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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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WH Corp - Legio Prima Victrix is looking for members!

Legio Prima Victrix
#1 - 2012-05-29 13:15:43 UTC  |  Edited by: AdZc
Closed at the moment

Legio Prima Victrix is an experienced Wormhole corporation that resides inside C4 unknown space and is currently looking for new members to boost activity.

What we can offer you:
- Loads of fun
- A home corporation for mostly EU TZ players but US is more than welcome also, with a lot of friendly and experienced members
- A safe home inside C4 unknown space
- Training lessons and support for WH activities, PvP and general gameplay
- The chance to make a fair amount of ISK every week
- Regular PvP action in unknown-space
- Possibilities to mine almost inexhaustible ore belts of any kind (including arkonor, bistot, crokite, mercoxit, ...)
- A ship replacement policy
- Capital ship support for various activities
- Production and Invention facilities (including a full T3 production line)
- A private TS3 server
- A private forum and killboard

What we are looking for:
Good team players who are relatively active and are willing to actively participate in corp events like pvp, combat sites, mining or other WH related activities. You will be willing to learn new skills and share that knowledge with your fellow corp mates. Whether you’re a carebear who wants to see a highly lucrative side of EVE or a hardcore PVPer, we have something for everyone!
Previous Wormhole experience is not required but you are expected to understand that unknown space is very different from known space.
We are looking for pilots with over 10 mil SP and who are able to fly a T3 ship with decent skills or be willing to train.

If you dont have this amount of SP, please speak to us its not set in stone.

In all cases, you must be able to fly a T2 fit battlecruiser at the very least.

What we expect from our members:
- Integrity
- A sense of humor
- Must be willing and able to work in a team environment
- Must speak English and be able to talk and listen on TS3
- Must like to chat with other corporation members and have a sense of humor
- Must be an active player with an activated account
- Must be able to scan!
- Would prefer salvaging and Hacking/Analysing also

No trial Accounts please.

For further info contact myself (AdZc), Chib Ya (my alt which i use a lot), KeLLaX or Tarmageddon. Come hang in the public channel SPQR. Public also so we can get a chat :)

Thanks for looking.
Crono Trigger
#2 - 2012-05-29 19:00:20 UTC
I support this service and/or product

'People who whinge should be shot in the face'

Ghandhi 1947

Crono Trigger
#3 - 2012-06-01 13:46:35 UTC
Still looking for all you wormhole lovers

'People who whinge should be shot in the face'

Ghandhi 1947

Catch And Release Privateering
#4 - 2012-06-01 18:04:04 UTC
Good group of people to fly with,

** legalize it**

Crono Trigger
#5 - 2012-06-02 12:20:45 UTC
join our public chat and ............. chat...

'People who whinge should be shot in the face'

Ghandhi 1947

Crono Trigger
#6 - 2012-06-03 08:35:00 UTC
recruitment still open, still looking for that special someone

'People who whinge should be shot in the face'

Ghandhi 1947

Beani Kliadi
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#7 - 2012-06-03 14:34:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Beani Kliadi
Found a corp, ignore this post
Legio Prima Victrix
#8 - 2012-06-03 17:41:42 UTC
Still open for business, online just now!
Hidden Fremen
#9 - 2012-06-03 17:46:02 UTC
Bump for truth. Very competent wspace corp.
Crono Trigger
#10 - 2012-06-04 08:12:09 UTC
still looking for that special someone who will love my wormhole and treat it with respect.

'People who whinge should be shot in the face'

Ghandhi 1947

Legio Prima Victrix
#11 - 2012-06-04 08:34:28 UTC
Ur keen mate, heres me at work!
Crono Trigger
#12 - 2012-06-05 07:45:37 UTC
Recruitment is still open, please dont apply to join until you have spoken to either me or AdZc, the best way to do this is to join our public channel SPQR. Public


'People who whinge should be shot in the face'

Ghandhi 1947

Crono Trigger
#13 - 2012-06-06 08:09:34 UTC
Im a little tea pot short and stout..............

'People who whinge should be shot in the face'

Ghandhi 1947

Crono Trigger
#14 - 2012-06-07 08:17:57 UTC
join us and be cool and stuff............

'People who whinge should be shot in the face'

Ghandhi 1947

Crono Trigger
#15 - 2012-06-08 15:32:02 UTC
still interested in helping interesting people into our corp

'People who whinge should be shot in the face'

Ghandhi 1947

Legio Prima Victrix
#16 - 2012-06-09 13:54:07 UTC
Recruitment is still open.
Crono Trigger
#17 - 2012-06-11 10:03:17 UTC
Still looking for recruits that want to live in a wormhole

'People who whinge should be shot in the face'

Ghandhi 1947

Legio Prima Victrix
#18 - 2012-06-11 18:27:40 UTC
Come see! ;)
Legio Prima Victrix
#19 - 2012-06-16 13:12:44 UTC
Still looking for recruits people!
Legio Prima Victrix
#20 - 2012-07-11 00:33:33 UTC
Join us. We will transform you.

Do you think EvE is boring? Do you think EvE is about running missions to make a few million ISK?

Let us educate you.

Run with us a while, absorb our humour, realise that when we laugh when we lose a quarter-bil ship we really DO find it funny.

We can afford it.

Can YOU afford it?

Join us. ISK will become nothing, lo-sec will become nothing, pirates will become nothing. As long as you have the Legion you are safe.

We, are deep, space, EvE players.

Join deep space.

Join the Legion.

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