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Current Caldari Faction War

Darek Castigatus
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#41 - 2012-05-15 23:21:46 UTC
Joanna Ramirez wrote:
Vyktor Abyss wrote:
Everyone lost respect for him years ago and he just spews bile everywhere about the persecution he's suffered, which funnily enough attracts yet more people to persecute him.

I am not the who is spamming my enemies evemail boxes with crappy mails and then asking the other guy to take a chill pill. The guy you shed your crocodile tears for on other thread did.

Speaking as an outsider you are honestly your own worst enemy most of the time. The problem is that you never try to move past it and carry on, you just spew the same bullshit over and over and over to the point where people dont really care what happened, they just want you to shut up about it. Yes the people who did those things were assholes, I'll freely acknowledge that fact, but you seem to have planted your standard and sung your deathsong over something which no one outside of you and a small group of the gallente remembers or cares about.

Honestly I've been following faction warfare on and off for two and a half years now and I can't remember a time when you havent been a burned out, bitter old vet whining about some supposed wrong that happened long ago but should be treated as a thing of utmost importance no matter what.

Please for your own sake just let it go.

Pirates - The Invisible Fist of Darwin

you're welcome

Mister Kwong
#42 - 2012-05-16 00:01:24 UTC
Darek Castigatus wrote:
Joanna Ramirez wrote:
Vyktor Abyss wrote:
Everyone lost respect for him years ago and he just spews bile everywhere about the persecution he's suffered, which funnily enough attracts yet more people to persecute him.

I am not the who is spamming my enemies evemail boxes with crappy mails and then asking the other guy to take a chill pill. The guy you shed your crocodile tears for on other thread did.

Speaking as an outsider you are honestly your own worst enemy most of the time. The problem is that you never try to move past it and carry on, you just spew the same bullshit over and over and over to the point where people dont really care what happened, they just want you to shut up about it. Yes the people who did those things were assholes, I'll freely acknowledge that fact, but you seem to have planted your standard and sung your deathsong over something which no one outside of you and a small group of the gallente remembers or cares about.

Honestly I've been following faction warfare on and off for two and a half years now and I can't remember a time when you havent been a burned out, bitter old vet whining about some supposed wrong that happened long ago but should be treated as a thing of utmost importance no matter what.

Please for your own sake just let it go.

QFT. Quite frankly, I wonder why Super Chair keeps this guy around for so long in his alliance. Anyone who is this bitter about a video game and the people who play it is just a bit off IMHO. I mean dude, just log off for a few weeks and take a break from the game if you are this burned out.

sYnc Vir
Ghost Legion.
#43 - 2012-05-16 00:46:14 UTC
Caldari turned to ****, Funny when we were in people bitched and moaned at us cause we "Demanded" Armor ships in armor fleets of all things. Though oddly enough we were getting great fights and even odder, WINNING.

Seems the only Caldari I see posting these days are those bitching about numbers.

Bitched so much the 180man corp(at the time) moved on and left you behide. Something you gleefully cheered about, now bitching you don't have ******* numbers. I could be wrong, but maybe be nicer to your friends, and they wont leave you in the dark holding your p3nis, looking for your balls.

There was a time you could run a CARRIER conga line around Enaluri Station, afk outside for 4 hours, or just lol forget to warp off gate while you go get some food. You would live, because everyone else would make sure you lived.

I would run a fleet back over to Hyd and park 80 guys on the undock but sorry boys, Too busy having fun in Amarr Low Sec to give a **** about ya.

*Bar a couple who I wont name cause its funnier if I don't(to me, private jokes a cool).

** Im actually a recruiter for my corp now, we're taking on people. We are out numbered but we dont ***** about it much, we just kills **** anyway. Check Kourm out the last couple days. Out numberd but killing ****, having fun. If you can deal with that feel free to apply. If not, sit in highsec and ***** about your side being too **** to do anything other then spin.

Don't ask about Italics, just tilt your head.

#44 - 2012-05-16 04:04:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Mutnin
sYnc Vir wrote:
Caldari turned to ****, Funny when we were in people bitched and moaned at us cause we "Demanded" Armor ships in armor fleets of all things. Though oddly enough we were getting great fights and even odder, WINNING.

Seems the only Caldari I see posting these days are those bitching about numbers.

Bitched so much the 180man corp(at the time) moved on and left you behide. Something you gleefully cheered about, now bitching you don't have ******* numbers. I could be wrong, but maybe be nicer to your friends, and they wont leave you in the dark holding your p3nis, looking for your balls.

There was a time you could run a CARRIER conga line around Enaluri Station, afk outside for 4 hours, or just lol forget to warp off gate while you go get some food. You would live, because everyone else would make sure you lived.

I would run a fleet back over to Hyd and park 80 guys on the undock but sorry boys, Too busy having fun in Amarr Low Sec to give a **** about ya.

*Bar a couple who I wont name cause its funnier if I don't(to me, private jokes a cool).

** Im actually a recruiter for my corp now, we're taking on people. We are out numbered but we dont ***** about it much, we just kills **** anyway. Check Kourm out the last couple days. Out numberd but killing ****, having fun. If you can deal with that feel free to apply. If not, sit in highsec and ***** about your side being too **** to do anything other then spin.

Not that Caldari has been in very great shape since in the time I've been on this side, but I can understand why many of the Caldari din't mind seeing you guys leave. I never flew with you guys but I often remember seeing guys in your corp trolling general Militia instead of actually trying to help them get better.

You guys always seemed to have same elitist snobby attitude much like you are showing right now.. Lets also not forget that half the time you guys were more willing to fleet up with SoTF than your own Militia it really made little difference to most anyway when you left from what I saw.

Besides that lets not forget why you guys really left Caldari.. You guys left to form your now failed alliance with SoTF because you couldn't make it out in null sec you then came back to FW & went to Amarr. When you came back it most likely made a hell of a lot more since to go to Amarr rather than return to Caldari because bulk of Caldari fly shield fits.. Of course you are likely to find corps in Amarr that better match your Abaddon fleets.

Not to mention gives you added benefit to not have to shoot at your BFF's in Gal Militia and able to stay friendly. In all honestly I'd say the loss of Draketrain was felt much more than the loss of Wolfsbrigade. At least Draketrain was helping new militia guys instead of trolling them.

Lasted I noticed Amarr was also still losing their space, at least Caldari fail or not are still fighting back.. Might be getting out gunned most of the time, but at very least we haven't given up and keep at it. Amarr on other hand still seems to be expecting CCP to save them with a reset.
Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#45 - 2012-05-16 04:14:46 UTC
Mister Kwong wrote:
I mean dude, just log off for a few weeks and take a break from the game if you are this burned out.

Actually last time I took a break there were forum comments along the lines "lololol, n00blet takes a break from game and does not want to fight" and on my return the first three gallentes I saw called me, in this order:

1: Exploiter
2: Dogshit stuck on a shoe (Hello Val)
3: Pedophile

It's nice to be loved eh? Big smile
Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#46 - 2012-05-16 04:27:52 UTC
Mutnin wrote:
...Amarr on other hand still seems to be expecting CCP to save them with a reset.


If we had rats as nasty as your ECM spamming missile spewers Shakor would see his brain-washed meatshield living in high-sec .. just sayin' Smile

PS: Reset at this point would be counter-productive as the Shakorites get to start off with little to no LP to earn .. the groans and moans will be hilarious.
Aya Hekki
State War Academy
Caldari State
#47 - 2012-05-16 05:11:17 UTC
Veshta, you keep mentioning the npc rats in the plexing way too much, the truth is it doesnt matter at all.
i have been a part of the kourm slaughters the past couple of days,
don't tell me that a stupid TP rat will make a difference with those 10~20 man fleets capping plexs , actually in majors and med plexes, the TD rats will be pretty much more helpful than a stupid TP.

maybe yes you cant "solo" or speed tank plexes like minmatar, but with the scale of fights i have seen in kourm, it doesnt matter one bit.
Capitol One
Blue Canary
Watch This
#48 - 2012-05-16 05:20:19 UTC
Mutnin wrote:
sYnc Vir wrote:
Caldari turned to ****, Funny when we were in people bitched and moaned at us cause we "Demanded" Armor ships in armor fleets of all things. Though oddly enough we were getting great fights and even odder, WINNING.

Seems the only Caldari I see posting these days are those bitching about numbers.

Bitched so much the 180man corp(at the time) moved on and left you behide. Something you gleefully cheered about, now bitching you don't have ******* numbers. I could be wrong, but maybe be nicer to your friends, and they wont leave you in the dark holding your p3nis, looking for your balls.

There was a time you could run a CARRIER conga line around Enaluri Station, afk outside for 4 hours, or just lol forget to warp off gate while you go get some food. You would live, because everyone else would make sure you lived.

I would run a fleet back over to Hyd and park 80 guys on the undock but sorry boys, Too busy having fun in Amarr Low Sec to give a **** about ya.

*Bar a couple who I wont name cause its funnier if I don't(to me, private jokes a cool).

** Im actually a recruiter for my corp now, we're taking on people. We are out numbered but we dont ***** about it much, we just kills **** anyway. Check Kourm out the last couple days. Out numberd but killing ****, having fun. If you can deal with that feel free to apply. If not, sit in highsec and ***** about your side being too **** to do anything other then spin.

