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New Inventory, CCP Hellmar response wanted.

#81 - 2012-05-25 15:39:21 UTC
Pok Nibin wrote:
Don't drag him into this. We'll be here forever.

considering the level of response to these threads / issues do you really think we won't be anyway?
Ironman Inc.
#82 - 2012-05-25 15:39:22 UTC
Tippia wrote:

Options is everything; modding is where the bad things start to happen. All but the most useless piece of hacked-together software offers UI options and customisations. They are always a good thing. An open UI API on the other hand leads to a messy application and opens up for all kinds of abuses. There's a reason why all software offers UI options; there's also a reason why few of them offers UI modding.

Asking CCP to provide options is not a terrible idea — it's ******* mandatory!

Lets see if I understand correctly what you are trying to tell here: Options are things that are supported by developer. Modding is modification done by some 3rd party or user himself. If that definition is correct, then your last sentence should read "There's a reason why all software offers sensible amount of UI options; .... "

Oh and btw. the software that has no UI options are often the most powerful ones. I thought you knew.
#83 - 2012-05-25 15:43:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Kasriel
Shpenat wrote:
Tippia wrote:

Options is everything; modding is where the bad things start to happen. All but the most useless piece of hacked-together software offers UI options and customisations. They are always a good thing. An open UI API on the other hand leads to a messy application and opens up for all kinds of abuses. There's a reason why all software offers UI options; there's also a reason why few of them offers UI modding.

Asking CCP to provide options is not a terrible idea — it's ******* mandatory!

Lets see if I understand correctly what you are trying to tell here: Options are things that are supported by developer. Modding is modification done by some 3rd party or user himself. If that definition is correct, then your last sentence should read "There's a reason why all software offers sensible amount of UI options; .... "

Oh and btw. the software that has no UI options are often the most powerful ones. I thought you knew.

but not always, and isn't command line or Unix the most powerful interface of all? (i'm not much into code i'll freely admit) i don't see anybody calling to get rid of graphics completely and play zork Lol
Einar Matveinen
Mahe Ratu
#84 - 2012-05-25 15:48:07 UTC
I like the new inventory.
Ironman Inc.
#85 - 2012-05-25 15:49:14 UTC
Kasriel wrote:

very well technically you're right, but don't you find it interesting that things they are listing as bugs now they said were intended or flat out dismissed during the TESTING phase? surely that falls under poor communication and lack of player involvement - two things which CCPs CEO specifically promised to improve and in this case has failed, do you agree?

and i'm not trying to say CCP cannot use a new inventory system, far from it i've said to keep it in by all means, like i've said there may well be many people who love the new system - it is a shame very few are posting - and i've already exercised my right to stop giving CCP money, i'm also exercising my right as a customer to complain about poor service, CCP have not yet addressed it and as i'm still a customer till my subscription ends.

and truly i love this game, i have for over 5 years, i'm not trying to destroy it, or discredit CCP, i'm fighting to save it, granted i'm trying to save it for myself - so i'm not claiming to be altruistic at all

This is what I can agree on. Poor communication for sure. Fail on CCP side as well. Just that the way of asking CEO of company to reply personally to one of its customers within 2 hours is really unreasonable.
Veto Corp
#86 - 2012-05-25 15:53:36 UTC
The main problem is they've tried to go with the standard windows explorer style directory tree on the left, with the selected folder's contents on the right.

The problem is, it makes moving stuff a chore, because while windows explorer benefits from a right click context menu with everything in it you need, Eve doesn't have that, so you still end up opening god knows how many windows, all with the stupid tree down the left hand side.

In windows explorer it's a simply case of : Select folder on the tree on the left pane, rightclick item on the right pane, select cut, select destination folder on the left pane, rightclick the right pane, select paste.

With Eve, you have to open two instance of each window, locate what you want in a messy, unorganised tree on the left that sorts by name rather than ship type regardless of what sort option you have set in the right pane on both windows, then drag and drop.

Whoever designed the inventory needs a slap across the face, and sending back to the drawing board.

Eve has always had a really simple interface for basic item management that was very easy to get your head around, now it's a total mess.

Don't fix what ain't broken guys, focus on fixing actual problems instead.

