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Dear CCP - Inferno is awesome

Remistor Callaway
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-05-23 12:59:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Remistor Callaway
CCP, please dont listen to idiots who have no idea how to adapt themselves to some insignificant changes like the inventory.


Inferno may not be perfect, but I think it's a step forward in the good direction.

-Missiles are awesome
-kill reports already existed by 3rd parties but it's nice to have them in game,
-FW, I think it's a really good thing that your enemy cant dock anymore in "your house". it may **** off some people, but this is war. If I declare war to a country I don't expect to let me go in anymore. Pure logic.
-Amarr ships, looks ok to me, but not all people have the same tastes.
-Inventory *For now* I don't had any problem with it. filters are VERY nice. But I think that it has some limitations and still need some upgrades. But again, it's a step in the right direction. An option to keep the old inventory would have been nice guys.
-skin colors, I dont get how people can complain about this one, more choice can't be bad right? Oh and you gave a free resculpt to everybody.

"I'll unsub until that **** is fixed"... please man, if you cant adapt yourself to some little changes that are in Inferno, and you want to unsub your 7 accounts because you need to make a *UUURRGH* effort, just unsub, we dont need you in the game. Go cry to you mommy about this stuff


-Someone who understood that change is good, and adapting a necessity.

PS: if you want to whine and post stuff like "you're an idiot", "you'll accept anything CCP will do", "I want my old game back", dont post here and dont waste your time, there is already 300 post like this go and look in one of those.

If you want to have a smart conversation about how you disagree with me, it will be a pleasure guys :)

EDIT: it seems that some people miss what I want to do here, may be poor english, may be I expressed myself badly, sorry about that. I actually have no problem with people who dislike some features. As mentioned it's impossible to please everybody. I just dislike the kind of rage post where the OP says things like "inferno is crap, fix it or I unsub" or even "EVE-is-crapier-than-ever-but-I-have-no-idea-how-to-make-it-better-exept-reverse-the-changes" posts

It's easy to rage in forums, I would like to see something constructive here. Ideas how to fix what you dont like, not just "give me my old inventory baaaack!!!", may be concepts for the next expansion if you prefer
#2 - 2012-05-23 13:30:08 UTC
Good post, I agree. The problem is not CPP or the general EVE player, it is all these forum nerds with disorder problems claiming way to much attention to their actual numbers, making average joe avoiding official forums and generally speak up.
distress signals
#3 - 2012-05-23 13:33:18 UTC
Sure, just a little more testing would have helped, but overall I have to agree. If the bugs get fixed it will be a fine expansion.

And tbh, I just don't understand the rage about the usability of the new inventory. It's a pleasure to work with (in some aspects pretty similar to the windows explorer) and everyone who has ever hauled stuff using a pimped hauler or an Orca and lots of cargo containers to squeeze in some more m³ of stuff will simply love the ease of use.
Before it was a royal pain in the ass juggling around with like 10 to 15 (or more for an Orca) windows from different containers or a ton of tabs in one large window blocking the view on everything else.. What?

Did I mention that I LOVE the new bomber models? Big smile

Knoppaz / distressSIGNALS

a capsuleer's way to insanity

Remistor Callaway
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-05-23 13:39:48 UTC
Knoppaz wrote:
Sure, just a little more testing would have helped, but overall I have to agree. If the bugs get fixed it will be a fine expansion.

Any software update has some bug in the first weeks. iOS, Windows, OSX, Diablo III(error 37 guys?). In every update there is some unfinished stuff and bugs. It's normal. I dont get how this looks like near apocalypse in EVE forums. That was expected.
Barbelo Valentinian
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2012-05-23 13:55:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Barbelo Valentinian
Remistor Callaway wrote:

-Someone who understood that change is good, and adapting a necessity.

Matching platitude with platitude, there's also the platitude "if it ain't broken don't fix it". (But of course "broken" means different things to different people.)

So far as I can see, nothing about the update except the inventory situation is a real problem, but the inventory thing is evidently a BIG problem for many users.

It amazes me how you get these "no problems tralalalala" threads coming out of the woodwork when there are real problems with EVE. There were a few of these kinds of threads last year during the Incarna fiasco. I guess some people have no sense of how to read the situation from forums. It's almost as if people chuck these kinds of posts out thinking that chanting "adapt or die" is the "EVE way", and want to be fit in with the big boys and be cool.

Unfortunately, it's the big boys that are pissed off with the inventory, just as it's the big boys who were pissed off about Incarna last year.

For my part, it's easy to distinguish mere whining from genuine concern (of the kind that CCP needs to sit up and take notice). The inventory situation is (to me) obviously the latter, and actually quite urgent (in terms of potential loss of subcription).

