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Noob impressions

First post
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2012-05-31 21:24:58 UTC
This post is a diamond in the, rough. I think eve would be a better game if CCP were daring enough to make these sought of changes Smile
Thunder Clap Industry
#42 - 2012-05-31 21:29:14 UTC
Nice post OP.

I think its funny as well that players like to make EVE sound like its hard game and death hurts but after you get some ISK flowing death means nothing but a few extra minutes to refit a new ship and right back at it.

Everquest had a harsher Death than EVE and Everquest started the theme park craze (Everquest was kind of a theme park and kind of a sandbox)
Il Feytid
State War Academy
Caldari State
#43 - 2012-05-31 21:47:04 UTC
Shea Valerien wrote:
Marlona Sky wrote:
One issue is those suicide gankers get to go back to the safety of null sec and do some ratting to fix their sec status. The question you need to ask is:

If Concord does not care about the bad things you do in null, why do they care about the good things?

^^^ This.

My two big problems with suicide ganking (which I'm not strictly against):

1. Too easy to get your sec status back. No long term ramifications of being a ganker.

2. Concord should be killing/podding criminals who come into hi-sec empire space.

While I appreciate you agreeing with me I would like the players to fill Concord's shoes. Dishing out 'justice' if you will. Unfortunately this kind of game style is no where in sight. Even the war dec changes go a step further to protect large entities from being in harms way with astronomical costs to war dec super large alliances.

There is so many game design flaws that need to be addressed.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#44 - 2012-05-31 21:53:00 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:
the safety of null sec

The what now?

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#45 - 2012-05-31 21:59:17 UTC
good post. I agree that no consequences really is a turn off here for me. Ganking is not exciting if you do it over and over. Scamming is not exciting if you do it over and over and nothing happens to you if you get caught.

Having very few rules is all fine and dandy unless you have fun breaking them.
Daemon Ceed
Ice Fire Warriors
#46 - 2012-05-31 22:19:37 UTC
Jakob Anedalle wrote:

Play Styles
It seems like a lot of people like to be loud that their play style is the only right way to play Eve. That’s not what attracted me. Having lots of play styles is what makes it a complete sandbox game. So forcing everyone to want to live the nullsec life or the highsec life, the solo life or the corp life, that kind of argument just detracts from the game.

Nobody can force anyone to go to nullsec, lowsec, or even live in highsec. You choose to live where you want with the inherent risk and consequences of doing so. If you want to live in highsec, that's fine. Keep in mind that it's more populated and full of people chugging gallons of Mt. Dew and fully prepared to **** in your cornflakes at any given moment. There are much more isolated, lucrative, and far less populated areas of lowsec and null that smarter carebears have learned to live and operate in. But, as I said. It's your choice where to live. Where you live does not determine your overall gameplay. It just changes the mechanics and tactics. We don't force anybody to do anything. We just play the game the way we want. If it forces you to change your gameplay, that's on you. Not me. I do my thing. You do yours. That is how the sandbox works.

Jakob Anedalle wrote:

HighSec and Immersion
Does Concord or factions put bounties on people? That would make sense too. The whole idea of a pile of people being able to wander into highsec and kill someone, then come right back in again and be welcomed seems very weird.

No, Concord or factions do not put bounties on players. Only players can do that to others that have negative security status. I imagine the reason you do not see any NPC's putting bounties on players is because players would exploit this by being bad, getting bounty put on them, and having a friend pod a implant-free clone of theirs to get the ISK. Also, people that suicide gank in highsec first must face a 15min timeout (which seems like a year when you have limited playtime), and after ganking enough people it makes them no longer able to fly anything larger than a very fast battlecruiser through highsec without faction police and every other player being able to shoot you. So, you see, there are consequences. Grinding sec status back from a deep negative number, like -10, takes friggen forever and is painful as hell, too.

