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To CCP: Live Events please?

First post
Lord Salty
The Classy Gentlemans Corporation
#1 - 2012-05-15 13:21:23 UTC
so been playing the game for a couple of years and the only major live events that i can remember were the sansha mothership events and when ccp went roaming in navy issue ships with expensive mods. Its possible there were others in my time that i dont know about because i didnt know many of the things i know today.
But i remember reading something a few months back saying that ccp planned on some more live events.
A major thing i would like to see are events that are in different timezones so that players from timezones normally asleep during EU prime can enjoy the game too. Something i feel that would help is an event that lasted a few days. Events lasting some amount of days instead of minutes would give almost everyone the ability to join in.

Me personally, i would like to see some kind of attack on concord which renders them useless and turns high security systems into low or null. This would be a game changing event for the amount of time it was sustained. (what about sansha attacking concord in all systems instead of pve sites for players to run) Or perhaps instead of simply turning ALL of eve into a pvp fun house make the sec levels drop a cpl of points. maybe 1.0 becomes 0.8, 0.9 becomes 0.7 etc etc. *suggestion*

Either way, i feel confident when i say that most of the eve community would love some kind of fun event to sink their teeth into.
If you have to ask a eve player 'do you want a fun and exciting event?' i think something is wrong.
KoreanSnap PingTurtle
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2012-05-15 13:24:04 UTC
Lord Salty wrote:
so been playing the game for a couple of years and the only major live events that i can remember were the sansha mothership events and when ccp went roaming in navy issue ships with expensive mods. Its possible there were others in my time that i dont know about because i didnt know many of the things i know today.
But i remember reading something a few months back saying that ccp planned on some more live events.
A major thing i would like to see are events that are in different timezones so that players from timezones normally asleep during EU prime can enjoy the game too. Something i feel that would help is an event that lasted a few days. Events lasting some amount of days instead of minutes would give almost everyone the ability to join in.

Me personally, i would like to see some kind of attack on concord which renders them useless and turns high security systems into low or null. This would be a game changing event for the amount of time it was sustained. (what about sansha attacking concord in all systems instead of pve sites for players to run) Or perhaps instead of simply turning ALL of eve into a pvp fun house make the sec levels drop a cpl of points. maybe 1.0 becomes 0.8, 0.9 becomes 0.7 etc etc. *suggestion*

Either way, i feel confident when i say that most of the eve community would love some kind of fun event to sink their teeth into.
If you have to ask a eve player 'do you want a fun and exciting event?' i think something is wrong.

Ya that wold be pretty cool cuz they already have a streaming technololgy like the one they used at fan fest this year which was good and they could even charge a plex for premium hd straeming $$$$$$$$CCP$$$$$$$$

[u]GoonWaffe Recruitment Officer[/u]

Serenity Labs
#3 - 2012-05-15 13:27:15 UTC
A while back there were some interviews with the guys that ran the live events. It was only a couple of them, and they pretty much volunteered their time. So while yes, they are fun, the resources available on the dev side are limited. They've had issues with sec status and concord, leading to some pretty funny fittings in the past. Here's to hoping that with the Crime Watch overhaul they'll be better equipped for such events. I doubt very much the code exists to temporarily change security status, though this would be very interesting.


Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#4 - 2012-05-15 13:27:33 UTC
More live events yes!

★★★ Secure 3rd party service ★★★

Visit my in-game channel 'Holy Veldspar'

Twitter @ChribbaVeldspar

Amarr Empire
#5 - 2012-05-15 13:32:13 UTC
Chribba wrote:
More live events yes!

I'm with Chribba on this... We need moar live events I'm getting withdrawl sympthomes....
St Mio
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2012-05-15 13:34:39 UTC
Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#7 - 2012-05-15 13:35:29 UTC
Chribba wrote:
More live events yes!

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Lord Salty
The Classy Gentlemans Corporation
#8 - 2012-05-15 13:38:28 UTC

The thing that i was most dissapointed with when it came to ccp pvp'ing with players (especially the Tama battle) was not knowing when or where it would happen. Then i ended up being asleep any time it happened anyway. i hate my timezone sometimes.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#9 - 2012-05-15 14:44:58 UTC
Ah, I remember the Tama battle. It was great fun. Big smile
No More Heroes
Boomer Humor
Snuffed Out
#10 - 2012-05-15 16:01:52 UTC
CCP has placed GSF in charge of live events. There shall be another one soon™

prepare thyself P


CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#11 - 2012-05-15 16:07:46 UTC
Hi everyone. Just checking in to say that 1. I am monitoring this thread, so keep the suggestions and opinions coming, and 2. There is a lot we want to achieve with live events, both run by us and by players. At the moment we have a small community that I am nominally coordinating, and we are working on the events as a passion project which is why it takes a little longer to execute things than I'm sure some of you would like Big smile

We held a roundtable at Fanfest and got some wonderful feedback, pitches and opinions from a small but focused and vocal set of players. We have taken that and are working towards bringing the kind of live events that will be fun, immersive and will give good memories and stories to all involved.

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

Cathrine Kenchov
Ice Cold Ellites
#12 - 2012-05-15 16:14:06 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
Hi everyone. Just checking in to say that 1. I am monitoring this thread, so keep the suggestions and opinions coming, and 2. There is a lot we want to achieve with live events, both run by us and by players. At the moment we have a small community that I am nominally coordinating, and we are working on the events as a passion project which is why it takes a little longer to execute things than I'm sure some of you would like Big smile

We held a roundtable at Fanfest and got some wonderful feedback, pitches and opinions from a small but focused and vocal set of players. We have taken that and are working towards bringing the kind of live events that will be fun, immersive and will give good memories and stories to all involved.

Good to hear Goliath! The live events with the Sansha were a lot of fun, with some cool character interaction.

Can't wait for more
No More Heroes
Boomer Humor
Snuffed Out
#13 - 2012-05-15 16:48:08 UTC  |  Edited by: No More Heroes
Since we have soo much high sec vs. null sec on the forums- how about a CCP coordinated event where you guys bridge a bunch of these guys to Deklein and let them fight us. You could coordinate with alliance leaders as far as times and stuff and blockade surrounding areas so everyone gets a straight up fight and no party poopers come and SBU stuff or drop capitals.

Call it: Mad Miners- Beyond Thunderdome


Vyktor Abyss
Abyss Research
#14 - 2012-05-15 17:00:43 UTC
Why can't I please take my Hulk out and go on a mining event with CCP staff? Lol

I'd love to mine with you guys, it would be EPIC.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2012-05-15 17:01:26 UTC
what would be good is to do them in various time zones, with various size fleets and do them unannounced. That way, fleets in all time zones and at all sizes get in on the action. Doing them unannounced will help keep smaller fleets from getting raped by the bigger alliances once the fun is over. Granted that is part of Eve but none of the small alliances will even think about showing up if they think 500 Goons will be there.

Just have a fleet of 5-10 CCP ships pop up in random systems and start roaming, looking for fights. But, don't have them just suicide into whatever they find. Try to survive for a while and run away if they have to. Make it more of a real fight
Killer Gandry
The Concilium Enterprises
#16 - 2012-05-15 17:01:33 UTC
Events & Gatherings >>>>>> that way
Metal Icarus
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#17 - 2012-05-15 17:13:15 UTC
I want to see incursions from all pirate factions. They live in null and want to invade lowsec (premise)

Or at the very least, live events like the sansha one with all pirate factions.

When you guys introduce new pirate ships (BC, Destroyers, etc) a live event incursion should happen where bpc's would drop. every new ship should have a huge live event surrounding it's release.

Bonus suggestion: pirate carriers.
Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#18 - 2012-05-15 17:15:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Akrasjel Lanate
CCP Goliath wrote:
Hi everyone. Just checking in to say that 1. I am monitoring this thread, so keep the suggestions and opinions coming, and 2. There is a lot we want to achieve with live events, both run by us and by players. At the moment we have a small community that I am nominally coordinating, and we are working on the events as a passion project which is why it takes a little longer to execute things than I'm sure some of you would like Big smile

We held a roundtable at Fanfest and got some wonderful feedback, pitches and opinions from a small but focused and vocal set of players. We have taken that and are working towards bringing the kind of live events that will be fun, immersive and will give good memories and stories to all involved.

Yea but there is no video yet out about it like last year(last year there were vids from all roundtables if im not mistaken).

For those that don't know Roll
What are Live Events?

Live events are a part of EVE’s storyline. They are moments in game where EVE's factions come to life momentarily through the use of “actor” characters. These characters are controlled by CCP staff.

Events happen in-game via these actors. Out of game, events are supported by news articles, forum posts, and in the past, entire websites.

Live events aim to serve various goals:

To provide fun, rewarding, and meaningful experiences.
To help evolve the storyline of EVE and create a "living, breathing universe".
To promote EVE's storyline and empower players to have a degree of influence over it.
To catalyze emergent gameplay in all its glorious forms.

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude