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New dev blog: War, Modules & Super Friends

First post
Pere Madeleine
The Gentlemen of Low Moral Fibre
#161 - 2012-05-14 18:07:53 UTC
Vincent Athena wrote:
Jack Dant wrote:
So, CCP, as part of your war-themed expansion you:

  • Made wars 10 to 20 times more expensive for the aggressor.
  • Allowed the defender, and the defender only, to bring allies into the war.
  • Implemented a fix to corp hopping that doesn't penalize the defenders hopping corp.
  • Added a new "get out of jail free card" module.

All that for the defender. The aggressor gets:

  • Fixes for a couple exploits you knew about for years.
  • Starting wars takes 24 hours less.

That's it? And to think I just fixed my sec status for the expansion...

Just because they knew about the exploits does not reduce the advantage to the aggressor now that they are fixed. No matter how old an exploit is, fixing it is a good thing.

Defender cannot get out of the war by jumping into, then out of an alliance.
Defender cannot set up a bunch of fake war decs to up the cost to an aggressor.

Also: Number of wars the aggressor can declare no longer artificially limited to 3, but can be as high as the aggressor is willing to pay for.

You're missing the point. The point is those exploits could've been declared exploits and fixed when they first discovered them, rather than being official allowed, which turned wars into a total waste of time for so long. Now, even with decshield being stopped, targets can still corp hop, which is exactly what they did before they discovered decshield anyway. What's the point in a war where the targets can just decide they don't want to be in it and can make it so at will?

As for removing the limit, it's not really removed. 3 wars is still going to cost 300mil per week to maintain, minimum, which is way beyond practical for a small wardec corp. Do CCP want to limit highsec wars to cash rich nullsec alliances, or are they just finding stealthy ways to make more money off us by forcing us to buy plex to fund wars?

Quite frankly, I feel cheated by these changes. The biggest problems wars faced have always been:

  1. Fake, unnecessary alliances to inflate war costs - Now these aren't necessary, because the war costs are at alliance levels for everyone all the time anyway
  2. Corp hopping to avoid the fighting - Nothing has changed here, it just means they can't hop back in to rejoin the fighting they were trying to avoid in the first place
  3. Decshield - Well done, CCP, you've fixed this one (but you should've declared it an exploit immediately, fixed it ASAP, and never publicly stated it was permitted, thereby popularising it)

There is literally NOTHING in this expansion that I can see making wars any better for corps that spend the majority of their time in Eve taking part in highsec wars. All you're doing is trying to promote merc corps, and making it harder to target nullsec alliances' highsec logistics operations.

And you're trying to sell this expansion based on the wardec changes? lol...

*sarcastic applause*
Thomas Kreshant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#162 - 2012-05-14 18:10:28 UTC
stoicfaux wrote:
Methinks the anti-blob module will need to be always on, which means your fleet will have "significantly" lower lock times which could put you at a disadvantage.

I thought I read on the test forums that the lock penalty is for fitting the module not for it being active, not tried it myself tho.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#163 - 2012-05-14 18:11:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Carton Mantory wrote:
Your numbers dont change much except when the numbers get closer to eachother.
That will entirely depend on what you set the size multiplier to… I used a rather conservative 50% here. Reduce it to, say, 25 or 10% and the numbers will shoot up quite quickly as the difference in size goes up. At the same time, the idea isn't to make it impossible or prohibitive to attack a different-sized targets — just enough to make it something you think about twice.

Pere Madeleine wrote:
· Decshield - Well done, CCP, you've fixed this one (but you should've declared it an exploit immediately, fixed it ASAP, and never publicly stated it was permitted, thereby popularising it)
Not really. They've just changed the mechanic for it to make it the default mechanism for wardecs in general. Decshielding was really only about increasing the cost for the aggressor to ridiculous levels — that can still be done.
Carton Mantory
Vindicate and Deliverance
#164 - 2012-05-14 18:13:18 UTC
Thomas Kreshant wrote:
stoicfaux wrote:
Methinks the anti-blob module will need to be always on, which means your fleet will have "significantly" lower lock times which could put you at a disadvantage.

I thought I read on the test forums that the lock penalty is for fitting the module not for it being active, not tried it myself tho.

If was always on you would not be able to lock someone since it breaks your lock????
#165 - 2012-05-14 18:16:33 UTC  |  Edited by: stoicfaux
Carton Mantory wrote:
Thomas Kreshant wrote:
stoicfaux wrote:
Methinks the anti-blob module will need to be always on, which means your fleet will have "significantly" lower lock times which could put you at a disadvantage.

