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When EVE online in spanish?¿

Shameless Avenger
Can Preachers of Kador
#41 - 2012-05-23 18:12:34 UTC
bongsmoke wrote:

Why would i need to further my education when im already successful? Best wishes to both you and you little one, err cargo.

Oh no, education is a must. Specially in IT where everything changes every few months. I'll never advise to procrastinate on learning new stuff. I'm just saying that we are better off by reading the O'reilly book than taking an overpriced degree. Unless you can troll your way up, in which case you are good to go. :)

"This is the Ninja. He will scan you down; he will salvage your wrecks and there shall be no aggro"

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#42 - 2012-05-23 18:12:54 UTC
Same question for the french community!
Shameless Avenger
Can Preachers of Kador
#43 - 2012-05-23 18:16:33 UTC
Karn Dulake wrote:
It must remain English


New Zealand
Western Europe (second language)


New Mexico

Mexico (Gods blind spot)
Someother backwards countries who breed a lot and cannot afford shoes let alone computers


"This is the Ninja. He will scan you down; he will salvage your wrecks and there shall be no aggro"

Jack Dant
The Gentlemen of Low Moral Fibre
#44 - 2012-05-23 18:28:58 UTC
Galaxy Drones wrote:
Spanish speaker people prefer play in english, and they are not interested in EVE Online CLIENT in spanish.

This, tbh.

As a Spanish speaker, I love my language, and I shudder to think of the cruelties CCP would inflict on it. Just thinking of possible translated module names makes me want to throw up. Or, even worse, barely translated spanglish aberrations.

Let them mess up English instead. Nobody will really notice.

What happens in lowsec, stays in lowsec, lowering the barrier to entry to lowsec PVP:

Shameless Avenger
Can Preachers of Kador
#45 - 2012-05-23 18:48:02 UTC
What Galaxy Drones & Jack Dant said... I would not use it either. I probably won't even understand it. It would be like trying to watch a translated Star Trek episode.

"Warping to stargate"... how you translate that?

Warp - verb - "Become or cause to become bent or twisted out of shape, typically as a result of the effects of heat or dampness."

hum... let's try:

Option 1) "Doblandose hacia la puerta estelar"
Option 2) "Saliendo de forma contra la entrada de las estrellas"
Option 3) "Colandose por el sistema solar"

Bah, I give up, there's no way.

"This is the Ninja. He will scan you down; he will salvage your wrecks and there shall be no aggro"

Dragon Outlaw
Rogue Fleet
#46 - 2012-05-23 19:12:55 UTC
Khadann wrote:
Same question for the french community!

Pas question!! Esti!
Vyl Vit
#47 - 2012-05-23 19:15:17 UTC
Dos cervezas por favor.

Paradise is like where you are right now, only much, much better.

Meryl SinGarda
Belligerent Underpaid Tactical Team
#48 - 2012-05-23 19:46:10 UTC
While this wouldn't be a bad idea or anything... if you can already speak English, what's the problem? This is an Icelandic game that heavily supports the English language.

If a Puerto Rican game came out, in Spanish only, I'm not going to go to their forums and demand the developers translate their entire game for me. It'd be nice, but what's the entitlement about?
Jack Dant
The Gentlemen of Low Moral Fibre
#49 - 2012-05-23 19:53:42 UTC
Shameless Avenger wrote:
"Warping to stargate"... how you translate that?

"Warpeando a la gatera" Ugh

What happens in lowsec, stays in lowsec, lowering the barrier to entry to lowsec PVP:

Ituhata Saken
Killboard Padding Services
#50 - 2012-05-23 19:56:25 UTC
Jack Dant wrote:
Shameless Avenger wrote:
"Warping to stargate"... how you translate that?

"Warpeando a la gatera" Ugh

I would have gone with "Tu gato muy feo y gordo" myself.

So close...

Tenchi Sal
White Knights of Equestria
#51 - 2012-05-23 20:03:59 UTC
Karn Dulake wrote:
It must remain English


New Zealand
Western Europe (second language)



Mexico (Gods blind spot)
Someother backwards countries who breed a lot and cannot afford shoes let alone computers

England.. ok
America.. people speak many languages
Canada.. is that even a country? and don't mostly speak french anyways?
Australia.. + population of
New Zealand.. = 7?
Western Europeans.. prefer to speak their own language

Spain... Actually quite beautiful in Madrid

Mexico.. all the high tech jobs are starting to go there now instead of India
backwards place with a ton of breeding sounds more like the red necks here in Florida instead.

