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Incentive to PVP improved with *Drumroll* Killmarks!

Bucky O'Hair
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2012-05-23 11:48:23 UTC
The incentive to PVP is, well the PVP

if you haven't done it, you just wont understand.

[b]We Are Ushra'Khan!

We are coming for our people.[/b]

Rrama Ratamnim
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2012-05-23 12:02:08 UTC
Dont know about you but i salvage the people i kill and get pretty good blu3 l00t
Jess Maine
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#23 - 2012-05-23 12:11:50 UTC
Simple solution to this if this isn't a troll, whatever corp or alliance your in tell them to pull a finger out and organise a killer of the week competition on a regular basis; top killer earns imaignairy "Killmarks" you can exchange for goods on a list. Done.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2012-05-23 13:05:31 UTC
PvP is the reward for PvP, that or... you know... it's fun.
Dradius Calvantia
Lip Shords
#25 - 2012-05-23 13:28:21 UTC
Honestly although this is a terrible suggestion and would do nothing for PVP, it does touch on one of the underlying problems with EVE ATM. The incentive to blow someone else's ship up should come from the motivation for profit. Projecting force to destroy competitions supply lines or industrial capability, securing resources for your corp, defending your own infrastructure are all good reason to engage in combat with others in space.

These motivators currently only really hold true for tech moons and sov space timers. Ratting, plexing, mining, manufacturing, and even transport can all be done with zero threat from hostile forces by anyone who understands the game mechanics. Until that changes, PVP (and especially small gang PVP) will continue trending towards a meaningless side activity done with expendable income for no reason other than fun.

Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#26 - 2012-05-23 13:31:04 UTC
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
Getting fights and kills is reward

And the loot.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Shukuzen Kiraa
F4G Wild Weasel
#27 - 2012-05-23 13:40:22 UTC
Gibbo3771 wrote:
Peter Raptor wrote:
At the moment theres hardly any incentive to PVP when you can loose hundreds of millions of isk worth of ships and modules and the only thing you get if you do win is.........a place on some obscure killboard.

We should have Killmarks! ( I got this name from that silly game Air Rivals)

When you kill a ship you get a Killmark which could be used to manufacture T2 goods etc.

Better ships destroyed, better Killmarks gotten.

Killmarks could be traded on Market.

Best incentive to PVP is rewards, not some stat on a killboard, which is ok, but not enough.

Even a humble miner like myself would then fit Torpedo launchers on the mighty Hulk...............well, maybe.

Mining carebear suggests a way to improve pvp yet has never even done it.

Can't take any of your posts seriously when you have that ridiculous looking thing on your face.
Remistor Callaway
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2012-05-23 13:53:54 UTC

When you kill a ship you get a Killmark which could be used to manufacture T2 goods etc.

Already in place, called loot and salvage.

And you could get special medals to stick on your avatar, just like in the army and stuff.

already in place in FW.

Final answer: No
AFK Hauler
State War Academy
#29 - 2012-05-23 14:02:21 UTC
Congrats.. you do.

They are called LP from the FW store...

You can use them to purchase ships or - Datacores, which can be used to make T2 items.

Congrats, you win. You got something you asked for in this expansion.
#30 - 2012-05-23 14:37:59 UTC
Because killboards are so obscureRoll

Things are only impossible until they are not.

#31 - 2012-05-23 14:59:50 UTC
AFK Hauler wrote:
Congrats.. you do.

They are called LP from the FW store...

You can use them to purchase ships or - Datacores, which can be used to make T2 items.

Congrats, you win. You got something you asked for in this expansion.

This, also since since when was the local rage not motivation enough? My incentive comes from the people that ask me to stop shooting them, the people that become enraged in local(hint: I get called a certain racist term frequently), and the people that send me mail about how mean I am because they were talking to a family member in the hospital while they are afk in space.

I mean, LP is cool, but if you don't like the taste of tears you probably shouldn't play EvE.

Recruitment Officer: What type of a pilot are you? Me: I've been described as a Ray Charles with Parkinsons and a drinking problem.

Ituhata Saken
Killboard Padding Services
#32 - 2012-05-23 15:07:52 UTC
octahexx Charante wrote:
i would rather have actuall killmarks painted on my shiphull for kills:

How awesome would that be? Big smile Sure, there's no physical reward other than the pride of marking your plane/ship, and I suppose people could kill alts to achieve it, but deep know you're a scrub. P


A Fleet F1 Monkey Scrub Straight

So close...

#33 - 2012-05-23 15:14:01 UTC
Peter Raptor wrote:
Tobiaz wrote:
Peter Raptor wrote:
Ohanka wrote:
I don't like it.

You dont want more rewards to PVP?

Not some weird arbitrary ones, thank you very much.

Edit: oh and by the way there IS a mechanic that does this already, only better: FW kills now get you LP which you can then spend in LP Stores for stuff, some of it needed to make other stuff.

Only in FW it actually makes sense (NPC Factions propping up their militias)

Yeah but thats only for hard core pvp characters who wanna fight constantly in all of Eve. FW LP points is a cool idea, though for more casual non-FW players, it'd be good to get something like LP rewards or uhmmm..... Killmarks Pirate

FW being only for hard-core PvP players is your own, very incorrect, assumption.

Operation WRITE DOWN ALL THE THINGS!!!  Check out the list at Collecting and compiling all fixes and ideas for EVE. Looking for more editors!

Qvar Dar'Zanar
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#34 - 2012-05-23 15:20:39 UTC
Peter Raptor wrote:

Yeah but thats only for hard core pvp characters who wanna fight constantly in all of Eve. FW LP points is a cool idea, though for more casual non-FW players, it'd be good to get something like LP rewards or uhmmm..... Killmarks Pirate

I said NO

/me slams door
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