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How about this for an idea

Twisted Xistance
Red Command
#1 - 2012-05-29 11:50:09 UTC
A mod that allows you to connect to other paid for accounts and effeciotiely use your other toons as drones.

Activation: You activate the mod then a link to account box comes up were you have to put in teh username and pass of teh account you want to link to and choose the character. To link to multiple accounts you just click the mod again rinse and repeat.


The interfacfe at least to start with could be pretty simple liek controlling drones, a few simple commands would be enough such as follow me, orbit me, flee (warp to a random planet/moon/station) Attack. etc


> This would encourage more players to start 2nd or 3rd accounts

> Would be an enjoyable feature that would go a good way towards stopping constant screen switching

> wouldnt make anyone OP because the alts would just be like drones thus die far easier than an actual player piloted ship that can think on his feet.

Negatives that I can see

May be difficult to implement properly and would likely result in alt accounts being more useful though dying a lot more
Shovel Bros
#2 - 2012-05-29 13:52:32 UTC
It's been mentioned before and fairly severely shot down. While it sounds handy and cool, it would be an absolute nightmare to even think about programming such a system.

Besides that, the only people who would really want such a thing is people whose computers can't handle multiple Eve Clients, since an AI controlling your other account and following you around would only really give you about 1% of the functionality. It'd be mostly useful for an Orca/freighter/boosting alt, almost everything else would really need so much more control.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#3 - 2012-05-29 14:04:16 UTC
...What is the advantage to this over just having two clients open, or using something like ISboxer?
Koreli Stelios
Mining Manufacture and Muling
#4 - 2012-05-29 14:21:34 UTC
Ummm, Embrace the MMO. Team up with Real People. Don't be alone :( haha

Or yea multi client... if your comp cant handle that, don't waste money on multi accounts.
Twisted Xistance
Red Command
#5 - 2012-05-31 12:53:50 UTC
what is this multi boxer thing which I hear mentioned. At teh moment I'm hacving to tab out of eve then click on my other open client and its just a bit annoying. Is there any way to efectively play both accounts at the same time so I can say shoot at red crosses while salvaging?
Drake Draconis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2012-05-31 12:54:43 UTC
Twisted Xistance wrote:
what is this multi boxer thing which I hear mentioned. At teh moment I'm hacving to tab out of eve then click on my other open client and its just a bit annoying. Is there any way to efectively play both accounts at the same time so I can say shoot at red crosses while salvaging?

The Google-fu is weak in this one.

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