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Piracy, let's face it, it's almost dead...

Defiance LLC
#81 - 2012-05-18 16:22:33 UTC
Move incursions and level4 missions to low sec?
Make it automaticly impossible to escape an engagement?
Systemize and enforce ransoms? etc.


Pilots calling themselves pirates asking CCP to make it easier to pirate! How embarrassing.

Being a pirate isnt just saying yarr and collecting a paycheck. Being a pirate is being a thief, scavenger, opportunist and making your way outside the world of alliances and coalitions and rules. Grow a pair, use your brain, take all you can and give nothing back.

And fer the luv o mike, quit posting with yer mains!!!!!
Jack Carrigan
Order of the Shadow
#82 - 2012-05-18 18:23:34 UTC
Being a pirate is also being a tactician and strategist.

Quit being lazy, and go find some profit to make out there.

I am the One who exists in Shadow. I am the Devil your parents warned you about.

||CEO: Order of the Shadow||Executor: The Revenant Order||Creator: Bowhead||

Verge of Collapse
#83 - 2012-05-18 20:52:29 UTC
Torothin wrote:
Back when i first started playing Eve, there were no caps, there was no warp to 0, there wasn't even warp to 0 on stations. Camping low-sec entry points that lead to 0.0 could bring you in some serious isk from drops as well as ransoms. Let's also not forget that you could always make isk by performing a docking toll on stations in low-sec or in 0.0. Now it is far less profitable to be a pirate.

You nearly never get any good drops like you used to from people hauling stuff due to the implementation of capitals. The regional gates made things even worse for pirates. Something needs to be done. Something that makes it far more lucrative to live or work out of low sec. My advice to rectify this issue, take hi-sec incursions move them out of hi-sec and into low-sec. This will make things far more interesting in low-sec and add an incentive for players to dwell in low-sec thus increasing the population in low-sec areas which in turn leads to more targets. Thoughts?

You complain about piracy being dead, no ransoms, warp to 0 and cap ships.

Yet there you are, in one of the most blobbiest alliances in eve making things worse. Want to get it all back? Step up and make a change then,
Ilnaurk Sithdogron
Blackwater International
#84 - 2012-05-19 12:31:54 UTC
Kriegman wrote:
So you are mad that 0.0 industrial players have neutral jump freighters that can't be wardecked or ganked? Hey I happily donate cyno kestrels on lowsec midpoint stations to the "pirates". The lowsec crowd is so amusing with all the smack talking and bad-ass posturing when they manage to pop a cyno kessy on the undock with a lit cyno that it makes my eye tear in sadness.

Is this guy talking alien language?

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#85 - 2012-05-20 09:03:49 UTC
Torothin wrote:
Back when i first started playing Eve, there were no caps, there was no warp to 0, there wasn't even warp to 0 on stations. Camping low-sec entry points that lead to 0.0 could bring you in some serious isk from drops as well as ransoms. Let's also not forget that you could always make isk by performing a docking toll on stations in low-sec or in 0.0. Now it is far less profitable to be a pirate.

You nearly never get any good drops like you used to from people hauling stuff due to the implementation of capitals. The regional gates made things even worse for pirates. Something needs to be done. Something that makes it far more lucrative to live or work out of low sec. My advice to rectify this issue, take hi-sec incursions move them out of hi-sec and into low-sec. This will make things far more interesting in low-sec and add an incentive for players to dwell in low-sec thus increasing the population in low-sec areas which in turn leads to more targets. Thoughts?

I remember those days.

You see, back when you had all that. the "pirates" did not kill everything that moves "for the lulz".

You all got replaced by those who do, and they call themselves pirates. Just like a can-baiter in a rookie system calling themselves PVPers.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Trade and Supplies Co.
#86 - 2012-05-22 20:14:22 UTC  |  Edited by: axxeessee
If you think that piracy is dead you have obviously never heard of FIREBOLT145, probably the best and most HONOURABLE SPIRATE that has ever touched this game called EVE ONLINE.
Internet Lawyer Steve
#87 - 2012-05-23 16:40:05 UTC
Dare Knight wrote:
Torothin wrote:
The goal is to get more people into low-sec allowing for more targets. I guess we have several simple minded people in this thread with their one line zingers. I did not say it was dead. I said it was dying.

Point #1) Keep your smartbutt comments like that to yourself. Quickest way to end a thread of anything intelligent yourself and your credibility.

