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In need of some advice with a hardware problem

Amarr Empire
#1 - 2012-05-25 10:19:57 UTC
I have this EVGA GTX 560 for the second promotion that CCP did a while back and it seems that i'm already experiencing some issues with the card and i need some help to identify what is happening or if it's a driver related issue. In the first 2-3 days i didn't have any problems with the card or anything like that and then the card started acting really weird like i started seen some small artifacts i think in Diablo 3, then i started to get a pink screen with some small white lines randomly while playing World of Tanks... and now i was browsing the web having nothing opened other then the browser and then i started getting the pink screen again that lasted for 5 seconds the it refreshed and it came back to the normal color. I`m starting to think that the memory on the card is broken cos i had similar problems with a AGP Nvidia card and on that one the memory was damaged completely. Any advice's on what to test before i start getting really paranoid? Already did check for artifacts with that ATI TOOL and left it for about 1h and i had no errors so what to do now?
Biofuel Productions
#2 - 2012-05-25 11:44:04 UTC
If you see artifacts on your screen then your card if fubar'd.
All Hail The Liopleurodon
#3 - 2012-05-25 16:39:49 UTC

Okay so, you should have a warrenty I would hope... so no reason to freak out...

Go out into the interwebs and get OCCT it is a stress tool...

You *may* need to get an older verision if the next thing is missing from your current verision.

(If you have any overclock done by yourself reset the card to stock everything)

Open occt and you should see GPU stress tests...

Run the MEMORY Test... ANY errors is no good... if you get ANY RMA the card...

If not, well run it 1-2 times for good measure =p

If still not I am gona say post back cause 99.9% sure that is all you need to know.

Also dur please make sure everything is connected tight and the card is seated correctly in the slot.
Kain Bodom
Brave Collective
#4 - 2012-05-25 19:10:38 UTC
sounds a like a heat sink is not installed properly on the card or similar. Return it asap.
Mohr Cowbell
KarmaFleet University
#5 - 2012-05-26 02:55:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Mohr Cowbell
First of all, ignore anyone that tells you that your display card is bad right off the bat.

What's probably happening is that your card is getting too hot, and that doesn't necessarily mean that it's faulty.

Try opening one of the sides of your case a bit to let some more air into the PC. If that seems to help, then you know that you need to improve the airflow in your case somehow.
All Hail The Liopleurodon
#6 - 2012-05-26 07:31:32 UTC
Except... why would it JUST start... yes we did hit summerish months... still OP should get OCCT... it will stress test too and give us temps...

Either way not a bad plan...

Load up the GPU stress tool... check the temps...
Victor Sane
A-1 Industrial and Salvage
#7 - 2012-05-26 07:40:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Victor Sane
Ethum wrote:
I have this EVGA GTX 560 for the second promotion that CCP did a while back and it seems that i'm already experiencing some issues with the card and i need some help to identify what is happening or if it's a driver related issue. In the first 2-3 days i didn't have any problems with the card or anything like that and then the card started acting really weird like i started seen some small artifacts i think in Diablo 3, then i started to get a pink screen with some small white lines randomly while playing World of Tanks... and now i was browsing the web having nothing opened other then the browser and then i started getting the pink screen again that lasted for 5 seconds the it refreshed and it came back to the normal color. I`m starting to think that the memory on the card is broken cos i had similar problems with a AGP Nvidia card and on that one the memory was damaged completely. Any advice's on what to test before i start getting really paranoid? Already did check for artifacts with that ATI TOOL and left it for about 1h and i had no errors so what to do now?

Do you normally go to events like Lan parties or other stuff and move your pc? cause it sounds like the board has suffered some movement damage which can damage the card or the motherboards Pci express port due a slightly heavy gfx card. its happened to me a couple of times where i had to get a new motherboard cause of that.

But it doesnt mean that is your motherboad obviously, could be other factors.

and the gfx card can get damaged on it aswell.

also heat is a factor that plays in alot with the cards i agree on that seeing if the cooler fan fails and is to slow to cool the card down it will suffer on the chip. And if you buy an overclocked card and decide to clock it more i can only say this, Bad move :( .
Sebastian N Cain
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2012-05-27 13:08:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Sebastian N Cain
PSOD, the pink screen of death is a known issue for the 560 card. It´s a driver-related problem, the nvidia 296.10 driver doesn´t work well with this card, updating it to the nvidia 301.24 driver will resolve this issue.

Edit: i had the same issue and needed 2 minutes on google to get the solution. Learn from my successCool

I got lost in thought... it was unfamiliar territory.

#9 - 2012-05-27 13:27:52 UTC
Sebastian N Cain wrote:
PSOD, the pink screen of death is a known issue for the 560 card. It´s a driver-related problem, the nvidia 296.10 driver doesn´t work well with this card, updating it to the nvidia 301.24 driver will resolve this issue.

Same here, it was also happening whilst watching YouTube in full screen mode.

There's been a thread on the nvidia forums about the issue for some time.

.24 drivers only just released, so as above poster advises, upgrade and see if it cures the issue.