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New Inventory, CCP Hellmar response wanted.

#61 - 2012-05-25 14:35:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Sturmwolke
Shpenat wrote:
Btw. did anyone of you actually read the last devblog?
They did not "ignore" the feedback (I am aware that they actually ignored a Sisi feedback a bit). They know there are some usability issues and are trying to fix them.
So which promise was broken?

The devblog from CCP Soundwave was and remains a damage control effort. The forums was (and is still) aflame with predominantly negative posts, which from a community standpoint, requires a certain amount of reaction from CCP - lest is goes out of control. The whole exercise is typically reactive, something which CCP is professionally very good at. They're a bit quicker on their feet now putting out fires after Incarna.

Then think on the silent players, whose anger right now is smouldering in silence, lacking the will to post a forum retort. Think about the feedback (whether heard or unheard) from other non-English speaking countries, which I'm sure there's plenty of non-English flame there. All in all, the UI feature in Inferno is a failure of epic proportions - both conceptually and implementation wise. No amount of silly depreciative remarks regarding "it's potential" or "get used to change" or "learn how to use it" matters one bit because the approach was fundamentally flawed from the start. For many professionals in the various industries, this epic failure would usually mean a major reprimand or being shown the door.

CCP is a game company, so the management attitudes there might be a bit looser.
Still, it's no reason to go looking for a bee's nest to stone. They lost a lot of goodwill from the players.
Nate Guralman
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#62 - 2012-05-25 14:36:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Nate Guralman
Edit: Browser fail

Tippia wrote:
Yes, providing people with the options to customise their UI to their preference is the right thing to do.
No, providing people with the options to customise their rule-set doesn't make sense.
They're not the same thing.

Fine, so let's leave the game rules out. Asking CCP to provide options to customize UI is a terrible idea because you end up with a mess of a client application. If they provide an open API for player-UI mods, fine. But options are a really bad idea. Just look at any enterprise software application. It just doesn't work.

Tippia wrote:
This isn't about the world, though, and the best CCP can do is listen to how the players want to interface with that world. Dropping functionality for no good reason does not qualify.

Since you're prone to hyperbole, try this one on for size: in Inferno 1.5, they are removing all graphics for a purely sound-based game. Is that still CCP doing the best they can do?

I don't know if this answers your question, but personlly, I don't care if CCP is doing the best or not. For one, I can't tell if CCP is doing their best or not. And really it's irrelevant. If CCP comes up with a new feature or functionality, try it out, and then decide if the game is still fun or not.

In the case of a sound-based game, I'd probably pass. Smile

But the Inventory UI is not a game changer for me. The reason I'm posting about it because of how surprised I am at the reaction some players are having to it. I am exaggerating my examples a bit to show how absurd I think it is. But I'm more than willing to listen to people who provide actual reasons why they think it sucks, rather than just post that they are unsubscribing.
#63 - 2012-05-25 14:38:34 UTC
Shpenat wrote:
Kasriel wrote:
Shpenat wrote:
Btw. did anyone of you actually read the last devblog?

They did not "ignore" the feedback (I am aware that they actually ignored a Sisi feedback a bit). They know there are some usability issues and are trying to fix them. So which promise was broken?

so they didn't ignore the feedback.. except for the WEEKs of feedback from SiSi?

they either did or didn't. and the fact that they ignored that SiSi feedback, pushed a buggy feature live and only started listening to peoples complaints after this shitstorm started is not communicating with your playerbase in any meaningful way, combined with the fact that they're ignoring those people who are making reasoned arguments for making this optional instead and are trying to force people to play is definitely not good communication

Go to the sisi feedback thread and have a look. There is a difference between ignoring and not acting upon the feedback. They even said what they think. That is not ignoring in my book.

