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Who's up for some real PVP fun

Blabb3r M0uth B11tch
#1 - 2012-05-30 23:36:09 UTC
Well you do understand getting rid of Test, IE the real goons, or Goon swarm federation, IE the New Goons will not make this thing go away. Basically that it’s my opinion no one really ganks for the money, they do it to ruin other peoples day.

Test & Goons really aren’t that tough. I remember back in my N.C. day when they approached the former N.C., hat in hand begging for a new 0.0 area. The N.C. opted to give them some space in the north eastern region. They were given the space they didn’t conquer it what so ever.

Shortly after virtually every elite PVP alliance in the game teamed up with the DRF to destroy the N.C.. Apparently the old N.C. pissed one to many people off.

Test or Goon did virtually nothing to defend the organization that helped them back into 0.0, except reset them in there time of crisis. I can’t tell you how many people in the game have told me you can never trust Test or Goon’s.

So N.C. was Gone Goon’s built up a bit more. Then the shot that was fired round the world, Eve I mean, Solar, and Legion went head to head. A new coalition was formed and Bye Bye former DRF. Once again, Test or Goon’s were not involved, until the very end.

Net result is Test and Goon has ended up with the major amount of precious moons in the game. And it happened mostly by default. As a matter of fact the only thing Test and Goons ever did by themselves was retake Branch & Tenal, But I suspect they had some help from Razor, and many former N.C. coalition members.

So as I said, busting Test and Goon’s A$$ will not stop this ganking thing, I’m almost certain of this, as I personally do not believe they have anywhere near the influence in this thing, they would have you think they have. My Honest Opinion. But they damn sure have a really really big mouth, at least some of them do.

So who wants to have some fun!

Just imagine what could happen if the mining sect of the game formed a miners coalition combat force! A group of real members ready to man there battle cruisers, and go to war.
A large group say 4000 strong.

Just imagine if all the elite PVP alliances once again formed up and aligned to go to war. Hey Pandemic, there’s lots of Titans up there to kill. Really

Just imagine if every major alliance in the game, collectively brought there guns to bare on the north.

Just imagine if Red, blued Blue, and decided to forget the Factional stuff for a month or two, and discovered a sudden interest in Test & Goon Space.

Just imagine indeed, So I ask you once again anyone want to have some real PVP fun?
Enaris Kerle
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-05-30 23:47:23 UTC
Blabb3r M0uth B11tch wrote:

Just imagine what could happen if the mining sect of the game formed a miners coalition combat force! A group of real members ready to man there battle cruisers, and go to war.

I'm sure there's more miners than members of the CFC in game. The difference is they're scared, inexperienced, and unorganized. But so were Goons in their early days. Take your rifters or hurricanes (or whatever ships the inferior races use), and make your way up to Deklein. I'm sure Dotlan will tell you where you can find the most targets.

Of course, you can also pay some mercenary alliances to join you in your crusade. If everybody pitched in some nominal amount, I'm sure you can scrounge up enough ISK to sign a couple of contracts.

Blabb3r M0uth B11tch wrote:

Just imagine if all the elite PVP alliances once again formed up and aligned to go to war. Hey Pandemic, there’s lots of Titans up there to kill. Really

Just a quick question, are you aware of what happened when PL and their friends tried to headshot GoonWaffe last time?

Gallente born and raised, and tutored as a pleasure slave and courtesan to the exotic tastes of the Amarri court. Jade's career veered violently off course when a diplomatic envoy's transport was blown to pieces in mysterious circumstances and she was rescued from the escape pods by the enigmatic genetic mastermind Athule Snanm.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-05-30 23:49:09 UTC

Hello, hello again.

Blabb3r M0uth B11tch
#4 - 2012-05-30 23:50:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Minmatar Citizen 121123433
I'm completely aware, but this time they would be in super fleets in excess of 300, much like when the N.C. was over run.

All the miners need is a little faith, and a really good FC, I'm certain one of the PVP alliances would be more than happy to take them under there wing for this fight.
HVAC Repairman
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2012-05-30 23:51:45 UTC
That's some pretty big revisionist history there, OP
Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2012-05-30 23:52:34 UTC

Just imagine what could happen if the mining sect of the game formed a miners coalition combat force! A group of real members ready to man there battle cruisers, and go to war.
A large group say 4000 strong.

I thought this already happened, it died against the DRF last year or something before the true heroes of EVE (-A-) put a stop to their villainy.
Blabb3r M0uth B11tch
#7 - 2012-05-30 23:54:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Minmatar Citizen 121123433
I happen to know Test & Goons take virtually every person that can't cut it in a real PVP alliance. I've seen it.