Jakob Anedalle wrote:

Does death have consequence?
I thought I read in the ad copy for Eve that death had consequences but I must have been wrong, because clearly it doesn’t. Yeah, sure you lose a ship, and that could really hurt. As a newbie I sure know that. But the idea that suicide gank is a standard practice proves the point. The idea that someone would do a dozen suicide ganks in a row just adds unrealistic insult to the gameworld. You get to be a bully and never face consequences for it. If you’re on the Concord “most wanted” list you should get podded, and getting podded should cause a loss that matters - presumably skill points as if your clone could only handle 95% of your SP or something. This might be harsh for first time - maybe the first death in 24 hours is no loss, then it starts accelerating from there. The realistic alternative would be that Concord arrests the characters, but taking someone out of the game (even for just 24 hours) seems problematic.

There are consequences, as I detailed above. They are about to get even harsher, even for petty crimes like stealing when they update the Crimewatch code to be more "streamlined". Naturally, us seedy types will respond with furious rage and gank people even harder. This is the vicious cycle. Cry. Pirate Rage, Gank, repeat.

For those that say a 5mil ship should not be able to kill a 300mil ship, let me introduce you to the IED. A crude roadside bomb made from a $2,000 108mm artillery shell and a remote cellphone detonator can take out a $50mil tank. If firepower > tank and well applied, the cost of something is irrelevant.

Eve is the wild west of games, and it's meant to be so. There are loose laws, but as you can imagine space is an awfully hard place to enforce it.
Daemon Ceed
Ice Fire Warriors
#47 - 2012-05-31 22:21:12 UTC
Lyron-Baktos wrote:
good post. I agree that no consequences really is a turn off here for me. Ganking is not exciting if you do it over and over. Scamming is not exciting if you do it over and over and nothing happens to you if you get caught.

Having very few rules is all fine and dandy unless you have fun breaking them.

It's up to you to dole out the consequences, not NPC's. That's why they call this an MMO and a sandbox. If that turns you off, I suggest you're playing the wrong game. WoW is thataway ------>>>
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#48 - 2012-06-01 08:34:45 UTC
Daemon Ceed wrote:
Lyron-Baktos wrote:
good post. I agree that no consequences really is a turn off here for me. Ganking is not exciting if you do it over and over. Scamming is not exciting if you do it over and over and nothing happens to you if you get caught.

Having very few rules is all fine and dandy unless you have fun breaking them.

It's up to you to dole out the consequences, not NPC's. That's why they call this an MMO and a sandbox. If that turns you off, I suggest you're playing the wrong game. WoW is thataway ------>>>

You missed the point completely missed the point and you don't even know what a sandbox game is. Google is that way --->>>

The OP is right, there is no real consequence in eve and i doesn't make scene that NPC's faction militia would allow capsuleers to attack jita unhindered or that concord forgives criminal activity for killing rats in non CONCORD areas.

Zimmy Zeta
Caldari State
#49 - 2012-06-01 09:27:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Zimmy Zeta
If I was a newbie and had started several months ago, maybe I wouldn't extend my subsription beneath the first 3 months.
Eve is very difficult to learn, I remember that it took me almost about half a year to get some basic understanding of the game- and I am still terrible at PvP.
Right now everyone in highsec is treated as scum-of-the earth risk averse crybaby, and people don't check if the character they gank is several weeks old or not (and younger characters are always considered to be alts anyway).
I think almost everyone in here started the game with mining, because the mechanics are the easiest to understand for newbies. Right now those miners are hunted down in highsec- and will be greeted with even more fire and death should they dare to put their noses into lowsec (yeah, gatecamps can be easily avoided...unless you are a newbie and have no clue how to do it).
The whole mechanics of eve are tailored around being the baddie with those people trying to be the "good guys" inevitably becoming the victims- the only way to succeed is to be an even bigger douche than the other player.
Death is meaningless for older and richer players, while losing a ship might be a terrible setback for newer players.
Wardec corps in highsec pick out especially young and inept corps, newer players have no chance at all to fight those experienced pvpers in their shitfit vessles and get mocked afterwards for their horrible fits.

