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Current Caldari Faction War

Princess Nexxala
Zero Syndicate
#21 - 2012-05-15 14:50:05 UTC
Yeah I enjoy fighting your guys as you don't suck, hope you stick around for a whileSmile

DirtyDozen wrote:


It's a challenge, but that's why it's fun. We've only been in Caldari FW for a little over a week. Just know a lot of the time you engage, you'll be outnumbered and fighting links. I'm not complaining. They are always willing to fight. I'm looking forward to more GFs down the road.

Personally, I'm not in it for the isk. All my guys have other sources of income. We wanted to come to fight with the underdogs.

nom nom

Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#22 - 2012-05-15 15:06:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Joanna Ramirez
Gallactica wrote:
^^ If all Caldari thought this way, they wouldnt be in half the crap they are - But easier to moan about how unfair everything is isnt it.

If you are such paragons of fair play, then why does your militia constantly use bugs in plexes like the cloaking trick and off-grid despawn stopper like Val did pretty much everytime he didnt have a blob at his command? And then goes to forums to cry when I decide to demonstrate same tricks against you?

Sorry, your facade of politeness might trick some random noobie but not me. Perhaps you should petition this message and get this character banned from forums too, since CCP seemed fit to ban Yuri for daring to say "no" to Hrett's notion that every pilot on your side is a special snowflake.
Princess Nexxala
Zero Syndicate
#23 - 2012-05-15 15:20:31 UTC
I fly with these guys daily. They are indeed very special snowflakesOops

Joanna Ramirez wrote:
Hrett's notion that every pilot on your side is a special snowflake.

nom nom

Shadows Of The Federation
#24 - 2012-05-15 15:28:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Gallactica
Damar all you need is to get more friends........oh wait, bridges well and trully burned on that front.

Stop with the same old same old crap that you degenerate every thread into, there are people in your militia that actually want and are able to improve things but your constant whining, whingeing and generalyy talking out of your backside make it virtually impossible for the people that want to make things better.

If you are this bitter and butt hurt about things, take a step back and stop playing - all you are doing is hurting the side you pretend to want to help and while ever you spew the same crap things will never get any better.

Get a grip man and stop acting like a petulant child, my 3 young kids have more sense and decorum than you.
Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#25 - 2012-05-15 15:37:51 UTC
Caldari FW is fine. Threads like these is why no one joins caldari because both caldari and gallente say "caldari is faaaaaaaiiilllll", scaring any prospective corps/recruits. Also if you join gallente you'll be bored to tears and probably spend most of your time in the US TZ playing league of legends because of lack of targets (it's what i did while in QCATS). So, join caldari Big smile
Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#26 - 2012-05-15 15:38:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Joanna Ramirez
Gallactica wrote:
If you are this bitter and butt hurt about things, take a step back and stop playing - all you are doing is hurting the side you pretend to want to help and while ever you spew the same crap things will never get any better.

You do understand if I stopped playing every one from your miltiia would run to forums and make a seperate thread high-fiving themselves and declaring victory. Knowing this, wont happen.

And you are again doing the usual routine of condemming me being unpolite to you since it's oh so wrong that guy who has taken crap from you since start of FW would dare to shout back at the froggies that CCP loves oh-so-much that even critisising them becomes a thought crime and bannable offense.

Gallactica wrote:
Get a grip man and stop acting like a petulant child, my 3 young kids have more sense and decorum than you.

Oh so that Screaming Faileagle guy was your alt? Apparently he has three young kids too. He came to our mumble one day and masqueraded as alliance member. Then he started ranting "Damar is a c..t, a..hole, f..k, f..k" etc. Real class act. Wonderful example for kiddies dont you think?
Shadows Of The Federation
#27 - 2012-05-15 15:47:16 UTC
Yes, everyone with 3 kids is my alt.......

And if thats what he did, then its pathetic tbh and he deserves a slap.

