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When a WH static opens?

Post Ironic
The Eyes of The Cat
#21 - 2012-05-17 08:23:48 UTC
Coolsmoke wrote:
The general consenus is that a static wormhole spawns, along with its other side, when a ship initiates warp to it. However, there are many tales of w-dwellers who swear blind they've been visited despite constant scanning for K162's and not opening their own statics. Perhaps a static wormhole spawns when it is scanned to 100%...or 50%..

Of course now, with wormhole jump data removed, it's simply impossible to tell.

Someone spawns a wormhole a system, scans that system's static, warps to it and checks the next system, decides that that route isn't interesting or viable, goes back and collapses his connection to the system in order to roll the dice again.

Happens every day, and if that hasn't occurred to the inhabitants of the system, and providing they weren't online or paying attention when that happened, it might look to them like despite the absence of any K162 at the moment of their scanning, someone has been coming from the only place they couldn't possibly be coming: their unwarped static. And the fact that static will despawn within normal time will only serve to fuel the confusion.

Sheer observation over the years however, has wiped these speculations from the table. There's no need for an official word from CCP about it to anyone who's been doing this for a while.
QT McWhiskers
Shadow Cartel
#22 - 2012-05-17 17:23:53 UTC  |  Edited by: QT McWhiskers
Not long ago, my corp collapsed our static and any other holes in preparation for capital escalation sites. We finished the sites an hour or so later and we warped to static. We jump through the static and notice that there is a bunch of Tengus on scan and a noctis.

Very quickly afterwards, the tengus dissapear, no noctis comes in, and we breifly see scouts on Dscan as the normal WH dance happens when two well organized wormholers are looking for each other.

From the amount of wrecks and the speed of their dissapearance we know that.

A. These pilots were running sites for at least an hour.
B. (Removed for OPSEC reasons.)
C. Only detected our sig when we warped to the new static that had been scanned down for over an hour.

This is not an isolated incident either. Very similar situations have been seen with gassers, caps, and other expensive toys when our static comes across competent wormhole dwellers.

We know that correlation is not proof of causality, but this is pretty damn good evidence that has merely been witnessed by myself, and my corp.
Antagonistic Tendencies
#23 - 2012-05-17 17:53:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Rroff
I just posted something of a similiar nature in the other thread about this - tho from the other way around - we were almost jumped in site by another corp who I know of fairly well and chat to some of their members now and again in the AHARM public channel the scenario being:

Both corps had collapsed all links to their WH and left their static scanned but not warped to.
Both corps ran sites about the same time while monitoring for new sigs, etc. as usual.
The other corp once they'd run their sites then warped to their static looking for pew.
The WH then linked straight to us.
We saw the new sig and pulled out the site as their cloaky scout was narrowing down which site we were at.

After the failed gank there was some banter about it between myself and those in the corp who were in the same channel ingame - which clarified the above points including that we were the first place their static linked to - to my mind its pretty conclusive that the link to us was only spawned once they initated warp to it.
Nendail Smith
Lockheed Nighthawk
#24 - 2012-05-17 20:18:28 UTC
Immortis Vexx wrote:
shadowgirl9 wrote:
ok in the last few days i have people keep saying i am wrong when it comes to spawning a static WH,

i have always belived that a static WH when collpases will instantly respawn, a few people have now been trying to tell me that the WH will not be initiated/ opened untill it is warped to, now i know the sites work like that is this the same for static WH's or are they just talking crap?

This seems to be one of those Schrodinger's cat sorta things. If you can scan it, you can warp to it. Thus, if you can scan it, the hole has to exist SOMEWHERE. A hole can just as easily be scanned from either side. You can have people come into your WH from a hole that you didn't scan so they CAN'T solely exist on one side or the other until opened. Right? Perhaps I am misunderstanding this whole thing....

Also, I don't have 100% proof that the sites don't "open" unless you warp to them but I am fairly certain that is false. We have had stuff despawn that we haven't touched in the same amount of time that "opened" sites have despawned in.


The problem with this post right here, is this poster fails to realize there is a difference between a wormhole, and a wormhole signature. When you pop your static wormhole, the wormhole, and it's signature will go away. A new WH signature will surface and you can scan it down.

The actual wormhole itself will not exist until you warp to it and the k162 does not surface on the other side until you warp to your side. This has been tested, and tested again. If you keep your system clear, pop all K162's that come in, and never warp to your static, you will never see a visitor in your hole unless a k162 pops in your system, plain and simple.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#25 - 2012-05-18 13:02:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Coolsmoke
Ashimat wrote:
Coolsmoke wrote:
However, there are many tales of w-dwellers who swear blind they've been visited despite constant scanning for K162's and not opening their own statics. Perhaps a static wormhole spawns when it is scanned to 100%...or 50%..