If I were a newbie nowadays I would just say "screw you all", leave after several weeks and never look back.

Possible, albeit drastic solution: Make highsec be inhabitable for low-SP players only. Players with more than 10 M SP would be blinking red to everybody and could be shot down at will without consequences. Players with more than 20 M SP would be concorded. Problem solved.

I'd like to apologize for the poor quality of the post above and sincerely hope you didn't waste your time reading it. Yes, I do feel bad about it.

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#50 - 2012-06-01 09:37:26 UTC
Wow. Just, wow. That's really sandboxy.

And it won't make a lick of difference, which you would know if you knew that making a character for ganking takes what, 3 weeks? The only thing you'd do, literally, is exclude a huge bunch of characters and manufacturing ability from hisec because "you're too good to ride this bus, only retards may apply".

I don't think it'd go down quite the way you envision...

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Zimmy Zeta
Caldari State
#51 - 2012-06-01 09:43:59 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
Wow. Just, wow. That's really sandboxy.

And it won't make a lick of difference, which you would know if you knew that making a character for ganking takes what, 3 weeks? The only thing you'd do, literally, is exclude a huge bunch of characters and manufacturing ability from hisec because "you're too good to ride this bus, only retards may apply".

I don't think it'd go down quite the way you envision...

It's not about the ganking. Even new players should be able to defend themselves from 3 week old catalyst pilots. It is about removing neutral repped, off grid boosted t2 or faction pwn-machines that wardec the newb corps just for the lulz.
And yeah...advanced industry would be moved to low and null sec...I thought that was a good thing and something you were always asking for?

I'd like to apologize for the poor quality of the post above and sincerely hope you didn't waste your time reading it. Yes, I do feel bad about it.

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2012-06-01 10:25:37 UTC
3 week old catalyst pilots aren't invincible, so there are ways to defend themselves. It's not very easy, sure, and the penalties for ganking to -10 may need some tweaking, but that's a completely kettle of fish from "you now have 20m skillpoints, you're now going to get podded over and over and over again till you either move to low/null, or quit the game entirely".

As for "advanced industry", that's not what I was talking about, I was talking about capacity. But regardless, while I'm all for making it easier and less cockstabby to do industry in nullsec, I'm not for forcing them out of hisec just for the sake of protecting the innocent. That's anti-sandboxy, so just ... no.

In short, since catalyst alts are well below 10m SP, it wouldn't solve the actual problem at all.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Cloned S0ul
#53 - 2012-06-01 10:37:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Cloned S0ul
Very good post, a lot good suggestions and ideas. Old players need stop focusing on own game visions, like only my game style is right and correct.
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#54 - 2012-06-01 11:04:07 UTC
Good post, I say give it some time. Set some goals, research how to do them and work on achieving them. With the sandbox, there are hundreds of things you can do.

Other advice I would give is maybe look at null or faction warfare. That might answer some of your thoughts all ready.

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Xhaiden Ora
#55 - 2012-06-01 11:10:41 UTC
Jakob Anedalle wrote:
It seems like a lot of people like to be loud that their play style is the only right way to play Eve. That’s not what attracted me. Having lots of play styles is what makes it a complete sandbox game. So forcing everyone to want to live the nullsec life or the highsec life, the solo life or the corp life, that kind of argument just detracts from the game.

Gallente Brofist.

Half the forums is people trying to jam their playstyle down everyone else's throat as the "real way to play EVE".
Daemon Ceed
Ice Fire Warriors
#56 - 2012-06-01 16:56:09 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
Daemon Ceed wrote:
Lyron-Baktos wrote:
good post. I agree that no consequences really is a turn off here for me. Ganking is not exciting if you do it over and over. Scamming is not exciting if you do it over and over and nothing happens to you if you get caught.