CCP, please, for future notice, don't just randomly change things that people have deeply ingrained into their nervous systems through years of play. An improvement always means a net improvement. If you've improved some things (as indeed the new inventory has) but broken more things by introducing that change (i.e. broken the fluid connection many players had between their UI and their gameplay), expect trouble.
Stellar Wanderer
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2012-05-23 14:18:03 UTC
Here here! I approve of the changes also.

Will take some getting used to. Its like buying a new brand of phone and having to learn the menu system; it takes time but comes along quickly.

Thanks CCP. Subbed for 6 years and not planning to stop.
Remistor Callaway
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-05-23 14:24:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Remistor Callaway

I agree that the inventory still need some work. My point is that it's stupid to unsub because ONE feature is "broken". For me, a broken feature is when I cant do something at all that was previously possible. For example if it would have been impossible in inferno to take stuff from a container because of the new inventory, it would have been broken. Now it's only require a few more clicks. Is it a bad thing? Yes. Is it the end of the world and a reason to unsubscribe? No. The game is more than putting stuff in containers.

The problem is over exaggerated. Like someone mentioned above, the forum is ruled by nerds claiming too much attention for their actual number.

Average member is satisfied with the new inventory from what I've seen
Talon SilverHawk
Patria o Muerte
#8 - 2012-05-23 14:26:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Talon SilverHawk
Remistor Callaway wrote:
CCP, please dont listen to idiots who have no idea how to adapt themselves to some insignificant changes like the inventory.


Inferno may not be perfect, but I think it's a step forward in the good direction.

-Missiles are awesome
-kill reports already existed by 3rd parties but it's nice to have them in game,
-FW, I think it's a really good thing that your enemy cant dock anymore in "your house". it may **** off some people, but this is war. If I declare war to a country I don't expect to let me go in anymore. Pure logic.
-Amarr ships, looks ok to me, but not all people have the same tastes.
-Inventory *For now* I don't had any problem with it. filters are VERY nice. But I think that it has some limitations and still need some upgrades. But again, it's a step in the right direction. An option to keep the old inventory would have been nice guys.
-skin colors, I dont get how people can complain about this one, more choice can't be bad right? Oh and you gave a free resculpt to everybody.

"I'll unsub until that **** is fixed"... please man, if you cant adapt yourself to some little changes that are in Inferno, and you want to unsub your 7 accounts because you need to make a *UUURRGH* effort, just unsub, we dont need you in the game. Go cry to you mommy about this stuff


-Someone who understood that change is good, and adapting a necessity.

PS: if you want to whine and post stuff like "you're an idiot", "you'll accept anything CCP will do", "I want my old game back", dont post here and dont waste your time, there is already 300 post like this go and look in one of those.

If you want to have a smart conversation about how you disagree with me, it will be a pleasure guys :)

You lost the right to a smart conversation when you started with "dont listen to idiots" because of course anyone who speaks out against a "major design change" is of course dumb .

So I say don't listen to lickspittles who dismiss many other players valid concerns and rights to have a say if they don't like something they see.

#9 - 2012-05-23 14:38:46 UTC
There was a time when EvE players were mostly computer literate because they had to be. Back then this inventory change wouldn't have bothered many people because they would be smart enough to adapt to it. I see all sorts of people going "ZOMG can't find my drone bay!"(Hint: Click the triangle to expand, this is NOT A NEW CONCEPT) and "WTF why doesn't it remember multiple window locations!?"(Hint: Because one window works as all of them). I haven't had to have 2 windows open yet and I trade, I mine, I PvP and I own a ton of ships. Another observation I have is that people who hide the tree view then complain are idiots.

You guys need to grow up and learn how to use a computer because CCP isn't doing anything new here and if you use it properly it's much more efficient then the old cluster eff of an interface. If you can't use it properly it's not their fault that you lack the mental capacity to use a very common interface style.

Recruitment Officer: What type of a pilot are you? Me: I've been described as a Ray Charles with Parkinsons and a drinking problem.

Remistor Callaway
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2012-05-23 14:39:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Remistor Callaway
Talon SilverHawk wrote:

You lost the right to a smart conversation when you started with "dont listen to idiots" because of course anyone who speaks out against a "major design change" is of course dumb .

So I say don't listen to lickspittles who dismiss many other players valid concerns and rights to have a say if they don't like something they see.


