Can Preachers of Kador
#9 - 2012-06-04 02:35:24 UTC
Hum... nice lingo... ".01ing". That gives me an idea for an awesome market alt name: "The .01nger"

"This is the Ninja. He will scan you down; he will salvage your wrecks and there shall be no aggro"

Goonfleet Investment Banking
#10 - 2012-06-04 05:27:55 UTC
this is pretty much the cutest thread md has seen in years.

This post was crafted by a member of the GoonSwarm Federation Economic Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.


Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#11 - 2012-06-04 06:47:42 UTC
Shameless Avenger wrote:
Hum... nice lingo... ".01ing". That gives me an idea for an awesome market alt name: "The .01nger"

I have a cuter one:

Goldf 0.01nger

Aina Sasaki
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2012-06-04 09:26:02 UTC
It's an accepted practice, though I try to avoid 0.01 isk wars as much as possible. Got better things to do with my time. :o

- Rei

Fremi Masag
FGC Inc.
#13 - 2012-06-04 10:19:10 UTC
Aina Sasaki wrote:
It's an accepted practice, though I try to avoid 0.01 isk wars as much as possible. Got better things to do with my time. :o

I try and return fire on a ".01er" by hacking off large chunks. Yes, it eats into profits but the item tends to sell quicker. Take in less but turn over more for me at the moment.
#14 - 2012-06-04 10:34:12 UTC
corestwo wrote:
this is pretty much the cutest thread md has seen in years.

Nah the : '' I bought a freighter now how can i earn money with it'' will allways be my favourite one.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Invisible Exchequer
#15 - 2012-06-04 11:14:59 UTC
Usually, it has less to do with me wanting to bother other traders (although, it is cute when they think I am taking time out of my day to stress about them), and more to do with the following:

I have 100 for sale, you have 100 for sale, 3 other guys have 100 for sale. You undercut me whilst I have my timer up, meanwhile, 5 more of my item have come in, so I put them up under you, everyone updates. 10 come in for me, I put them up under you again, so now I have 3 orders, only I haven't moved the 100 at the original price because, meh, 100 at the old price is nice, and while I keep getting small piles come in from my buy order, I may as well stick them on the market.

In order to prevent the situation in the OP, you would have to make cancelling orders not possible at all ( so not able to change your mind once you put the orders up), or remove the timer (which is there for cancelling as well anyway).
Nomad I
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2012-06-04 11:21:53 UTC
Split your stacks guys and your have less time to wait. Instead of selling 100 in one stack, you sell 2x50 and those with 5min waiting time are getting tears. You will be always faster.
Rykker Bow
Center for Advanced Studies
#17 - 2012-06-04 12:11:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Rykker Bow
Shameless Avenger wrote:

Agreed... if it's OK to bypass, then it should be removed. Less orders, less clikey, less entries on the DB etc etc....

And while we are at it (and please forgive my market noob-ness)... how come that if a "Corp Mate" plases a "Corp Order", another "Corp Mate" can't modify it? Unless there's some shiney role I need to turn on... but's what's the point of making the order a "Corporate Order"?

AFAIK it can't be done and it's a good thing in my opinion. I can envision a couple of problems with this, which while may be addressable to prevent the problems it poses, may not be in an individual traders best interest (namely me! Big smile)

Theft or fraud: If a corp mates can change orders, the person who's item that is is susceptible to everyone who has access to that order. They can change the price and buy it themselves, cancel it, increase the price to create high fees to the corp, etc etc

advantage to larger corps: High member corps could control markets by having tens or even hundreds of members updating prices on the same item throughout the day, and 23.5 hours a day to boot. Corps would eventually squeeze out the individual trader.

As to the 5 minute timer, not a big deal. It offers another PVP weapon in the market for the traders that know how to bypass it and use it against others that place all their items in one order. If you know your item's personality, then you'll know when you need to break your order up into smaller chunks.

The Mjolnir Bloc - Lowsec PvP for the sophisticated - The Mjolnir Bloc Killboards

Andy DelGardo
#18 - 2012-06-04 12:46:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy DelGardo
Like noted its a valid method of circumvent the timer. It also shows how stupid this whole 0.1isk game is, so the main "skill" u need is simply how much time u have on your hands clicking "modify order" + scroll-up + enter. This is so efficient and works for buy and sell orders, basically 3 traders that have no RL job can 0.1isk deadlock any good they want. I wish the order system would more reflect real world markets, where u cant simply change a order every 5mins and have to actually "think" how and when u setup a order.

There are some tactics that can help:

1) Always change 1-3 random numbers in the price and don't just scroll-up. This means instead of just a lazy scroll-up, the trader has to at least manually or via copy&paste get the current price, which basically doubles or triples the effective update time for him/her. So this may or may not annoy him at least a bit, but since he already plays this boring and annoying 0.1isk game anyway he may be unaffected by this :p

2) If u don't play 0.1isk games always increase in large steps, the traders will beat your price by 0.1isk anyway 1-5 min later. So u can try scare them off, if they notice u will always raise your price by a meaningful amount, therefor raising/lowering the avg. price, which is also normally not in the interest of the trader. The problem here is that u need solid knowledge of the good u sell/buy, so u can set valid min/max limits. This works best if u are an industrialist, since your profit wont come only from the trade margin, so u can be more aggressive on your price politic, while the trader has to work just with the trade margin.

3) U can try manipulate a price, works especially good in Jita with lots of competition. The basic idea is to slowly but steady raise/lower the sell/buy order price. The idea here is that your goal is to simply reduce the trader margin, so less traders are interested in this particular good. U may take a small loss, if u change to aggressively, but if done right u can pretty much lower the margin between sell/buy orders drastically. Keep in mind this only works if u can abandon this market yourself and are not depending on it. So if u operate in other markets, your competition buying in your manipulated market has to pay more or sell for less.



PS: Um don't get me wrong, i have nothing against u hard working station traders :p Without u guys i would have to spend much more time babysitting my sell orders, instead of just being able to sell to your buy orders or direct to bulk list or via contract. For me it simply feels wrong, that online time alone dictates who wins the 0.1isk game, wished there would be a more "brain" involving mechanic regarding this sell/buy queue system.
Darth Tickles
#19 - 2012-06-04 14:03:07 UTC
In my humble opinion, if you're modifying your orders more than 3 times a day (even that's a lot if you have a proper "portfolio"), you're doing it wrong.

I also can't think of a better way to burn yourself out on trading quickly and permanently.
Srioghal moDhream
Caldari State
#20 - 2012-06-04 14:04:31 UTC
The above are all wrong. You must sell all your items in one sell order or you can be banned for spamming the market with multiple orders.
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