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New dev blog: Changes to War Mechanics

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Captain Thunk
Explode. Now. Please.
Alliance. Now. Please.
#1041 - 2012-05-13 16:31:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Captain Thunk
War isn't a war if you can just say "No thanks"

Surely the mistake here was in you picking a game that had war mechanics in the first place?

You can't buy a Ford car and then write to the manufacturers and say "actually, can you make this a Ferrari instead?"
Karl Hobb
Imperial Margarine
#1042 - 2012-05-13 16:41:54 UTC
Takara Mora wrote:
Karl is right ... those station traders and industrialists risk more isk than most of the PVP'ers ever will. Any small group of noobs who are bored on a weekend can set their POS operations back by months or years. So who is taking more risk again? --> this isn't about risk or lack thereof.

When you set up a POS, you accept the risk of wardec. When you create a player-run corp, you accept the risk of wardec. When you wardec a bunch of supposed industrialists, you take the risk of them actually fighting back. In fact, the new mercenary system gives industrialists a very powerful tool to help them.

Takara Mora wrote:
All we're really talking about is a preference .... not everyone wants to play football ... some like chess. The question is, can we find a set of wardec mechanics that might actually work for both?

Your analogy is flawed because EVE is not two different games.

A professional astro-bastard was not available so they sent me.

Takara Mora
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1043 - 2012-05-13 17:17:00 UTC
Karl Hobb wrote:
Takara Mora wrote:
Karl is right ... those station traders and industrialists risk more isk than most of the PVP'ers ever will. Any small group of noobs who are bored on a weekend can set their POS operations back by months or years. So who is taking more risk again? --> this isn't about risk or lack thereof.

When you set up a POS, you accept the risk of wardec. When you create a player-run corp, you accept the risk of wardec. When you wardec a bunch of supposed industrialists, you take the risk of them actually fighting back. In fact, the new mercenary system gives industrialists a very powerful tool to help them.

Yep, exactly, there is plenty of risk for the defender.

The new merc tool is a good idea, but we could always hire mercs ... what's a few less clicks? And it's EVE we're talking about, so you're probably just hiring the alts of the attackers anyway ... do you really want to do that?

In the end, there's still no way to WIN the war - the attackers have nothing to lose, so they can get their griefing jollies all day long ... by fighting back you only encourage them to extend the wardec ... there's no point in fighting, mercs or not.

It's the attacker's side that currently has no risk ... lose a few ships? Maybe, but doubtful (they will just dock up as soon as anyone tries to fight back). The new mechanics don't change that.

Force the attackers to put some assets in space, maybe 1 Billion isk worth (like a POS) ... then let's talk about risk.
Karl Hobb
Imperial Margarine
#1044 - 2012-05-13 17:33:56 UTC
Takara Mora wrote:
Yep, exactly, there is plenty of risk for the defender.

The new merc tool is a good idea, but we could always hire mercs ... what's a few less clicks? And it's EVE we're talking about, so you're probably just hiring the alts of the attackers anyway ... do you really want to do that?

In the end, there's still no way to WIN the war - the attackers have nothing to lose, so they can get their griefing jollies all day long ... by fighting back you only encourage them to extend the wardec ... there's no point in fighting, mercs or not.

It's the attacker's side that currently has no risk ... lose a few ships? Maybe, but doubtful (they will just dock up as soon as anyone tries to fight back). The new mechanics don't change that.

Force the attackers to put some assets in space, maybe 1 Billion isk worth (like a POS) ... then let's talk about risk.

You're a pretty obvious alt of an alt of an alt and I've seen your ass in this thread before. Please quit shitting in it.

A professional astro-bastard was not available so they sent me.

Dream Five
Renegade Pleasure Androids
#1045 - 2012-05-13 18:04:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Dream Five
Captain Thunk wrote:
War isn't a war if you can just say "No thanks"

Surely the mistake here was in you picking a game that had war mechanics in the first place?

