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reduce high security empire space

Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#21 - 2012-06-01 19:48:54 UTC
Spineker wrote:
Roisin Saoirse wrote:
Spineker wrote:
Remove empty wasteful low-sec completely. Deserted wasteland that can be plundered without fear of even seeing another ship most of the time. Redundant and boring, need more highsec space and PVE stuff.

There's plenty of highsec, even a fair few highsec systems are low population because they're dead end or just underdeveloped (no stations, low quality agents etc.).

If any region of space was to be expanded, I'd rather there be more nullsec tbh.

No we need more fun stuff. Nothing Fun in NullSec space at all, just a bunch of Cronyism Elitist Epeening and slaving for dumb CEO's that are scamming you. Only fools live in Null space and only assbackwards Devs that is CCP cater to them any other company would ignore them mostly.

i can tell you with personal experience ebtween me and dozens of my friends, that very rarely will you get scammed or screwed by your CEO's in null, even then, it is usually the CEOs not the alliance leaders, adn after the scamming corp has been kicked, you are usually welcomed with open arms into oen of the more loyal/not-pants-on-head-ratarded corps.

the good thinga botu eve, is that you CAN scam people, but if you scam them too much, you lose everythingt yourself, i won't argue that every CEO in nullsec has all their money and funds going to their members, because that woudl be ********, but its not liek you join and they say "sorry, we now have all your stuff, oha dn you owe us everything", because if they did that they woudl have no members to abckup their reputation.

so please, think before you post drivel and nonsense on the forums, outside of isolated cases, i'd prefer trusting a null-sec CEO over a highsec CEO anyday.
Cutter Isaacson
#22 - 2012-06-01 19:55:13 UTC
Kiteo Hatto wrote:
Marlona Sky wrote:
300,000+ subscribers and I have seen what... 5-7 quit threads.

I'd like to know how many of those 300k are:
- still logging on
- have an alt
- have multiple alts

Having an alt is more than likely, so you are probably looking at what...150k actual people(best case) ?

Given the case of forum dwellers being 5% of the population, 7 threads is actually quite a lot for this 5%, more over they all had alts.(be it truth or not, i don't know)

Yeah, 7 quit threads out of 7500 people is a MASSIVE amount. Roll Also pretty sure that the last time CCP released subscription figures, they said over 340k UNIQUE subscribers. Not 340k total subscriptions.

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." Elim Garak.

Roisin Saoirse
#23 - 2012-06-01 20:20:25 UTC
Price Check Aisle3 wrote:
My main is forum banned. Sad

Congrats, I'd love to be banned. You are now my hero. Lol

(Actually I'm serious.)
Marlona Sky
State War Academy
Caldari State
#24 - 2012-06-01 20:22:29 UTC
Kiteo Hatto wrote:
Marlona Sky wrote:
300,000+ subscribers and I have seen what... 5-7 quit threads.

I'd like to know how many of those 300k are:
- still logging on
- have an alt
- have multiple alts

Having an alt is more than likely, so you are probably looking at what...150k actual people(best case) ?

Given the case of forum dwellers being 5% of the population, 7 threads is actually quite a lot for this 5%, more over they all had alts.(be it truth or not, i don't know)

So 7 people out of 15,000. Oh yes, there is massive amount of people quitting right?? lol
Price Check Aisle3
#25 - 2012-06-01 20:22:46 UTC
Roisin Saoirse wrote:
Price Check Aisle3 wrote:
My main is forum banned. Sad

Congrats, I'd love to be banned. You are now my hero. Lol

(Actually I'm serious.)

Just be a meanie when some butt-hurt AFK miner is around.

Also, not lying about more low-sec (or even NPC null), but for different reasons.
  • Karl Hobb IATS
Kiteo Hatto
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2012-06-01 20:26:55 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:
Kiteo Hatto wrote:
Marlona Sky wrote:
300,000+ subscribers and I have seen what... 5-7 quit threads.

I'd like to know how many of those 300k are:
- still logging on
- have an alt
- have multiple alts

Having an alt is more than likely, so you are probably looking at what...150k actual people(best case) ?

Given the case of forum dwellers being 5% of the population, 7 threads is actually quite a lot for this 5%, more over they all had alts.(be it truth or not, i don't know)

So 7 people out of 15,000. Oh yes, there is massive amount of people quitting right?? lol

Yes because everybody makes a "quitting" thread and checks in with you before they just leave the game.(not talking about the ones that come back)
Roisin Saoirse
#27 - 2012-06-01 20:33:13 UTC
Kiteo Hatto wrote:
Yes because everybody makes a "quitting" thread and checks in with you before they just leave the game.(not talking about the ones that come back)


I've never made a quitting thread in any game I've left (I've never really understood why people do tbh), and I know a few people who are leaving or have already who either don't use the forums or are just mature enough to leave without the tantrums.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#28 - 2012-06-01 21:17:42 UTC
Spineker wrote:
Remove empty wasteful low-sec completely. Deserted wasteland that can be plundered without fear of even seeing another ship most of the time. Redundant and boring, need more highsec space and PVE stuff.

While I agree with most of this post, it is the only place outside of null where the alliances can load up their Cap ships to take stuff back out to their Null havens Ugh
Plaude Pollard
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2012-06-01 21:36:41 UTC
killorbekilled TBE wrote:
This new change would come in light of concord not being able to protect its own empire dwelling citizens

CONCORD controls 7 systems. Considering they're an omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent force, I honestly don't think they'd have trouble controlling those 7 systems. They're also Neutral towards all Empires, so they wouldn't be in danger of losing their sovereignty anyway. As for the rest of high-sec, I'm pretty sure CONCORD can just create a billion more clones and stuff those onto their ships and send them out on patrol. They already have near infinite resources at hand, so there's no reason they wouldn't be able to keep High-Sec as secure as it's always been.

New to EVE? Want to learn? The Crimson Cartel will train you in the fields of _**your **_choice. Mainly active in EU afternoons and evenings. Contact me for more info.

Shea Valerien
House of Valerien
#30 - 2012-06-01 21:38:11 UTC
Yay, more gate camping. NO THANKS!
Rengerel en Distel
#31 - 2012-06-01 21:38:11 UTC
posting in another "you're playing the sandbox game wrong" thread.

With the increase in shiptoasting, the Report timer needs to be shortened.

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