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I really Know why Eve don't get more Players....

Ryoken McKeon
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#41 - 2012-05-23 19:30:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Ryoken McKeon
Dethbringer1 wrote:

yeah i know. you can kill a bs with a frig.. you can also mine with a iteron...... whats the point besides being bored to death?

Just get out of my game. You clearly have no business here.

(I wish there was someway to mindmeld and exchange experiences via the internet. My first year of EVE is literally the counterargument to every carebear in EVE. Anti-pirate corp full of nubs in frigates wrecking high sec griefers.)
Vaal Erit
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#42 - 2012-05-23 19:31:09 UTC
Petrus Blackshell
#43 - 2012-05-23 19:32:06 UTC
TIL killing a battleship with a frigate is boring, and killing a frigate with a Tengu is entertaining.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

#44 - 2012-05-23 19:33:52 UTC
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
Dethbringer1 wrote:
You miss the point... I only suggested not letting 50m sp player gank 1m sp players. If EVE survival depends on 50m sp characters ganking 1m sp character..... Eve is already dead.... or just plain lame as can be.

Seriously... If you get your rocks off killing noobs with a 50m sp character you must be that 40 year old dude in your mothers basement like in southpark!

You miss the point. 1m SP characters can kill 50m SP characters when used right. That doesn't happen in Runescape.

I have 15m sp and I seriously doubt any 1m sp player would be any threat. I doubt they would even have the firepower to make me turn on my shield booster.
Ryoken McKeon
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#45 - 2012-05-23 19:36:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Ryoken McKeon
Dethbringer1 wrote:
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
Dethbringer1 wrote:
You miss the point... I only suggested not letting 50m sp player gank 1m sp players. If EVE survival depends on 50m sp characters ganking 1m sp character..... Eve is already dead.... or just plain lame as can be.

Seriously... If you get your rocks off killing noobs with a 50m sp character you must be that 40 year old dude in your mothers basement like in southpark!

You miss the point. 1m SP characters can kill 50m SP characters when used right. That doesn't happen in Runescape.

I have 15m sp and I seriously doubt any 1m sp player would be any threat. I doubt they would even have the firepower to make me turn on my shield booster.

What if there were 15 of them in rifters? The dude you're arguing with spends most of his time killing idiots like you who think frigates are useless, with frigates. I discovered this from reading his signature, which is right in front of you. Your problem with this game is not that EVE is bad, it is that you are not intelligent enough to understand.
#46 - 2012-05-23 19:36:32 UTC
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
TIL killing a battleship with a frigate is boring, and killing a frigate with a Tengu is entertaining.

what is TIL.... no killing a bs with a frig may be fun but would take so long... I would loose interest... making the kill would be a lot of fun but like fishing would be an hour of bordom for 1 sec of excitment.
#47 - 2012-05-23 19:41:23 UTC
I live in low sec. I pvped. I play for spaceship. All that said, i still think there should be a safe space. You shouldn't have to go there if you don't want to, but it should sill exsist. And when your ready you shold come visit me and I'll sed you back express!
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#48 - 2012-05-23 19:41:55 UTC

EVE is dying again, I see.


Rex Garvin
Off-World Mining
#49 - 2012-05-23 19:42:30 UTC
Im a 6 year care bear and I think pirates add spice to the game. However I do think a players starting system should be off limits to PvP until a char reaches a certain amount of skill points. After that they are marked for PvP and must leave the starting area. This would give new players a chance to gain experience without getting ganked every time they turn arround. Many restrictions would have to made to prevent exploitation from our players.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#50 - 2012-05-23 19:44:51 UTC
Dethbringer1 wrote:
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
TIL killing a battleship with a frigate is boring, and killing a frigate with a Tengu is entertaining.

what is TIL.... no killing a bs with a frig may be fun but would take so long... I would loose interest... making the kill would be a lot of fun but like fishing would be an hour of bordom for 1 sec of excitment.

Have you ever done any PVP in EvE? (Because you don't sound like it...)

Ungi maðurinn þekkir reglurnar, en gamli maðurinn þekkir undantekningarnar. The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions.

Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#51 - 2012-05-23 19:46:19 UTC
I think we can all agree that if Eve were to become a popular game without compromising it's core concepts that it would only be a good thing.

The problem is, how can you ever make someone totally safe without them negatively affecting someone else?

You may think that newbie player who is innocently mining away in his frigate isn't doing anybody harm. But what if a large nullsec alliance (maybe goonswarm?) all made trial accounts and went around mining in frigates every day, then sending the minerals to their alliance? The enemies of Goonswarm should have a way of stopping them from gaining that advantage.

Now you may say "well, what if we just blocked the off from the rest of the universe so they can't interact and can't leave while in a ship?" How would that even work? That's basically sharding the game.