Oh and when will you people learn that making core mechanics optional is not reasonable argument?

unfortunately a UI is not a mechanic. it's a feature. just like graphics, just like sound, and the mechanics BEHIND the UI wouldn't be changed any more than painting the wall would turn it from brick into cardboard. look at other MMOs where you can edit your UI, (unfortunately) WoW is a great example of this, you can customise anything you want and it DOES NOT CHANGE how the game functions. just looks

changing your windows scheme doesn't change the way that windows operates does it?
changing the look of the icons on your desktop doesn't make them work differently
changing the background and icons on your phone doesn't make it work differently either

see where i'm going with this?

and you have yet to make a reasonable argument as to why it is not feasable.

Ironman Inc.
#64 - 2012-05-25 14:39:11 UTC
Kasriel wrote:
well as it's been two hours it seems that Hillmar and indeed any member of staff at CCP is either unable or unwilling to comment on the general clusterfuck that this patch has brought the foreground - for some at least - in public, perhaps privately? my email address is attached to this account, feel free to email me and we can discuss this privately, and hey if i leak it you can drop the banhammer on me can't you?

i seriously doubt this problem is going to go away just because you ignore it, i would hope that was made apparent with incarna

Do you also call Steve Balmer on forums to answer you personally every time Microsoft implement something you don´t like?

Please stop behaving like spoiled child.
Bootleg Jack
ACME Mineral and Gas
#65 - 2012-05-25 14:39:21 UTC
Kasriel wrote:
well as it's been two hours it seems that Hillmar and indeed any member of staff at CCP is either unable or unwilling to comment on the general clusterfuck that this patch has brought the foreground - for some at least - in public, perhaps privately? my email address is attached to this account, feel free to email me and we can discuss this privately, and hey if i leak it you can drop the banhammer on me can't you?

i seriously doubt this problem is going to go away just because you ignore it, i would hope that was made apparent with incarna

lol, you actually are waiting? Big smile

I'm an American, English is my second language...

Fabulousli Obvious
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#66 - 2012-05-25 14:41:59 UTC
Kasriel wrote:

i seriously doubt this problem is going to go away just because you ignore it, i would hope that was made apparent with incarna

I'm sure Massively is preparing a juicy story. Then the fake groveling will commence.

We've been here before.

I am NOT YOUNG ENOUGH to know EVERYTHING.  ~~ Oscar Wilde, writer, d. November 30, 1900

#67 - 2012-05-25 14:43:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Kasriel
Shpenat wrote:
Kasriel wrote:
well as it's been two hours it seems that Hillmar and indeed any member of staff at CCP is either unable or unwilling to comment on the general clusterfuck that this patch has brought the foreground - for some at least - in public, perhaps privately? my email address is attached to this account, feel free to email me and we can discuss this privately, and hey if i leak it you can drop the banhammer on me can't you?

i seriously doubt this problem is going to go away just because you ignore it, i would hope that was made apparent with incarna

Do you also call Steve Balmer on forums to answer you personally every time Microsoft implement something you don´t like?

Please stop behaving like spoiled child.

if Steve Balmer made a public statement apologising for the companies direction and then made numerous promises which he subsequently broke? sure why not

shouldn't somebody be held accountable for their actions? shouldn't a company's CEO be held to his word?

last time i checked being an adult meant taking responsibility for your actions and those you are responsible for. do you disagree?

Bootleg Jack wrote:
Kasriel wrote:
well as it's been two hours it seems that Hillmar and indeed any member of staff at CCP is either unable or unwilling to comment on the general clusterfuck that this patch has brought the foreground - for some at least - in public, perhaps privately? my email address is attached to this account, feel free to email me and we can discuss this privately, and hey if i leak it you can drop the banhammer on me can't you?

i seriously doubt this problem is going to go away just because you ignore it, i would hope that was made apparent with incarna

lol, you actually are waiting? Big smile

why not, i'm working on the computer anyway, it's not like checking a forum thread every few minutes on a seperate screen is any hassle for me, just means i'm not watching CSI instead Lol