No w-dweller can be sure of that. Just because you have not seen anyone on scan don't mean you don't have guests in your system. Just because you have not seen any K162s spawn, does not mean you are alone in the system. Just because you have not opened up your static don't mean it's still not opened.

I have the feeling that a lot of those tales are generated by pilots that just failed to see all the possibilities.

I totally agree. But still they swear blind :)

A though has just occurred to me; has anyone scanned their fresh new static just before DT, then waited till after DT to warp-to and jump?
A comparison of the K162 side's Sig ID with other Sig ID's in-system might provide a clue..
Antagonistic Tendencies
#26 - 2012-05-18 14:40:32 UTC
Coolsmoke wrote:

A though has just occurred to me; has anyone scanned their fresh new static just before DT, then waited till after DT to warp-to and jump?
A comparison of the K162 side's Sig ID with other Sig ID's in-system might provide a clue..

Yes its been done - the k162 side has a post DT sig id.
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#27 - 2012-05-19 10:08:12 UTC
Bane Nucleus wrote:
Honestly, never leave it to chance. I always assume some other corps scan alt has warped to it already. Lol

This is a fairly safe rule of thumb to be honest. I wouldn't leave a static unscanned for days because in that time you could've had an incoming that was collapsed quickly, and when that incoming existed someone could've come in and "opened" your static, leaving you in a position of believing that it hadn't spawned when it actually had.

The only way you can really know, or at least be as sure as you can be, is to collapse the static yourself at such time that you know there are no other incoming wormholes or people already inside cloaked. As soon as you see probes that aren't your own, or time has passed when noone was watching d-scan, the saffest policy is to assume it has probably already been spawned by someone else.

The Schrödinger's Cat observation is particularly astute Smile
XX Industries
#28 - 2012-05-24 07:38:43 UTC
Coolsmoke wrote:
[snip] However, there are many tales of w-dwellers who swear blind they've been visited despite constant scanning for K162's and not opening their own statics. Perhaps a static wormhole spawns when it is scanned to 100%...or 50%..

It's possible those people had visitors "camping over" in their system, or had a k162 which was force-closed after the corp that opened it had pinged the residents' static hole.
XX Industries
#29 - 2012-05-24 07:42:40 UTC
Tau Cabalander wrote:
Back when CCP allowed API jump queries about w-space systems, the stats also showed that there were no jumps while the statics were closed.

If you were using Staticmapper, it was never 100% accurate anyway. Many times I'd noticed that jumps I'd made with various characters weren't showing. (And yes I was well aware of the refresh times on there). I can't speak for any other websites offering the same sort of service.
Scoto Timta
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2012-05-24 13:40:23 UTC
MackemInSpace wrote:
If you were using Staticmapper, it was never 100% accurate anyway. Many times I'd noticed that jumps I'd made with various characters weren't showing. (And yes I was well aware of the refresh times on there). I can't speak for any other websites offering the same sort of service.

The inaccuracies were consistent across the various websites. Corpmate and I force-closed a C1 static (takes over 25 jumps due to mass restrictions per ship) and later (several hours) I noticed that the jump record showed 1 jump during that time. Checked other sites and they all said the same thing. After seeing similar behavior several times I quit believing the jump counts.
Traska Gannel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#31 - 2012-05-24 14:48:27 UTC
Hi ...

I am in the camp that static WHs are spawned only when warped to at their initiating end. I do not know if this is true for all wormholes.

The justification is pretty simple ... static wormholes never appear as K162s. For example, a C2 with static B274 and static Z647 will always have one of each of these. Always ... in my experience after a year in a WH scanning the new exits down every day. These always existed ... never replaced by a K162. The odds of these never being scanned from the other side which could happen under the hypothesis that both ends are established when the signature is spawned ... never occurred. So, I think the hypothesis that the static WH link is only spawned when warped to is correct.

In addition, I suspect that this is true of all WH mechanics. The server spawns signatures and the WH link is only created when the initiating signature is instantiated by someone landing on grid. The exit wormhole becomes a K162. There is no way to prove this of course ... but it does avoid alot of issues (simulaneous discovery, race conditions ...) and makes the coding much simpler and requires less data base storage since any signatures that aren't warped to do not generate any overhead.

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#32 - 2012-05-24 14:54:02 UTC
Here's how it works, since there's a lot of partial information posted here:

When your static wormhole collapses, a new wormhole signature forms. You can scan it down and bookmark the signature location and the wormhole will remain "closed". This is evidenced by the signature remaining for several days, while the wormhole itself would last ~24 hours.

The wormhole will "open", or form a K162 in another system, as soon as a warp drive locks on to the signature.. Note that you do not have to warp TO the site, you can simply initiate warp and then cancel and the K162 will still be created.

This goes for both static and "wandering" wormholes.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

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