Having very few rules is all fine and dandy unless you have fun breaking them.

It's up to you to dole out the consequences, not NPC's. That's why they call this an MMO and a sandbox. If that turns you off, I suggest you're playing the wrong game. WoW is thataway ------>>>

You missed the point completely missed the point and you don't even know what a sandbox game is. Google is that way --->>>

The OP is right, there is no real consequence in eve and i doesn't make scene that NPC's faction militia would allow capsuleers to attack jita unhindered or that concord forgives criminal activity for killing rats in non CONCORD areas.

I "missed the point completely missed the point"? Redundant, aren't you? Anyhoo...I think I understand the concept of a sandbox or "Open Game" quite well. It's one that enforces very few rules on gameplay, and where the players are allowed to shape the game more so than the developers.

The rest of your statement really makes no sense, whatsoever. People who were involved in the "Burn Jita" campaign were blown up by Concord and Militia police when they went GCC, so I don't know what you're talking about. Just like law enforcement IRL, they are there to dole out justice in their jurisdiction (e.g. Highsec) and respond after the crime has been committed. There is no pre-emptive action taken unless a player has too low of a security status for that given system (such as a -2.0 player cannot fly unhindered in 1.0 sec systems). They will be attacked by the faction navy if they idle around. Corporations at war, such as Moar Tears vs. Goonswarm Federation, was a different thing. They were allowed to shoot each other via the Wardec system.

I believe your version of "consequences" are skewed from exposure to games that hold your hand and where the game developer buckles to every whimper, cry, and tear of carebears. I suggest you find another game if you do not have the wherewithal to grow a scrot and adapt.
Daemon Ceed
Ice Fire Warriors
#57 - 2012-06-01 17:19:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Daemon Ceed
Zimmy Zeta wrote:

If I was a newbie and had started several months ago, maybe I wouldn't extend my subsription beneath the first 3 months. Eve is very difficult to learn, I remember that it took me almost about half a year to get some basic understanding of the game- and I am still terrible at PvP.
Right now everyone in highsec is treated as scum-of-the earth risk averse crybaby, and people don't check if the character they gank is several weeks old or not (and younger characters are always considered to be alts anyway).

But you didn't quit because you adapted (at least somewhat - even though you didn't like it) and stayed. That's the way it should be. This game is harsh. Deal with it.

Zimmy Zeta wrote:

I think almost everyone in here started the game with mining, because the mechanics are the easiest to understand for newbies. Right now those miners are hunted down in highsec- and will be greeted with even more fire and death should they dare to put their noses into lowsec (yeah, gatecamps can be easily avoided...unless you are a newbie and have no clue how to do it).

Seriously? It's that difficult of a concept to take a 0-skilled alt and scout the other side of a low-sec gate before jumping your more expensive ship through it? Do you tend to not look to the left and right before you cross the road so that you aren't hit by a bus?? Yeah, same concept. Check for danger first. Common sense. I see it's lacking with many people, and as such the fist of Darwin should cull the stupid from the herd for the benefit of the rest of the gene pool.

I don't see you as "scum". I see you as easy victims, and you've time after time again proven me right. The weak will always be victimized, whether in-game or IRL. That's the way it's always been, with humans and in nature in general. I don't know why you expect it to be any different in game that simulates life in fairly lawless wild west of space. It's not my fault you haven't learned to play this game and be successful at pvp, no more than it's not my fault if you get your butt kicked on the street because you didn't know how to raise your fist and land a punch.

Also, I didn't start by mining. Perhaps I'm the exception to the rule. I didn't see all of the mining videos made about this game and say to myself "OMFG! That's awesome! I want to do that! Mining and botting AFK is wicked sweet!" No, I saw the videos of the battles, the concept of the single-shard environment. I saw the video Causality and wanted be that guy. This is what drew me to Eve. Not the constant sound of strip mining while watching TV.