*edit* also Shpenat i've noticed your all for dismissing me as a spoiled child, essentially saying everybody who doesn't like the new system should HTFU, asking if people have read the test thread and i have to ask

have you?
first page first POST go compare it to the "dev blog" that soundwave published and the 'bugs' that have been fixed already

you also haven't posted a single reason as to why an option between using either inventory isn't viable, or made any specific points as to how this one is better that isn't your opinion and is backed up by evidence.

also if you go back through my posts you'll see that i haven't insulted your stance or i'm being nothing but respectful to both you and anybody else who posts, except my first response to bootleg but trolls irritate me when they don't put any effort in

to avoid confusion here's the two most prominent ones

Zagdul wrote:
Windows don't remember position/size or what was open when you re-dock.

which has been confirmed as a bug

Zagdul wrote:
There is no way to distinguish between locked and unlocked BPO's

and patch notes say?

Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.2
Locked BPOs will now display correctly, i.e. be dimmed out compared to unlocked BPOs.

so looks like that's a bug as well

no they didn't at all ignore feedback from 3 weeks ago and push it out live still broken did they?
Ironman Inc.
#68 - 2012-05-25 14:58:59 UTC
Kasriel wrote:
Shpenat wrote:
Kasriel wrote:
Shpenat wrote:
Btw. did anyone of you actually read the last devblog?

They did not "ignore" the feedback (I am aware that they actually ignored a Sisi feedback a bit). They know there are some usability issues and are trying to fix them. So which promise was broken?

so they didn't ignore the feedback.. except for the WEEKs of feedback from SiSi?

they either did or didn't. and the fact that they ignored that SiSi feedback, pushed a buggy feature live and only started listening to peoples complaints after this shitstorm started is not communicating with your playerbase in any meaningful way, combined with the fact that they're ignoring those people who are making reasoned arguments for making this optional instead and are trying to force people to play is definitely not good communication

Go to the sisi feedback thread and have a look. There is a difference between ignoring and not acting upon the feedback. They even said what they think. That is not ignoring in my book.

Oh and when will you people learn that making core mechanics optional is not reasonable argument?

unfortunately a UI is not a mechanic. it's a feature. just like graphics, just like sound, and the mechanics BEHIND the UI wouldn't be changed any more than painting the wall would turn it from brick into cardboard. look at other MMOs where you can edit your UI, (unfortunately) WoW is a great example of this, you can customise anything you want and it DOES NOT CHANGE how the game functions. just looks

changing your windows scheme doesn't change the way that windows operates does it?
changing the look of the icons on your desktop doesn't make them work differently
changing the background and icons on your phone doesn't make it work differently either

see where i'm going with this?

and you have yet to make a reasonable argument as to why it is not feasable.

Unfortunately this change to inventory system is not just UI change. They also changed some background handling of items. So going back is not an easy task. (when I find the post where they say it I will link here)
#69 - 2012-05-25 15:01:04 UTC
i'd be interested in seeing that. i'd also point out that they said the same thing about CQ and the ship hanger did they not? please check the post again, i added more to the bottom.
Denying You Access
#70 - 2012-05-25 15:06:18 UTC
It just occurred to me that this is a alt post thread. Well I mean an alt of another well known poster who is also posting in this thread. Good form my man, good form.

Do you smell what the Lock's cooking?

Hakaru Ishiwara
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#71 - 2012-05-25 15:11:23 UTC
Sentient Blade wrote:
You can't compare Incarna with the Unified Inventory, as god-awful as it is.

The unified inventory was not a business strategy, signed off at high levels that drains money from players. Instead it was simply an attempt at making something better for the players that got seriously screwed up somewhere in coding. Which is forgiveable.

Although someone needs to be slapped upside the head for ignoring the Sisi feedback.
I disagree. This venture has fundamental design issues and somebody up the chain from the developers / coders really cocked it up.

tl; dr - This feature had to have been signed off on by, at the very least, middle management.

