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Capital Mining Barge.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-05-17 09:47:37 UTC  |  Edited by: trevorattack
I have an idea for a Capital Mining Barge. it can use its single capital strip miner on a single asteroid at a time getting high yield.

step 1: activate the capital strip miner and starts consuming fuel / cooling agent (possibly a new type of fuel block or a common moon goo).
step 2: a ten min cycle of the capital strip miner fills the (first cargo hold) mining bay or a majority depending on the skill level. the pilot then has to move the raw ore into the ships main ore cargo hold. If the second cycle completes and there is not enough room in the mining bay the cycle does not get collected.
step 3: can only off load to an orca, roqual or freighter when in siege mode.

there are a couple of key factors that keep this ship from being over used by players to make too much money.

one factor is that it would be very expensive to construct making it very risky to do anything solo.

another factor is that it would also draw more attention from PVPers to go after the miners. with the high cost high venerability only well protected systems would even think to use one to mine with.

there is also a factor of complex fuel blocks. it would make a higher demand for common moons to be mined increasing infrastructure in 0.0 space and low sec, meaning more POS's start poping up and more targets to be hit by the PVPers.

Rough estimate of the stats

Construction cost: 5 billion isk
Fuel consumption: CCP should be the one to calculate that one, but make a high amount of common moon goo needed.
Strip miner Yield per 10 min cycle: 100,000m3
1 High slots for the capital strip miner
0 Med slots
0 Low slots

there should be a hand full of skills that take a long time to train. that change the amount a fuel consumption mining yield.

all in all i think this would be a fair ship to add to the eve universe. only the Wealthy players that have multiple accounts(good for CCP) and corporations that pool there money to get one and try to protect it would use them. I believe it would help the eve economy in a positive way.

If you Would like to see CCP make this ship please show them by clicking "like" and tell a corp mate about this.
Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-05-17 11:11:09 UTC
this idea is so terribad even the usual trolls aren't biting.

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

Im Super Gay
Investtan Inc.
The Republic.
#3 - 2012-05-17 13:12:26 UTC
CCP's already stated that they won't introduce mining ships with a better yield than the hulk. Dream on
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#4 - 2012-05-17 13:12:43 UTC
Ok, although I'm fairly sure this is a troll post I'll bite.

1) 10 billion isk capital ship designed to be used in low and null with no jump drive.
This is just plain mental. No one would use it anywhere but the system it was built in because capital ships can't pass through jump gates and like anyone is going to also risk a titan to get this thing around considering it's not massively better than a few hulks.

2) Ship fuel made out of moon-goo.
I'm pretty sure that no ship fuel is made out of moon-goo. WHat's wrong with using the ship fuels that are already in the game?

3) Appears on the overview when in sieged mode.
This is completely mental. Who's going to use a 10bill isk ship that absolutely anyone can see straight away. Cov ops cap fleet hot drop with absolutely no effort?

Whilst I understand your wish to have a capital mining ship only fools would use this. It's a nightmare and the risk/reward calculation is way out of whack. The risk is enormous for no more reward than using, what, 3 hulks or so. Anyone with multiple accounts will just use multiple hulks rather than this unwieldy behemoth.

Not to mention the 30 minutes preparing and pulling down and the 15 minutes you'll have to wait if it's attacked before you can even move it. So an alliance wanting to use one of these has to have a combat fleet capable of dealing with a cap ship hot drop fleet or large subcap fleet on standby just to mine a bit of ore when they could just use a normal mining fleet, mine more for less isk risk.

I love the way some people have liked this. They've clearly never tried flying a Rorqual. Have you ever heard of anyone using a Rorqual for it's siege mode anywhere other than in the safety of a POS shield? I doubt it and that's because it's a giant sitting target which you can't get out once it's attacked. They don't even need to point it if they can kill it before it leaves siege mode and even then a few neuts and bumping will keep it there.
Sentinel zx
#5 - 2012-05-17 13:26:33 UTC
a Capital Mining Barge No
but Mining size BS with Drone Bonuses will be niceBig smile

like this maybe
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#6 - 2012-05-17 13:32:02 UTC
Sentinel zx wrote:
a Capital Mining Barge No
but Mining size BS with Drone Bonuses will be niceBig smile

like this maybe

As long as the amount it can mine is 50% that of a hulk, yeah, sure. Otherwise it'll just replace all other mining ships.

