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New interface

Iron Breaker
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-05-22 23:40:46 UTC
Did they change the dang interface againe? This thing is impossible to work. I just want a dam station inventory button. I just want to click on my ship to open the inventory. Every time they "improve' the inerface it gets 10 times harder to use... Is there a way to go back to the old way? Question Dam this is annoying.
Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2012-05-22 23:44:51 UTC
I liek it Big smile

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

Iron Breaker
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2012-05-23 00:08:20 UTC
Why does the inventory open every time I jump? This is annoying.
Iron Breaker
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2012-05-23 00:33:48 UTC
How do you link a ship I have in shct now? THis is getting dumber by the minute.
Ilnaurk Sithdogron
Blackwater International
#5 - 2012-05-23 00:44:58 UTC
Let me take a stab at explaining the new UI to you. Everything that you own in a certain place is in the left sidebar, where it will show menus and submenus to categorize your stuff.

  • In a station, each of your ships is listed separately and there is no menu header for "Ships." To get stuff from a ship, just click on its tab and drag stuff into the tab that you want to put it. Same for everything else, pretty simple.

  • Clicking on one item and then shift-clicking on another item will select those two items and everything in between them. Let's say I've got a Nova Light Missile, Inferno Rocket, EMP M, and Antimatter Charge S I want to collect. If I shift-clicked on the Light Missile and the Antimatter Charge, it would highlight everything.

  • Control-clicking highlights an item each time you click, but does not un-highlight your old items when you click.

  • Not quite sure why your inventory keeps appearing when you jump through gates. I don't think that's happening to me, but I haven't been through too many gates today, just been sitting around mining.

And no, you can't go back to the old inventory.

Just realized that you're in my alliance, although I'm afraid I don't know you. So hey!

Remistor Callaway
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2012-05-23 00:45:34 UTC
stop complaining and get used to it. it is 100 time better than the old interface that was like 10 years old.

Complaining on the forums wont make the old vintage assets window back
Ilnaurk Sithdogron
Blackwater International
#7 - 2012-05-23 00:49:15 UTC
Yeah, but it's one of the only ways to get CCP to hear its players. Not that I agree with Iron; I like the new UI. But complaining on the forums can get you somewhere if enough people do it.

Iron Breaker
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2012-05-23 01:08:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Iron Breaker
I am just finding it frustrating that I still have to root through 300+ items to find the mission item in the station, then when I try to drop it on the new ship tab it wont fit, then when I take a low slot mod off the ship it gets lost in the station inventory, then I have to try to refind the mission item to see if it will not fit, (it diddent) pull off another low slot item, which got lost in the station inventory, refind the mission item because the station inventory keeps going back to the top. finally get it to fit into the cargo hold, then try to find the two low slot items I lost in the station inventory.

Whereas before I could just open two windows next to each other (cargo, and station inventory) and be done in 10 seconds.

Perhaps I will get used to it in time, but for now it seems silly.
Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2012-05-23 01:45:17 UTC
Ilnaurk Sithdogron wrote:
Yeah, but it's one of the only ways to get CCP to hear its players. Not that I agree with Iron; I like the new UI. But complaining on the forums can get you somewhere if enough people do it.

Except this time it's just a few people repeating themselves a lot

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

Iron Breaker
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2012-05-23 01:55:10 UTC
All I am saying is why can't we have the option of leaving the interface how it was. They did, after all, put ship spinning in after the disaster Captin's Quarters turned out to be.

Speaking of which, why the heck does my guy walk so slow when in the station?
Sin Pew
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2012-05-23 07:42:08 UTC
Old habbits die hard and changes are the best thing haters can whine upon because it gives them something new to complain about.

Yes, there's still some bugs, but point me to one software that didn't have bugs when it's been released or had a major update.

The unified inventory feels fine for me, there's some things I wouldn't have done the same way but with the design mistakes I've seen mentionned, like SMA/Hangars for people leaving from a POS, ships with multiple cargo holds (corporate, ore), but these are so important they'll surely adjust soon.

I haven't experienced the opening on session change myself, but that'll surely be fixed soon as well.