You can't buy a Ford car and then write to the manufacturers and say "actually, can you make this a Ferrari instead?"

Actually yes, you can say no thanks and unsub if you don't like it. You can do it at any time. I think you are confusing real life wars with wars in a computer game.
Dream Five
Renegade Pleasure Androids
#1046 - 2012-05-13 18:11:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Dream Five
Captain Thunk wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

72% of the characters logged in were located in High Security Space.

Now, pick your poison:

- People log in their hisec characters Just For Fun (TM)
- Whoever logs in to hisec (3/4 of players) does so for business, so it's relevant that this 72% of hisec characters can do whatever business they do so their account holders keep paying 72% of all active accounts

Statistics: they're bitches, but don't just let anyone shag them.

Exactly my point, all alliances use Jita and are constantly ferrying goods to and from Empire, with the current wardec mechanics and those proposed it's impossible to cut off supply lines. This has prevented Alliances from dying when their time is up leading to their ever presence in 0.0 and the stagnation of nullsec warfare.

What we need is a working wardec mechanic, so these can be attacked regardless of where they are and without system protection.

You surely cannot be that naive to think that this wardec mechanic will fix that - supply lines still cannot be attacked - you setup an alliance JF pilot with docking perms, this JF drops off goods at a lowsec station. A hisec NPC-corp alt picks up goods at that lowsec station, and safely transports to hisec.
Captain Thunk
Explode. Now. Please.
Alliance. Now. Please.
#1047 - 2012-05-13 18:16:10 UTC
Dream Five wrote:
Captain Thunk wrote:
War isn't a war if you can just say "No thanks"

Surely the mistake here was in you picking a game that had war mechanics in the first place?

You can't buy a Ford car and then write to the manufacturers and say "actually, can you make this a Ferrari instead?"

Actually yes, you can say no thanks and unsub if you don't like it. You can do it at any time. I think you are confusing real life wars with wars in a computer game.

It's a reasonable assumption that a virtual war in a computer game would at least in some fashion match a vague definition of the word.

I expect this, much like I expect a 'spaceship' to be a ship that sails in space and not a type of fruit grown in slightly acidic soil found in temperate wet climates.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#1048 - 2012-05-13 18:21:46 UTC
Captain Thunk wrote:
War isn't a war if you can just say "No thanks"

Surely the mistake here was in you picking a game that had war mechanics in the first place?

You can't buy a Ford car and then write to the manufacturers and say "actually, can you make this a Ferrari instead?"

Well, war isn't war when i can't go to your home, shoot your head, **** your wife, tie her and your children to a girder and then set the house on fire so they burn to death. For an instance.

I mean, EVE is a game, and as all games, it has got rules; and by being a computer game, also does have software routines (aka mechanics) that determine what can and can't be done. And it all is pretty arbitrary, and the developers can decide which way shall they shape the mechanics and the rules for their greater profit.

CCP is misled in thinking that their consumers want this kind of "war" they're implementing with Inferno, but then they may be wrong, and may find out that their consumers stop being such consumers if they really get wrong what the players expect from the rules and mechanics...
Captain Thunk
Explode. Now. Please.
Alliance. Now. Please.
#1049 - 2012-05-13 18:32:11 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

Well, war isn't war when i can't go to your home, shoot your head, **** your wife, tie her and your children to a girder and then set the house on fire so they burn to death. For an instance.

Past 10 years indicates that thats the US definition of 'war' at least.
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

I mean, EVE is a game, and as all games, it has got rules; and by being a computer game, also does have software routines (aka mechanics) that determine what can and can't be done. And it all is pretty arbitrary, and the developers can decide which way shall they shape the mechanics and the rules for their greater profit.

CCP is misled in thinking that their consumers want this kind of "war" they're implementing with Inferno, but then they may be wrong, and may find out that their consumers stop being such consumers if they really get wrong what the players expect from the rules and mechanics...

