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EVE is getting expensive

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#81 - 2012-05-15 16:36:29 UTC
Takseen wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Katarina Reid wrote:
EVE is getting expensive. Datacores going up making T2 cost more. Minerals making t1 go up. Tech cartel making T2 go up. CCP's new mods being bpc drops making sure they cost alot more. Its funney they are making a war expansion but no one can afford to lose a ship. Should i continue to wait out the high prices or just play with ships i have to grind longer for?

It's called "the end of stupid ship loss".

Fly smarter not harder.

You can't have meaningful wars without *someone* losing their ships, no matter how hard or smart they're flying.
Shame they never got around to buffing T1 cruisers, now would be their time to shine.

My point is, the "blob and get blobbed" tactics involving battle ships was and will always be dumb. Now it's getting expensive. That's good. Do you field expensive stuff unsupported by other ships in their necessary support roles and no intel? The way it was (or is for those who don't get the memo or still have a lot of ISK) is to just send in blobs of battleships and then decide if they have to run later, usually by being out-blobbed or finding out the hard way they are up against frigates that can deal lots of damage and outrun their turrets.

No, don't bring some destroyers or assault frigate support. No, don't use intel and research. Just get in the BS at the "spawn point" and when you get popped, respawn and get into another battleship and repeat.

Why not just play Call of Duty instead?

Now instead of "we want only l33t players with at least 50M SP who can fly all T2 equipped BS", perhaps those lesser skilled destroyer, cruiser, and frig captains would be of more use?
(Goons, as much as we are required to hate them, understand this).

Do armies take their main battle tanks, to the tune of tens of millions of dollars each, and just send them into the field without ground and air support? Do fighter-bombers just cross into enemy airspace without intel about the available AA in the field?

If main battle tanks cost only a million bucks or so, as well as fighter jets, and the crews respawned, perhaps so.

This game is simply becoming more of what everybody likes to fluff their e-peens over: a "hard game so HTFU or go back to WOW!!!1!!! Marsha Marsha Marsha I hate being a middle child!!!1!!emo rant rage!!!1!"

If not being able to be all twinked up bothers some people around here, we all know where WoW is, right?

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Ferroto Baggins
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#82 - 2012-05-15 16:38:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Ferroto Baggins
What were seeing here is inflation caused by increasing the ISK supply. the ISK supply gets increased whenever you do missions, rat, do incursions you know anything isk generation methods that doesn't involve buying\selling on the markets items that were created by players. Each time the value of ISK gets cut in half it takes only half the time for it to happen again. eventually we will start to see hyperinflation in eve online. Mineral prices are only up due to this inflation people should be buying minerals\trade goods etc... to protect themselves from this inflation.
Ferroto Baggins
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#83 - 2012-05-15 16:39:52 UTC
**double post**
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#84 - 2012-05-15 17:02:54 UTC
Ferroto Baggins wrote:
What were seeing here is inflation caused by increasing the ISK supply. the ISK supply gets increased whenever you do missions, rat, do incursions you know anything isk generation methods that doesn't involve buying\selling on the markets items that were created by players. Each time the value of ISK gets cut in half it takes only half the time for it to happen again. eventually we will start to see hyperinflation in eve online. Mineral prices are only up due to this inflation people should be buying minerals\trade goods etc... to protect themselves from this inflation.

Yep, its the money supply. Definitely nothing to do with drone region nerf, Meta 0 drop nerf, and the recent Hulkageddon.
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#85 - 2012-05-15 17:14:24 UTC

Yes, more ship hulls being used would be nice. But you gotta admit T1 cruisers are pretty lousy atm. If people blob with only one type of ship, its because it works.
Hakaru Ishiwara
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#86 - 2012-05-15 17:26:50 UTC
JitaPriceChecker2 wrote:
Katarina Reid wrote:
EVE is getting expensive


This will combat game inflation.

Not everyone suppose to fly top tier ships.
Dont fly what you cant afford to lose.
CCP is going to rebalance smaller ships to make them usefull ( i suggest them to read this thread - )
That is a quaint notion. Thousands upon thousands of players have been training to fly those nifty, top-tier ships over the years. They have high-ISK clones and maybe sets of bling implants. The ever-present "next thing" is one of the main reasons for sticking with the game and either paying for a sub or buying PLEX's off of some other scrub.