Now I no longer need to open item hangar, mods container, ammo container, ships window, drone bay and cargo hold on top of the fitting window everytime I adjust my fit, even when tabbed I had to oppen all those everytime I docked in station, so it's a major improvement in my opinion. I can even gat rid of some containers because I can toss all my stuff in one and filter it when I need to find something, or select the low grade stuff I want to reprocess, the high grade stuff to sell, etc.

The only thing I wish they finally implemented, is a horizontal scrollbar, so I can finally use all the detailled lists without having to cover most of the screen by stretching a window, because I prefer the items displayed in detailled lists with amount, volume and meta levels visible rather than large icons with no informations because all small pulse lasers have the same visual and having several "show info" windows to compare items was much more of a pain in the a**.

As for the walking speed, I can't tell, the few times I'm in captain quarters is if I chat while docking and hit enter during session change right after ship hangar loads.

[i]"haiku are easy, But sometimes they don't make sense, Refrigerator."[/i]

Christina Tucker
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2012-05-23 08:15:45 UTC
The new UI is ok i guess, only things i dont like about it is:

-"my filter" on the bottom left side keeps popping up when i collapse it out of view
-kinda big, the line that says "Index" can probably go, and under it the m3 and filter box can be move to the bottom part where the ISK stuff is
-when looting something in space i click loot all and the window would go away, now the window stays up until i close it down
-option for small icons would be nice, maybe half the size of current icons

I used to be able to look at stuff 5 items across, and maybe 6 items going down, but now with the same outer dimensions on the window i can only see 4x4 items with the icons on. I would switch to list or details but i dont like those views.
Brave Collective
#13 - 2012-05-23 08:46:00 UTC
Use the Merge Ships & Items option under general options. This at least bring back the even older functionality of having item and ship tab under station services where they used to reside but was changed to off by default a few years ago.

Not an optimal solution as there are still load of bugs and other problems with the new inventory UI but still a huge improvement.

"Memories are meant to fade. They're designed that way for a reason."

Lost Greybeard
Drunken Yordles
#14 - 2012-05-23 09:37:11 UTC
To open a container/ship/etc in a separate window, use SHIFT + Left Click.

You can drag things between such windows in the old way.

To drop things into your current ship inventory, you can do the above or, alternately, drag and drop items on the "current ship" tab at the top of the list on the left, or drop them over the inventory icon in the bottom-left of the fitting window.

For drone bay, you can drag and drop drones on the drone bay icon in roughly the same place on the fitting window.

The thing where inventory randomly opens for no damned reason every time you zone (i.e. jump between systems or enter/exit a station) is an actual bug and will likely be part of the fixer patch, the small patch that inevitable comes out several days after a major patch to band-aid the things the patch broke until a better fix can be started.

If you used station containers to organize your stuff, the new interface is frankly pretty much identical to the old. If you just dumped everything in station hangar then note that you still have the search box and items still order in the same way by default. I have no idea if list format still works, I've been using windows since 3.1 so I never put things in list format unless I need to order them specifically.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#15 - 2012-05-23 09:45:56 UTC
I agree partially with the OP.

The new system is **** at first to work with.

Dragging stuff around takes longer.
Yet if he actually played around with it you would have found you can open different things in multiple windows (aka the old way).

Shift-click or right click the hangar you want and you can open it in seperate window and drag and drop away.

Also new UI has a nice bar at the top which simulates your cargohold (used m3 / total m3) hovering your mission objective over your cargohold will virtually add it to it and show you if it fits or not.

So in general, it takes time to adapt to it (and that is EVE, changes are made and good players adapt to the changes) and after that it's a great improvement.

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Lyric Lahnder
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#16 - 2012-05-23 13:51:54 UTC
Dont forget you can shift click Twiddle down options to open a separate window for them.

Hope this gets you closer to the old style.

CCP has already tried to maintain two sets of clients at once. Old graphics vs Trinity graphics. It made some players happy but it turned out to be a great waste of money spending wise.

Dont expect them to give you the option to go back to the old style.

This will take some getting used too for me as well, but much older players than I have been begging for this change for some time now so I accept it.

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