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Missile ships...We have come full circle and...

Black Sky Inc
Blue Sky Syndicate
#61 - 2012-05-05 23:55:01 UTC
Missiles are pretty now. The flame stickers CCP put onto the torps makes them faster and more explode--y.
Mira Lynne
State War Academy
Caldari State
#62 - 2012-05-06 03:42:07 UTC
Garphunkle wrote:
Missiles are pretty now. The flame stickers CCP put onto the torps makes them faster and more explode--y.

Atleast we now have something pretty to stare at while it takes ages and ages to kill an untanked industrial Roll

[u]I, too, horse frogs.[/u] Support the Return of Realistic Module Icons!

The Baros Syndicate
#63 - 2012-05-06 19:29:13 UTC
Mira Lynne wrote:
Garphunkle wrote:
Missiles are pretty now. The flame stickers CCP put onto the torps makes them faster and more explode--y.

Atleast we now have something pretty to stare at while it takes ages and ages to kill an untanked industrial Roll
I'm going to assume that you're exaggerating to make a point, because if you can't kill an untanked indy ship in a reasonable amount of time with missiles then you're doing something terribly wrong with your ship fits.

That said, I've never really understood the whining about missiles that caldari players seem to have in excess. The drake is amazing, the tengu is amazing, the raven is at least decent (its only real problem being the fact that missiles do poorly in fleet fights and BSs do poorly in smaller gangs, for the most part). Sure some of the missile ships are bad, but then there aren't really that many of them to begin with are there? Expecting them to all be good is unreasonable to say the least.

What's more is that people whine so much about the downsides of missiles, as though that's not the idea that they're built around. Missiles are capless, high damage projection, variable damage type weapons. Making that damage difficult to apply in full is the only thing keeping the game from becoming caldari online. If torps didn't do so little damage without support why would you want to use anything else? The problem, I think, stems less from the fact that missiles are bad, and more from the fact that people chose a race/weapon system based on looks, decided they don't like the playstyle attached to it, and came to the conclusion that this must mean that the weapons are underpowered, rather than simply having their own inherent weaknesses.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#64 - 2012-05-07 01:22:42 UTC
my main concern with missiles is explosion velocity it seems the only way to counteract this is to web your target .
now with turrets you can do the same if the ship you are trying to hit is too close or too fast . or if your ship is faster you can fly further away to reduce the amout of tracking requiredd to hit the target you cannot with missiles. however if your using long range missiles trying to hit a fast ship you can't really do much in this case to get a better hit. unless you get webber drones where as if your using railguns shooting a long distance speed at such long ranges doesn't really seem to bother me. so basically what i'm tryig to say i guess is we need a module to increase explosion velocity or decrease dmg loss from targets speed due to explosion velocity.

on another note not sure how anyone will react to this short rage weapons such as blasters ad autocannons have high tracking the closest thing to tracking i could figure out with missiles is again explosion velocity so again either increase explosion velocity or perhaps add a module to do the job or find a way to add this bonus to missile ships or make a new ship with this bonus on it instead of 5% to shield resist.
The Baros Syndicate
#65 - 2012-05-07 01:37:41 UTC
Skwiche wrote:
my main concern with missiles is explosion velocity it seems the only way to counteract this is to web your target .
now with turrets you can do the same if the ship you are trying to hit is too close or too fast . or if your ship is faster you can fly further away to reduce the amout of tracking requiredd to hit the target you cannot with missiles. however if your using long range missiles trying to hit a fast ship you can't really do much in this case to get a better hit. unless you get webber drones where as if your using railguns shooting a long distance speed at such long ranges doesn't really seem to bother me. so basically what i'm tryig to say i guess is we need a module to increase explosion velocity or decrease dmg loss from targets speed due to explosion velocity.

on another note not sure how anyone will react to this short rage weapons such as blasters ad autocannons have high tracking the closest thing to tracking i could figure out with missiles is again explosion velocity so again either increase explosion velocity or perhaps add a module to do the job or find a way to add this bonus to missile ships or make a new ship with this bonus on it instead of 5% to shield resist.

Again, you're looking at the downsides of missiles, and ignoring the benefits. If missiles used cap and/or had fixed damage types, or had worse DPS, or worse range, you might have a point, but as it stands those downsides aren't making missiles bad, they're keeping them from being OP.

Look at torps: Blaster damage, better damage type selection than ACs, and on a raven hull they come close to pulse range. If they had all that AND were easy to use, would there be any reason to use anything else?
#66 - 2012-05-07 01:49:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Noisrevbus
Cambarus wrote:

Again, you're looking at the downsides of missiles, and ignoring the benefits. If missiles used cap and/or had fixed damage types, or had worse DPS, or worse range, you might have a point, but as it stands those downsides aren't making missiles bad, they're keeping them from being OP.

Look at torps: Blaster damage, better damage type selection than ACs, and on a raven hull they come close to pulse range. If they had all that AND were easy to use, would there be any reason to use anything else?

To be perfectly honest Cambarus, i think much of the complaints are compensation-arguments given the amount of flack HML catches. When popular use and general application of HML is brought up (incorrectly in my oppinion) as malbalanced, things like the accuracy of Torpedos are brought up as a counter-point.

Neither side completely correct of course, but it cast some light on the mechanics missiles are balanced around. HML have the same core mechanics as Torpedos, and while they hit above the curve for "general application" something like Torpedos hit below the same curve. It means that some effort must be put into countering HML or applying Torpedo, effort most people are unwilling to factor in and rather complain about.

It does provide an interesting and somewhat understandable overview though:

"HML are good - Missiles are bad".
HML platforms with damage + tank bonuses are good - platforms with range bonuses are generally superfluous.
HML is fairly easy to apply on most ships (using staple modules like MWD) - Torpedos are respectively difficult to apply, while Turrets and their accuracy equation conversely have some advantages "blapping down".

Those are generalisations while all missiles obviously share the same mechanics and should be regarded the same way, balance-wise. They have their advantages and they have their drawbacks. They have their situational application and they have their prerequesites.

On the whole, i'd say all of it is generally balanced well enough not to poke around in it, even if certain lobbyists seem intent on it. The issues people experience with Torpedos give insight into how Missiles on a whole is balanced, and how you should deal with HML (instead of complaining about it).

This whole thread is a fitting example, as it popped up after a full week of multiple poorly concieved anti- Drake and Tengu threads. It's just counter-weight right or wrong, it point out the problem that without Drakes or Tengus there aren't many other missile platforms to take their place. EVE has no plant soil for 200km Cerbs or Ravens to grow popular, and balance is achieved by giving and taking - not just taking. It applies to the TD-proposal as well.

For sake of argument: let's say that minimal warp-distance was increased to 250km, then you'd probably meet less resistance implementing changes to HML or (non-range bonused-) HML platforms. On the other hand, i don't see any point in those changes to begin with - all of it is workload better spent elsewhere, than fiddling around with existing, tolerable, balance. Tolerable wether we speak HML popular use or Torpedo/Cruise situational use.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#67 - 2012-05-07 02:02:00 UTC
ok so you have a point there. but comparing missiles to projectile's neither use cap and you can modify the dmg dealt by projectiles to a certain degree however i don't think i have much say here as i haven't really used projectiles as much as i have with missiles. however you can get modules that increase tracking that can go in either med or low slot which inturn can increase the chance of a higher hit due to perfect strike where as missiles only have ballistic control rof and dmg increase which is the same as heat sink gyrostabs and the other one i just can't think of it. i'm not however saying missiles are rubbish i'm just saying that they may benefit from an explosion velocity bonus. other than that i don't have a problem with missiles. saying that i don't have a problem with turrets either.
The Baros Syndicate
#68 - 2012-05-07 03:06:57 UTC
Skwiche wrote:
ok so you have a point there. but comparing missiles to projectile's neither use cap and you can modify the dmg dealt by projectiles to a certain degree however i don't think i have much say here as i haven't really used projectiles as much as i have with missiles. however you can get modules that increase tracking that can go in either med or low slot which inturn can increase the chance of a higher hit due to perfect strike where as missiles only have ballistic control rof and dmg increase which is the same as heat sink gyrostabs and the other one i just can't think of it. i'm not however saying missiles are rubbish i'm just saying that they may benefit from an explosion velocity bonus. other than that i don't have a problem with missiles. saying that i don't have a problem with turrets either.

From my last post:
Look at torps: Blaster damage, better damage type selection than ACs, and on a raven hull they come close to pulse range. If they had all that AND were easy to use, would there be any reason to use anything else?

To illustrate this point:
Raven with torps vs tempest with ACs, megathron with neutrons, geddon with pulses:
At 24km (non overloaded point range):
The raven does 1100 DPS, the pest does ~550. The raven literally does twice the DPS, with 100% damage selection.
A megathron does 1161 with its guns in optimal, which is about 1 tenth the range of what torp ravens get, while having no variable damage, and using cap.
A geddon has an optimal of 15+10km with multi (compared to a torp raven getting 27-30km with rage / faction torps) and 45+10km with scorch, compared to 45km with a raven using javelins.

Torps are basically the best attributes of every other close range weapon combined, with the drawback that their damage is difficult to apply. Adding a missile equivalent of tracking computers would ruin this. Flight time for torps is negligible, so if you make their damage easy to apply you literally remove the only drawback that the weapon has. It'd be like giving blasters 30km base range, or removing the cap use on pulses, or swapping the optimal/falloff values on ACs.
Aggressive Nutmeg
#69 - 2012-05-07 07:03:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Aggressive Nutmeg
Missiles are fine, but pretty skill-intensive.

Anyone who thinks missiles are just for PVE or just for carebears is just an idiot.

Never make eye contact with someone while eating a banana.

Otrebla Utrigas
#70 - 2012-05-07 07:39:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Otrebla Utrigas
I don't see the point on this discussion.

Missiles have their advantages and their drawbacks (as every other weapon has)

As you have to do with turrets, you need to know where your weapons are strong, and where they aren't.

F.ex I'know i cannot out damage an autocannon rifter with my kestrel at point blank, but i can use MWD to orbit at 6 km while shooting full damage out of autocannon optimal (and at a long fall off range) I got webbed, he got webbed, i got scrammed, he got scrammed. I still have much more range than him, and web allows my rockets to apply full damage.


You can do full damage from point blank to max range.

You don't have to worry about your tracking (although you should manually pilot because the other guy tracking is important :D)

Sniper ravens apply full damage at maximum range at the trade of damage delay and only being capable of shooting med/big ships.

Golem can outdamage and out range any other BS with close range weaponary, with full damage selection.

My SNI can stay in the middle or almost any L4 mission, just shooting big ships, swapping damages and using drones to kill the small ones, which in the end, if I focus them with painters they fall in three or 4 shoots, even if they are orbiting at 450 m/s at 3000m. Try to do that with any other BS.

Know your weapon, know your advantadges and disadvantadges. Play accordingly.
Dato Koppla
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#71 - 2012-05-07 15:29:46 UTC
Cambarus wrote:
Skwiche wrote:
ok so you have a point there. but comparing missiles to projectile's neither use cap and you can modify the dmg dealt by projectiles to a certain degree however i don't think i have much say here as i haven't really used projectiles as much as i have with missiles. however you can get modules that increase tracking that can go in either med or low slot which inturn can increase the chance of a higher hit due to perfect strike where as missiles only have ballistic control rof and dmg increase which is the same as heat sink gyrostabs and the other one i just can't think of it. i'm not however saying missiles are rubbish i'm just saying that they may benefit from an explosion velocity bonus. other than that i don't have a problem with missiles. saying that i don't have a problem with turrets either.

From my last post:
Look at torps: Blaster damage, better damage type selection than ACs, and on a raven hull they come close to pulse range. If they had all that AND were easy to use, would there be any reason to use anything else?

To illustrate this point:
Raven with torps vs tempest with ACs, megathron with neutrons, geddon with pulses:
At 24km (non overloaded point range):
The raven does 1100 DPS, the pest does ~550. The raven literally does twice the DPS, with 100% damage selection.
A megathron does 1161 with its guns in optimal, which is about 1 tenth the range of what torp ravens get, while having no variable damage, and using cap.
A geddon has an optimal of 15+10km with multi (compared to a torp raven getting 27-30km with rage / faction torps) and 45+10km with scorch, compared to 45km with a raven using javelins.

Torps are basically the best attributes of every other close range weapon combined, with the drawback that their damage is difficult to apply. Adding a missile equivalent of tracking computers would ruin this. Flight time for torps is negligible, so if you make their damage easy to apply you literally remove the only drawback that the weapon has. It'd be like giving blasters 30km base range, or removing the cap use on pulses, or swapping the optimal/falloff values on ACs.

Nice stats but in the real world it's universally agreed that a gunboat will be chosen over a Raven in 90% of PvP situations. So yeah, I'd take a damage/range nerf if it means some instant damage and actually being able to hit things other than POSs.
#72 - 2012-05-08 03:44:01 UTC
Missiles are hardly in any danger of becoming underpowered. Trust me on this one... I know a few things about missiles. ;)
Flurk Hellbron
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#73 - 2012-05-09 00:17:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Flurk Hellbron
Jack Miton wrote:
I love the fact that youre complaining about a weapon system that is used by the 2 MOST popular ships in EVE (Tengu and Drake). FOR PVE <----- fixed this
Really gives me the impression that you have done your research...

Bottom line is that missiles are for carebears, train your toons accordingly.

Bottom line is that old stupid players still think newer guy's can make enough isk to buy ships and equipment PVP'ing in unskilled T1 frigs in low or null sec?
Antisocial Malkavian
Antisocial Malkavians
#74 - 2012-05-09 01:05:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Antisocial Malkavian
Otrebla Utrigas wrote:
I don't see the point on this discussion.

Missiles have their advantages and their drawbacks (as every other weapon has)

As you have to do with turrets, you need to know where your weapons are strong, and where they aren't.

F.ex I'know i cannot out damage an autocannon rifter with my kestrel at point blank, but i can use MWD to orbit at 6 km while shooting full damage out of autocannon optimal (and at a long fall off range) I got webbed, he got webbed, i got scrammed, he got scrammed. I still have much more range than him, and web allows my rockets to apply full damage.


You can do full damage from point blank to max range.

You don't have to worry about your tracking (although you should manually pilot because the other guy tracking is important :D)

Sniper ravens apply full damage at maximum range at the trade of damage delay and only being capable of shooting med/big ships.

Golem can outdamage and out range any other BS with close range weaponary, with full damage selection.

My SNI can stay in the middle or almost any L4 mission, just shooting big ships, swapping damages and using drones to kill the small ones, which in the end, if I focus them with painters they fall in three or 4 shoots, even if they are orbiting at 450 m/s at 3000m. Try to do that with any other BS.

Know your weapon, know your advantadges and disadvantadges. Play accordingly.

I like missiles for most of those reasons. Optimal range crap is annoying as ****, look to Amarr as to why damage typing is annoying as **** (having a race unable to/limited to change damage types in a game where damage types are this important it more than ********).

And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.

Antisocial Malkavian
Antisocial Malkavians
#75 - 2012-05-09 01:25:54 UTC
Missiles are the Mining of weapons systems

deserves its own post

And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.

Francis Longbottom
Apotheosis Enterprises
#76 - 2012-05-14 22:47:03 UTC
Patri Andari wrote:
We are looking at our asses.

Let's recap. With the introduction of drone damage modules here is the state of things thus far.

Soon lasers, hybrids, projectiles AND drones will have both modules and rigs that modify all their stats. Range, damage and tracking will be altered by modules and rigs. They will also of course continue to receive the benefits of target painters. Recent changes to T2 ammo has removed all or most ship penalties from T2 turret ammo and drones never had such penalties so rejoice! I guess.


Missiles have a damage module and benefit from "tracking" and range enhancements only in the form of rigs or target painters. Add to that the fact that T2 missiles are the only T2 ammo that retains its full ship penalties and things seem bleak at best for missile users. Need I add that CCP announced at fanfest their plans to allow tracking disruters to apply to missiles without any mention of a counter and it seems the writing is on the wall.

How about you do the followig CCP:

Remove missiles from the game other than torps (for stealth bombers only) and refund those skill points. You already took away any pirate ships worth training for missile users. Why not just deliver the killing blow? I mean we all know you plan to nerf Tengu to the ground and God knows you hate the Drake (just watch ANY alliance tournament and hear dev comments)

Either give us missile users some modules to choose from and remove those stupid T2 ship penalties or just kill the weapon already. Enough of this stepchild treatment already.

I agree.. Missiles a shat right now and have been. Caldari in general, suck compared to others.. aside from the tengu and drake which is going to be nerfed and no doubt tengu as well. Which will no doubt complete the full scale ship superiority of minmatar. In which loki and cane will have complete domination.
Caldari has been lacking.. The falcon is not a large number fleet ship..The raven is easily surpassed by most every other BS.
you can make a rohk decent but its not a missile ship.

So when you break it down.. missile ships suck compared to others and go figure, ccp is swinging the nerf bat again, yet have no reason too.. Caldari hacs suck..recons are alright, in general the drake and tengu, and the recent changes to harpy and hawk are really the only thing worth using and 2 on that list will get the bat..
Francis Longbottom
Apotheosis Enterprises
#77 - 2012-05-14 22:48:32 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
I love the fact that youre complaining about a weapon system that is used by the 2 MOST popular ships in EVE (Tengu and Drake).
Really gives me the impression that you have done your research...

Bottom line is that missiles are for carebears, train your toons accordingly.

in which they are getting nerfed..So whats left? Hawk and harpy..oh and occasional falcon..woohoo...

my guess is that you are a minmatar pilot.
Francis Longbottom
Apotheosis Enterprises
#78 - 2012-05-14 22:50:13 UTC
Nalha Saldana wrote:
We really dont need more of the same, different is good and missiles are doing fine.

People say obama is doing fine.. Which we all know is bull crap.
Francis Longbottom
Apotheosis Enterprises
#79 - 2012-05-14 22:58:15 UTC
nahjustwarpin wrote:
Ishanmae wrote:
nahjustwarpin wrote:
you do realize, that to train for projectiles, hybrids or lasers requires more time than tengu.

people mostly fly with only t2 hml, but to fly other t3 you need both t2 guns. also you need to train for t2 drones.

Sure... but I wasn't arguing that point, just saying that if Tengus and Drakes are popular, it's ALSO because there are not too many other viable missile ships. And not only because of their own intrinsic virtues.

Saying that missiles are fine using as sole argument that the Tengu and Drake are widely used seems like a moot point to me.

In my opinion, the question is rather are they popular because they use missiles, or despite using them?

because they have long range (no slowboating to every targe in pve, easy gtfo in pvp/pve), drake has BS tank, tengu has ridiculous dps for it's range.

Drake has crap dps with heavies, compared to the other BC's and Hams eat alot of PG. Which is why it has a better tank.
Tengu has great range and great dps.. then again, a rail proteus,and arty loki can reach farther.
So isnt that great !! one solid ship for caldari and the rest suck... Shall we go into how many winmatar ships dont suck?
Francis Longbottom
Apotheosis Enterprises
#80 - 2012-05-14 23:00:17 UTC
Cunanium wrote:
Ishanmae wrote:
Jack Miton wrote:
I love the fact that youre complaining about a weapon system that is used by the 2 MOST popular ships in EVE (Tengu and Drake).
Really gives me the impression that you have done your research...

Bottom line is that missiles are for carebears, train your toons accordingly.

I hate that argument, which comes up in every thread where missiles, tengus or drakes are mentioned...

Amongst the reasons that make the drake and tengu so popular, the lack of other valid missile ships is quite prevalent. (I do love my Nighthawk though, but it requires more training than a tengu, and gets lower DPS.)

Which means that most people that trained for missiles are likely to fly one of those two ships, while people having trained hybrids, lasers or drones are spread out over more ship hulls... Not to mention projectile weapons!

Not saying it's the only reason, not whining about anything either... just saying I'm tired of that line!

Your point is invalid. There are many people who are more than capable of flying many many types of ships throughout all races, but yet the Tengu is a major FOTM for pvp. You don't see Loki blobs... you see Tengus. You don't see Prophecy blobs, you see Drake armies.

This isn't to say that there aren't other ships that are blobbed. People still do the Abaddon or geddon blob, AHAC groups still happen, and several new T3's have opened the door for new comps, like Oracle blobs, or Nado/cane groups.

Is there significant room for improvement for missiles? Yes, the T2 ammo's are lack luster, and beefing missiles will improve the other (very few) missile boat opportunities. I have to admit though, most other missile boats that I can think of that have a place in PVP are amarr... and don't have crazy intrinsic missile bonuses.

Everything being said, missiles are no where near as bad as people make them out to be, and in many circumstances give definative bonus (fast tackle on a missile boat with heavy tank... lawl).

I see cane and maelstrom blobs more than drake blobs..When do you ever see a rohk or raven blob?
oh wait... you dont