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#7 - 2012-05-17 14:03:16 UTC
Yes, that's right! For the low low cost of 30 hulks, you too can have a gank magnet of a capital mining vessel with the astonishing yield of ALMOST TWO HULKS! Tired of endless mining cycles without logistical support? Our new ship requires you consume fuel to mine those rocks, forcing you to RUN ANOTHER MINING OPERATION! Now no longer will you just sit in nullsec mining arkonor with your hulk/orca/rorqual fleet! You can move those pilots into the highsec ice fields and put them to work mining fuel for your capital miners!

But wait, there's more! Need an excuse to fire up a Titan bridge? Look no further! That's right, without its own jump drive, this massive barely-useful vessel is wholly dependent upon your ability to propel it through space with other ships. If your logistics aren't complicated enough, if you like the idea of having to jump other ships into position so you can jump this one into position, then this is the PERFECT ship for you!

Order now! Only $9,999,999,999.99 for a limited time!

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#8 - 2012-05-17 14:18:22 UTC
Tchulen wrote:
Sentinel zx wrote:
a Capital Mining Barge No
but Mining size BS with Drone Bonuses will be niceBig smile

like this maybe

As long as the amount it can mine is 50% that of a hulk, yeah, sure. Otherwise it'll just replace all other mining ships.

With a properly fitted and boosted hulk, it's close to 60% by comparison.

I designed the "Turtle" to specifically not replace hulks anywhere except places where unboosted solo operation was expected, and then only when risk was considered too great to risk a hulk vs the reward.

Add to that, it is more skill intensive and difficult to operate at best efficiency, and anyone who can fly a hulk would always prefer the hulk.

It is the better option only when assessing risk to be too high.
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#9 - 2012-05-17 14:18:35 UTC
Tchulen wrote:
As long as the amount it can mine is 50% that of a hulk, yeah, sure. Otherwise it'll just replace all other mining ships.

You just described a mining Rokh. With 8 mining lasers, 3 laser upgrades, mining drone rigs, and T2 everything, it gets better than 60% of a max-yield hulk. That's apples-to-apples with maxed implants and orca boosts.

Hulk EHP: less than 10k. To significantly raise it, you have to sacrifice yield.
Mining Rokh EHP: 45k with no tank. 65k with a modest CPU implant an some hardeners.

I can get 105k EHP on the Rokh for a 10% drop in yield, by giving up the third laser upgrade.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Trumpets and Bookmarks
#10 - 2012-05-17 14:27:44 UTC
Yeah, ok, that 50% was pulled out of my arse. What I was aiming at was that it would have to avoid being a replacement for a hulk.

The other problem with it is bots. It's quite obviously going to be used by botters to counter alpha ganks.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#11 - 2012-05-17 14:28:19 UTC
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Tchulen wrote:
As long as the amount it can mine is 50% that of a hulk, yeah, sure. Otherwise it'll just replace all other mining ships.

You just described a mining Rokh. With 8 mining lasers, 3 laser upgrades, mining drone rigs, and T2 everything, it gets better than 60% of a max-yield hulk. That's apples-to-apples with maxed implants and orca boosts.

Hulk EHP: less than 10k. To significantly raise it, you have to sacrifice yield.
Mining Rokh EHP: 45k with no tank. 65k with a modest CPU implant an some hardeners.

I can get 105k EHP on the Rokh for a 10% drop in yield, by giving up the third laser upgrade.

Figure, using estimates based on:

Published stats, using Omber as the reference ore:

Rokh hourly output: 84,000 units of Omber

Covetor hourly output: 101,880 units of Omber

Hulk hourly output: 181,920 units of Omber

Boosted Hulk hourly output: 234,720 units of Omber

Turtle output would be, (in Omber), 156,000 an hour.
For reference, this means IF you have:
Mining Drone Operations at 5
Drone Interfacing at 5
Mining Drone Ship at 5
AND the ship within 1Km of the asteroid
(That could kill the mining rate for people who forget to park on top of the roid....)
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#12 - 2012-05-17 14:33:21 UTC
Tchulen wrote:
Yeah, ok, that 50% was pulled out of my arse. What I was aiming at was that it would have to avoid being a replacement for a hulk.

The other problem with it is bots. It's quite obviously going to be used by botters to counter alpha ganks.

Two points in favor of the turtle:

1 A lot of people keep saying not to factor botting into ship design, leave that to CCP

2 A botter is not worried about losing a barge, so much as they are about losing production while AFK and losing all that time. The 'Turtle' is highly vulnerable to losing production, in that it's drones are very soft targets. The ship without it's drones has no value to a botter, since it cannot mine at that point.
Druuna Ewwith
Karlin Mining Limited
#13 - 2012-05-17 14:34:29 UTC
did you have a worst idea?

what about your pod in a scaphandre with a minning gun?
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#14 - 2012-05-17 14:38:29 UTC  |  Edited by: FloppieTheBanjoClown
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Rokh hourly output: 84,000 units of Omber

I do my math in m3, not units of any one ore. I also don't rely on dated wiki pages that might not account for recent changes to modules or newly available modules. All of my numbers assume a 5% mining implant and a max-yield perfect orca booster.