Not that Caldari has been in very great shape since in the time I've been on this side, but I can understand why many of the Caldari din't mind seeing you guys leave. I never flew with you guys but I often remember seeing guys in your corp trolling general Militia instead of actually trying to help them get better.

You guys always seemed to have same elitist snobby attitude much like you are showing right now.. Lets also not forget that half the time you guys were more willing to fleet up with SoTF than your own Militia it really made little difference to most anyway when you left from what I saw.

Besides that lets not forget why you guys really left Caldari.. You guys left to form your now failed alliance with SoTF because you couldn't make it out in null sec you then came back to FW & went to Amarr. When you came back it most likely made a hell of a lot more since to go to Amarr rather than return to Caldari because bulk of Caldari fly shield fits.. Of course you are likely to find corps in Amarr that better match your Abaddon fleets.

Not to mention gives you added benefit to not have to shoot at your BFF's in Gal Militia and able to stay friendly. In all honestly I'd say the loss of Draketrain was felt much more than the loss of Wolfsbrigade. At least Draketrain was helping new militia guys instead of trolling them.

Lasted I noticed Amarr was also still losing their space, at least Caldari fail or not are still fighting back.. Might be getting out gunned most of the time, but at very least we haven't given up and keep at it. Amarr on other hand still seems to be expecting CCP to save them with a reset.

Ah yes, the age old "elitist bastard snobs! boooh" ...

Your accusation of us simply trolling the militia instead of helping players, completely wrong. We took a whole bunch of lower skilled pilots, trained them and polished, making caldari militia all the better for it.

Making the militia unified, having them fly in solid and proven fleet setups is bad somehow? Elitist? Come on, get out of your thrasher and understand that in order to fight a disciplined BS gang, you have to bring a BS gang or something able to counter that! Directing the militia to do just that is not elitist, it's just common sense.

Our fleeting up with SOTF had no effect on our efforts to fight the gallente, we'd be back shooting the frogs as soon as those ops were over, usually those took place far away or shooting local pirates. In fact, while W-BR was in caldari miltia we were at the top of the Caldari killboard month after month, so don't even think about saying we weren't contributing to the fight.

We never went to nullsec, we formed an alliance with SOTF, moved to a different lowsec area, got target starved, moved to the Amarr/Minmatar FW zone, then we realised the 2 corps functioned better apart than together, so W-BR came back to FW and joined the Amarr because it seemed like a much more active area and because we didn't feel like moving again so soon. SOTF left to join the Gallente again a bit later.

The fact is, Wolfsbrigade was and still is one of the best FW corporations out there, we rekindled the caldari militia warmachine and brought the fight to the frogs all the time, while training our recruits into the mean killing machines they are today, adapting and branching out to bigger and better fleet doctrines as time passed.

If striving to be the best we can is "snobbish" or "elitist" then **** it, I'll be a proud W-BR snob any day!

Also, you thinking the amarr have given up simply shows how little you know, protip: check the kills for kourmonen for the last couple of days, you might be shocked to see there's pvp happening!


- Capitol
Mister Kwong
#49 - 2012-05-16 05:48:11 UTC
Thing is, part of the reason WBR left squids because there was so much tension and backstabbing within the militia. I know some of the top leaders from the other corps couldn't stand First General because of the amount of poaching that he did to other squid corps. There isn't much courtesy and honor in that so it was only a matter of time that WBR would leave to go to a less hostile environment with less vitriol.

And there is this sort of elitist attitude that WBR has even amongst the Amarrian corps. It's like they think they're too good to fly with other alliances/corps like Amarr 7th, etc...

No doubt that WBR is a solid pvp corp but they've never played well with corps in either the Amarr or Caldari.

The Church of Awesome
#50 - 2012-05-16 05:51:11 UTC
Gallactica wrote:
Caldari FW is pretty much dead at the moment and in desperate need of new corps and or alliances to join them to help the situation.

The plexxing front from Caldari seems to have ground to a halt (from what ive seen / been told) the PVP side of things is limited to a couple of small organised entities who still are doing there thing but overall its in a pitiful state and the patch is going to compound things even worse i fear.

E-peen waving and the usual haters aside i dont think any of us wants either side to be as dominant as it has been and tbh will continue to be by the looks of it.

But unless there is a shift in the balance of power with new corps / alliances joining then unfortunately i cant see it changing much.

Some Caldari players are still plexing - but the Gallente have some good organization and have flipped a few systems back very quickly lately. There is no point for us to attempt re-flipping them until a day or two before the patch is about to hit.