You are proposing that people currently flying skill-intensive battleships, tech 3 cruisers, command ships, etc. move back down the food chain into frigates and destroyers because CCP can't design its way out of the gutter?

+++++++ I have never shed a tear for a fellow EVE player until now. Mark “Seleene” Heard's Blog Honoring Sean "Vile Rat" Smith.

Visine Red
420 Chronicles of EvE
#87 - 2012-05-15 17:28:34 UTC
Katarina Reid wrote:
EVE is getting expensive. Datacores going up making T2 cost more. Minerals making t1 go up. Tech cartel making T2 go up. CCP's new mods being bpc drops making sure they cost alot more. Its funney they are making a war expansion but no one can afford to lose a ship. Should i continue to wait out the high prices or just play with ships i have to grind longer for?

Your missing the point, CCP wants your to purchases plexes, that is all.
Hakaru Ishiwara
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#88 - 2012-05-15 18:12:23 UTC
bongsmoke wrote:
Katarina Reid wrote:
EVE is getting expensive. Datacores going up making T2 cost more. Minerals making t1 go up. Tech cartel making T2 go up. CCP's new mods being bpc drops making sure they cost alot more. Its funney they are making a war expansion but no one can afford to lose a ship. Should i continue to wait out the high prices or just play with ships i have to grind longer for?

Your missing the point, CCP wants your to purchases plexes, that is all.
What this man writes is true, but what CCP is missing is that they need to ensure that the tools to create amazing content are in-place and or fancy toys are compelling enough to want to buy GTCs or PLEX.

Will Inferno deliver such things?

+++++++ I have never shed a tear for a fellow EVE player until now. Mark “Seleene” Heard's Blog Honoring Sean "Vile Rat" Smith.

Simi Kusoni
#89 - 2012-05-15 18:21:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Simi Kusoni
Hakaru Ishiwara wrote:
JitaPriceChecker2 wrote:
Katarina Reid wrote:
EVE is getting expensive


This will combat game inflation.

Not everyone suppose to fly top tier ships.
Dont fly what you cant afford to lose.
CCP is going to rebalance smaller ships to make them usefull ( i suggest them to read this thread - )
That is a quaint notion. Thousands upon thousands of players have been training to fly those nifty, top-tier ships over the years. They have high-ISK clones and maybe sets of bling implants. The ever-present "next thing" is one of the main reasons for sticking with the game and either paying for a sub or buying PLEX's off of some other scrub.

You are proposing that people currently flying skill-intensive battleships, tech 3 cruisers, command ships, etc. move back down the food chain into frigates and destroyers because CCP can't design its way out of the gutter?

The same principles apply to mudflation as apply to buying SP, instant gratification is generally bad. Players may believe they want instantly accessible ships, but when given them they tend to get bored as they have nothing left to aim for in game.

When a ship holds value, when it takes time to work for and you constantly have something to work toward... That is the "hook" that makes games like Eve addictive.

Instant gratification, whether in the form of free skill points or cheap "top-tier" ships, is generally detrimental to any game world. Plenty of MMOs have fallen victim to mudflation over the years, Eve was headed in that direction.

I for one am glad CCP is pulling us back from the brink.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Hakaru Ishiwara
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#90 - 2012-05-15 18:37:54 UTC
Simi Kusoni wrote:
Hakaru Ishiwara wrote:
JitaPriceChecker2 wrote:
Katarina Reid wrote:
EVE is getting expensive


This will combat game inflation.

Not everyone suppose to fly top tier ships.
Dont fly what you cant afford to lose.
CCP is going to rebalance smaller ships to make them usefull ( i suggest them to read this thread - )
That is a quaint notion. Thousands upon thousands of players have been training to fly those nifty, top-tier ships over the years. They have high-ISK clones and maybe sets of bling implants. The ever-present "next thing" is one of the main reasons for sticking with the game and either paying for a sub or buying PLEX's off of some other scrub.

You are proposing that people currently flying skill-intensive battleships, tech 3 cruisers, command ships, etc. move back down the food chain into frigates and destroyers because CCP can't design its way out of the gutter?

