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We need more kinds of destroyers

Linna Excel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-05-14 03:59:13 UTC
I saw that CCP is planning on redoing how you train your ship skills. IMO leveling dessies to 4 with only one T1 option is kinda lame in itself.

So here are some thoughts.

Off weapon dessy: a drone one for gallente, a missile one for caladri, etc.
The "Scout class" destroyer. Get rid of EW and scanner frigates (repurpose the existing ones) and combine them into a destroyer that can do both and have a little firepower to boot. It could do scanning and EW and have 4 turrets for a little firepower.
Medium gun dessy: like the new BCs that could fit heavies, this one would fit medium guns. It'd be frigate like in terms of tank though.
Tank dessy: it'd have fewer high slots but more mids and lows for more survivability.
Mining/salvaging dessy: people use their cats for salvaging, might as well make an armed miner or armed salvager out of them.
Daeva Teresa
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-05-14 06:43:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Daeva Teresa
1) Please learn to use search function. There are at least 5 or so threads on new destroyers.
2) None of yours ideas will create/fill a new role, there are already ships for all the things you listed.
3) Your's "scout class" fits more into T3 area. You know, that "customization" stuff. While we need more T1 and T2 destroyers.
4) Medium guns destroyer was proposed before soo nothing new here.

If you want something new, try thinking over this ideas:

- T1 Destroyer with bonus to smart bomb range; role: anti drone screening
- T2 Stealth destroyer (no bomber); role: ambushing frigates; will fit in the stealth line (stealth frig -> destroyer -> cruiser -> BS)

CCP really please dont use Upgraded, Limited, Experimental and Prototype in item names. It sounds like the item is actually worse than basic meta 1 item. Use Calibrated, Enhanced, Optimized and Upgraded. Its really easy to understand that the item is better than meta 1 and its also in alphabetic order.

Linna Excel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-05-14 21:14:42 UTC
Daeva Teresa wrote:
1) Please learn to use search function. There are at least 5 or so threads on new destroyers.
2) None of yours ideas will create/fill a new role, there are already ships for all the things you listed.
3) Your "scout class" fits more into T3 area. You know, that "customization" stuff. While we need more T1 and T2 destroyers.
4) Medium guns destroyer was proposed before soo nothing new here.

If you want something new, try thinking over this ideas:

- T1 Destroyer with bonus to smart bomb range; role: anti drone screening
- T2 Stealth destroyer (no bomber); role: ambushing frigates; will fit in the stealth line (stealth frig -> destroyer -> cruiser -> BS)

1. Fair point, but search functions and I don't get along.
2. Right now we have destroyers with only one role each. We don't even have a drone destroyer or a missile destroyer. CCP is thinking about having 3-4 roles for frigatesm logically speaking with the upcoming skill rebalances, it'd be the perfect time to add some new ships acting as a step between frigs and cruisers
3. I was thinking about that as well, but in terms of expense and small scale pvp/pve dynamics having a scout destroyer as the first step towards exploration and EW carriers might be a reasonable idea.
4. Agreed, but with the new BCs, now is a time to reconsider it on CCP's behalf.

For your additions, I like them both. Perhaps the stealth destroyer could also be the medium gun destroyer and act as a cruiser hunter. Food for thought.
Im Super Gay
Investtan Inc.
The Republic.
#4 - 2012-05-14 22:41:34 UTC
Destroyers already fill the roles of glass cannon and cannon fodder. So in effect you're asking for variants somewhere between the two, no?
Plaude Pollard
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2012-05-15 06:50:22 UTC
Linna Excel wrote:
I saw that CCP is planning on redoing how you train your ship skills. IMO leveling dessies to 4 with only one T1 option is kinda lame in itself.

So here are some thoughts.

Off weapon dessy: a drone one for gallente, a missile one for caladri, etc.
The "Scout class" destroyer. Get rid of EW and scanner frigates (repurpose the existing ones) and combine them into a destroyer that can do both and have a little firepower to boot. It could do scanning and EW and have 4 turrets for a little firepower.
Medium gun dessy: like the new BCs that could fit heavies, this one would fit medium guns. It'd be frigate like in terms of tank though.
Tank dessy: it'd have fewer high slots but more mids and lows for more survivability.
Mining/salvaging dessy: people use their cats for salvaging, might as well make an armed miner or armed salvager out of them.

And somehow, only one of these sounds like a "Destroyer"-class ship. The Scout-class sounds useless compared to the current frigates serving the same purposes on 2 different ships. The Medium-Gun might actually kill stuff, but it'll be a glass-cannon like the Tier 3 BCs, to balance them out. The "Tank Destroyer"... What the ****? You realize how stupid that sounds, right? A Destroyer that lacks fire-power but has high defensive capabilities isn't a Destroyer. That's an Assault Ship with more Low/Medium slots. And finally, Mining/Salvaging dessy? Really? Many people already use the existing Destroyers for salvaging, and they can't have 8 mining lasers and a huge cargo-hold, so there's no point in having a dedicated Mining and Salvaging Destroyer. Furthermore, a Mining Dessy with 8 lasers and a huge enough cargohold to accomodate the ore would make Retrievers and Battleships less wanted for mining. They might in fact make it profitable to mine during Hulkageddon. Well, slightly, profitable. It's not really because there's much profit to be had from mining in the first place.

This is by far the worst "Add More Destroyers" thread I've seen in a very long time. None of the suggested ships make sense or are balanced enough to be viable.

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