+++++++ I have never shed a tear for a fellow EVE player until now. Mark “Seleene” Heard's Blog Honoring Sean "Vile Rat" Smith.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#72 - 2012-05-25 15:13:22 UTC
Nate Guralman wrote:
Fine, so let's leave the game rules out. Asking CCP to provide options to customize UI is a terrible idea because you end up with a mess of a client application. If they provide an open API for player-UI mods, fine. But options are a really bad idea. Just look at any enterprise software application.
No really, what?!

Options is everything; modding is where the bad things start to happen. All but the most useless piece of hacked-together software offers UI options and customisations. They are always a good thing. An open UI API on the other hand leads to a messy application and opens up for all kinds of abuses. There's a reason why all software offers UI options; there's also a reason why few of them offers UI modding.

Asking CCP to provide options is not a terrible idea — it's ******* mandatory!

For one, I can't tell if CCP is doing their best or not.
Can you tell whether something is better or worse than before?
If, after Tuesday's patch, you were no longer able to use your mouse in-game, would you be able to tell?

The reason I'm posting about it because of how surprised I am at the reaction some players are having to it.
What's surprising about it? Functionality was removed for no good reason and after the devs had been told clearly, and repeatedly that the thing was going to cause issues if released in the current state.

It's not just annoyance with the loss of functionality.
It's not just annoyance with the waste of feedback.
It's the continuing saga of CCP being absolutely incapable of any communication other than damage control and the disappointment that they fell back into that mode so easily after having such a good run with the last expansion and seemingly being on the road to recovery…

and the annoyance with the loss of functionality and meaningless feedback.
#73 - 2012-05-25 15:13:29 UTC
THE L0CK wrote:
It just occurred to me that this is a alt post thread. Well I mean an alt of another well known poster who is also posting in this thread. Good form my man, good form.

are you trying to say that i'm an alt? beyond me telling you i'm not there's little i could do to disprove it? besides isn't talking to yourself a sign you've lost the plot?
Ironman Inc.
#74 - 2012-05-25 15:17:02 UTC
Kasriel wrote:

*edit* also Shpenat i've noticed your all for dismissing me as a spoiled child, essentially saying everybody who doesn't like the new system should HTFU, asking if people have read the test thread and i have to ask

have you?
first page first POST go compare it to the "dev blog" that soundwave published and the 'bugs' that have been fixed already

you also haven't posted a single reason as to why an option between using either inventory isn't viable, or made any specific points as to how this one is better that isn't your opinion and is backed up by evidence.

also if you go back through my posts you'll see that i haven't insulted your stance or i'm being nothing but respectful to both you and anybody else who posts, except my first response to bootleg but trolls irritate me when they don't put any effort in

to avoid confusion here's the two most prominent ones

Zagdul wrote:
Windows don't remember position/size or what was open when you re-dock.

which has been confirmed as a bug

Zagdul wrote:
There is no way to distinguish between locked and unlocked BPO's

and patch notes say?

Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.2
Locked BPOs will now display correctly, i.e. be dimmed out compared to unlocked BPOs.

so looks like that's a bug as well

no they didn't at all ignore feedback from 3 weeks ago and push it out live still broken did they?

Ah I am not dismissing you. Apology if that sounded that way. I am just starting to hate people who argue along the line: I am paying customer I have the rights to influence the software development. Your only right is to unsubscribe and not use that piece of software anymore. Sure every sense company will want to have feedback from customers, but that does not give you right to demand it.

I am not trying to white-knight the new inventory systems. It is buggy and it removed some usability. What I am trying to point out is that they did not ignore the feedback. They did not acted upon it in the right manner. But that is not same thing as ignoring it.
Denying You Access
#75 - 2012-05-25 15:24:01 UTC
Kasriel wrote:
THE L0CK wrote:
It just occurred to me that this is a alt post thread. Well I mean an alt of another well known poster who is also posting in this thread. Good form my man, good form.

are you trying to say that i'm an alt? beyond me telling you i'm not there's little i could do to disprove it? besides isn't talking to yourself a sign you've lost the plot?

nah it's just another part of the meta game. Even I run with multiple forum alts. I'm going to wait and see if anyone else see's what I see.