You misunderstood what I considered as "idiots" here. Not people who have difficulties with the new system, it's impossible to please everybody at once, but people who complain for nothing. Click on my example to understand this point. Or the people like this "whaaaaa EVE changed!!!! POST IF YOU UNSUB!!!!!!!"

those or what I consider "non-smart" posts. If you dont understand what I mean, not grave, just move along.
Babar Baboli
Walrus Mafia
#11 - 2012-05-23 14:46:12 UTC

Sure you can't dock in hostile systems but the hostiles can't dock in your system.
I think it's good overall.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#12 - 2012-05-23 14:47:13 UTC
Remistor Callaway wrote:
You misunderstood what I considered as "idiots" here. Not people who have difficulties with the new system, it's impossible to please everybody at once, but people who complain for nothing. Click on my example to understand this point.
You mean the example that provides a pretty long list over things he's complaining about and references the reason for his complaints? Roll

…or did you forget to include an actual example?
Ginseng Jita
#13 - 2012-05-23 14:55:26 UTC

I am not having any issues with the new inventory system. Yes I do run a corp and mining ops on other toons. I think the newer system is great compared to what we use to have. Sure it needs a few tweaks here and there, but this is definitely a step in the right direction and I am so glad that CCP is trying to make their UI more user friendly. The UI has always been a thorn in many players eyes - go back and look at the history of post about EVE's UI. It is an ugly past. Now that CCP has started to do something about it, people get all - why are you changing it? Because it needs it! It needs it badly!

I liked the Inferno patch. The missiles. New ships. New Merc Market. New Killmails. New mods.

I've said it before...

thank you CCP for continuing to produce one of the best games on the market and never stop making it better or taking chances. The game is better for it and I as a player appreciate your efforts. ♥
Remistor Callaway
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2012-05-23 14:56:39 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Remistor Callaway wrote:
You misunderstood what I considered as "idiots" here. Not people who have difficulties with the new system, it's impossible to please everybody at once, but people who complain for nothing. Click on my example to understand this point.
You mean the example that provides a pretty long list over things he's complaining about and references the reason for his complaints? Roll

…or did you forget to include an actual example?

the exemple is in the first post all above. The OP of the example complain on every aspect on Inferno, kill reports, FW, new amarr ships, even if he will not use half of those features he mentioned.

Anyway, the point of my post is not to say that X person is stupid or to point at anyone in particular(even if it is already done). It's to try to get some nice point of view from open minded persons who like or dislike Inferno changes.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#15 - 2012-05-23 15:12:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Remistor Callaway wrote:
the exemple is in the first post all above.
You mean the example that is not complaining for nothing but who is instead making a comprehensive list of the things he doesn't like and why he doesn't like them (including references to the more in-depth reasons)? Yeah, you're gong to need to find a better example of your definition of “idiot” than that…

The OP of the example complain on every aspect on Inferno, kill reports, FW, new amarr ships, even if he will not use half of those features he mentioned.
So you're saying that if he sees something wrong with a feature, he should just shut up just because it doesn't affect him personally? That's horribly egotistical of you, I must say. A bad feature is a bad feature even if it affects someone else. Oh, and you should probably read it again because, no, he does not complain about every aspect.

It's to try to get some nice point of view from open minded persons who like or dislike Inferno changes.
The problem is that you come across as having the opinion that only those who like the changes will be counted as open-minded… again, your example rather illustrates this: you call him an idiot because he doesn't like everything.

There are plenty of people who have provided very nice points of view on the inferno changes, but who's points of view have been almost entirely negative. That's because being positive or negative has fuckall to do with the pov being nice or open-minded.
Jo Blot
ALT-F4 Corp
#16 - 2012-05-23 15:13:24 UTC
Remistor Callaway wrote:
CCP, please dont listen to idiots who have no idea how to adapt themselves to some insignificant changes like the inventory.


-Inventory *For now* I don't had any problem with it. filters are VERY nice. But I think that it has some limitations and still need some upgrades. But again, it's a step in the right direction. An option to keep the old inventory would have been nice guys.


You call the critics "idiots" who have "no idea", then you agree with the principle thing they are complaining about.

Lady Hofstedar
#17 - 2012-05-23 15:16:35 UTC

High Bridge

U following?
Remistor Callaway
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2012-05-23 15:19:01 UTC
Lady, Jo Blot and Tippia, ou miss the whole point of this tread Roll

If you dislike a feature explain why and how it should be improved, or just go troll someone else.
Bridgette d'Iberville
Better Killing Through Chemistry
#19 - 2012-05-23 15:20:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Bridgette d'Iberville
Have to agree with OP. I watched the absolute meltdown on the Forums yesterday while at work and was absolutely dreading logging on when I got home last night. I have to say I was surprised when I logged on and it took me about 5 minutes to get a good firm grasp on the inventory system. Played for about 4 hours and only had one or two WTF issues, mostly related to cans in space (P.S. Once you're out of range to access a cannister, it really should disappear from the inventory tree, IMO).

Personally, I really like the new setup and the filters are awesome (saves me from having to buy Station Containers for my hangar).

"I considered a career in griefing, but then realized that I would never achieve the level of tear generation that CCP manages to do each and every expansion."

Qvar Dar'Zanar
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#20 - 2012-05-23 15:23:53 UTC
Remistor Callaway wrote:

-Someone who understood that change is good, and adapting a necessity.

Sometimes is, sometimes isn't. In this case, isn't.
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