I'm certain -A- will be ass deep in this thing if it gets up and running. Twisted
Richard Desturned
Goonswarm Federation
#8 - 2012-05-30 23:54:58 UTC
Blabb3r M0uth B11tch wrote:
Test, IE the real goons, or Goon swarm federation, IE the New Goons will

lmao test are the "real goons"

Blabb3r M0uth B11tch wrote:
Just imagine what could happen if the mining sect of the game formed a miners coalition combat force! A group of real members ready to man there battle cruisers, and go to war.
A large group say 4000 strong.

dead dual tanked ravens

Blabb3r M0uth B11tch wrote:
Just imagine if all the elite PVP alliances once again formed up and aligned to go to war. Hey Pandemic, there’s lots of Titans up there to kill. Really

confirming that this was never tried before

Blabb3r M0uth B11tch wrote:
Just imagine if every major alliance in the game, collectively brought there guns to bare on the north.

dead titans

Blabb3r M0uth B11tch wrote:
Just imagine if Red, blued Blue, and decided to forget the Factional stuff for a month or two, and discovered a sudden interest in Test & Goon Space.

a bunch of dead frigates

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

#9 - 2012-05-30 23:56:07 UTC
Man it's like someone never read a politics primer in eve and just spouted out whatever rumor was flying around the ******** people in their corp.

Enaris Kerle
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-05-30 23:58:16 UTC
Blabb3r M0uth B11tch wrote:
I happen to know Test & Goons take virtually every person that can't cut it in a real PVP alliance. I've seen it.

funny thing how we're holding sov with only ****** players and your ~elite pvp~ alliance doesn't

Gallente born and raised, and tutored as a pleasure slave and courtesan to the exotic tastes of the Amarri court. Jade's career veered violently off course when a diplomatic envoy's transport was blown to pieces in mysterious circumstances and she was rescued from the escape pods by the enigmatic genetic mastermind Athule Snanm.

Blabb3r M0uth B11tch
#11 - 2012-05-31 00:01:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Minmatar Citizen 121123433
Wow, LMFAO, you folks are seriously spooked. Gawd I hope this happens. Listen you can try your tough guy stuff with the miners I like big fights, I would seriously love to call you fine PVP'ers out.

After you think serious PVP is Killing mining barges
HVAC Repairman
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2012-05-31 00:02:47 UTC
Blabb3r M0uth B11tch wrote:
Wow, LMFAO, you folks are seriously spooked. Gawd I hope this happens. Listen you can try your tough guy stuff with the miners I like big fights, I would seriously love to call you fine PVP'ers out.
we're in vfk, feel free to stop by anytime
Enaris Kerle
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#13 - 2012-05-31 00:02:57 UTC
less spooked, more amused

because everyone in the room knows you aren't going to get any number of miners to go and pvp in nullsec.

Gallente born and raised, and tutored as a pleasure slave and courtesan to the exotic tastes of the Amarri court. Jade's career veered violently off course when a diplomatic envoy's transport was blown to pieces in mysterious circumstances and she was rescued from the escape pods by the enigmatic genetic mastermind Athule Snanm.

Enaris Kerle
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#14 - 2012-05-31 00:03:15 UTC
or anywhere for that matter

Gallente born and raised, and tutored as a pleasure slave and courtesan to the exotic tastes of the Amarri court. Jade's career veered violently off course when a diplomatic envoy's transport was blown to pieces in mysterious circumstances and she was rescued from the escape pods by the enigmatic genetic mastermind Athule Snanm.

Blabb3r M0uth B11tch
#15 - 2012-05-31 00:04:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Minmatar Citizen 121123433
Everyone please take a look around at how many Gooneys are responding to this thread. There seriously spooked by this, must dispel it ever so quickly. LMFAO

They know they will die in a fire if this were ever to actually happen. Let's just make it happen. Twisted
Enaris Kerle
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#16 - 2012-05-31 00:05:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Enaris Kerle
Blabb3r M0uth B11tch wrote:

Gallente born and raised, and tutored as a pleasure slave and courtesan to the exotic tastes of the Amarri court. Jade's career veered violently off course when a diplomatic envoy's transport was blown to pieces in mysterious circumstances and she was rescued from the escape pods by the enigmatic genetic mastermind Athule Snanm.

HVAC Repairman
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2012-05-31 00:06:01 UTC
Blabb3r M0uth B11tch wrote:
Everyone please take a look around at how many Gooneys are responding to this thread. There seriously spooked by this, must dispel it ever so quickly. LMFAO
Enaris Kerle
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#18 - 2012-05-31 00:07:12 UTC
by denying something you're actually confirming it, you see

Gallente born and raised, and tutored as a pleasure slave and courtesan to the exotic tastes of the Amarri court. Jade's career veered violently off course when a diplomatic envoy's transport was blown to pieces in mysterious circumstances and she was rescued from the escape pods by the enigmatic genetic mastermind Athule Snanm.

Enaris Kerle
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#19 - 2012-05-31 00:07:29 UTC

Gallente born and raised, and tutored as a pleasure slave and courtesan to the exotic tastes of the Amarri court. Jade's career veered violently off course when a diplomatic envoy's transport was blown to pieces in mysterious circumstances and she was rescued from the escape pods by the enigmatic genetic mastermind Athule Snanm.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2012-05-31 00:08:41 UTC
Blabb3r M0uth B11tch wrote:
Well you do understand getting rid of Test, IE the real goons, or Goon swarm federation, IE the New Goons will not make this thing go away. Basically that it’s my opinion no one really ganks for the money, they do it to ruin other peoples day.

What the.. what is this... How can you be that ******* stupid and still be able to operate a keyboard?
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