The same principles apply to mudflation as apply to buying SP, instant gratification is generally bad. Players may believe they want instantly accessible ships, but when given them they tend to get bored as they have nothing left to aim for in game.

When a ship holds value, when it takes time to work for and you constantly have something to work toward... That is the "hook" that makes games like Eve addictive.

Instant gratification, whether in the form of free skill points or cheap "top-tier" ships, is generally detrimental to any game world. Plenty of MMOs have fallen victim to mudflation over the years, Eve was headed in that direction.

I for one am glad CCP is pulling us back from the brink.
I can only buy into this logic up to a point. I am in agreement that goals and difficult-to-reach targets drive player involvement.

Where you lose me is when we want or need these higher-tier ships for PvP activities. There is little-to-no boredom involved with having a carrier or three filled with the tools for PvP for which we have spent years training. I look at my assets and I am pleased that I can be prepared for fleet activities. It is as simple as that.

+++++++ I have never shed a tear for a fellow EVE player until now. Mark “Seleene” Heard's Blog Honoring Sean "Vile Rat" Smith.

Simi Kusoni
#91 - 2012-05-15 18:46:34 UTC
Hakaru Ishiwara wrote:
Simi Kusoni wrote:
Hakaru Ishiwara wrote:
JitaPriceChecker2 wrote:
Katarina Reid wrote:
EVE is getting expensive


This will combat game inflation.

Not everyone suppose to fly top tier ships.
Dont fly what you cant afford to lose.
CCP is going to rebalance smaller ships to make them usefull ( i suggest them to read this thread - )
That is a quaint notion. Thousands upon thousands of players have been training to fly those nifty, top-tier ships over the years. They have high-ISK clones and maybe sets of bling implants. The ever-present "next thing" is one of the main reasons for sticking with the game and either paying for a sub or buying PLEX's off of some other scrub.

You are proposing that people currently flying skill-intensive battleships, tech 3 cruisers, command ships, etc. move back down the food chain into frigates and destroyers because CCP can't design its way out of the gutter?

The same principles apply to mudflation as apply to buying SP, instant gratification is generally bad. Players may believe they want instantly accessible ships, but when given them they tend to get bored as they have nothing left to aim for in game.

When a ship holds value, when it takes time to work for and you constantly have something to work toward... That is the "hook" that makes games like Eve addictive.

Instant gratification, whether in the form of free skill points or cheap "top-tier" ships, is generally detrimental to any game world. Plenty of MMOs have fallen victim to mudflation over the years, Eve was headed in that direction.

I for one am glad CCP is pulling us back from the brink.
I can only buy into this logic up to a point. I am in agreement that goals and difficult-to-reach targets drive player involvement.

Where you lose me is when we want or need these higher-tier ships for PvP activities. There is little-to-no boredom involved with having a carrier or three filled with the tools for PvP for which we have spent years training. I look at my assets and I am pleased that I can be prepared for fleet activities. It is as simple as that.

The problem is that mudflation applies to PvP as much as anything else, and not just in the form of everyone having a battlecruiser handy when its needed.

You see it in the rampant super capital proliferation, the titan blob or t3 doctrine. This is not really something that is "noob friendly", nor is it something that makes for particularly interesting game play.

Making minerals more expensive may make it harder to buy battle cruisers/ships, but it doesnt make it impossible. And its always possible to PvP in cheaper ships to great effect, but what it does do very effectively is put a halt to the rampant super capital and titan production in game. Or at least slow it.

As for people that continue to use expensive ship doctrines or fleets regardless of cost, good for them. The new found rarity and value of their ships will doubtless make the game more exciting both for them, and for those attempting to kill them with cheaper more readily available ships.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Mah Kraah
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#92 - 2012-05-15 19:06:42 UTC
when i started to play everything was cheaper, tru.
but ppl had alot less income.
it is much easyer to get the money to finance pvp than it was back than.
you are a mining as income source ??? imagine to make a living without:
t2 miners
no ships with miningboni whatsoever
no barges
no hulks

no passive income like Pi

missionrunning to finance your pvp?
no lvl4 missions!

