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EVE General Discussion

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Forums- Cesspool

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Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-05-26 12:31:15 UTC
Self entitled crybabies comes to mind when I look at these forums.

1. EVE is a game. Don't like it, leave.
2. EVE owes you nothing.
3. If you really want to help, goto SISI and help them test changes.But hardly anyone does.

You morons do more damage to the game than any glitch with your incessant whining.

DEVS : clean up the forums, like my bud said to me yesterday. "Why would I play a game who's forums are even worse than WoW "

Nuff. Said.
Gorki Andropov
I Dn't Knw Wht You Wnt Bt I Cn't Gve It Anymre
#2 - 2012-05-26 12:43:55 UTC
Sounds like you're acting like one of these mythical crybabies, except this time you're crying about the forums.
Destination SkillQueue
#3 - 2012-05-26 12:50:58 UTC
Gonada wrote:
Self entitled crybabies comes to mind when I look at these forums.

1. EVE is a game. Don't like it, leave.
2. EVE owes you nothing.
3. If you really want to help, goto SISI and help them test changes.But hardly anyone does.

You morons do more damage to the game than any glitch with your incessant whining.

DEVS : clean up the forums, like my bud said to me yesterday. "Why would I play a game who's forums are even worse than WoW "

Nuff. Said.

1. If you care and want to influence how the game develops, voice your concerns. Customer feedback on issues and design is invaluable to the devs. Often that feedback could be more constructive, but that is another matter.

2. No, but ignoring your customers entirely is a great way to lose them and listening to their concerns helps CCP to make a better game and costs them nothing extra.

3. Mostplayers pay to play and don't want to work as free Q&A workforce for CCP. Their feedback is still just as valuable. Not to mention MMO makers are notorious for ignoring test server feedback. It's a luxury they don't have when the majority gets a turn to voice their opinion. Flexing that muscle is sometimes needed to get the devs moving in a new and arguably better direction.

As for your friend, he should play the game "who's forums are even worse than WoW", because the game is usually very good and entirely separate from the forums and the forum crowd. You never have to read a single forum post to play to game.
Aggressive Nutmeg
#4 - 2012-05-26 12:56:09 UTC
Gonada wrote:
Self entitled crybabies comes to mind when I look at these forums.

You morons do more damage to the game than any glitch with your incessant whining.

Oh, the irony. The deep, delicious irony.

It feeds my dark soul.

Never make eye contact with someone while eating a banana.

Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2012-05-26 12:56:39 UTC
You're a cesspool

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

Gorki Andropov
I Dn't Knw Wht You Wnt Bt I Cn't Gve It Anymre
#6 - 2012-05-26 12:57:12 UTC
Surfin's PlunderBunny wrote:
You're a cesspool

Your monocle is actually a cesspool in miniature!
Talon SilverHawk
Patria o Muerte
#7 - 2012-05-26 14:06:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Talon SilverHawk
Gonada wrote:
Self entitled crybabies comes to mind when I look at these forums.

1. EVE is a game. Don't like it, leave.
2. EVE owes you nothing.
3. If you really want to help, goto SISI and help them test changes.But hardly anyone does.

You morons do more damage to the game than any glitch with your incessant whining.

DEVS : clean up the forums, like my bud said to me yesterday. "Why would I play a game who's forums are even worse than WoW "

Nuff. Said.

No morons like you make the forums look bad, I mean really, and I guess you should just run along to WOW with your mate.

As for the recent unpopular changes, They ignored the feedback on SISI and only started taking notice when the community rightfully protested in every way they could, forums included.

Now stop whining about the forums you don't like and jog on.

Tillin Sylph
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2012-05-26 14:13:55 UTC
It would help if the mods gave bans to anyone other than goons for once. We're actually better quality posters than any of these pubbies.

TLDR GD needs more Goons.
Ayla Hanaya
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2012-05-26 14:23:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Ayla Hanaya
These forums are a cesspool of badposting fools. Learn to not have smug written all over your posts, OP, because you sound like one of the people you are complaining about.
The Wis
Fise Corp
War and Pestilence
#10 - 2012-05-26 14:29:02 UTC
Well some of us get ahead. We like a game so we stick money into a computer to play it. Then we want to make sure we do not run out of time so some people will Plex or pay there account for a year. Then they change a game that will need maybe a better computer now and add a UI that is not usable and makes it allot worse for playing.. So you sit there and say I spent all that money for something I can not play. Yea.. Allot of people are going to be unhappy about it.
And allot of people are going to feel they lost allot of money becouse of it.
Jame Jarl Retief
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#11 - 2012-05-26 14:49:40 UTC
Gonada wrote:
Self entitled crybabies comes to mind when I look at these forums.