Interesting how a simple post for someone asking for a client localization can bring out the bigots.

If CCP were serious into bringing in more players they need to do what other companies have already figured out. Emerging "Brick Countries" such as the Latin Americas are up and coming and are doing quite well. Unlike those other countries in the EU as well as the US.
Shameless Avenger
Can Preachers of Kador
#52 - 2012-05-23 20:03:59 UTC
Meryl SinGarda wrote:
While this wouldn't be a bad idea or anything... if you can already speak English, what's the problem? This is an Icelandic game that heavily supports the English language.

If a Puerto Rican game came out, in Spanish only, I'm not going to go to their forums and demand the developers translate their entire game for me. It'd be nice, but what's the entitlement about?

I don't think anybody is demanding... but if other languages have it, there's nothing wrong with suggesting it.

This topic has come up more times that I can remember. There's always a lot of hate.

"This is the Ninja. He will scan you down; he will salvage your wrecks and there shall be no aggro"

Bane Nucleus
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#53 - 2012-05-23 20:05:40 UTC
Donde esta el bano?

No trolling please

Tyler Rainez
#54 - 2012-05-23 20:30:03 UTC
Jack Dant wrote:
Shameless Avenger wrote:
"Warping to stargate"... how you translate that?

"Warpeando a la gatera" Ugh

I lol'd...that is straight out of a border town pronunciation....otherwise known as Spanglish.

Fornax Chemica
Zaibatsu Mercantile
#55 - 2012-05-23 20:34:32 UTC
Like England, Australia, USA and Ireland all share the same issues xD

Henry Haphorn wrote:
Perhaps I can enlighten you all with this song.

This is why I don't want to deal with Spanish in Eve Online. You say one thing and people will interpret it as another.


Oye! Yo quiero un vanilla!

In some parts of Latin America, "vanilla" (pronounced vah-nee-yah) means the flavor "vanilla". However, in Argentina, vanilla means "vagina". The same goes with "concha" (kon-chah) which in some parts means sea shell but in other parts means "vagina" or "*****".

And this is just a sample of it all. Watch the video to learn the rest. Enjoy.

Like England, Australia, USA and Ireland all share the same issues xD
Jack Dant
The Gentlemen of Low Moral Fibre
#56 - 2012-05-23 20:41:36 UTC
Tyler Rainez wrote:
Jack Dant wrote:
Shameless Avenger wrote:
"Warping to stargate"... how you translate that?

"Warpeando a la gatera" Ugh

I lol'd...that is straight out of a border town pronunciation....otherwise known as Spanglish.

Yet it's not far from what I used to read in the spanish channel, before I couldn't take it anymore and closed it P

What happens in lowsec, stays in lowsec, lowering the barrier to entry to lowsec PVP:

Rivinshield Trading Inc.
#57 - 2012-05-23 20:45:00 UTC
Im sure there are more spanish speaking players than japanese players.
Nionn Achren
Lazy Old Logistics Associates
#58 - 2012-05-23 20:54:39 UTC
bongsmoke wrote:
Morpheo Metelosen wrote:
The spanish is one of the most talked languages in the world, and I think to myself, Why EVE online, who has a very large spanish comunity, isn't translated to spanish?

Why cant spanish people learn english instead? Not that im against a spanish translation for those actually able to afford/use a computer.

You seem to be such an ignorant who even doesn't know what is beyond his country's frontiers...LolBear

try the 5J's ... y me lo cuentas chaval!!(and told me about it)

Objects in mirror are closer than they appear...

Andrea Roche
State War Academy
Caldari State
#59 - 2012-05-23 21:22:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Andrea Roche
Guys. Spanish is one of the larges spoken languages in the world.
Frantically spanish is spoken much more than german or french.

Un client de EVE en espaNol no seria mal Big smile
Si algun dia me paso a un corp de hispano, me gustaria entonces ponerlo en espaNol.
Yatama Kautsuo
#60 - 2012-05-23 21:40:33 UTC
swiss german eve nao!!!