Verone CEO & Executor Veto Corp WWW.VETO-CORP.COM

#87 - 2012-05-25 15:54:28 UTC
Shpenat wrote:
Kasriel wrote:

very well technically you're right, but don't you find it interesting that things they are listing as bugs now they said were intended or flat out dismissed during the TESTING phase? surely that falls under poor communication and lack of player involvement - two things which CCPs CEO specifically promised to improve and in this case has failed, do you agree?

and i'm not trying to say CCP cannot use a new inventory system, far from it i've said to keep it in by all means, like i've said there may well be many people who love the new system - it is a shame very few are posting - and i've already exercised my right to stop giving CCP money, i'm also exercising my right as a customer to complain about poor service, CCP have not yet addressed it and as i'm still a customer till my subscription ends.

and truly i love this game, i have for over 5 years, i'm not trying to destroy it, or discredit CCP, i'm fighting to save it, granted i'm trying to save it for myself - so i'm not claiming to be altruistic at all

This is what I can agree on. Poor communication for sure. Fail on CCP side as well. Just that the way of asking CEO of company to reply personally to one of its customers within 2 hours is really unreasonable.

i'm still here waiting aren't i? Lol even made it easier, i'm more than willing to talk this out, it's what i want after all
Sunshine and Lollipops
#88 - 2012-05-25 15:54:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Shpenat wrote:
Oh and btw. the software that has no UI options are often the most powerful ones. I thought you knew.
…at that point, we're not longer talking about programs, but about languages (and even then, they come with tons of options).

Somehow I doubt that most EVE players would want to code an EVE client of their own just to play the game.

Oh, and btw. I haven't come across a single piece of software that has no UI options.
Brutal Red
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#89 - 2012-05-25 15:55:34 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Shpenat wrote:
Oh and btw. the software that has no UI options are often the most powerful ones. I thought you knew.
…at that point, we're not longer talking about programs, but about languages.

Somehow I doubt that most EVE players would want to code an EVE client of their own just to play the game.

Oh, and btw. I haven't come across a single piece of software that has no UI options.

Maybe CCP can make an API that plugs straight into Excel .
No more fuss about Eve's (g)ui !

(Not sure about the fun factor tho ..)
#90 - 2012-05-25 15:58:06 UTC
Einar Matveinen wrote:
I like the new inventory.

would you mind explaining what the improvements are in your eyes?

also Verone your right, another problem with using an explorer layout in EVE in my eyes is that you can't open two seperate instances of it to move from explorer A to explorer B
Aoki Kenzo
Apotheosis Enterprises
#91 - 2012-05-25 16:02:43 UTC
Kasriel wrote:
Einar Matveinen wrote:
I like the new inventory.

would you mind explaining what the improvements are in your eyes?

also Verone your right, another problem with using an explorer layout in EVE in my eyes is that you can't open two seperate instances of it to move from explorer A to explorer B

New inventory is bad, and CCP should feel bad about it.
There is no more possible discussion.
Roll It back.
Lucy Ferrr
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#92 - 2012-05-25 16:08:24 UTC
The new inventory is great. Sure there are a few problems with it (mostly in POS mangement), but CCP has already addressed said problems and said a fix is in the works. If you have problems with the new UI beyond that, noone cares. If you are too dumb to figure out how windows explorer in Eve works well you're too dumb too have an opinion that anyone cares about. EVERYTHING you can do in the old system you can do in the new system. Dragging things 1/2" to your tree is much quicker than dragging them from one corner of the screen to another. The filters are great. How organized large hangers can get now with cargo containers is beyond awesome.

I would be curious to see what all these crybabies do in game. I wonder if they are mostly hypocritical nul-ies who tell carebares to adapt but then totally fail to do the same. Or if this is just all more carebare crying.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#93 - 2012-05-25 16:17:03 UTC
Lucy Ferrr wrote:
EVERYTHING you can do in the old system you can do in the new system.
Actually, it's the other way around. Everything you could do in the new system could be done in the old one. The opposite isn't true for the simple reason that the new system doesn't fully support multiple windows and persistent inventory locations like the old one did.

Also, if you're too dumb to realise that Windows Explorer is an old and outdated way of managing files and that if they wanted to copy a file management system, they should have picked a far more modern one, then you're too dumb to have any kind of valuable input on the usefulness of either of the old or new systems.
#94 - 2012-05-25 16:20:20 UTC
Lucy Ferrr wrote:
The new inventory is great. Sure there are a few problems with it (mostly in POS mangement), but CCP has already addressed said problems and said a fix is in the works. If you have problems with the new UI beyond that, noone cares. If you are too dumb to figure out how windows explorer in Eve works well you're too dumb too have an opinion that anyone cares about. EVERYTHING you can do in the old system you can do in the new system. Dragging things 1/2" to your tree is much quicker than dragging them from one corner of the screen to another. The filters are great. How organized large hangers can get now with cargo containers is beyond awesome.