1. EVE is a game. Don't like it, leave.
2. EVE owes you nothing.
3. If you really want to help, goto SISI and help them test changes.But hardly anyone does.

You morons do more damage to the game than any glitch with your incessant whining.

DEVS : clean up the forums, like my bud said to me yesterday. "Why would I play a game who's forums are even worse than WoW "

Nuff. Said.

Oy... :( Not this again. OK, let's take this from the top, for the folks in the cheap seats...

1. EVE is a game. Don't like it, leave.

Most people do. When people quit MMOs, the vast majority of them simply leave, without a word. This leaves the developer in an awkward position - they are losing subscribers, which when it happens in large enough numbers kills the game (see Tabula Rasa, Hellgate London, APB, etc.) The developers might be willing to fix problems, but as people quit without comment, developers don't really know what to focus on for fixes that causes such a hemorrhage of players.

So these "self-entitled crybabies" on these forums provide a very valuable service - they let the developers know precisely the cause. Currently, that cause is the "new and improved" UI. Crybabies on the forums are a GOOD THING. You know what's worse than crybabies on the forums? Fanboys on the forums, and plummeting subscription numbers. It's called a nosedive, in aerial parlance, and it's difficult to pull out of (see SWTOR).

2. EVE owes you nothing.

Yes, and no. EVE - the game, is a product. One I paid for. As such, there's a certain expectation of services to be rendered for funds spent. When the UI changes drastically and in a very negative way with no apparent benefits, speaking up about it seems perfectly reasonable to me.

3. If you really want to help, goto SISI and help them test changes.But hardly anyone does.

Quite a few people did. Quite a few people posted quite a lot of quite negative feedback on the new UI. Some people wrote blogs, and even made videos (like Tippia, thank you by the way) to illustrate what the problems are. Plenty of feedback was provided, and from what I saw little/nothing was done to address the problems before shoving this half-baked UI into everyone's...well...I'll be nice and say throat, but I'm thinking of another orifice.

Devious Relation
Obsessive Compulsive Disasters
#12 - 2012-05-26 14:54:02 UTC
Tillin Sylph wrote:
It would help if the mods gave bans to anyone other than goons for once. We're actually better quality posters than any of these pubbies.

TLDR GD needs more Goons.

Sigh "pubbies" one day you will wake up and realise SA forums and goon eladership are laughing at you "minion"
Pak Narhoo
Splinter Foundation
#13 - 2012-05-26 14:54:35 UTC
Actually these forums are quite good & helpful.

You just avoid GD and CAOD if you get annoyed by those 2 tiny parts of the EVE-o forums.
Virgil Travis
Non Constructive Self Management
#14 - 2012-05-26 15:00:13 UTC
We've got piles of it round the back

Unified Church of the Unobligated - madness in the method Mamma didn't raise no victims.

Renan Ruivo
Forcas armadas
Brave Collective
#15 - 2012-05-26 15:16:27 UTC
Gonada wrote:

Blah Blah Blah ...

DEVS : clean up the forums, like my bud said to me yesterday. "Why would I play a game who's forums are even worse than WoW "

Nuff. Said.

Whining detected.

The world is a community of idiots doing a series of things until it explodes and we all die.

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#16 - 2012-05-26 15:16:43 UTC
A cesspool you say, I would like to sell you one of these, please notice that scum tends to rise to the top, much like GSF P

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#17 - 2012-05-26 15:17:18 UTC
Gonada wrote:
3. If you really want to help, goto SISI and help them test changes.But hardly anyone does.

Yeah, so they can release the content no matter how much negative feedback they get (inventory).

Great point.
Renan Ruivo
Forcas armadas
Brave Collective
#18 - 2012-05-26 15:18:09 UTC
Tillin Sylph wrote:
It would help if the mods gave bans to anyone other than goons for once. We're actually better quality posters than any of these pubbies.

TLDR GD needs more Goons.

Out here you are pubbies too, y'know. Go back to something awful.

The world is a community of idiots doing a series of things until it explodes and we all die.

Shaniqua Minmatar
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2012-05-26 15:18:52 UTC
goons aren't funny, so by definition the goon overlords can't really be laughing at us behind our backs

Sincerely sent from the desk of

Shinaqua Minmatar, Esq (A member of the Cluster Fuck Coalition Alliance)

p.s. Have a great day!

Quartzlight Evenstar Icefluxor
#20 - 2012-05-26 15:42:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Quartzlight Evenstar Icefluxor
Gonada wrote:
Self entitled crybabies comes to mind when I look at these forums.

3. If you really want to help, goto SISI and help them test changes.But hardly anyone does.

And this is just EXACTLY WHAT WE DID over there for 6 solid weeks of trying to prevent this crap.


Now look at this horrible mess....and all over the new carpet (read: missiles) too.


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