It's a mechanic that exists and has done since their customers signed up, no-ones been misled. Some people just had no clue what they were signing up to. I don't see why mechanics should be rewritten to accomodate people who don't even look into what they're getting into. People of such short attention span are unlikely to be long lasting or loyal customers anyway.

What you're saying is that you made a mistake and now instead of having the courage to own up to it and adapt, you expect everyone else to pay for it.
Gort Thud
Wandering Spartans
#1050 - 2012-05-13 20:08:47 UTC

There is more to PvP in Eve than just the shooting ships part as many Traders and Industrialists will tell you but this is never reflected in the War Process. Why not introduce a little economic warfare at the declaration time. After all miner and industrial corps may be ISK wealthy and fighting ship light - so add another dimension alongside the ability to hire allies/mercs.

> For examples sake let us say that there is a fixed initial war declaration fee of 100 Million ISK per week for an entity (either a corporation or alliance) to war dec another entity.

> Within the 24 hours after the initial declaration the target corp/alliance could pay a multiple of the declaration fee to have it nullified - let us say twice the fee - so 200 Million

> TThe aggressors and target would then go through a number of stages of price doubling escalation to declare and counter 400Million, 800Million, 1.6 Billion etc… until one side bails.

> If the hostile party is the highest bidder then the weekly cost of the war dec is their winning bid.

> If the targets win then they have paid for CONCORD to prevent the war on their behalf.

> An aggressing entity would not be able to re declare war against a target for a period of time to be decided after the end of hostilities.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1051 - 2012-05-13 20:10:18 UTC  |  Edited by: betoli
Karl Hobb wrote:
betoli wrote:

The ONLY requirement on CCP should be to ensure a balance between risk and reward. If CCP wanted to make regions completely safe this wouldn't break the game, so long as there were no big ISK faucets there.

If there is no risk, you should get no reward.

Right - and as with station trading, there is always some risk - in a war dec-safe environment you can still get ganked, you can still kersplode in a mission if you goof up. Its just a question of finding the balance, and allowing players to make choices between the options.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1052 - 2012-05-13 20:25:44 UTC  |  Edited by: betoli
Takara Mora wrote:
Karl Hobb wrote:
betoli wrote:
The mantra of "This is a PVP game therefore everyone should face (combat) PVP" isn't really helpful either to players or CCPs revenues. Eve is a sandbox, it should support as wide a range of play-styles as possible in order to get as many people subscribing as possible, even *gasp* completely safe carebear styles.

There are already play styles that are risk free - I can sit in a station and day trade for example. Also many people who are 0.0 based still retain an alt in the relative safety of HS for their ISK generation (clearly a game breaking mechanic).

Most people who say things like "EVE is a PvP game" understand that "Player versus Player" can refer to a host of competitive activities in which players pit themselves against other players, such as station-trading (which, BTW, is not risk-free because you can lose ISK to other players doing it). And while I am no expert on the subject, I have read 0.0 people saying that the reason they use high-sec alts to make ISK is because ISK generation in high-sec is so brokenly lucrative.

betoli wrote:
The ONLY requirement on CCP should be to ensure a balance between risk and reward. If CCP wanted to make regions completely safe this wouldn't break the game, so long as there were no big ISK faucets there.

If there is no risk, you should get no reward.

Karl is right ... those station traders and industrialists risk more isk than most of the PVP'ers ever will. Any small group of noobs who are bored on a weekend can set their POS operations back by months or years. So who is taking more risk again? --> this isn't about risk or lack thereof.

All we're really talking about is a preference .... not everyone wants to play football ... some like chess. The question is, can we find a set of wardec mechanics that might actually work for both?

Tricky. In the real world a collective approach to protection takes place because supply chains aren't anonymous. If an industrial nation gets war decced, the people who rely on that resource feed step in to preserve the supply chain. In eve the anonymity of the market and the ease of moving goods means you can just find another supplier, there is no game mechanic that penalises the killing of chess players - fees based on corp numbers don't help because corp numbers aren't related to your liking for chess...

