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CSM7 Summit Topic: Null Sec

First post
Frying Doom
#301 - 2012-05-29 10:30:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Frying Doom
Lord Zim wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
No because I am not all seeing like some folks think they are, all I am doing is stating the facts and proposing changes (and then fighting for them) that may help to increase the population of both the server and null space, the current system clearly doesn't work as easily demonstrated by the populations of Null.

And how were your changes supposed to "help increase the population of both the server and null space"?

By suggesting ideas on how to change a broken system as opposed to just wanting to fortify the current problems.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#302 - 2012-05-29 10:33:24 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
No because I am not all seeing like some folks think they are, all I am doing is stating the facts and proposing changes (and then fighting for them) that may help to increase the population of both the server and null space, the current system clearly doesn't work as easily demonstrated by the populations of Null.

And how were your changes supposed to "help increase the population of both the server and null space"?

By suggesting ideas on how to change a broken system as opposed to just wanting to fortify the current problems.

And how would the ideas you and Caliph come up with "change a broken system" so the population of "both the server and null space" would increase?

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Frying Doom
#303 - 2012-05-29 10:54:53 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
No because I am not all seeing like some folks think they are, all I am doing is stating the facts and proposing changes (and then fighting for them) that may help to increase the population of both the server and null space, the current system clearly doesn't work as easily demonstrated by the populations of Null.

And how were your changes supposed to "help increase the population of both the server and null space"?

By suggesting ideas on how to change a broken system as opposed to just wanting to fortify the current problems.

And how would the ideas you and Caliph come up with "change a broken system" so the population of "both the server and null space" would increase?

Well alot more than your ideas that you have posted an defended with such vigor.

Oh wait you haven't you just criticize everyone elses. Either suggest ways to improve EvE and make Null less of a puss filled cold sore or go away.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#304 - 2012-05-29 12:13:53 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
And how would the ideas you and Caliph come up with "change a broken system" so the population of "both the server and null space" would increase?

Well alot more than your ideas that you have posted an defended with such vigor.

I'll take that as a "well shucks, bob, it won't actually make the population increase at all, in fact it'll do the opposite, but I just won't say that because then I'll lose the argument.", then.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Frying Doom
#305 - 2012-05-29 12:22:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Frying Doom
Lord Zim wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
And how would the ideas you and Caliph come up with "change a broken system" so the population of "both the server and null space" would increase?

Well alot more than your ideas that you have posted an defended with such vigor.

I'll take that as a "well shucks, bob, it won't actually make the population increase at all, in fact it'll do the opposite, but I just won't say that because then I'll lose the argument.", then.

No unlike you I am unable to predict the future, except in your case as I can predict that you will criticize other peoples ideas without getting off the fence yourself and supporting any changes that do not increase your own personal wealth and/or safety.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

#306 - 2012-05-29 12:26:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Signal11th
Shepard Wong Ogeko wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:

So ships lacking in firepower or durability or just downright expensive as gate campers with the basis of your argument being scanning probes are hard.

No, the point is gates make for choke points, and its tactically easier to just camp the gate, and wait for prey to come to you, then to hunt them down. That's what I would do if your ideas were put into effect. I'd burn off my stack of hounds camping gates, and then wave goodbye to nullsec as a home because it would just be to dangerous to live in for what I get out of it.

If my corp decided it still wanted to hold the space, I would just fly in from highsec for ops, because there would be no way to maintain a logistics network that could keep supplies on the market in nullsec.

Humm, I understand your issue with choke points but how many times do you use these choke points on a day to day basis? (plus on a good note you already know where you can get kills when roaming???)

I'm only asking because as a 0.0 dweller myself I have very small need to travel between choke point gates and when I do I use a ship that is suitable for evading gate camps. Again 0.0 is supposed to be about team-play damn the whole of EVE is based around that but a lot fo the arguments I'm seeing seems to be directed to "I'll have this problem" not "We".

