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Dear CCP, Alliance Bookmarks Now plox?!?

Clandestine Services
#21 - 2012-05-15 15:18:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Ashimat
Bloemkoolsaus wrote:
Roime wrote:
Also shooting scanners has zero strategic meaning, the bookmarks are shared already.

Any decent fleet has a couple of scouts, and only one will jump in to asses the situation. The other cloakies take the bookmark back or provide warpins. No changes here really.

You seriously don't see the changes in tactics that corp bookmarks have made possible?

Lets say I find a system 4 jumps deep (from wherever my friends are, may it be empire or a C6). To protect yourself from my locust-like corpmates, you can't just make it hard for me to return up the chain, you now need to roll that chain.

The ease which one scout can hand over to another in the same corp without the hassle of meeting somewhere to hand over BMs is in many ways a game changer.

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Verge of Collapse
#22 - 2012-05-15 18:00:00 UTC
You don't win EVE until you scan a wormhole circle.
Frau Leinsmarch
#23 - 2012-05-15 18:26:18 UTC
Ashimat wrote:
Bloemkoolsaus wrote:
Roime wrote:
Also shooting scanners has zero strategic meaning, the bookmarks are shared already.

Any decent fleet has a couple of scouts, and only one will jump in to asses the situation. The other cloakies take the bookmark back or provide warpins. No changes here really.

You seriously don't see the changes in tactics that corp bookmarks have made possible?

Lets say I find a system 4 jumps deep (from wherever my friends are, may it be empire or a C6). To protect yourself from my locust-like corpmates, you can't just make it hard for me to return up the chain, you now need to roll that chain.

The ease which one scout can hand over to another in the same corp without the hassle of meeting somewhere to hand over BMs is in many ways a game changer.

Of course, its made it faster for corporations to move through chains, I do not see that as a game breaking change, I see it as an improvement to WH life. Your saying you'd rather your fleets not be able to travel through chains quickly to catch a gank or intercept another roaming fleet, sounds like a boring position tbh.
Qui Shon
Lone Wolf Freelancers
#24 - 2012-05-15 19:36:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Qui Shon
Frau Leinsmarch wrote:
Of course, its made it faster for corporations to move through chains, I do not see that as a game breaking change, I see it as an improvement to WH life. Your saying you'd rather your fleets not be able to travel through chains quickly to catch a gank or intercept another roaming fleet, sounds like a boring position tbh.

I'd rather the larger the entity, the more trouble it has with moving around, well, more trouble with everything really. I'd rather the lazy fucks were ******, and the crafty and industrious had an edge. Instead we're getting the opposite, lazy fucks have an ever easier time of it (which is one contributing reason to ever larger numbers in W) while the margins between decent and mediocre get smaller and smaller, when it comes to scanning/navigation that is.

I wouldn't say corp bm's are a game breaker, but they're certainly an incremental game changer. And alliance bm's would just be another incremental change, in the wrong direction.

We already have one very large area for the kind of play you have advocated recently, nullsec. W-space should not gradually become more and more like null, (huge organizations and fights meaning individual ship/pilot importance becomes small) Effort should be made to emphasize...more like correct these days, the anti blob nature of w-space. (blob = any large fleet)
Qui Shon
Lone Wolf Freelancers
#25 - 2012-05-15 19:39:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Qui Shon
Fatyn wrote:
You don't win EVE until you scan a wormhole circle.

In the very beginning of W, we scanned out an exit from our system to our own system. A 1 system loop.

CCP fixed that shortly after though, so it wasn't possible anymore.
Clandestine Services
#26 - 2012-05-16 15:35:42 UTC
Frau Leinsmarch wrote:
Ashimat wrote:
Bloemkoolsaus wrote:
Roime wrote:
Also shooting scanners has zero strategic meaning, the bookmarks are shared already.

Any decent fleet has a couple of scouts, and only one will jump in to asses the situation. The other cloakies take the bookmark back or provide warpins. No changes here really.

You seriously don't see the changes in tactics that corp bookmarks have made possible?

Lets say I find a system 4 jumps deep (from wherever my friends are, may it be empire or a C6). To protect yourself from my locust-like corpmates, you can't just make it hard for me to return up the chain, you now need to roll that chain.

The ease which one scout can hand over to another in the same corp without the hassle of meeting somewhere to hand over BMs is in many ways a game changer.

Of course, its made it faster for corporations to move through chains, I do not see that as a game breaking change, I see it as an improvement to WH life. Your saying you'd rather your fleets not be able to travel through chains quickly to catch a gank or intercept another roaming fleet, sounds like a boring position tbh.

I said it was a game changer. Not a game breaking change. I'm more then fine with corp BMs. If it was legal in my country I would marry them.

Got blog:

Lenier Chenal
Offensive Upholder
#27 - 2012-05-16 16:20:36 UTC
Yes, please give us alliance BMs!
Legio Prima Victrix
#28 - 2012-05-17 10:17:41 UTC
Wrong forum but ill weigh in i suppose.

I dont understand why bookmarks had to be physically transferred in the first place? Its a bunch of Co-Ordinates (which if you look in people in places it is.) so why the hell did you need to physically give to people>?? They should be capable of being linked, sent via eve mail etc.

But also yes i would be for Alliance BMs.
Goonswarm Federation
#29 - 2012-05-22 18:55:34 UTC
Qui Shon wrote:
Fatyn wrote:
You don't win EVE until you scan a wormhole circle.

In the very beginning of W, we scanned out an exit from our system to our own system. A 1 system loop.

CCP fixed that shortly after though, so it wasn't possible anymore.

funny. me and i think bloemkoolsaus (or other vfi guy) did a few months ago. c6 with static c5, that had a static c6 leading back to our system.
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