Due to their numbers the Gallente can just take any system they want at the moment. I don't think they have taken the systems that they will need, but the ones they think we will need. Once missions are not the only way to get LP, the Stations may be less important than many people presume.

I have decided to concentrate on a single goal in preparation of the upcoming changes. I hope that other Caldari players are doing something similar to myself and therefore only seem to be less active.
Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#51 - 2012-05-16 06:25:56 UTC
Aya Hekki wrote:
maybe yes you cant "solo" or speed tank plexes like minmatar, but with the scale of fights i have seen in kourm, it doesnt matter one bit.

I've never understood why people say matar plexes are somehow hard, I can take a major outpost with a navy caracal without much issues. Sure, their rats shoot missiles and tend to hit decently. So what? lock them, shoot them, kill them. It's not like they are unnerfed gallente dampers where every single rat is Ewar capable and elite cruisers reduce battlecruisers targeting range to 5km and locking time to 50 seconds which naturally presents some problems with abovementioned modus operandi.

This of course does not change the fact that Amarr npc rats are more or less a non-issue as far as I have seen and a one-legged dwarf can probably speed tank them.
Shadows Of The Federation
#52 - 2012-05-16 07:19:13 UTC
WBR, how dare you ask people to bring the right ships to fleets and how very dare you fc these fleets! Tch, Elitist snobs eh?
Shadows Of The Federation
#53 - 2012-05-16 07:30:31 UTC
Oh and Muttly, it was SoTF not WBR that went to 0.0 and got utterly bored shitless and came back after "failing".
Devoid Privateering
#54 - 2012-05-16 07:43:08 UTC
Gallactica wrote:
WBR, how dare you ask people to bring the right ships to fleets and how very dare you fc these fleets! Tch, Elitist snobs eh?

Yeah, I think we all should strive to be more like W-BR. In this way: every one of us should make up our own pet complaints about ourselves that only we or our allies ever raise, which we can conflate with all incoming criticism.
Hidden Snake
#55 - 2012-05-16 07:55:27 UTC
To the op ... I am around for quite long and ibs is probably the only seriously killing corp on caldari side.

However changes of fW led us to decission o leave FW this Saturday.....just will have some last few days of fun killing gals and then we will seek pastures more green (or at least green).

Ignore bitching (mine too ;) ) .... If u wanna rp enjoy, but u gonna have serious trouble fighting odds under new rules....

If u r looking for decent isk and easier pvp join gals....
Lock out
Shadows Of The Federation
#56 - 2012-05-16 07:56:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Lock out
Confirming when we step in 0.0 we fail miserably . Ok, sometimes we really do .

Back on topic, i wouldn't be so skeptical about caldari militia's future. And not because I think the way some ppl want to rebuild it will work, but mostly because some of the new corps that joined seem more willing to deploy heavier fleets even if they do lose. And before some people start raging that I like those cos we farm kills out of them, that's not the case.

I am a strong beliver in the fact that the only way of improving is taking fights, losing them, seeing what you did wrong and then improving from there. About 2 years ago for example, we dropped 6 carriers or so on an RnK fleet (the main fight featured in Ironclad) . We lost about 70 support , mostly bs and 1 carrier (Eddie's epic FCing beeing the only reason for us losing one cap not 6). But we learnt in that 75 minutes of fighting more than in a lifetime of flying BC . We saw how good their Guardians were and started copying their fits, we saw how good triage worked for them and started training for that, etc etc. Same thing when SoT moved in to Tama. We lost about 20 bil worth of ships only in the first week. A month later we were raping their BS fleeet and the triage that went with it (that's when the love story with WBR started) .

Some of the corps that joined Caldari now seem to be pretty much in the same mindset. Take fights, do your best and when you lose, buy another ship and go back at it and don't repeat what you did wrong last time. And long term, that's a winning strategy. Wouldn't be surprised if Templis Dragonaors or Serenity Prime kick our ass six months from now.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#57 - 2012-05-16 08:02:40 UTC
Caldari FW happens in plexes these days....anything outside a FW plex usually gets immediately hot dropped by gallente and their lovely capital ships
sYnc Vir
Ghost Legion.
#58 - 2012-05-16 10:54:05 UTC  |  Edited by: sYnc Vir
Forum ate my post, so **** it. Read Caps post

Don't ask about Italics, just tilt your head.

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#59 - 2012-05-16 11:11:40 UTC
I hear that you can't post in italics if the forum eats your posts. c/d ?
sYnc Vir
Ghost Legion.
#60 - 2012-05-16 12:26:18 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
I hear that you can't post in italics if the forum eats your posts. c/d ?

No just forgot

Don't ask about Italics, just tilt your head.