The fact is with all the arguments for and against I believe it's better to try something new and say it doesn't work than to say "Bah it sounds like shite lets not even try it" (although there really are some very "shite" ideas that shouldn;t be tried Lol )

No local seems to work in WH based on the amount of "You want to remove local theres a place it already works...." replies people give so why shouldn't it work in 0.0???

I just get them feeling that alot of the replies (I'm actually going to exclude Zim from this because you can see he is actually thinking about his replies.) are more to do with "I like my little life and niche I have in 0.0 and I don't want anything upsetting the apple cart." than anything else.

Myself considering the little amount of actual playtime I get in EVE lately I should be all for the "I need things safe and happy so I can make as much ISK as quickly as possible because I have limited time to play" etc etc but I think removing local even for a limited time would be a interesting change.

God Said "Come Forth and receive eternal life!" I came fifth and won a toaster!

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#307 - 2012-05-29 12:30:50 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
No unlike you I am unable to predict the future, except in your case as I can predict that you will criticize other peoples ideas without getting off the fence yourself and supporting changes.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to look at what happened after the anom nerf to "predict the future" of what'll happen if local is removed without a sufficiently easy way for the system inhabitants to avoid getting ganked.

Signal11th wrote:
Myself considering the little amount of actual playtime I get in EVE lately I should be all for the "I need things safe and happy so I can make as much ISK as quickly as possible because I have limited time to play" etc etc but I think removing local even for a limited time would be a interesting change.

I've said it in a previous discussion about "no local", and I'll say it again: I'd love for local to be removed for, say, a month, and have some numbers cooked up on what the effects are. And I'll say it on record, again, that I think the effect is that people living in nullsec will go down, but the effect might not be as noticeable on actual warfare happening. And the L4s will be used to an even higher degree than they are today.

And at the end of that experiment, I'd be able to say, "I told you so." and be smug as ****.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

#308 - 2012-05-29 12:39:08 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
No unlike you I am unable to predict the future, except in your case as I can predict that you will criticize other peoples ideas without getting off the fence yourself and supporting changes.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to look at what happened after the anom nerf to "predict the future" of what'll happen if local is removed without a sufficiently easy way for the system inhabitants to avoid getting ganked.

Signal11th wrote:
Myself considering the little amount of actual playtime I get in EVE lately I should be all for the "I need things safe and happy so I can make as much ISK as quickly as possible because I have limited time to play" etc etc but I think removing local even for a limited time would be a interesting change.

I've said it in a previous discussion about "no local", and I'll say it again: I'd love for local to be removed for, say, a month, and have some numbers cooked up on what the effects are. And I'll say it on record, again, that I think the effect is that people living in nullsec will go down, but the effect might not be as noticeable on actual warfare happening. And the L4s will be used to an even higher degree than they are today.

And at the end of that experiment, I'd be able to say, "I told you so." and be smug as ****.

Aye, I would have no problem with that at all,

I think though your "0.0 losing people" would actually be the usual carebear types that hang around in 0.0 alliances who are always around to rat but when the fighting starts always seem to have extended vacations, long lost relatives turning up, alien abductions stories etc.

Trimming the fat is the phrase I would use not 0.0 losing people.

Anyway I digress, If it was tried and was found to be a detriment to 0.0 I wouldn't have any problems saying you were right and let you be smug for at least a day or so Smile

God Said "Come Forth and receive eternal life!" I came fifth and won a toaster!

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#309 - 2012-05-29 12:43:11 UTC
I actually don't have a problem with the usual carebear types, since if mining etc were a viable option in nullsec, they'd be the ones making the ships I flew and used to defend the reich, and as such I'd love for there to be more of them. Not everyone are of the right mentality to be conscripted, but all can do their thing to contribute to the war effort.

And you're probably not the one I'd be overly smug towards, since you're not trying to tell everyone that nullsec'll explode with happiness over "we're finally free from the evil thumb of local".

