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I want more focus on the scientific parts of EVE

Julii Hakaari
Hakaari Inc.
#1 - 2012-05-30 12:28:21 UTC
I stood there high on the cliff, two years ago, just like many of you, and told myself, "I play EVE, I shoot people, I die, I can die like two seconds from now, I am better than the rest of mankind," - but then I grew up. I realized that EVE is more than pvp in the meaning that shooting at each other, adapting our fittings for new updates, etc, is all EVE is. I've recently come to appreciate the vastness and the true beauty of EVE.

At the moment I live inside a wormhole which I do not own, so albeit I do play hide and seek with the Russians, like my forefathers before me (but they haven't started burning their planets which I have colonized ... at least not so far (don't worry, Russians, especially Russian women, whose beauty is as undeniable as it is genetically fascinating)) I still exercise much of the pve-content within these wormholes.

I'd like more and better focus on planetary interaction. I want to zoom into the planet and see a big building of my command center where I've placed it. I want to know more about the evolution of the planet (is there intelligent life?). I want to be able to with the vastness of New Eden's technology make barren and gas planets susceptible to life and implement lifeforms.

And that was only my PI-wantings. I also want more information to be displayed about different planets. I of course understand that individual information about ~7*5'000 planets is impossible, but more information about it than we currently get would be fascinating for someone like me, who never finds happiness greater than when looking up and seeing the true divine that is Space.

I'd also want better graphics for the planets. I know EVE has focused on graphics as of late, so maybe this is an idea already spinning, but to see a sun-storm on a sun would be ... amazing, just like seeing something equivalent to the storm on Jupiter; a storm three times the size of Earth and which has been spinning for over 300 years. To see something like this in motion on New Eden-planets would be mesmerizing, to say the least. (These ideas, at least for the bright suns, would of course require an exploration fitting with solar filter or whatnot so the brightness won't be a problem.)

EVE needs more focus on space-effects and what we can do with space rather than what we can do towards each other. Nebula was a step towards this, for it is indeed beautiful, but I'm hoping for more.

Let me truly colonize a planet! Let me pay people to handle my PI for me! I shall return with more ideas when they strike me, as they so often do, in my sleep.


J. H.

"Completely un-phased? You think I'm totally lacking in any phasing? The idea that I'm anything less than half-phased I actually find offensive. It greatly phases me."

Julii Hakaari
Hakaari Inc.
#2 - 2012-05-30 13:00:12 UTC
This is something I want to see in EVE!

"Completely un-phased? You think I'm totally lacking in any phasing? The idea that I'm anything less than half-phased I actually find offensive. It greatly phases me."

Darth Tickles
#3 - 2012-05-30 13:02:54 UTC
Thank you for sharing your idiosyncratic, navel-gazing desires with everyone. Now please make way, we have 200k other people waiting for their turn.
Julii Hakaari
Hakaari Inc.
#4 - 2012-05-30 13:54:00 UTC
Darth Tickles wrote:
Thank you for sharing your idiosyncratic, navel-gazing desires with everyone. Now please make way, we have 200k other people waiting for their turn.

Oh, yes, of course; we have the people whining about nullsec-players and nullsec-players whining about the highsec-players. My apologies. Maybe I just repressed your constant whining because it makes my head go bang-bang.

"Completely un-phased? You think I'm totally lacking in any phasing? The idea that I'm anything less than half-phased I actually find offensive. It greatly phases me."

#5 - 2012-05-30 13:56:24 UTC
it is good to see a non QQ thread!
Julii Hakaari
Hakaari Inc.
#6 - 2012-05-30 13:58:56 UTC
gobbybobby wrote:
it is good to see a non QQ thread!

What's a "QQ thread"?

Further beauty: A Space Journey

"Completely un-phased? You think I'm totally lacking in any phasing? The idea that I'm anything less than half-phased I actually find offensive. It greatly phases me."

#7 - 2012-05-30 14:08:46 UTC
people moaning.
Marvinovi pratele
#8 - 2012-05-30 14:16:41 UTC
Barbelo Valentinian
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2012-05-30 15:00:26 UTC
Excellent idea. I accidentally clicked on PI the other day and thought, hey this planet model is so cool, you could do lots of things with an interface like this, a bit like a top-down strategy minigame.
Julii Hakaari
Hakaari Inc.
#10 - 2012-05-30 18:21:08 UTC
Gempei wrote:

That guy sure deserves respect for the energy he put into that!

Barbelo Valentinian wrote:
Excellent idea. I accidentally clicked on PI the other day and thought, hey this planet model is so cool, you could do lots of things with an interface like this, a bit like a top-down strategy minigame.


There is a lot of talk about "the core of EVE", but I disagree about that being simply nullsec-fleets. There are a lot of ways to implement learning about the universe, physics, etc, to not only enhance brain-activity in gamers, but also build a more immersive universe that touches us to the core.

I want the feeling that this is real; this planet inhabits life; this sun is not half as beautiful up close as from a distance; this planet is so toxic it would kill you before you touched the ground.

I know CCP focuses on DUST as well as on spaceships, but I think this deserves focus too. Like the nullsecers say: EVE IS A SANDBOX!

"Completely un-phased? You think I'm totally lacking in any phasing? The idea that I'm anything less than half-phased I actually find offensive. It greatly phases me."