I would be curious to see what all these crybabies do in game. I wonder if they are mostly hypocritical nul-ies who tell carebares to adapt but then totally fail to do the same. Or if this is just all more carebare crying.

you haven't actually explained WHY it's better beyond saying if you can't use it your stupid?

you seem to be ignoring that if your in a station with a decent amount of ships and containers the list is that long it won't fit on your screen, which leads to a LOT of scrolling after dragging things that half an inch to your tree? unless you shift click to open another window and then your essentially doing the same as the "old" UI

the filters could indeed be great but they aren't there yet, i also love the m3 bar i think that's probably the best addition in my eyes, the value one is a nice indicator but can be wildly wrong on price so is largely useless and space consuming

and dragging things from one corner to the other is (i hope) a massive exaggeration? either that or you didn't optimise your old layout at all, with mine i rarely had to move things more than a couple of inches to move from my hanger to the corp one, or my cargo to an array. i'll accept you might have had to move things further, but i'll also point out that if you have much in the way of assets then while you aren't moving things "as far" it's much slower to do it due to scrolling

last thing i'll say to you (as i realise your a troll) is that first off this UI doesn't make things more organised at all, it just displays it differently. second if nobody cares why are there so many threads showing that people do indeed care?
#95 - 2012-05-25 16:23:24 UTC
Aoki Kenzo wrote:
Kasriel wrote:
Einar Matveinen wrote:
I like the new inventory.

would you mind explaining what the improvements are in your eyes?

also Verone your right, another problem with using an explorer layout in EVE in my eyes is that you can't open two seperate instances of it to move from explorer A to explorer B

New inventory is bad, and CCP should feel bad about it.
There is no more possible discussion.
Roll It back.

of course there's room for discussion, your stance for example is no better than the people saying HTFU or "adapt or biomass" there are people who like this layout, there are people who don't the best thing to do would be to keep both running and keep everybody happy

also this is getting slightly sidetracked away from the whole "CCP and Hillmar in particular have broken their word with this patch and this inventory change"
Eso Es
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#96 - 2012-05-25 16:23:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Eso Es
Roime wrote:
If you wait a few days your bot programmer will fix the bot for you. Meanwhile, use any of the other whine threads or just stop flooding the forum with your tears.

You sir, are whats wrong with the EVE-O forums. OP has taken time to make a coherent, well written post, and all you have to say is "gtfo botter"? These forums used to have discussions, back and forths, stories, etc, but theyre degenerating into dime-a-dozen trash posts like the above. If you don't have anything to say, dont say anything at all.

As far as the UI goes, it needs tweaks, its unfortunate that these tweaks, which were glaringly obvious from its first day on the SiSi server weren't made prior to realease, but overall I think having a toggable "New UI On/Off" button would be a bad move for CCP. Fix what needs fixing, and call it a day. CCP is on the right track with changes like these, they just need to remember that, like OP said, they have a commitment to listen to player feedback (excepting lame trollers like the quote above), and seriously take this player feedback into consideration before rolling out major new features.
Chip Flux
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#97 - 2012-05-25 16:28:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Chip Flux
I would certainly hope that this new ui is capable of also doing what the old one used to?

The thing is actually depressing me.

Tell me its not more primative than the old one
The old one could have had a tree
Sunshine and Lollipops
#98 - 2012-05-25 16:29:51 UTC
Chip Flux wrote:
I would certainly hope that this new ui is capable of also doing what the old one used to?
The framework behind it probably is. The actual UI as implemented is not.
#99 - 2012-05-25 16:33:59 UTC
Eso Es wrote:
Roime wrote:
If you wait a few days your bot programmer will fix the bot for you. Meanwhile, use any of the other whine threads or just stop flooding the forum with your tears.

You sir, are whats wrong with the EVE-O forums. OP has taken time to make a coherent, well written post, and all you have to say is "gtfo botter"? These forums used to have discussions, back and forths, stories, etc, but theyre degenerating into dime-a-dozen trash posts like the above. If you don't have anything to say, dont say anything at all.

As far as the UI goes, it needs tweaks, its unfortunate that these tweaks, which were glaringly obvious from its first day on the SiSi server weren't made prior to realease, but overall I think having a toggable "New UI On/Off" button would be a bad move for CCP. Fix what needs fixing, and call it a day. CCP is on the right track with changes like these, they just need to remember that, like OP said, they have a commitment to listen to player feedback (excepting lame trollers like the quote above), and seriously take this player feedback into consideration before rolling out major new features.

thanks for your post couple of questions for you

would you mind explaining why having a toggable on/off button would be bad? taking into context that it's already happened with incarna and the ship hanger?

do you accept that there are people that simply do not - and never will - like the explorer view compared to the old 'open only what you need' style? essentially they've only switched between a file browser and explorer view after all but there is a reason that a file browser is the default style in windows, and the multiple windows UI is common in the majority of games especially online games

and do you agree that their actions - watch what they do not what they say - show that they are indeed backsliding and Hillmar and the company he is responsible for has broken their word to listen to it's players?
#100 - 2012-05-25 16:35:30 UTC
Chip Flux wrote:
I would certainly hope that this new ui is capable of also doing what the old one used to?

The thing is actually depressing me.

Tell me its not more primative than the old one
The old one could have had a tree

unfortunately if the new UI was capable of doing what the old one used to then there wouldn't be people up in arms about it, the long and short of it is that right now it isn't, and until it is i believe the best compromise is to put the option in for both, something CCP seems completely unwilling to discuss