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Richard Desturned
Goonswarm Federation
#310 - 2012-05-29 13:12:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Richard Desturned
Signal11th wrote:
No local seems to work in WH based on the amount of "You want to remove local theres a place it already works...." replies people give so why shouldn't it work in 0.0???

There are very fundamental differences in the way one operates in wormholes and the way one operates in nullsec. Traveling to a particular w-space system requires you to find a wormhole to begin with. Traveling to a particular nullsec system only involves setting a destination. You also can't take an unlimited number of ships through a wormhole, you can't use jump drives in wormholes, you can't simply cloak up, scan and warp to a 100% signature like you would a 0.0 anomaly. Living in a wormhole is much more dependent on probing, and probes can be detected on dscan. These are not minor, insignificant differences - instant k-space style local in wormholes would be overpowered considering the amount of effort required to travel into and within a w-space system. Wormhole style local in 0.0 would make bombers and other cloaky ships far overpowered, on the other hand.

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

#311 - 2012-05-29 14:19:30 UTC
Richard Desturned wrote:
Signal11th wrote:
No local seems to work in WH based on the amount of "You want to remove local theres a place it already works...." replies people give so why shouldn't it work in 0.0???

There are very fundamental differences in the way one operates in wormholes and the way one operates in nullsec. Traveling to a particular w-space system requires you to find a wormhole to begin with. Traveling to a particular nullsec system only involves setting a destination. You also can't take an unlimited number of ships through a wormhole, you can't use jump drives in wormholes, you can't simply cloak up, scan and warp to a 100% signature like you would a 0.0 anomaly. Living in a wormhole is much more dependent on probing, and probes can be detected on dscan. These are not minor, insignificant differences - instant k-space style local in wormholes would be overpowered considering the amount of effort required to travel into and within a w-space system. Wormhole style local in 0.0 would make bombers and other cloaky ships far overpowered, on the other hand.

Although this comes across as condescending and twatish but this is what I'm talking about, a reasoned counter-argument against what I'm for.

God Said "Come Forth and receive eternal life!" I came fifth and won a toaster!

Shepard Wong Ogeko
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#312 - 2012-05-29 20:24:01 UTC
Signal11th wrote:

I'm only asking because as a 0.0 dweller myself I have very small need to travel between choke point gates and when I do I use a ship that is suitable for evading gate camps. Again 0.0 is supposed to be about team-play damn the whole of EVE is based around that but a lot fo the arguments I'm seeing seems to be directed to "I'll have this problem" not "We".

I'm crazy enough to do industry in nullsec (among other things), and my current route from collecting, refining, building and taking to market is about 10 jumps with bridges. It already is a "we" effort because I have to dual box a PvP guy with my hauler because cargo ships in this game as pretty much all too weak to stand up to anything. I also rely on my team mates providing intel, and local is part of that. I even hire scouts from time to time. Doing logistics in nullsec is already plenty interesting.

I prefer the farms and fields approach to getting people to come to and stay in nullsec. At is, there is already little reason to live here and that shows in the population and the complaints that blobs can hold key resources without living near them. It already is a difficult place to live and bandits already have numerous advantages.

I have no doubt that no-local would be a big boon to small covops gangs. As some one who flies them, it would definitely be easier to live in enemy territory and kill soft targets all day long. However, nullsec is not kind to stupid players, and the smart players are all going to switch to ships capable of fitting the covops cloak because they will be quite plainly overpowered.

Let this situation persist, and eventually you will chase out the few "carebare" industrialists and freighter pilots, and no one will stock nullsec markets. So then _all_ nullsec dwellers will be basing out of empire and day tripping into null.

All the pro's so far for the removal of local are for covops. It won't cut down on large alliances of blues, because it now forces everyone to blob up to move around safely. It won't help little alliances get a foothold in sov because campers can cut supply lines to anyone who doesn't have a massive list of blues. No one will rat or mine or do anything because they will die to the covops ships that are now completely undetectable until they are within firing range. Cloakers get a "I don't want to PvP right now" button, and every one else is a sitting duck.

It's a change that would only help one aspect of PvP (cloaky ambush) at pretty much the expense of everything else. So in many ways, the arguments for removing local are just as selfish as my reasons for keeping it. At least keeping it gives people a simple way of doing a risk assessment. And plenty of people in null still get ganked even with local.
Darth Tickles
#313 - 2012-05-29 23:17:01 UTC
I would like more unreadable walls of text from noted nullsec expert, frying doom.

his contributions have so far greatly increased the potential for positive improvements to null sec space.
Frying Doom
#314 - 2012-05-29 23:50:36 UTC
Darth Tickles wrote:
I would like more unreadable walls of text from noted nullsec expert, frying doom.

his contributions have so far greatly increased the potential for positive improvements to null sec space.

Actually the primary point I am standing behind is the alterations to Null best termed "Capitals and Forts". I believe this Idea would be a very good one and teamed with a nerf of Jump drives by delay or by cost. As well as an upgrade of the Science facilities in Null as proposed by Lord Zim.

The reason so much of this forum post is on no local was due to the arguments on it, this part now seems to be getting more support.

On capitals and forts the idea is not mine but is a post I found from a member of Goonswarm that I thought was good and so decided to back it. Sure I could have just sat back and thrown insults at people and called there ideas insane while never contributing anything (Serious comment not aimed at Lord Zim as he has come forth with some good ideas even though I did accuse him of fence sitting)

And Darth Tickles your inability to be able to read is hardly my fault, perhaps you should sue your primary school teacher.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

#315 - 2012-05-30 08:13:47 UTC
Darth Tickles wrote:
I would like more unreadable walls of text from noted nullsec expert, frying doom.

his contributions have so far greatly increased the potential for positive improvements to null sec space.

Frying Doom wrote:
And Darth Tickles your inability to be able to read is hardly my fault, perhaps you should sue your primary school teacher.

Quite amusing...

God Said "Come Forth and receive eternal life!" I came fifth and won a toaster!

Frying Doom
#316 - 2012-05-30 11:52:48 UTC
Moved from General Discussion.
Lord Zim wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
The capital & fort ideas are specific to Sov holders, so it would have as much effect on them as the current sov system does....None at all. Unless you mean if they want to claim sov and as I have said before having to defend your own territory locally would discourage overextension. So it would mean they could actually get some sov space.

So, in other words, keep the cap fleet in a neutral alliance to keep the costs down. vOv

If you wanted to. The best way to create a Sovereignty system that no one will find loop holes in is of course to just get rid of it completely. The idea is to create a better null not just make the current problems worse or argue that everything anyone comes up with is wrong.

That said I would actually like to hear a fleshed out version of exactly what you would prefer for Null science. Please.

I will admit you actual brought up a point that someone had touched on before.

That being it would be a good idea to support the idea of local defense by allowing Titans and Supers to dock in Outposts within the Capital and Fort systems.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Frying Doom
#317 - 2012-05-30 12:12:36 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
Probably the first smart thing you've said in a while, even if the way your suggestion to "hinder sovereignty sprawl" is based on the worst balancing item in the eve universe (isk), and is so hilariously easy to game/has huge downsides/drawbacks it's not even funny.

Kind of like your and caliph's "remove local entirely" suggestions.

No the balance to the sprawl is having to actively defend your systems while actively using them. The idea of added cost for larger areas is not mine but I do support it when coupled with a Jump nerf it will make the null space provinces more provincial.

Lord Zim wrote:
Kind of like your and caliph's "remove local entirely" suggestions.

The idea is primarily his, mine is just part of the changes I think need to happen in Null.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#318 - 2012-05-30 12:23:06 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
If you wanted to. The best way to create a Sovereignty system that no one will find loop holes in is of course to just get rid of it completely.

That would certainly be preferable to a sov system which tries to "limit sprawl" by ramping up isk cost based on how far from a "capital system" you get, because that's certainly not going to limit the "big alliances" (read: goonswarm) which you want to punish, unless you make the cost so hilariously expensive that ... well, guess we didn't want those small alliances in nullsec anyways. vOv

Frying Doom wrote:
The idea is to create a better null not just make the current problems worse

Yeah, about that... I hear you have a "no local" suggestion which fits in with the "make the current problems worse" bin.

Frying Doom wrote:
or argue that everything anyone comes up with is wrong.

I'm not arguing that everything anyone comes up with is wrong, I'm arguing that bad ideas, regardless of who comes up with it, is a bad idea. There's a difference.

And I've supported/helped flesh out multiple good ideas, you know this.

Frying Doom wrote:
That said I would actually like to hear a fleshed out version of exactly what you would prefer for Null science. Please.

If by "science" you mean "industry", I mean more of it. Compare, if you will, the amount of industry capacity in the entirety of Deklein, vs some of the bigger systems in hisec. I would not be shocked at all if a large portion of hisec systems, by themselves, surpass Deklein.

Frying Doom wrote:
I will admit you actual brought up a point that someone had touched on before.

That being it would be a good idea to support the idea of local defense by allowing Titans and Supers to dock in Outposts within the Capital and Fort systems.

The funny thing is, I brought up no such thing.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#319 - 2012-05-30 12:37:57 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
No the balance to the sprawl is having to actively defend your systems while actively using them. The idea of added cost for larger areas is not mine but I do support it when coupled with a Jump nerf it will make the null space provinces more provincial.

And balancing anything based on isk has been proved time and time again to be a bad one. See: supercarriers, titans. "Super duper ships which are super expensive so there'll only ever be 2-3 in the game" "oh god why are there 1k titans in the game"

The proper way to limit/balance sprawl, is to make it so you can only have sovereignty in as much space as you can actively defend (and by actively defend I don't mean having 1 guy sitting in a ship for up to 8 hours a day at 40m/h to "defend" carebears (i.e. always be too late on the scene to do anything anyways), I mean defend it militarily), and if you stop defending that space, you lose it in short order. If you combine that with a fairly harsh limit on how far capships can jump (or make them take gates vOv), then you're looking at a self-balancing system which feels sandboxy, allows for a deeper strategic gameplay for the alliance leaders, and allows for more back and forth switching of sov between two (or more) alliances. If you get attacked on multiple fronts, things look even funnier.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Frying Doom
#320 - 2012-05-30 13:11:40 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
No the balance to the sprawl is having to actively defend your systems while actively using them. The idea of added cost for larger areas is not mine but I do support it when coupled with a Jump nerf it will make the null space provinces more provincial.

And balancing anything based on isk has been proved time and time again to be a bad one. See: supercarriers, titans. "Super duper ships which are super expensive so there'll only ever be 2-3 in the game" "oh god why are there 1k titans in the game"

The proper way to limit/balance sprawl, is to make it so you can only have sovereignty in as much space as you can actively defend (and by actively defend I don't mean having 1 guy sitting in a ship for up to 8 hours a day at 40m/h to "defend" carebears (i.e. always be too late on the scene to do anything anyways), I mean defend it militarily), and if you stop defending that space, you lose it in short order. If you combine that with a fairly harsh limit on how far capships can jump (or make them take gates vOv), then you're looking at a self-balancing system which feels sandboxy, allows for a deeper strategic gameplay for the alliance leaders, and allows for more back and forth switching of sov between two (or more) alliances. If you get attacked on multiple fronts, things look even funnier.

Isk only is so much that he who had more cash could own a larger amount of territory while spending more in actual terms but less in percentage terms, with the more spaced out your territory is the more it would cost you to supply said areas.

As to the second part of your argument I agree to the need to Nerf jump ships, as to the allowing sov to switch easier I believe that should be related to how much effort is put into an area not just buying upgrades but actual doing things. As I have said before having a slider bar with the more you do the more stable that system is, almost like what the FW system has just become but more, including what mining is done as well as plexing and also including just active moving within the system by the alliance members. The more active the more stable.

If you ignore a system you take it should be easier to loose.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!