no wormholes , no moongold,

we did corpwidt mining ops to build battleships for our members because it took ages to earn enough money to buy one.
guess what, we still had fun, we still did alot pvp and we lost ships like hell.
stop whining . the prices are only going back where they should be. ccp did the mistake to infuse way to much isk into the game.
a soloplayer should never ever be able to earn billions in month .
caps where introduced as alliance ships , requiring the afford of dozends if not hundreds of players, nowdays solo players with the right profession can buy one every month.......
Niko Takahashi
Yoshitomi Group
#93 - 2012-05-15 19:30:24 UTC
Mah Kraah wrote:
when i started to play everything was cheaper, tru.
but ppl had alot less income.
it is much easyer to get the money to finance pvp than it was back than.
you are a mining as income source ??? imagine to make a living without:
t2 miners
no ships with miningboni whatsoever
no barges
no hulks

no passive income like Pi

missionrunning to finance your pvp?
no lvl4 missions!

no wormholes , no moongold,

we did corpwidt mining ops to build battleships for our members because it took ages to earn enough money to buy one.
guess what, we still had fun, we still did alot pvp and we lost ships like hell.
stop whining . the prices are only going back where they should be. ccp did the mistake to infuse way to much isk into the game.
a soloplayer should never ever be able to earn billions in month .
caps where introduced as alliance ships , requiring the afford of dozends if not hundreds of players, nowdays solo players with the right profession can buy one every month.......

Ginseng Jita
#94 - 2012-05-15 19:39:32 UTC
Mah Kraah wrote:
when i started to play everything was cheaper, tru.
but ppl had alot less income.
it is much easyer to get the money to finance pvp than it was back than.
you are a mining as income source ??? imagine to make a living without:
t2 miners
no ships with miningboni whatsoever
no barges
no hulks

no passive income like Pi

missionrunning to finance your pvp?
no lvl4 missions!

no wormholes , no moongold,

we did corpwidt mining ops to build battleships for our members because it took ages to earn enough money to buy one.
guess what, we still had fun, we still did alot pvp and we lost ships like hell.
stop whining . the prices are only going back where they should be. ccp did the mistake to infuse way to much isk into the game.
a soloplayer should never ever be able to earn billions in month .
caps where introduced as alliance ships , requiring the afford of dozends if not hundreds of players, nowdays solo players with the right profession can buy one every month.......

totally agree ^^^^ this
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#95 - 2012-05-15 20:20:42 UTC
Takseen wrote:

Yes, more ship hulls being used would be nice. But you gotta admit T1 cruisers are pretty lousy atm. If people blob with only one type of ship, its because it works.

We must admit though that the destroyers were buffed and the sig penalty for MWD use with assault frigs was reduced. Those are steps in the right direction.

Whereas we have tier 2 and tier 3 battlecruisers, certainly this path is welcome with cruisers and I look forward to seeing what is dreamed up.

I must point out something strange though: the rise in prices is not as remarkable with faction and T2 frigates. The Hookbill, Comet, etc have not gone up in price, so this is certainly linked to material cost. One thing that people are overlooking is that in addition to Hulkageddon and the drone region nerf, there is also the Botageddon that occurred recently that is likely making materials scarce. Again, those ships whose high cost is coming not from materials but status as a faction or T2 ship and not having a high overhead in raw materials are pretty close to their prices as of a few months ago.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Theosophical Society
#96 - 2012-05-15 21:08:02 UTC
Simi Kusoni wrote:

If you live in high sec, you don't need/deserve a T2 battle ship. Problem solved.

Im not sure if people who live in high sec desserve or need a T2 BS, but you surely need an award for the dumbest statement I have read in a long time
Simi Kusoni
#97 - 2012-05-15 21:21:19 UTC
Gorenaire wrote:
Simi Kusoni wrote:

If you live in high sec, you don't need/deserve a T2 battle ship. Problem solved.

Im not sure if people who live in high sec desserve or need a T2 BS, but you surely need an award for the dumbest statement I have read in a long time

I especially like the part where you express confusion as to your opinions on the validity of my statement, before claiming that my statement is dumb.

Perhaps next time you should form an opinion before posting, preferably one backed by an argument of some kind.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]