The Rokh I specced out in Pyfa will get 30.53 m3/s, compared to the hulk's 47.46. That comes to 64.3% of the Hulk's yield, minus a small portion as the Rokh's mining drones make up a larger portion of its yield and some of that will be lost to transit time.

The 105k EHP mining Rokh would push 28.13, or 59.3% of the Hulk's yield. It's virtually gank proof on account of the sheer cost of applying that much damage.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Everything Went Black
Pirate Lords of War
#15 - 2012-05-18 12:24:29 UTC
Im Super Gay wrote:
CCP's already stated that they won't introduce mining ships with a better yield than the hulk. Dream on

This thread is over, everyone go home.

Nothing to see here.
XS Tech
#16 - 2012-05-18 13:47:54 UTC
ugh, we finally get prices that are reasonable ... and people want to get new ships that will put mineral prices right back in the shitter...

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#17 - 2012-05-18 17:59:56 UTC
its awesome how not a single person suggested a change. maybe increase the mining yield change the cost perhaps? no every post was the same thing, saying that this idea exactly how it is sucks. how about some constructive thinking please?
AFK Hauler
State War Academy
#18 - 2012-05-18 18:06:11 UTC
Almost as funny as making a harvester that can directly mine other ships.
Ziranda Hakuli
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2012-05-18 18:16:58 UTC
Tchulen wrote:
Ok, although I'm fairly sure this is a troll post I'll bite.

1) 10 billion isk capital ship designed to be used in low and null with no jump drive.
This is just plain mental. No one would use it anywhere but the system it was built in because capital ships can't pass through jump gates and like anyone is going to also risk a titan to get this thing around considering it's not massively better than a few hulks.

2) Ship fuel made out of moon-goo.
I'm pretty sure that no ship fuel is made out of moon-goo. WHat's wrong with using the ship fuels that are already in the game?

3) Appears on the overview when in sieged mode.
This is completely mental. Who's going to use a 10bill isk ship that absolutely anyone can see straight away. Cov ops cap fleet hot drop with absolutely no effort?

Whilst I understand your wish to have a capital mining ship only fools would use this. It's a nightmare and the risk/reward calculation is way out of whack. The risk is enormous for no more reward than using, what, 3 hulks or so. Anyone with multiple accounts will just use multiple hulks rather than this unwieldy behemoth.

Not to mention the 30 minutes preparing and pulling down and the 15 minutes you'll have to wait if it's attacked before you can even move it. So an alliance wanting to use one of these has to have a combat fleet capable of dealing with a cap ship hot drop fleet or large subcap fleet on standby just to mine a bit of ore when they could just use a normal mining fleet, mine more for less isk risk.

I love the way some people have liked this. They've clearly never tried flying a Rorqual. Have you ever heard of anyone using a Rorqual for it's siege mode anywhere other than in the safety of a POS shield? I doubt it and that's because it's a giant sitting target which you can't get out once it's attacked. They don't even need to point it if they can kill it before it leaves siege mode and even then a few neuts and bumping will keep it there.

Well your an idiot you forgot about that some capital ships can use a stargate? Dug you have. from the sounds of it this thing is smaller then a jump freighter.
ship fuel type: obvious suggestion but you nick pick and rage over such a crazy idea. Maybe another fuel type but we all know ore industrial ship rorq uses lovely Isotopes. there we figured it out. hell get rid of the seige mode thingy and change the slots around some. 5 High slots(3 turret hard points), 5 mid slots, and 4 low slots. 3 possible rigs increase the calibration what a hulk has. increase the drone bay from 50 to 100. and give it slightly base resists and hp by 10% bit the resists would only max out at 50 if it takes it above that.
The overview thingy...yeah need to kill that idea. not good gives them carebears in 0.0 a juicy target to shot at.
As for the yield. well make it comparable to the Hulk Yield amount. yes there it is Mr Obvious and let it go anywhere in the eve universe.

Maybe next time you will think something constructive then being a douch......troll
Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#20 - 2012-05-18 20:05:08 UTC
Ziranda Hakuli wrote:

Maybe next time you will think something constructive then being a douch......troll

Did the OP accidentally post with their main? or is it just someone trying to troll the only actually constructive post in this thread?

More on this tonight at 11!

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

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