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Someone Took My Milk

Fleet Warpsujarento
#1 - 2012-05-16 13:37:31 UTC
It was in communal fridge #221 in Enaluri 5 station. Clearly marked with my name, and not yours.Evil

I'm not going to pretend I'm not angry, but the sooner whoever took it owns up and pays me back the better it will be for them in the long run.
Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#2 - 2012-05-16 13:48:39 UTC
Note to members of the Gallente Militia and/or Caldari Militia: Fleet Warpsujarento keeps her milk in a public fridge, where anyone can access it, at any time.
Lialus Raithe
#3 - 2012-05-16 14:06:59 UTC
This sort of petulance being broadcast publicly on interstellar communication boards is highly unbecoming of the Caldari militia. Surely you maintain some form discipline and protocol for public decorum. I am quite sure that the Caldari Military Leadership would be most displeased to stumble upon this.
Fleet Warpsujarento
#4 - 2012-05-16 14:08:38 UTC
I'll worry about what the Caldari leadership thinks about me after I get my god damn milk back.
Lialus Raithe
#5 - 2012-05-16 14:11:04 UTC
Fleet Warpsujarento wrote:
I'll worry about what the Caldari leadership thinks about me after I get my god damn milk back.

I could provide you some planetside credits in order to purchase more milk? I would recommend no longer keeping it in a communal refrigeration unit to avoid a repeat incident.
Fleet Warpsujarento
#6 - 2012-05-16 14:12:45 UTC
I appreciate your offer, but this isn't just about getting more milk. I can buy more milk if I need to. This is about the ****** who thinks he can steal my milk and get away with it.
Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#7 - 2012-05-16 14:25:08 UTC
What if they poisoned your milk instead, is my point.

I really feel like this falls into the 'too bad, get over it, at least they didn't do something worse' category.
Rodj Blake
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#8 - 2012-05-16 14:59:08 UTC
And some people claim that the quality of discussions on the IGS has deteriorated over the last couple of years.

I simply don't know where they get that idea from.

Dolce et decorum est pro Imperium mori

Lialus Raithe
#9 - 2012-05-16 15:58:17 UTC
Rodj Blake wrote:
And some people claim that the quality of discussions on the IGS has deteriorated over the last couple of years.

I simply don't know where they get that idea from.

A fine bit of sarcasm, admiral.

Perhaps the quality of discussion on the IGS will improve over the next couple of years and we can avoid repeats of things like this.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2012-05-16 16:05:46 UTC
You better watch out or someone might put a lock on that fridge and make the keys disappear.

Vide longe er eros di Luminaire VII, uni canse pra krage e determiniex! Sange por Sange! Descanse bravex eros, mie freires. Mortir por vostre Liberete, farmilie, ide e amis. lons Proviste sen mort! Luminaire liber mas! 

Aldrith Shutaq
Atash e Sarum Vanguard
#11 - 2012-05-16 16:32:08 UTC
Injustice must be opposed wherever it may turn up. I applaud this young woman and wish her luck in her milky crusade.

Now everybody, I suggest you leave her alone and stop posting here. It's distracting to her.

Aldrith Ter'neth Shutaq Newelle

Fleet Captain of the Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris

Divine Commodore of the 24th Imperial Crusade

Lord Consort of Lady Mitara Newelle, Champion of House Sarum and Holder of Damnidios Para'nashu

Milo Caman
Anshar Incorporated
#12 - 2012-05-16 17:39:12 UTC
Lialus Raithe wrote:
This sort of petulance being broadcast publicly on interstellar communication boards is highly unbecoming of the Caldari militia. Surely you maintain some form discipline and protocol for public decorum. I am quite sure that the Caldari Military Leadership would be most displeased to stumble upon this.

On the contrary, I'd argue this is a higher quality post than 98% of the garbage that ends up on the IGS. I feel that the injustices that occur in Caldari communal fridges are of great interest to the capsuleer community at large. Far more so than the usual pretentious twaddle I see here.
Lialus Raithe
#13 - 2012-05-16 17:41:32 UTC
Today must be Interstellar Sarcasm Appreciation Day. (I-SAD)
kai il
#14 - 2012-05-16 18:11:21 UTC
A sad day when the sanctity of the communal fridge is violated, I mean sure you can set up cameras to watch the fridge but the trust is broken you no longer feel safe leaving things in it...its never going to be the same again and that is the issue here.

I hope you find this milk stealer...
Istvaan Shogaatsu
Guiding Hand Social Club
#15 - 2012-05-16 18:19:19 UTC
Edaine Numenor
Numenor Benevolent Holdings
#16 - 2012-05-16 20:09:35 UTC

Now that's just funny!Lol

Liberating slaves wherever, whenever, and however I can.

Naraish Adarn
Alexylva Paradox
#17 - 2012-05-16 21:35:36 UTC
shhh be quiet or gutter press will connect your missing milk to Sansha's little party or blood raides or something
Lialus Raithe
#18 - 2012-05-16 21:52:50 UTC
Naraish Adarn wrote:
shhh be quiet or gutter press will connect your missing milk to Sansha's little party or blood raides or something

Congratulations, you just gave them ideas.
Caellach Marellus
#19 - 2012-05-16 22:16:15 UTC

I'm not even going to suggest what that looks more like.....

When your gut instincts tell you something is wrong, trust them. When your heart tells you something is right, ignore it, check with your brain first. Accept nothing, challenge everything.

Edaine Numenor
Numenor Benevolent Holdings
#20 - 2012-05-16 22:28:07 UTC
Caellach Marellus wrote:

I'm not even going to suggest what that looks more like.....

but you just did...

Liberating slaves wherever, whenever, and however I can.

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