I'm not convinced there's a way to make people completely safe to go about doing their own business unless there was another server/area that they are completely isolated from the normal gaming populace. Other than that, everybody's actions are potentially making a threat to someone else for a variety of reasons, and this other person deserves the opportunity to eliminate the threat.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Petrus Blackshell
#52 - 2012-05-23 19:49:30 UTC
Dethbringer1 wrote:
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
TIL killing a battleship with a frigate is boring, and killing a frigate with a Tengu is entertaining.

what is TIL.... no killing a bs with a frig may be fun but would take so long... I would loose interest... making the kill would be a lot of fun but like fishing would be an hour of bordom for 1 sec of excitment.

TIL = Today I Learned

Ryoken McKeon wrote:
Dethbringer1 wrote:
Petrus Blackshell wrote:

You miss the point. 1m SP characters can kill 50m SP characters when used right. That doesn't happen in Runescape.

I have 15m sp and I seriously doubt any 1m sp player would be any threat. I doubt they would even have the firepower to make me turn on my shield booster.

What if there were 15 of them in rifters? The dude you're arguing with spends most of his time killing idiots like you who think frigates are useless, with frigates. I discovered this from reading his signature, which is right in front of you. Your problem with this game is not that EVE is bad, it is that you are not intelligent enough to understand.

This dude gets it. Yeah, a 1m SP player has no chance against a 15m SP player in a far more expensive ship. Put 3 or 4 of them together and they stand a very good chance of winning. Put 1 or 2 of them together with another 15m SP player in a ship equivalent to the first 15m SP dude, and they pretty much have the fight in the bag.

On top of that, piloting skill counts more than ship cost or SP involved. And again. And again. Aaand again (Arcadia was only a few days old, yet I could not have done that alone). I can post these all day.

Those were some of the most fun fights I've had. On the other hand, you know what's boring? Grinding thousands of battleships to replace a pimp-ship that you only use to fight things you hopelessly overpower (or rather, things you think you hopelessly overpower).

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Ice Fire Warriors
#53 - 2012-05-23 20:06:50 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
OP... your post was well presented and polite... out of respect, I too will try to be polite and make a well presented counter...

Allyxy wrote:
Yes, think about it without prejudice: compared to the number of competitive ppl that like games like EVE today, many more prefer cooperative game environment.

This is true. But cooperate towards what end? Getting better gear? Making more money? Getting to XXX limit?
Cooperative gameplay without an end goal that sets you apart from others doesn't exactly make for "interesting" gameplay. In fact... without a social aspect to keep people working together such non-competitive gameplay often becomes repetitive and boring leading to people leave anyways.

Allyxy wrote:
Don’t tell me that EVE is cooperative…. I know it is, but most of the cooperation is always open to PVP and you have to plan all you work on the game, you corp, your alliance etc… around PVP.

Errr... yeah... because the whole game is based on competition. Every time you sell something on the market you are competing with everyone else. Hell... of all things, mining rocks can be considered a form of competition as you have to get to the asteroid belt first and mine faster than everyone else.

Allyxy wrote:
What I’m saying is that if we would like to have double players, or triple or ten times what we have today, EVE shall implement places where non-competitive, non-aggressive, friendly players can simply enjoy the fly in space and the sandbox universe (OBV Empire today is not the answer, way too much PVP takes place there).
Most non-pvp ppl don’t really want to care about win something against other players, but just fix their own simple targets and try to make those with some friends or even alone.

Here's the problem. Your idea here isn't new and the problems with it are still the same. Because this is a "competition-based sandbox" type game your actions, no matter how small, affect anyone and everyone in the game.

For example: You are a miner. All you do is collect rocks, reprocess them, and sell the minerals. You don't know anyone outside of your corp and you don't care to.
However, there is a war brewing out in 0.0 space. One of the main alliances is running low on minerals to make/replace ships. They send some of their neutral logistics to go to high-sec and buy up the needed materials. Some of those materials are the minerals YOU mined.
Congrats... you have successfully aided in the war effort of an alliance that you didn't know about for a cause you could care less about.

The only recourse for the other alliance (the one at war with the one who bought your minerals) is to send a bunch of players into high-sec to disrupt mining activity (does this sound familiar?).

Allyxy wrote:
3. We will have a bigger market, more options, more isks and overall more fun

I'm going to focus on this one because it's painfully obvious that you missed one of the major nuances of the market.

First, bigger is not always better. Many other MMOs have massive markets, but they are not usually in a good state of health. One of the primary reasons for this is that none of the items generated in the game are removed.
This causes an overall devaluation of said items' worth. Plus, very few games employ "money-sinks" (where money is taken out of the in-game economy) to counter "money-faucets" (where money is "magically" created (ex. NPC bounties)) which creates inflation and makes things expensive (even the now "devalued" items)... which in turn raises the bar for newer players to get the equipment they need.

The way the EVE economy takes care of this is by having stuff destroyed. Ships getting blown up (usually by getting blown up by another player) is one of the single biggest money and item-sinks in the game... and the more stuff being destroyed, the more money is taken out of the system and the lower the inflation rate.