Why aren't we using standings to decide how helpful concord are in allowing a war? One would imagine chess players generally have a good sec and faction standings. Isn't this the tool to resolve different players 'style'.

Fee = corp members * ( faction standing * constant + concord standing * constant)

A good standing makes it expensive to dec you etc etc, pirates can be decced for free(ish).
Vincent Athena
#1053 - 2012-05-13 20:59:15 UTC
Captain Thunk wrote:
War isn't a war if you can just say "No thanks"

Surely the mistake here was in you picking a game that had war mechanics in the first place?

Which multilayer spaceship game would you suggest?

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Captain Thunk
Explode. Now. Please.
Alliance. Now. Please.
#1054 - 2012-05-13 21:49:52 UTC
Vincent Athena wrote:
Captain Thunk wrote:
War isn't a war if you can just say "No thanks"

Surely the mistake here was in you picking a game that had war mechanics in the first place?

Which multilayer spaceship game would you suggest?

Any that isn't Eve-Online. Happy I could have helped, goodbye.
Karl Hobb
Imperial Margarine
#1055 - 2012-05-13 23:38:34 UTC
betoli wrote:
Karl Hobb wrote:
betoli wrote:

The ONLY requirement on CCP should be to ensure a balance between risk and reward. If CCP wanted to make regions completely safe this wouldn't break the game, so long as there were no big ISK faucets there.

If there is no risk, you should get no reward.

Right - and as with station trading, there is always some risk - in a war dec-safe environment you can still get ganked, you can still kersplode in a mission if you goof up. Its just a question of finding the balance, and allowing players to make choices between the options.

Oh, I thought you said "completely safe" up there. Yeah, IMO if you want to avoid wardecs you should just stay in an NPC corp, with all its attendant restrictions and taxes, that's punishment enough. In fact, I would go so far as to say that if you haven't left your NPC corp for a player corp within 60 days your tax rate should double. I'll bet even with that draconian caveat people would still do it.

A professional astro-bastard was not available so they sent me.

Dream Five
Renegade Pleasure Androids
#1056 - 2012-05-14 04:21:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Dream Five
Captain Thunk wrote:
Vincent Athena wrote:
Captain Thunk wrote:
War isn't a war if you can just say "No thanks"

Surely the mistake here was in you picking a game that had war mechanics in the first place?

Which multilayer spaceship game would you suggest?

Any that isn't Eve-Online. Happy I could have helped, goodbye.

He doesn't want to suggest anything. I think its becoming pretty obvious from the last 10-20 posts that this individual is very bitter and enjoys trying to make people he communicates with feel like ****. Almost every single post contains some kind of a condescending remark. Just ignore him.
Captain Thunk
Explode. Now. Please.
Alliance. Now. Please.
#1057 - 2012-05-14 06:14:56 UTC
Dream Five wrote:
Captain Thunk wrote:
Vincent Athena wrote:
Captain Thunk wrote:
War isn't a war if you can just say "No thanks"

Surely the mistake here was in you picking a game that had war mechanics in the first place?

Which multilayer spaceship game would you suggest?

Any that isn't Eve-Online. Happy I could have helped, goodbye.

He doesn't want to suggest anything. I think its becoming pretty obvious from the last 10-20 posts that this individual is very bitter and enjoys trying to make people he communicates with feel like ****. Almost every single post contains some kind of a condescending remark. Just ignore him.

Ad hominem #2. Dream Five's credibility -= 2

Dream Five, desperate and on the ropes fumbles for something to defend his crumbling argument and lashes out again with another attack brought to the man

Unsurprisingly, it's not my job to do other peoples research for them, neither am I obliged to pretend I actually care. I was kind though, I didn't point out the the absurdity of looking for a multiplayer spaceship game where the intent of the player in question is not to actually fly spaceships.
Vincent Athena
#1058 - 2012-05-14 13:32:28 UTC
Captain Thunk wrote:
Vincent Athena wrote:
Captain Thunk wrote:
War isn't a war if you can just say "No thanks"

Surely the mistake here was in you picking a game that had war mechanics in the first place?

