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Furious about Gate Camping (how to survive)

Connaght Badasaz
Lewis and Clark Inc.
#21 - 2012-05-14 16:12:25 UTC
First thing, when you get scrammed on the gate, if you can't win, haul bawls back to the gate and jump. Known as "gate crashing".

Do not lock, fire, or otherwise do anything but get back to that gate and jump.

If you are webbed and scrammed, you still may be able to get back to that gate and jump.

Fit the appropriate Microwarp Drive.

If you are going to get burned down, and can't get away, fight back as much as possible. Target whatever is smallest and give it hell.

The biggest thing is, don't panic. Calmly go through the steps needed to get yourself back to safety.

Get used to losing ships, really. Can't sugarcoat that at all. In the end, you will get very hard to catch-and that does frustrate folks, believe it.

Take arrows in the forehead, never the back

Connaght Badasaz
Lewis and Clark Inc.
#22 - 2012-05-14 16:15:18 UTC
DeBingJos wrote:
When I first started I also thought gatecamps were impossible to navigate.

A couple of days ago I did 14 jumps through lowsec in my armor rupture, encounterd 4 camps and arrived safe at my destination.

What could you have done?
Travel fit that drake : warp core stabs in the lows
You could have burned back to the gate and jumped back to highsec.
You could have fitted a simple T1 cloak.
You could have scouted the gate.

You did none of the above and got killed. Learn from the experience and better luck next time.

Had he known any of those things before hand, we wouldn't be in this thread, now would we?

Take arrows in the forehead, never the back

Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#23 - 2012-05-15 00:36:44 UTC
OP probably could have headed back to the gate and jumped without agressing your attacker. They can't follow you for 1 minute.

EC-300 drones are great for making people mad at you Twisted
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#24 - 2012-05-15 06:56:38 UTC
Lord X3n0s Aeon wrote:
Huh, now there's a really good point. I never thought of checking the map's for killed ships. That seems like a really good idea.

Also, how does the shuttle thing work exactly? Run it once to see if it's clear, then one home, then one to get the battle cruiser there?

-Good points though guys, I appreciate the feedback. All that makes sense for 0.0, but 0.4? It seemed like now you have:

Empire -> insta-killin da noobs

What if you had:

Empire (noob haven) -> more profitable -> risky -> dangerous -> wild west

As in, things were more incremental?

This + OP =

I whine because I jumped my Drake into LOW-SEC and lost it and now can't afford to replace it.

Your own fault here, it gives a warning pop-up on the gates. Almost infinite pages on the internet explaining the difference betweeen High-sec, Low-sec and 0.0 space.

There is something called noob haven and it's called HIGH-SEC.

Stop whining about your loss and HTFU and play EVE, if you don't know how low-sec works and how to try to prevent being killed on gates, you have a lot to learn. So why did you try to learn in your Drake, why not take a frigate to see how it is out there.

Ooh wait, you are someone who thinks EVE is all about ISK and safety, well wake up, it isn't.

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Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

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School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#25 - 2012-05-15 07:00:15 UTC
Lord X3n0s Aeon wrote:
So based on what seemed like expert advice from some well-intentioned pros in another thread I head towards lower sec space.

Lol, and you thought they ment Low-sec

Low-sec and LOWER sec space isn't the same

What they ment was that 0.5 systems pay out better then 1.0 systems, both of which are still high-sec system.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Selia Rhizan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2012-05-15 12:29:56 UTC
You got quite a few good tips here already and I'll mostly leave it at that, but:

Lord X3n0s Aeon wrote:
At this point, that was a substantial amount of all the ISK I've made thus far, and it blows me away that a game can be built to allow this level of cheapness. It's one thing if I'm in 0.0 and cruising for PVP, it's another to design systems with the ultimate choke point to end all choke points and then allow players to camp it.

Before you jump into low sec for the first time a big fat window pops up that blocks your jump and tells you that you are about to do something dangerous and that you will probably die if you go on. This window asks you to confirm that you want to jump into low sec and gives you the chance to cancel the jump and stay in hi sec.

