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Ship Scanner, Passive Target and UI

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-05-25 10:50:29 UTC
Ship Scanner is an almost useless tool in Eve Online as the majority (if not all) modules in game have some sort of visual animation/art.

Turrets look different based on their build as well as color coded to their meta-group/faction. With Missile Launcher's now having renders, these are also present. Damage Control modules, Shield Hardeners, Armor Hardeners and even Sensor Boosters all have visual effects that a trained eye can readily tell what the ship is using.

The ship scanner is now a useless module as the only thing it can/will actively tell you is what passive modules the combatant (or person you're snooping) is fielding. When used, it's a wasted slot.

My suggestion: Do away with it entirely and field a new UI Overlay like we see in the trailers/; you click on the target and it gives you a holographic readout showing the obvious. What turrets they're using, what active modules are turned on; things that can more easily identified toward the less savvy pilots.

Before you automatically disagree, this is Sci-fi. We're pod pilots. We use every known advantage in order to win the fight and I'm fairly certain that this technology would be readily available on-top of everything else.

The second thing I want to bring up is the Passive Target Module. This seems like it would be a great idea if used in tandem with the (now redundant) Ship Scanner and Cargo Scanner combo in line with a Scout, giving him a better scope of what his team would be fielded against. Knowledge is power.

Problem is, you can't use any of these modules while cloaked; and it's only applicable when sitting on a low-sec gate in high-sec to scan down targets as they pass through to the gate camp on the other side, just as an example.

Essentially, make these modules able to be used cloaked by your cloaky Covert Ops/Recon Ships. Give them an edge -beyond- just probing out targets and afk camping. Give these modules a reason to be used in the modern Eve universe, or do away with them entirely and put something more useful in their place.

Yeah. Pretty much the gist of it.

"As long as space endures,

as long as sentient beings exist,

until then, may I too remain

and dispel the miseries of the world."

~ Vremaja Idama

cApAc aMaRu
Burning Sword
#2 - 2012-05-25 12:40:27 UTC
I agree with this. Every ship should have a scanner that reads active mods on a selected, locked ship.

The *redundant* ship scanner and the cargo scanner could be combined into one 'scan everything' scanner, which could be altered to not require a lock to use, that can be used while cloaked, but it should have a short range, so you risk being de-cloaked.
Kaylen Vimanis
#3 - 2012-05-25 13:06:53 UTC
If ship scanners are useless, then how come everytime i goto the forge i see at least 2 poeple on every gate use them?

Plus your suggestion gives suicide gankers a far far far too easy a time to put more slots on for sensor boosters and tackle.

I'm i being trolled?

I’m a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-05-26 07:17:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Nomistrav
Kaylen Vimanis wrote:
If ship scanners are useless, then how come everytime i goto the forge i see at least 2 poeple on every gate use them?

Plus your suggestion gives suicide gankers a far far far too easy a time to put more slots on for sensor boosters and tackle.

I'm i being trolled?

You might be mistaking the Ship Scanner with a Cargo Scanner. The only reason they would use it is to find targets with faction/dead space modules. Turrets can be readily identified just by selecting the target with the camera and selecting "set as parent" and looking at the coloring of the weapons.

A Cargo Scanner is useful in those cases because you can see what the Freighter (which has no slots for modules at all) is shipping, or whatever ship you're particularly interested in.

As far as Suicide Gankers having more slots, they're going to field those modules despite. If I were smart, I'd use an alt to check these things so I can fit those modules anyway.

Regardless, it's not what was suggested so much as making those modules more useful: by being fielded on cloaked ships to give them more usage in the field rather than -just- be suicide gankers, if such were the case (though I have my doubts as I previously suggested: alt).

EVEN THEN, this game is dark and scary. It's supposed to be dark and scary. You're supposed to be at risk at any time, high sec should not be an exception. As far as I'm concerned, give suicide gankers -more- capabilities, and not less. I'm sure there are many that would agree with me.

"As long as space endures,

as long as sentient beings exist,

until then, may I too remain

and dispel the miseries of the world."

~ Vremaja Idama

cApAc aMaRu
Burning Sword
#5 - 2012-07-25 09:04:55 UTC
Needs more love. Old mechanics like scanners really need to be looked at. Its ridiculous.