And your prob right about people high fiving when you stop playing - Thats the point i'm making, youve created such a disdain for yourself with how you act, whilever your in Caldari FW you will never win.

Bit sad tbh and i feel sorry for you.
Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#28 - 2012-05-15 15:58:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Joanna Ramirez
Gallactica wrote:
YAnd your prob right about people high fiving when you stop playing - Thats the point i'm making, youve created such a disdain for yourself with how you act, whilever your in Caldari FW you will never win.

I know you would love nothing but having ton of noobies flocking to caldari banner so you could go back to farming Nourv/Tama gate. You might even be right with your analysis but the alternative of me yielding before a bunch of death threat sending a.sholes is unacceptable and you would not do it in my position either if you have a shred of self-respect.

Some of us stick to our guns to bitter end, others take the easy mode.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#29 - 2012-05-15 15:58:43 UTC
Cryissa wrote:
So hows it going?

Was in it before Dec last year. We dropped out as a corp and joined an alliance with 0.0 and WH ops but now looking to come back.

What's the current situation, feel and well everything really?

Of course I am expecting the enemy to post here as well......

I guess I never answered your question.

My corp likes it so far. Come shoot stuff. More people = more fights = MOAR FUN.

Gotta start rebuilding somehwere...
Dare Knight
#30 - 2012-05-15 16:18:52 UTC
Joanna Ramirez wrote:
Gallactica wrote:
YAnd your prob right about people high fiving when you stop playing - Thats the point i'm making, youve created such a disdain for yourself with how you act, whilever your in Caldari FW you will never win.

I know you would love nothing but having ton of noobies flocking to caldari banner so you could go back to farming Nourv/Tama gate. You might even be right with your analysis but the alternative of me yielding before a bunch of death threat sending a.sholes is unacceptable and you would not do it in my position either if you have a shred of self-respect.

Some of us stick to our guns to bitter end, others take the easy mode.

I'm confused about the part where you're mad. Last time I checked, this was a game... I don't blame people for shying away from the Caldari after reading this kind of thread. I wouldn't want to fly with someone so bitter, either. I enjoy flying with Superchair and some of the other longtimers. It just sounds like you want nothing more THAN to complain, and that doesn't help your standing or credibility at all.

And credibility goes a long way.

_It's very simple, really. If you see Tengus on scan, they are ratting. If you see a shitload of Tengus, the Russians are blobbing. If you see Proteuses on scan, they will be on top of you in about a second. If you see a shitload of Proteuses, the big boys are having a goodfight. _

#31 - 2012-05-15 16:24:07 UTC
DirtyDozen wrote:
[quote=Andre Vauban]

It's a challenge, but that's why it's fun. We've only been in Caldari FW for a little over a week. Just know a lot of the time you engage, you'll be outnumbered and fighting links. I'm not complaining. They are always willing to fight. I'm looking forward to more GFs down the road.

Personally, I'm not in it for the isk. All my guys have other sources of income. We wanted to come to fight with the underdogs.

I just wanted to say.. bite me.. Evil

The other day we were forming up a corp BC gang and had 1 guy whom wanted to fly his Myrm & rest in our Nanno Drakes and I was trying to explain why 1 Myrm isn't gonna work so well with the rest of corp in long range Drakes.. Then you guys land on gate with like 5 Myrms..
Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#32 - 2012-05-15 16:27:42 UTC
Dare Knight wrote:
I'm confused about the part where you're mad. Last time I checked, this was a game... I don't blame people for shying away from the Caldari after reading this kind of thread. I wouldn't want to fly with someone so bitter, either. I enjoy flying with Superchair and some of the other longtimers. It just sounds like you want nothing more THAN to complain, and that doesn't help your standing or credibility at all.

And credibility goes a long way.

That's the beauty of the character assassination what has been going from gallentes side for the past years now. If I oppose them, I am raging sociopath who ought to be locked away, if I don't, I am a weak appeaser who should go back to mining asteroids.

Damn if you do, damn if you don't eh?

Dare Knight
#33 - 2012-05-15 16:34:43 UTC
Joanna Ramirez wrote:
Dare Knight wrote:
I'm confused about the part where you're mad. Last time I checked, this was a game... I don't blame people for shying away from the Caldari after reading this kind of thread. I wouldn't want to fly with someone so bitter, either. I enjoy flying with Superchair and some of the other longtimers. It just sounds like you want nothing more THAN to complain, and that doesn't help your standing or credibility at all.

And credibility goes a long way.

That's the beauty of the character assassination what has been going from gallentes side for the past years now. If I oppose them, I am raging sociopath who ought to be locked away, if I don't, I am a weak appeaser who should go back to mining asteroids.

Damn if you do, damn if you don't eh?

Mm, yeah, true true. +1 to you, and my apologies. All in good stride.

_It's very simple, really. If you see Tengus on scan, they are ratting. If you see a shitload of Tengus, the Russians are blobbing. If you see Proteuses on scan, they will be on top of you in about a second. If you see a shitload of Proteuses, the big boys are having a goodfight. _

Vyktor Abyss
Abyss Research
#34 - 2012-05-15 16:51:35 UTC
In a game where so much depends on your reputation it is comedy when "old timers" like Damar post on the forums.

Everyone lost respect for him years ago and he just spews bile everywhere about the persecution he's suffered, which funnily enough attracts yet more people to persecute him.

He's his own worst enemy, and the fact he can't get over or even laugh about the abuse he's had in game points to the fact he's the sort fragile ego out of game that really should not be playing MMOs.

I too pity this chap.

One sad thing though is having such a vociferous, whiny, drama queen on any 'team' only serves to weaken the whole team. I hope the new Caldari recruits aren't put off by such a plonker and do actually stick around long enough to properly compete. should make FW mroe fun.

Toodles. o/\o to Gall in the old folks hospice. Blink

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#35 - 2012-05-15 16:59:33 UTC
Joanna Ramirez wrote:

I know you would love nothing but having ton of noobies flocking to caldari banner so you could go back to farming Nourv/Tama gate.
Completely baseless accusation. Caldari FW has moved. We would go back to farming the Icho/Akidagi gate.
Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#36 - 2012-05-15 18:01:47 UTC
Vyktor Abyss wrote:
Everyone lost respect for him years ago and he just spews bile everywhere about the persecution he's suffered, which funnily enough attracts yet more people to persecute him.

I am not the who is spamming my enemies evemail boxes with crappy mails and then asking the other guy to take a chill pill. The guy you shed your crocodile tears for on other thread did.
Princess Nexxala
Zero Syndicate
#37 - 2012-05-15 18:35:57 UTC
nom nom
nom nom

X Gallentius wrote:
Joanna Ramirez wrote:

I know you would love nothing but having ton of noobies flocking to caldari banner so you could go back to farming Nourv/Tama gate.
Completely baseless accusation. Caldari FW has moved. We would go back to farming the Icho/Akidagi gate.

nom nom

Shadows Of The Federation
#38 - 2012-05-15 18:49:29 UTC
Joanna Ramirez wrote:
Vyktor Abyss wrote:
Everyone lost respect for him years ago and he just spews bile everywhere about the persecution he's suffered, which funnily enough attracts yet more people to persecute him.

I am not the who is spamming my enemies evemail boxes with crappy mails and then asking the other guy to take a chill pill. The guy you shed your crocodile tears for on other thread did.

Sorry, what guy are you referring to?
#39 - 2012-05-15 19:02:33 UTC
I only post here so Val Erian has something to complain about when he sees me in local..
Dirk Smacker
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#40 - 2012-05-15 19:03:43 UTC
Joanna Ramirez wrote:

Some of us stick to our guns to bitter end, others take the easy mode.

When I start watching a scene from Game Of Thrones, I expect to see some boobs. Or at least some cute boys making out.

I guess once you have a signature, you cannot have a blank one.