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Maneuvering with blasters at close range

Denuo Secus
#1 - 2012-05-16 23:34:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Denuo Secus
I'm quite new to brawling and close range stuff in PvP. Atm I try blastes on Gallente medium ships, a Thorax in my case.

My question: I have a hard time to keep my optimal blaster range during a close range orbit. I fought against a corp mate, me in a 800mm plate Thorax with web+scram - he in a Harb with one 1600mm plate and web+scram. Since we both used web and scram we're both without MWD at close range. On paper I'm faster and more agile. But still he was able to pull rage to 4+km. Not good for me, now I'm in falloff. I needed to approach him directly to get to 2.5km (void) fast again, so my transersal drops and I took huge damage from his lasers.

I'm not sure how to maneuver when fighting different ship sizes. My thoughts so far:

(1) Thorax against frigs and destroyers: I approach him directly to keep transversal low. Or I fly aligned to something so I can bail as soon as the frig is destroyed. I don't need transversal to minimize incoming damage.

(2) Thorax against equally sized targets (other cruisers): Not sure here. I guess it depends on my opponents weapon system. But since I cannot mitigate incoming damage with high transersal mostly I'd approach him directly.

(3) Thorax against BC and above: I try to orbit him at my blasters optimal. Maybe a bit less. In case of the Harb I set orbit to 1.5km so I end up at 2.8km max when orbiting him.

Is this correct so far? If so, why wasn't I able to stay within 3km even if my orbit against the Harb was set to 1.5km and I was faster? Should I orbit him closer? Or just approach? Or should I fly manually?

Thanks for any hint!

EDIT: clarification.
Tamiya Sarossa
Resistance is Character Forming
#2 - 2012-05-17 01:34:26 UTC
For larger ships fly manually, the orbit command takes a tangential approach path for re-establish orbits and so can be quite bad at maintaining the distance you'd like. You'll get used to the frantic clicking soon enough.

I'd pretty much agree with you on the the frigs and cruisers, don't worry about maintaining transversal, just maximize your dps - keep at range set around your optimal usually works wonders for this.
Rond Dorlezahn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-05-17 02:52:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Rond Dorlezahn
When I use blaster ships, I orbit at something closer than my optimal to varying degrees. For frigates I always orbit at 500, and then go up accordingly. I'm not one to talk about small-scale PVP, though, all I usually do in RvB is 10-20 vs 10-20.
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-05-17 03:25:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Jack Miton
it depends a bit if youre flying a paper blaster boat, eg brutix ect, or a brick blaster boat, eg proteus.
if youre in a paper ship, you may need to tack a bit to keep up transversal but honestly, with blasters you just hit approach, cycle MWD and overheat the guns vs targets the same size as you or smaller, or hit hit orbit at 1.5-2km vs larger targets.

i fly a proteus a lot and the biggest advantage i have vs most targets is raw DPS.
while orbiting will reduce incoming DPS, it will also reduce outgoing DPS and since yours is higher, youre losing out more vs equal size opponents.

(frigs are always an exception to general flying habits due to low tank/size.)

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