Zimmy Zeta wrote:

The whole mechanics of eve are tailored around being the baddie with those people trying to be the "good guys" inevitably becoming the victims- the only way to succeed is to be an even bigger douche than the other player.
Death is meaningless for older and richer players, while losing a ship might be a terrible setback for newer players.
Wardec corps in highsec pick out especially young and inept corps, newer players have no chance at all to fight those experienced pvpers in their shitfit vessles and get mocked afterwards for their horrible fits.

You know, you could still be the "Good Guy" and try to take the fight to those you consider bad. To me, I consider people who think they can just AFK in this game and make ISK as bad. I personally feel that they bring little to the game except to be cannon fodder. That's just me though. I don't demand that you change. I'll just gank your balls off. Whether you change or not is entirely up to you. You're also free to try to kill me if you want. I am -10 afterall.

Zimmy Zeta wrote:

If I were a newbie nowadays I would just say "screw you all", leave after several weeks and never look back. Possible, albeit drastic solution: Make highsec be inhabitable for low-SP players only. Players with more than 10 M SP would be blinking red to everybody and could be shot down at will without consequences. Players with more than 20 M SP would be concorded. Problem solved.

Cool bro. See ya later! o/

Doesn't segregating low-SP characters and higher-SP ones like that kinda defeat the entire concept of an open/single shard sandbox environment? Jesus, why does every sniveling whining carebear want to turn Eve into another game? For the love of baby Jesus, just stop. If you don't like the game, LEAVE! If you like it, stay. It's just that simple, and CCP doesn't expect you to do anything different from that from a consumer standpoint.
#58 - 2012-06-01 17:32:09 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
Daemon Ceed wrote:
Lyron-Baktos wrote:
good post. I agree that no consequences really is a turn off here for me. Ganking is not exciting if you do it over and over. Scamming is not exciting if you do it over and over and nothing happens to you if you get caught.

Having very few rules is all fine and dandy unless you have fun breaking them.

It's up to you to dole out the consequences, not NPC's. That's why they call this an MMO and a sandbox. If that turns you off, I suggest you're playing the wrong game. WoW is thataway ------>>>

You missed the point completely missed the point and you don't even know what a sandbox game is. Google is that way --->>>

The OP is right, there is no real consequence in eve and i doesn't make scene that NPC's faction militia would allow capsuleers to attack jita unhindered or that concord forgives criminal activity for killing rats in non CONCORD areas.

Ask BoB if there were consequences for their actions in the earlier days of Eve. Oh wait they are dead. More alliances have been forcibly killed due to vendetta than just about any other driving factor.

The fact that you sit around and mewl about how CCP should protect you instead of getting in a rifter and coming to **** us up is hilarious. If even a quarter of the highsec players in the game decided to come give us what for in a no more complicated ship than a Drake, we would be wiped off the map.

Temporarily anyways.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#59 - 2012-06-01 17:39:19 UTC
Zimmy Zeta wrote:

And yeah...advanced industry would be moved to low and null sec...I thought that was a good thing and something you were always asking for?

Wrong. This would mean the end of the small industrialists as it would be impossible to break into new markets without a massive investment of isk and skillpoints. The bare minimum would be the need of a jump frieghter. What we have now is perfect as the smart people of EVE can profit no matter their age.
Caldari State
#60 - 2012-06-01 17:57:03 UTC
SmilingVagrant wrote:

Ask BoB if there were consequences for their actions in the earlier days of Eve. Oh wait they are dead. More alliances have been forcibly killed due to vendetta than just about any other driving factor.

The fact that you sit around and mewl about how CCP should protect you instead of getting in a rifter and coming to **** us up is hilarious. If even a quarter of the highsec players in the game decided to come give us what for in a no more complicated ship than a Drake, we would be wiped off the map.

Temporarily anyways.

There's no tears in destroying someone how they want to be destroyed.

Also, Destroying other ships and structures does not equal complete and utter disbanding of an alliance.