Do you smell what the Lock's cooking?

Magister Corp
#76 - 2012-05-25 15:25:06 UTC
Shpenat wrote:
Ah I am not dismissing you. Apology if that sounded that way. I am just starting to hate people who argue along the line: I am paying customer I have the rights to influence the software development. Your only right is to unsubscribe and not use that piece of software anymore. Sure every sense company will want to have feedback from customers, but that does not give you right to demand it.

I am not trying to white-knight the new inventory systems. It is buggy and it removed some usability. What I am trying to point out is that they did not ignore the feedback. They did not acted upon it in the right manner. But that is not same thing as ignoring it.

Meh. That's quibbling over the details. Ignore doesn't always mean "remain totally oblivious", it can also mean "actively disregard". Obviously they were aware of the negative feedback; they just didn't take it seriously, they ignored it.
#77 - 2012-05-25 15:28:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Kasriel
Shpenat wrote:
Ah I am not dismissing you. Apology if that sounded that way. I am just starting to hate people who argue along the line: I am paying customer I have the rights to influence the software development. Your only right is to unsubscribe and not use that piece of software anymore. Sure every sense company will want to have feedback from customers, but that does not give you right to demand it.

I am not trying to white-knight the new inventory systems. It is buggy and it removed some usability. What I am trying to point out is that they did not ignore the feedback. They did not acted upon it in the right manner. But that is not same thing as ignoring it.

very well technically you're right, but don't you find it interesting that things they are listing as bugs now they said were intended or flat out dismissed during the TESTING phase? surely that falls under poor communication and lack of player involvement - two things which CCPs CEO specifically promised to improve and in this case has failed, do you agree?

and i'm not trying to say CCP cannot use a new inventory system, far from it i've said to keep it in by all means, like i've said there may well be many people who love the new system - it is a shame very few are posting - and i've already exercised my right to stop giving CCP money, i'm also exercising my right as a customer to complain about poor service, CCP have not yet addressed it and as i'm still a customer till my subscription ends.

and truly i love this game, i have for over 5 years, i'm not trying to destroy it, or discredit CCP, i'm fighting to save it, granted i'm trying to save it for myself - so i'm not claiming to be altruistic at all
#78 - 2012-05-25 15:30:38 UTC
THE L0CK wrote:
Kasriel wrote:
THE L0CK wrote:
It just occurred to me that this is a alt post thread. Well I mean an alt of another well known poster who is also posting in this thread. Good form my man, good form.

are you trying to say that i'm an alt? beyond me telling you i'm not there's little i could do to disprove it? besides isn't talking to yourself a sign you've lost the plot?

nah it's just another part of the meta game. Even I run with multiple forum alts. I'm going to wait and see if anyone else see's what I see.

unfortunately your mistaken ;) no meta game here, i've got 6 toons, 3 accounts, this was my first and is my main

i am curious who's alt you think i am though?
Pok Nibin
#79 - 2012-05-25 15:33:22 UTC
Don't drag him into this. We'll be here forever.

The right to free speech doesn't automatically carry with it the right to be taken seriously.

Denying You Access
#80 - 2012-05-25 15:38:35 UTC
Kasriel wrote:
THE L0CK wrote:
Kasriel wrote:
THE L0CK wrote:
It just occurred to me that this is a alt post thread. Well I mean an alt of another well known poster who is also posting in this thread. Good form my man, good form.

are you trying to say that i'm an alt? beyond me telling you i'm not there's little i could do to disprove it? besides isn't talking to yourself a sign you've lost the plot?

nah it's just another part of the meta game. Even I run with multiple forum alts. I'm going to wait and see if anyone else see's what I see.

unfortunately your mistaken ;) no meta game here, i've got 6 toons, 3 accounts, this was my first and is my main

i am curious who's alt you think i am though?


Do you smell what the Lock's cooking?