Allyxy wrote:
I had to say the above for the passion I have toward EVE, don’t shoot me now but if you want to I’m ready Bear

Unfortunately this is not really an option. As illustrated in the example I provided above, your actions as a "bear" affect my actions as a PvPer. Thus, it is only fair that I can affect you in kind.

So yeah... "turning off" PvP in any part of EVE just isn't an option. Not without completely reworking and segregating different star systems and their markets (because you can't have industrialists who are 100% safe affecting anything outside of their "safe-zone," otherwise you create an imbalance in the overall system).
However, "segregating" a part of EVE for "non-competitive players" also isn't an option because it would take away from one of EVE's main selling points; "One Server, One Universe, One War."
Plus it reeks of Ultima Online's Trammel server (and we know what ultimately happened to that).
Leetha Layne
#54 - 2012-05-23 20:10:43 UTC
Dethbringer1 wrote:
EVE is truely a PVE game NOT a PVP game! Why else do I have to kill 4,000 battleships to replace my tengu???? True PVP games do not make you work for a week to die once. Anyone who thinks this is a PVP based game is a moron!!! Yeah my character has 50m sp. Lets go gank some miners and noob mission runner corps.... This game is about PVE and Griefing Primarily... everything else is secondary.... As long as you have a game where someone with 6 years of sp can freely kill players with 1 month of sp.... you will have a hard time recruiting new players... Oh wait they can't freely kill. They have to pay 2m first... ROTFLMFAO. I make that in 20 secs! A noob takes a week to make that lol... Seriously. I know nothing about programming but let me throw out a few suggestions. How bout making a character with 1m sp immune to players with 50m sp.... how bout making a sp system like they had in Runescape. The farther you go into low sec the bigger the sp difference can be... There is no love for noobs in eve so I think this games days are truely numbered.

Hey lets' install friggin' paragraphs!

Oh yeah lets make EVE like a top notch game like Runescape.....
Ice Fire Warriors
#55 - 2012-05-23 20:13:11 UTC
Dethbringer1 wrote:
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
TIL killing a battleship with a frigate is boring, and killing a frigate with a Tengu is entertaining.

what is TIL.... no killing a bs with a frig may be fun but would take so long... I would loose interest... making the kill would be a lot of fun but like fishing would be an hour of bordom for 1 sec of excitment.

It takes less than a minute for 20 gank-fit Rifters to destroy a well-fit battleship.
Petrus Blackshell
#56 - 2012-05-23 20:16:47 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
Dethbringer1 wrote:
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
TIL killing a battleship with a frigate is boring, and killing a frigate with a Tengu is entertaining.

what is TIL.... no killing a bs with a frig may be fun but would take so long... I would loose interest... making the kill would be a lot of fun but like fishing would be an hour of bordom for 1 sec of excitment.

It takes less than a minute for 20 gank-fit Rifters to destroy a well-fit battleship.

It took about 10-15 minutes for two T1-fit Rifters to kill a dual-tanked battleship, with one of us running out of ammo in the meantime, and it was great fun all the way, between taking care of drones, mocking him, and attempting to ransom him off.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Sycho Pathic
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#57 - 2012-05-23 20:19:39 UTC
Kyle Yanowski wrote:
Look at incarna, it tried to market eve to an entiely new demographic... an untapped market.... and see how that played out.

It tried to approach that market with hi-res barbies that over-heated graphics cards while walking around in dingy Minmatar studio apartments.

Had they brought a little more to the table, it might have turned out differently.
#58 - 2012-05-23 20:22:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Dethbringer1
Have I done PVP? No and I have no interest in it at this point. Look at the name of my corp for goodness sakes. I created the corp to get out of a war dec and will continue creating a new corp every time I get war decced. I refuse to fight anyone just cause they bribe ccp. If I want PVP I will go to low sec or join a big corp. Until then I will not participate in it. It's too much of a pain in the butt to put together ships just to watch them go boom. If I start pvp the only way I could see doing it is out of a trade hub.

As far as goons mining with trials.... easy fix. No mining more than 1m isk worth of ore per month on trial accounts. Now 1m is a lot for a noob but what goon is going to create a trial to mine for 1m isk? prolly have more into ships and skill books just to mine that 1m....

I think you guys all misunderstand what I am saying... I think PVP is critical to eve's survival. Without ppl ganking my competition my loot would prolly be worth less than half. I'm all for the wars, ganking freighters miners or whatever. I just don't like the ganking of less than 1month old characters especially when for 2m you can constantly grief the hell out of noobs. It's like you are trying to get rid of paying accounts. I can make enough to buy a plex in one day. I need more noobs here to put those plexes on the market. Stop harrassing them. They pay the bills at ccp.
#59 - 2012-05-23 20:22:23 UTC
OP, I get where you are coming from, really I do. But there are lots of games with the cooperative play you describe, yet very few like Eve. Can't we have this one game this way. As you acknowledge, there does exist a market, however small, for such a game. Surely there's room for us in the gaming world.

No good deed goes unpunished

Bart Wart
#60 - 2012-05-23 20:22:47 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:
See what killed UO, then post again.

Everquest and WOW killed UO?