This window is also pretty intimidating.

So with all sincere respect, what did you expect to happen? I agree with you that gate camps are stupid crap and that it sucks you lost so much but it's not like this came out of nowhere, isn't it?

Lord X3n0s Aeon wrote:
-How could I have beat that warp scramble? I hit warp THE second the menu populated on spawn.

You already got this answered but I'll elaborate on it further anyway. There are different kinds of tackling modules and depending on how big and well organized the gate camp is and which kind of ship you're flying you have to approach those situations differently. Also your chance of survival varies accordingly from very good to certain death.

But since knowledge is power some words to tackling gear ranges:

Warp Disruptors have a range of 20+ km which can be boosted past 100 km. Their effect can e.g. be countered by 1 Warp Core Stabilizer.

Warp Scramblers have a range of 7.5+ km and can be boosted past past 40 km. Their effect can be countered by 2 Warp Core Stabilizers and additionally they shut your Microwarpdrive off.

Scripted Warp Disruption Field Generators have a range of 24 km up to 36 km and cannot be countered by Warp Core Stabilizers.

All those modules prevent you from warping away and need to have a lock on you. Hitting the warp button to escape is not enough as they will abort your warp once they effect you unless you already entered warp. But depending on your ship this can take from a few seconds to more than half a minute.

The module that slowed you down and put you to a crawl was a Stasis Webifier.

Stasis Webifiers have a range of 10+ km up to past 115 km and slow your speed 50% to 90% down. They do not prevent you from warping however.

A good gate camp will have specialized remote sensor boosted ships with gang link support that will catch you almost immediately even from great ranges. If you jump into one of those camps your chances of survival are very slim.

A lousy gate camp will only have on or two ships sitting right at the gate with a T2 web and disruptor, maybe also a scrambler once they got close to you. If you land into one of those camps burning back to the gate is often a good call.

Since they have to lock you first before they can tackle you small ships with small signatures which align quickly have an easier time to escape than big ships with big signatures which align slowly. Like your Drake for example.

Additionally in 0.0 and w-space you will encounter bubbles. Those are essentially like warp disruptors but cover a large area and can manipulate your warp exit point which will either drag you past your destination or pull you out early, depending on how it is set up. Warp Core Stabilizers won't help you with those either.

And then there are smartbomb gate camps (if you want to see those pass the low sec route between Jita and Rens through Rancer, good luck!).

But bubbles and smartbomb gate camps can be explained to you by somebody else. Big smile

Also the dude who told you that low sec is a good place for a 2.8m skillpoints newb solo Drake pilot is a moron. Don't listen to him again!
Pinstar Colton
Sweet Asteroid Acres
#27 - 2012-05-15 13:19:58 UTC
Don't fly what you can't afford to replace... (First rule of EVE)
...twice. (Industrialist's addendum)

In the cat-and-mouse game that is low sec, there is no shame in learning to be a better mouse.

Cameron Zero
Sebiestor Tribe
#28 - 2012-05-15 15:05:38 UTC
J'Poll wrote:
This + OP =

I whine because I jumped my Drake into LOW-SEC and lost it and now can't afford to replace it.

Your own fault here, it gives a warning pop-up on the gates. Almost infinite pages on the internet explaining the difference betweeen High-sec, Low-sec and 0.0 space.

There is something called noob haven and it's called HIGH-SEC.

Stop whining about your loss and HTFU and play EVE, if you don't know how low-sec works and how to try to prevent being killed on gates, you have a lot to learn. So why did you try to learn in your Drake, why not take a frigate to see how it is out there.

Ooh wait, you are someone who thinks EVE is all about ISK and safety, well wake up, it isn't.

Hey, uh, J'Poll? You might want to dial it back a bit. The OP appears to GENUINELY be asking for help, rather than just bitching and moaning. I realise that's pretty uncommon, but lets not cloud the issue by flaming them, okay? Blink

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. …"

Jakob Anedalle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2012-05-15 16:55:45 UTC
DeBingJos wrote:
When I first started I also thought gatecamps were impossible to navigate.