I thought I read on the test forums that the lock penalty is for fitting the module not for it being active, not tried it myself tho.

If was always on you would not be able to lock someone since it breaks your lock????


To be really clear: Fleet A members equip lock breakers in a mid-slot. Fleet B members equip a passive targeter in a mid-slot. Fleet A members won't know when to activate the lock breaker and will be suffering from lower scan res/lock times, giving Fleet B the advantage.

edit: This assumes that Fleet B can damage a primary target enough that even if the targeted ship has time to activate the lock breaker, there will still be enough target locks remaining to finish off the primary target.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Carton Mantory
Vindicate and Deliverance
#166 - 2012-05-14 18:24:17 UTC
stoicfaux wrote:
Carton Mantory wrote:
Thomas Kreshant wrote:
stoicfaux wrote:
Methinks the anti-blob module will need to be always on, which means your fleet will have "significantly" lower lock times which could put you at a disadvantage.

I thought I read on the test forums that the lock penalty is for fitting the module not for it being active, not tried it myself tho.

If was always on you would not be able to lock someone since it breaks your lock????


To be really clear: Fleet A members equip lock breakers in a mid-slot. Fleet B members equip a passive targeter in a mid-slot. Fleet A members won't know when to activate the lock breaker and will be suffering from lower scan res/lock times, giving Fleet B the advantage.

I would not think this mod as a fleet action. This is like fitting warp stabilizer on. It gives you 2 points and increases your lock time.

I would put this on a battlecruiser in a gate camp to clear damage to survive your aggression timer thru gate. This will make PVP much more fun.
Skye Aurorae
Amarr Empire
#167 - 2012-05-14 18:25:23 UTC
CCP SoniClover wrote:
Grady Eltoren wrote:
Max Teranous wrote:

Also i can see this screwing yourselves up in the future, as if at any point to want to make named Meta 1 to 4 versions of these mods, they'd be more freely available than the T1 version!

Max Cool

P.S. Extra points for spotting how many times i said consistant to get the point across :)

Yep exactly my thoughts. Why ruin a good thing, make the game more confusing for players and make more work for yourselves later. We finally have a unified naming structure in EVE for Missiles for the same reason as well as other changes.

P.S. I see the responses are fast and consistent among players in the first two pages echoing this sentiment CCP. Just a thought - you might want to reconsider!

Good points all, I'll look into making them meta level 1 instead of 0

I can honestly see the addition of new 'experimental' modules via limited BPC drops as a fine way to test such things and yet give the devs an easier 'out' if it becomes clear they're just a terrible idea and too imbalanced. I could see the BPC drop system as being a trial period for the veterans to test these limited items out, and then, perhaps when they've been in circulation long enough a plain old tech 1 BPC can be added to the market (after corp XXX has reverse engineered the pirate technology)

Skye Aurora is a 7 year old Girl Who Wants to be on the CSM! Unfortunately, the Lawyers say you have to be 21 - oh well.

Hauling Hal
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#168 - 2012-05-14 18:27:35 UTC
Does the lock breaker remove concord and gate guns lock as well?

Ashrun Dir
Love for You
#169 - 2012-05-14 18:29:19 UTC
CCP Phantom wrote:
Inferno is burning towards New Eden, impacting on May 22nd, shaking up the Universe with improved war mechanics and a multitude of completely new modules, never seen before.

Read all about these changes and the new modules in this exciting dev blog by CCP SoniClover!

Additonal information:
It seems that The Scope news reporters are never asleep, they already have picked up rumors of our upcoming new modules! Read their story here.

Looks good.

I'm sure someone has mentioned this before; but, I'd like to reiterate this suggestion. For the formula you've determined:

The refined formula is: (log2.05831 N)^2 * 300000 * N^0.27, where N is the number of corp members (see also comments below). The minimum is 50 million.

I think it might be more reasonable to make N the number of accounts in the corp/alliance.

Let's take a look at this graph I made that shows the dec costs if you have 1 character from your account in the corp/alliance, and the cost if you have all 3 characters from your account in the corp/alliance:

As mentioned above, the black curve is the cost to war dec a corp/alliance having N members, in this case it is assumed that each member has only 1 character in the corp/alliance. The red curve is the cost to war dec that same corp/alliance when each member has all 3 of their characters available on their account in the corp/alliance. The Y axis is in isk, please note the 10^6 multiplier.

The bottom plot shows the ratio of Red Curve / Black Curve. Here we see that the war dec cost is increased by a factor of 2.0-1.9, and falls similarly to 1/x, and then approaches an asymptotic limit of ~1.5-1.6.

