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Character Bazaar

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WTB Gallente PVP char 14B Budget

Ravenhold Research
#1 - 2012-05-16 11:24:15 UTC  |  Edited by: PresidentScrewb
Looking for a pvp char that fits some/most of the following

Arrow Gallente/mini pilot
Arrow Race BS to 5
Arrow Can fly HaC
Arrow Race specific guns to 5
Arrow Good drone skills
Arrow Command Ship

Arrow Marauder is a bonus
Arrow Cross race is a bonus if it can do the above

Im looking for a character that can be actively used for PvP in low, null and WH space if it can pilot a capital then you probly have what im looking for.
Ravenhold Research
#2 - 2012-05-16 17:42:43 UTC
up to the top, Still buying, As long as it can or is able to nearly fly a carrier/dread im interested
Ravenhold Research
#3 - 2012-05-16 18:53:52 UTC
again to the top, give me some eveboards to look at.
Diablo 3III
#4 - 2012-05-17 02:42:11 UTC
Free bump. Happy Hunting man...
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#5 - 2012-05-17 02:42:47 UTC
happy hunting :D o7