Point #2) We know what you said. We can read. We're telling you that if you consider "Give me isk or I kill you and take your stuffz" the only form of piracy, or in your case getting good lootz from gate camps the only form of piracy, that's not the case. Removing content from highsec and putting it in lowsec isn't going to fix the problem. It never will. People don't want to dwell in lowsec because they either want to 'play safe' or want their very own space, as well as various other reasons that make lowsec not very popular. This has been discussed to death and revoked as valid 'fixes' for some time now. Bringing it up again with a few different words in play isn't going to change that. There's nothing original about it.

As it is, your post title is misleading to the content which you're posting. Piracy is alive, will always be alive, just in different forms than your basic "high loot gate camp" from the ages past. As long as there's two people logged into TQ, someone will have something the other person wants, whether that be stuffz, lulz, or tears, and they'll employ several different methods other than gate camping to attain it. And it will NEVER be fair. This has no correlation to lowsec population or the implication of moving things to lowsec to improve the population.

TL;DR -- Adapt.

EDIT: This doesn't even negate the fact that if you moved all incursions to lowsec, there still wouldn't be a reason to live there and run expensive ships with huge amount of loot in them. That's what jump freighters are for, and they're not going anywhere anytime soon.

He lost all credibility when I read his corp and alliance.

Internet Lawyer Steve and Associates,

Bringing Justice to New Eden, One post at a time...

Katja Faith
#88 - 2012-05-23 17:52:22 UTC
Torothin wrote:
Back when i first started playing Eve, there were no caps, there was no warp to 0, there wasn't even warp to 0 on stations. Camping low-sec entry points that lead to 0.0 could bring you in some serious isk from drops as well as ransoms. Let's also not forget that you could always make isk by performing a docking toll on stations in low-sec or in 0.0. Now it is far less profitable to be a pirate.

You nearly never get any good drops like you used to from people hauling stuff due to the implementation of capitals. The regional gates made things even worse for pirates. Something needs to be done. Something that makes it far more lucrative to live or work out of low sec. My advice to rectify this issue, take hi-sec incursions move them out of hi-sec and into low-sec. This will make things far more interesting in low-sec and add an incentive for players to dwell in low-sec thus increasing the population in low-sec areas which in turn leads to more targets. Thoughts?

SO, basically, you're accepting the mantle of "bittervet"? Good to know. Thanks.
Hail Goddess
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#89 - 2012-05-23 20:43:27 UTC
The op is somewhat silly. The more pilots in low security space (faction warfare). The more targets and larger fleets tbh. However, will gate camping be difficult in that enviroment? Yes! Now, it's time for you to roam and learn how to deal with whatever is sent your way. Adapt or die. I will say. That piracy is dead in this regard. You have to be a warrior instead of a ganker to survive in this enviroment. Easy kills and ganking lone pilots will become alot more difficult. Get use to engaging outnumbered. Many have made that shift long ago.
aoe dps
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#90 - 2012-05-25 03:30:37 UTC
Katja Faith wrote:

SO, basically, you're accepting the mantle of "bittervet"? Good to know. Thanks.

thanks, i lol'd

and i only had to read 1st and last page to understand this whole thread :)

i am a posting alt. "He doesn't believe in taking into consideration any facts that might detract from his argument"

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#91 - 2012-05-31 09:18:36 UTC
Piracy is not dead - but 2003...eve had no bubbles, no jumpdrive-ships, no warp to 0, no cloaks, no titan brigdes...and eve was better...sorry to say that ccp....the "improvement" of this game made it be less good. But eve still rocks compared to all the other crapgames. And once you are aditced to eve (like 2003 player usually are) you have learned to adapt to whatever the devs develop. It´s a sport to get a new tactic to still kill people...
Akatenshi Xi
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#92 - 2012-05-31 19:36:26 UTC
Torothin wrote:
Back when i first started playing Eve, there were no caps, there was no warp to 0, there wasn't even warp to 0 on stations. Camping low-sec entry points that lead to 0.0 could bring you in some serious isk from drops as well as ransoms. Let's also not forget that you could always make isk by performing a docking toll on stations in low-sec or in 0.0. Now it is far less profitable to be a pirate.

You nearly never get any good drops like you used to from people hauling stuff due to the implementation of capitals. The regional gates made things even worse for pirates. Something needs to be done. Something that makes it far more lucrative to live or work out of low sec. My advice to rectify this issue, take hi-sec incursions move them out of hi-sec and into low-sec. This will make things far more interesting in low-sec and add an incentive for players to dwell in low-sec thus increasing the population in low-sec areas which in turn leads to more targets. Thoughts?

Piracy. You're Doing It Wrong.

It isn't dead, you just can't find the pulse.
Fire Mandrill
#93 - 2012-05-31 23:31:40 UTC
I got a kill in placid today that was not a blob i was surpised piracy is not dead you just have to find it.