The reason I think the above is a problem is that if I have three characters in my corp/alliance (One is my main, and two are alts) the current formula treats me as contributing three viable targets to an opposing corp/alliance. But in actuality, the number of viable targets I represent for an opposing corp/alliance is only 1.

I imagine some corps/alliances might take advantage of this fact. This cost increase is definitely not negligible. I feel this is not in the spirit of Eve (i.e. to inspire conflict, not evading).

Thanks for your time.

Click the link above
Thomas Kreshant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#170 - 2012-05-14 18:29:42 UTC
Hauling Hal wrote:
Does the lock breaker remove concord and gate guns lock as well?


Don't know about gate guns but considering Greyscale was talking of replacing concord with death raybeam do those need a lock? Big smile
Silly Slot
State War Academy
Caldari State
#171 - 2012-05-14 18:31:31 UTC
CCP SoniClover wrote:
Grady Eltoren wrote:
Max Teranous wrote:
Cool new modules are cool. However I disagree with your method of seeding some of them as BPC drops. Mainly, because it breaks eve's consistancy of meta levels and where they respectively come from. T1 is freely player craftable, Meta 1 to 4 is normal NPC drops, Meta 5 is craftable, Meta 6+ is faction drops. This is clear to the playerbase, makes sense to everyone, and is consistant. Creating these mods as special cases adds confusion and inconsistancy for no good reason.

Bloating the market is a terrible reason, we all know it. There's probably 50,000 unique item slots on the market by now, a handful more BPO's either way means nothing. And if market bloat was a reason not to do something, you best have a strong word with one of the other teams who just seeded every officer and faction mod to the market. Lol Your other reason, control of where mods drop, well you already have that system in place, so why not use it? If you want these mods to be faction level supply limited, MAKE THEM FACTION MODS. If you want them NPC drop supply limited, make em meta 2 or 3 or whatever! Tech 1 should always be the base level of mod, freely and easily craftable for new manufacturing players, and fittable and costed availability isk wise for new players. Making T1 mods that have a supply restriction at the BPO/BPC level breaks this (currently) consistant approach.

Also i can see this screwing yourselves up in the future, as if at any point to want to make named Meta 1 to 4 versions of these mods, they'd be more freely available than the T1 version!

Max Cool

P.S. Extra points for spotting how many times i said consistant to get the point across :)

Yep exactly my thoughts. Why ruin a good thing, make the game more confusing for players and make more work for yourselves later. We finally have a unified naming structure in EVE for Missiles for the same reason as well as other changes.

P.S. I see the responses are fast and consistent among players in the first two pages echoing this sentiment CCP. Just a thought - you might want to reconsider!

Good points all, I'll look into making them meta level 1 instead of 0

Why not just release Meta Level 0 so us builders actually have stuff to build lol

And ya if you dont do it the right way by giving it over to the market, then atleast make it meta 1
Thomas Kreshant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#172 - 2012-05-14 18:32:01 UTC
Carton Mantory wrote:
Thomas Kreshant wrote:
stoicfaux wrote:
Methinks the anti-blob module will need to be always on, which means your fleet will have "significantly" lower lock times which could put you at a disadvantage.

I thought I read on the test forums that the lock penalty is for fitting the module not for it being active, not tried it myself tho.

If was always on you would not be able to lock someone since it breaks your lock????

The module isn't always active but the penalty always applies much like an MWD does to your max cap so fitting the module whether your turn it on or not hurts your lock time.

It breaks other peoples locks on you via a chanced based mechanic, the more people who lock you the higher the chance it will break their locks on you.
Pere Madeleine
The Gentlemen of Low Moral Fibre
#173 - 2012-05-14 18:33:42 UTC
Tippia wrote:

Pere Madeleine wrote:
· Decshield - Well done, CCP, you've fixed this one (but you should've declared it an exploit immediately, fixed it ASAP, and never publicly stated it was permitted, thereby popularising it)
Not really. They've just changed the mechanic for it to make it the default mechanism for wardecs in general. Decshielding was really only about increasing the cost for the aggressor to ridiculous levels — that can still be done.

Well, I meant the specific "dec washing" part of decshield where a corp could just join and leave decshield as soon as the war was declared, but before it was active, thereby ensuring that the war never goes live for them. That part has been fixed, at least. But it should never have been allowed to go on as long as it did.

Another question I have, about this magsheath module, we need more details. Not sure if someone's found out anythign precise on SiSi or something, but my understanding of what the dev blog says is that there is a percentage chance of it breaking all locks on the ship that uses it, and the chance increases with the number of incoming locks?

