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Warfare & Tactics

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Tell me about Faction Warfare

Sindjin Hawke
Distant Light Syndicate
#1 - 2012-05-29 14:33:50 UTC
Whats your favorite things about it? Cons?
Bengal Bob
Slymsloot Enterprises
#2 - 2012-05-29 15:02:50 UTC
Read all the other posts you lazy barsteward.

Dare Knight
#3 - 2012-05-29 17:52:16 UTC
Sindjin Hawke wrote:
Whats your favorite things about it? Cons?

Likes: It's fun, skirmishy, very casual. You fly with guys who are on and in militia because they want to be, not because their **** alliance ordered them to be on the threat of being booted from said alliance. LP is great. I feel like I'm fighting for something without the nullsec drama.

Dislikes: Bittervets, Caldari whining everyday on the forums, Amarr whining wanting CCP to just give them territory because they're holy and stuff and don't deserve to have to undock, etc.

Things I'd like to see:
- All the current, albeit minor, issues resolved (the occasional UI glitch, for one)
- Moar system upgrades
- Selectable system upgrades
- EVE voice fixed so it's usable (for setting up small gangs and skirmishes, it's easier than giving out TS3 information, and let's be real, it's a pain in the arse to sit there and bug people for access to militia TS3 servers... you mite b a spai)

_It's very simple, really. If you see Tengus on scan, they are ratting. If you see a shitload of Tengus, the Russians are blobbing. If you see Proteuses on scan, they will be on top of you in about a second. If you see a shitload of Proteuses, the big boys are having a goodfight. _

Tyson Gallane
Political Warfare Executive
#4 - 2012-05-29 19:22:36 UTC
My favourite thing is that it makes all the T1 frigates, dessies and T1 cruisers actually useful.

Room for Improvement
Good Sax
#5 - 2012-05-29 20:01:49 UTC
Sindjin Hawke wrote:
Whats your favorite things about it? Cons?

Some Pros:

  • FW Plex ship limitations make for different types of fights than you get anywhere else
  • You can actually be useful and even competitive as a low SP pilot
  • At least in Gallente/Caldari space, minimal use of capital ships
  • All sides have some good corps
  • Mix of FW hostiles and pirates in the FW zones means you can usually find a fight if you want one

Some Cons:

  • Just 'cuz you can always find a fight doesn't mean you can always find a good fight, that's a lot harder
  • Recent docking changes punish you for being in FW
  • Recent LP changes have thrown everything up in the air finance-wise, FW missions used to be a sure way to finance your pvp
  • Galmil rolls way deeper in terms of SP/ISK than Calmil does, and Minmatar apparently grossly outnumbers Amarr
Capitol One
Blue Canary
Watch This
#6 - 2012-05-29 21:24:01 UTC
Pro: Great and diverse pvp - good pvp'ers - ISK - fun and entertaining enemies.

Con: Terrible and blobby pvp - bad pvp'ers - annoying and dreadfully boring enemies.

Pro/Con: ~Dramalama~

But it's FW and it's special and I luvz it Smile

- Capitol One
Devoid Privateering
#7 - 2012-05-29 22:05:41 UTC
Sindjin Hawke wrote:
Whats your favorite things about it? Cons?

- It's in lowsec
- You're paid to fight
- Starting solo, joining an NPC corp, you have built-in allies and enemies
- Ship-restricted plexes make more ships more useful than otherwise
- You can find a lot of fights with a lot of variety, without a lot of trouble, without a lot of time looking, without a lot of jumps
- Combat is somewhat meaningful
- You can gain faction standing very quickly

- It's in lowsec
- If you're Amarr, you need another source of income
- Those ships are: Catalyst, Thrasher, Stabber Fleet Issue
- You can lose faction standing very quickly

It may be more useful to compare it to alternatives. If you're into RvB, then you lose nothing and gain everything from switching to any militia - it'd be easier if you didn't care about standing, but if you did, it's still easy (from an 'RvB' perspective) to avoid standing issues; and if you stick with the NPC corp, or have your own corp, then you can join/leave FW at will in the case that you need access to enemy highsec.

If you're a pirate, then FW allows you to aggress many potential victims without gate guns, and it gives you a new way to provoke a fight - but you may respect some 'blues' more than you'd like to. and you won't be able to dock at many stations. (But don't worry, your flashy moar-pirate alt can dock and take the stuff in your name just by waving a contract with your signature on it - at least this bit of RP makes sense to stupid people.)

An alternative I keep thinking of is NPC null, which strikes me as much more casual, perhaps more profitable if you're Amarr, with the two known cons of "simply moving between systems can be pretty tedious at times" and "sometimes I can't really undock :/". But I don't know how the pvp compares.