Which multilayer spaceship game would you suggest?

Any that isn't Eve-Online. Happy I could have helped, goodbye.

Screen shot or it does not exist.

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Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1059 - 2012-05-14 14:32:41 UTC
after all the off topic mess, lets make sure CCP knows we what we all agree on.

the new war dec system and war dec fees are wrong.

IMHO: I can see everything each player whats now. high sec is very safe, and I can find pvp easy( even if it is getting ganked) I think some people need to stop worrying about how others are playing thier game.

TBH: inferno is at best a patch and is no way a major expantion. the new war dec system will not incite anything. there will be no "inferno" the other stuff is nice but not really centered on war.

At fan fest this year they said they will deliver on time, but i think most of us would rather wait from somthing good. you cant just check box "done" and move on to the next item. do it right or dont mess with it.

Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1060 - 2012-05-14 17:34:08 UTC
pashared wrote:
after all the off topic mess, lets make sure CCP knows we what we all agree on.

the new war dec system and war dec fees are wrong.

IMHO: I can see everything each player whats now. high sec is very safe, and I can find pvp easy( even if it is getting ganked) I think some people need to stop worrying about how others are playing thier game.

TBH: inferno is at best a patch and is no way a major expantion. the new war dec system will not incite anything. there will be no "inferno" the other stuff is nice but not really centered on war.

At fan fest this year they said they will deliver on time, but i think most of us would rather wait from somthing good. you cant just check box "done" and move on to the next item. do it right or dont mess with it.

Well, at least we're getting new missile effects, even though they seem to be quite the graphics hog and can cause latency on lackluster pc's due to graphics demand, but they are beautiful. I finally have a reason to keep zoomed in on my ship.

As far as the war dec system. I'm a little disappointed that CCP hadn't thought that hard about it before they announced what they did at fanfest.
It was obvious to the vast amount of player right off the bat that it protected the alliances and made moderate sized casual high sec corps the primary targets.

My suggestion is a bit different.

No longer base the wardec system off of whether you're in a player corp anymore.

Instead, make it based off of what you put into Eve.
I'll explain

You can no longer use research or production lines without being in a player corp.
If you are using research, development, have a POS up, or own SOV, then your corp is wardeccable.

This does a few things.

1) keeps players from taking advantage of npc corps in order to do R&D to fund low/null sec.

2) Anyone who supplies any type of competition to Eve via a POS, SOV, or R&D will be proclaiming that they wish to compete in Eve.

3) Casual corps that don't wish to be involved in wardecs can do so, but at the cost of being able to own a POS, SOv, or do R&D.

While you may think this is weird, I feel that it is well balanced. Players will be able to form small corps with friends without having to worry about dec, while those that are performing these actions are essentially competeing and can be shut down.

This also keeps players that have competetive accounts in low/null/wh space from being able to safely and securely perform R&D while in an npc corp.

This doesn't protect players from ganks, can flips, or baits, so there will always be a way to engage those players that are protected from wardecs.

My other thought was to set freighters as a support ship that can't be used outside of a player created corp. You must be part of a player corp in order to pilot a freighter. This means that npc corp transporters for those competing in these types of pvp will have to either do so in transport and indy ships, or must create a player corp with no ties to the alliance in order to do so.

I would also like to state that perhaps freighter pilots should also have roles with the corp they are in. This way they can't just create a corp, join with the freighter, then apply to another corp while they're docked up, so that in the event they get attacked they can just accept the application with the other corp and instantly be safe while in space.
I've seen this happen with an orca pilot we had wardecced for flying around with 4 macro characters.

As far as cost. Since you're knowingly applying for pvp through one of these methods to unlock yourself as a war target, then the current rates for wardecs can stay as they are.