A couple of days ago I did 14 jumps through lowsec in my armor rupture, encounterd 4 camps and arrived safe at my destination.

What could you have done?
Travel fit that drake : warp core stabs in the lows
You could have burned back to the gate and jumped back to highsec.
You could have fitted a simple T1 cloak.
You could have scouted the gate.

You did none of the above and got killed. Learn from the experience and better luck next time.

I like this. Maybe a good thing to suggest to other newbs (like me). Once you get to 5M ISK or so fit out a frigate for 1M or less. Pick somewhere in a new constellation with a path that will take you through 0.5 and maybe even 0.4 or lower systems. Run it. See how far you get. If you make it there, pat yourself on the back and try running to some other new place. Continue until you get killed. :)

Repeat as desired and budget allows.

So I made up the 1M ISK number. What would you vets say? maybe lower even, like 500K? Can you suggest a fit for each race?

Trying out all the things to do here in Eve - it's quite a checklist. So I made a blog Jakob's Eve Checklist

Pinstar Colton
Sweet Asteroid Acres
#30 - 2012-05-15 17:31:11 UTC
Jakob Anedalle wrote:

I like this. Maybe a good thing to suggest to other newbs (like me). Once you get to 5M ISK or so fit out a frigate for 1M or less. Pick somewhere in a new constellation with a path that will take you through 0.5 and maybe even 0.4 or lower systems. Run it. See how far you get. If you make it there, pat yourself on the back and try running to some other new place. Continue until you get killed. :)

Repeat as desired and budget allows.

So I made up the 1M ISK number. What would you vets say? maybe lower even, like 500K? Can you suggest a fit for each race?

If you are just scouting out a path, use a shuttle or newbie ship. You can check for the presence gate camps quickly and easily. Even if you get caught in one and popped you are out either 12k isk or 0 isk.

It never hurts to do that prior to flying a more expensive ship into low. If you are worried about getting podded and losing implants, switch to an alt and scout a bit.

The more time you spend in low, the more you'll learn about the locals. I've been flying around low sec in Genesis for awhile and I know what days of the week tend to be slow, what times of day are busy...what corps live there and which ones are organized. And most importantly, which gates tend to have camps.

The best teacher is exposure. Grab a cheap ship and live there for a bit until you are comfortable enough to venture in there with bigger rigs.

In the cat-and-mouse game that is low sec, there is no shame in learning to be a better mouse.

Lost Greybeard
Drunken Yordles
#31 - 2012-05-16 01:14:25 UTC
Jakob Anedalle wrote:

So I made up the 1M ISK number. What would you vets say? maybe lower even, like 500K? Can you suggest a fit for each race?

Generally speaking, translate your isk into time investment and that will tell you what the value of a given ship is to you.

Say, you make your isk by grinding missions. You're lazy, so you just run a drone brick, so L4 missions last from about 20 minutes to a couple hours, averaging out at about 45 mins while you watch TV in another window or something. Your average L4 mission returns you, say, 15Misk in reward for the amount of effort you put into looting/selling/salvaging.

So in the above example, your 5Misk ship represents about 15 minutes of mission-running. Probably losing it won't bother you all that much and you can risk it if you feel like it. If you're a newer player running L2s that's potentially several hours of your time, though, and scouting's probably a good idea.

As far as which scouting ship goes, though, for low-sec I'd just grab a shuttle. They cost like 100kisk, warp around fast, and it's not like you need to worry about defense beyond fleeing since there are no warp bubbles in low. Honestly, if your actual destination isn't in low-sec you don't need to scout at all 99% of the time, just warp directly from gate to gate with instant-jump and no one is going to catch you unless you're in a battleship or a really fat, clumsy transport ship (you can fit the lighter ones with some movement enhancers and still leap around quite fast). The one exception is smartbomb gangs, since those don't necessarily require targeting.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#32 - 2012-05-16 07:32:17 UTC
NOTHING survives a gate camp.

(unless the campers really suck)

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#33 - 2012-05-16 07:33:56 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
NOTHING survives a gate camp.

(unless the campers really suck)

In lowsec? You got to be kidding me...

Ungi maðurinn þekkir reglurnar, en gamli maðurinn þekkir undantekningarnar. The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions.

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#34 - 2012-05-16 07:38:18 UTC
DeBingJos wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
NOTHING survives a gate camp.

(unless the campers really suck)

In lowsec? You got to be kidding me...

I was not thinking about lowsec. Sorry. Once again, lowsec is neglected. I will make amends by getting shitfaced drunk... oh wait...

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Homo Jesus
The LGBT Last Supper
#35 - 2012-05-16 22:36:30 UTC
Lord X3n0s Aeon wrote:
Yes yes I'm a noob if I had only used the stratospheric quantum nanite deflector I could of defeated the warp blah blah.

Nah ya don't need all that just don't shoot, go back to the gate and jump back for the easy solution.
Idicious Lightbane
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2012-05-17 01:12:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Idicious Lightbane
Vera Algaert wrote:
what do when you jump through a gate and see a gatecamp on the other side?

(1) hold cloak, keep calm and assess the situation. You are cloaked for 30s unless you move, you have a ten seconds session change timer until you can use a gate again which you should wait out cloaked in any case.
Don't panic, don't move - 30 seconds is a very long time for you to arrive at a decision.

The gate cloak timer is actually 60 seconds, which indeed gives you more than enough time to asses the situation, for the rest excellent post.
Wrecking Shots
#37 - 2012-05-17 01:39:58 UTC
Well not to addess the issues about how to get out of a gate camp but two other points:

1. Shoot your friends who told you to go to low sec to make money on missions. Those dudes are your real enemies. With freinds like that you dont need pirate gate camps to run into. Even if you were to make more money from a low sec mission...which is debatable the amount of risk involved would make it not worthwhile. Null sec missions can be interesting because they are often the only source of some valuable pirate faction ships like cynabols or macherials. Running missions for pirate npc corps is still very risky for the money involved. The only missions in low sec which are probably worth the additional risks involved are level 5 missions.

2. Pirates kill for the fun of it. Thats all it is about. They are not really too concerned about you chasing them because they are not going into high sec anyway. You jump into their camp they are going to fight. You will not likely find them interested in fighting without having overwhelming numbers on their side. That is just the way it is. Vowing revenge isnt likely to be productive for you.
Vera Algaert
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#38 - 2012-05-17 06:35:23 UTC
Idicious Lightbane wrote:
Vera Algaert wrote:
what do when you jump through a gate and see a gatecamp on the other side?

(1) hold cloak, keep calm and assess the situation. You are cloaked for 30s unless you move, you have a ten seconds session change timer until you can use a gate again which you should wait out cloaked in any case.
Don't panic, don't move - 30 seconds is a very long time for you to arrive at a decision.

The gate cloak timer is actually 60 seconds, which indeed gives you more than enough time to asses the situation, for the rest excellent post.

thanks for the correction. that explains why the 30 seconds feel so long P


Ihazcheez Hashur
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#39 - 2012-05-17 12:32:00 UTC
unfortunately pirate systems around high sec are seldom left for high sec folk to go about business.. The only time I survive gate camps is when i'm using my speed fit Crusader, and can reach 14,000 m/s to range myself the opposite direction to members of the camp.. quite often i'm 60k to 70k away before locks take place, and then it's only long range snipers that get a fix, and by that time you're gone.

If you're in anything heavier, and the game mechanics favour the camp.
Shea Valerien
House of Valerien
#40 - 2012-05-18 19:00:21 UTC
Tau Cabalander wrote:
OP probably could have headed back to the gate and jumped without agressing your attacker. They can't follow you for 1 minute.

EC-300 drones are great for making people mad at you Twisted

Does the use of EC drones cause your aggression timer to kick in? How about other damage or EW drones?

What if you just use regular ECM to break their lock? Does that trigger aggression?