Given that the BPO is not seeded, it will be very limited in supply, and therefore will be expensive. If it's expensive, it will need to be highly effective, or else nobody will use it. If it's highly effective, the cost won't put people off fitting it, because it really will be a get out of jail free card, especially if combined with stabs.

What's the point of the module? The scan res penalty implies it's intended to avoid combat, so that leads me to assume it's either to help against suicide ganks (which it won't, because breaking a lock doesn't help if you get alphaed as soon as they lock), or at getting haulers through gatecamps (which again, it won't, ultimately, because campers will just use instalock HICs to stop the initial warp off, and then tornadoes to alpha the hauler before it can break their locks). Is it to let marauders run missions in lowsec without fear of being ganked?

On the other hand, I could be wrong about how it works. Perhaps it's intended that it has a %age chance of breaking a lock, and this increases with the number of incoming locks, but the roll is done per lock, which would usually break some locks, but not all. This would make it useful in combat, as it would mitigate damage, and might just break the right locks and allow you to escape. But the scan res penalty precludes that use. Could a dev please clarify this?
Renan Ruivo
Forcas armadas
Brave Collective
#174 - 2012-05-14 18:39:10 UTC
Alx Warlord wrote:
[...]Extrinsic Damage Amplifier I & II: This doesn't sounds good, as a drone boat user, most of the drone boats use low slots as tank, ( except for the rattlesnake that will be overpower with lots of tank, torpedo dps and drones dps) so the gallente ships will not be that good again.... my sugestion was to make this a Hi-Slot module (since this is a drone augmentation module, not a ship dps module), so most of drone boats could really use it, removing the guns and replacing with it...

I agree with this. (and not only because we know each other lol)

Also, will this causa stack penalty with Sentry Damage rigs?!

The world is a community of idiots doing a series of things until it explodes and we all die.

Thomas Kreshant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#175 - 2012-05-14 18:39:19 UTC
I very much thought by CCP refering to wanting to make modules like cards in magic the gathering that they intend to seed possibly hundreds of new modules of the next few months/years with niche/marginal uses/effects just to mix up what you might face and I see the lock breaker much like that you might make a fit that makes sense you might not.
Large Collidable Object
#176 - 2012-05-14 18:41:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Large Collidable Object
Cap Tyrian wrote:
Alx Warlord wrote:
2nd =D

And about the modules:

Extrinsic Damage Amplifier I & II: This doesn't sounds good, as a drone boat user, most of the drone boats use low slots as tank, ( except for the rattlesnake that will be overpower with lots of tank, torpedo dps and drones dps) so the gallente ships will not be that good again.... my sugestion was to make this a Hi-Slot module (since this is a drone augmentation module, not a ship dps module), so most of drone boats could really use it, removing the guns and replacing with it...

None Empty Quoting.

Like to see this discussed more.

I'd disagree - a shield Domi with lows split into a good mix of magstabs/TEs and EDAs may be a real beast, depending on EDA stats - as a matter of fact, when it comes to comparing rattlesnakes to DNIs, the rattle would profit more from moving EADs to high, as it has two utility slots, whilst the DNI has none.
You know... [morons.](
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#177 - 2012-05-14 18:46:49 UTC
Ah well..

So that means I will now only dec corps where I don't need to pay more than 50mil.

Why keep they stacking charges though? Sometimes I wonder if the devs actually play this games.

Large alliances are going to get decced alot less... smaller corps is going to suffer more.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Carton Mantory
Vindicate and Deliverance
#178 - 2012-05-14 18:56:38 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Ah well..

So that means I will now only dec corps where I don't need to pay more than 50mil.

Why keep they stacking charges though? Sometimes I wonder if the devs actually play this games.

Large alliances are going to get decced alot less... smaller corps is going to suffer more.

Soo you think nobody will dec large alliances anymore. I guess we will have three alliances then...Reminds me of 2004
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#179 - 2012-05-14 18:58:30 UTC
I would think they would want that EWAR module to help with blob warfare, and it would fit the bill perfectly if it didn't have a locking penalty. The inability to lock targets while having it active already seems like a large enough penalty in itself, so why have the scan resolution penalty?

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Jack Dant
The Gentlemen of Low Moral Fibre
#180 - 2012-05-14 18:58:37 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Large alliances are going to get decced alot less... smaller corps is going to suffer more.

Make that mid-sized corps. With the minimum of 50 million, and the multiplier, then smallest corps are not worth it unless you are after their POS or something.

What happens in lowsec, stays in lowsec, lowering the barrier to entry to lowsec PVP: