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Logistics ships & rebalancing EVE one ship at a time

Eternum Praetorian
#1 - 2012-05-11 18:52:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternum Praetorian
How Much RR Is Too Much RR?

It is my belief that anything that prevents PVP’ers from dieing in mass is bad for the game. Observe the logistic ship, a vessel that has no stacking penalty to it’s LARGE RR mods, and can fit 4-5 of them depending on your build. That is an awful lot of healing space wizards. Now before you get all “cry more logi’s are so easy to counter”, lets just look at some numbers first shall we?

1 guardian is equivalent to a 5-6 man battleship fleet’s worth of remote repair on a single target (target ship plus fleet mates). Using an Armageddon as an example, a geddon does roughly 1,000 DPS and can repair at a rate of 213 if it has one other geddon in gang. What that means is that if you have 2 geddons fighting 2 other geddons, they are dealing 2,000 DPS and only repairing 213

End result… death happens.

Now, lets say you have a fleet of 5 Armageddon’s fighting another fleet of 5. DPS output is 5,000 and the RR rate is 851. End result, people are still dieing within the 1min aggression envelops given on stations or stargates.

Game… is balanced.

Enter The Logistics Ship

1 Guardian can rep 1 Armageddon to a tank of 851, and since they are designed to come in pairs the actual RR rate for a pair of guardians at logi Lv 4 will be around 1,700. If you add a second Armageddon that tank becomes 1,900, which is nearly EQUAL to the out going DPS.

This is not balanced.

If a fleet of 5 Armageddon’s engages another fleet of 5, and each side has 2 logistics ship, the out going DPS remains around 5,000 where as the repair rate of each fleet is now 2,900 (verses EM-Therm) So you are repairing 3/5ths of the incoming damage, on ships that have around 120+ EHP. This is simply not enough outgoing DPS Vs tank to result in death in 60 seconds. Null sec, low sec or empire…. It is not enough. Furthermore, it gets even worse when we start talking about capital ships and near to invulnerable AHACs.

1. Counter Them With ECM

Once ECM jammer with perfect skills on a guardian with base skills will only score a jam 36% of the time for 15 seconds. A guardian has enough capacitor to continue repairing for 1min 8 seconds once the capacitor chain drops, that means that tanked falcons are of only limited effect.

2. Counter with Remote Sensor Damps

With perfect skills a battleship can drop a guardians rep to 46KM which is still well outside of DPS range. It also forces the battleship to drop point, web, cap recharger or MWD… and only the Tempest is capable of doing that effectively, the rest simply do not have the slots. 2x damps brings the targeting ange down to 29KM, which is still plenty far for ships with such a tiny signature radius to avoid heavy incoming damage. Especially since each guardian can repair 2,000 DPS overheated.

3. Counter With Neuts

You need a minimum of 6 heavy energy neutralizers on a guardian in order to drop the guardians RR rate below 1 min with 3 large repair mods on, and one turned off. Made irrelevant since heavy neuts have a limited range and take up a highslot that must be reserved for battleship RR.

Conclusion; our “viable countermeasures” are only moderately effective under perfect circumstances.

[center]The EVE Gateway Blog[/center] [center]One Of EVE Online's Ultimate Resources[/center]

Eternum Praetorian
#2 - 2012-05-11 18:52:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternum Praetorian

A More Balanced EVE

Is the one reflected in the DPS Vs RR tank numbers of battleships fitting one large remote repair module. That is what needs to happen in order for people to actually die when they fight. Death is good for the game and it is good for the economy. The RR numbers Vs DPS output of a gang with logistics ships in it are NOT balanced if inevitable death in PVP is the goal.

Bringing Logistics Ships In Line With Other Ships In EVE (is surprisingly simple and strait forward)

Make them use mods that are appropriate for their size. These are not “tier” three ships that are paper thin and designed to use battleship class modules, they are remote repair dedicated healing space wizard. Four MEDIUM remote repair modules gives an Armageddon a tank of 475 which is slightly greater then 2 large remote repair modules. That means that two guardians would give an Armageddon an overall tank of 945 DPS, which is still a 200 DPS greater tank then a single guardian can deal now (or 4 large remote repair modules)

RR range would be at 51 KM in stead of 74, and the cap transfer rate for medium energy transfer Array II’s would be 55km. Neuts would become more viable, because if the guardian pilot has logistics LV 5, you only need two heavy energy neutralizers to drop the cap stability below 1 min with all reps active.

CCP, sense… does it make some?

For a ships that are as small as logistics ships, the usage of medium class modules in place of large only makes sense. More so, death is good for the economy and it is good for the game as a whole. People need to feel eve for what it really is, and not get caught up in a safety net that breeds risk adverse PVP’ers in empire, in low sec and in null sec alike.

In a previous dev blog you mentioned that “EVE’s economy is not healthy”, well neither is it’s state of non-blob style PVP although the effects are less apparent. Since EVE Online seems meant to have more then on style of PVP, please take this into consideration. The outgoing DPS vs. RR tank vs. aggression timers need to be better balance with respect to one another. When a BS gang fields RR the DPS increase is exponential with each ship, and it far out weighs the increase in rep rate. Currently, logistics ships blow this balance out of the water, and they lead to forms of game play that are not in EVE‘s best interests. In EVE, ships need to explode and people need to die. Nuff said. Making a change like this would go a long way in terms of balancing EVE’s PVP mechanics as a whole.

Thank you for your time.

[center]The EVE Gateway Blog[/center] [center]One Of EVE Online's Ultimate Resources[/center]

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-05-11 18:54:01 UTC
Counter: Shoot it

Dodixie > Hek

Eternum Praetorian
#4 - 2012-05-11 18:56:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternum Praetorian
ElQuirko wrote:
Counter: Shoot it

You really should try reading more, you may find that you enjoy it. It beats, say... just posting random prerecorded **** all of the time.

[center]The EVE Gateway Blog[/center] [center]One Of EVE Online's Ultimate Resources[/center]

Sister Rhode
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2012-05-11 19:01:08 UTC
Bad idea. Logistics makes fights fun and strategic, and last longer.

They already have plenty of counters.

I fly logi primarily in fleet fights, and there are plenty of times where I am ecm'd out of a fight entirely.

The only people that don't like logi are people who don't have friends.
Eternum Praetorian
#6 - 2012-05-11 19:03:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternum Praetorian
Sister Rhode wrote:
Logistics makes fights fun and strategic, and last longer.

No one said that logistics should stop doing this, but the out going rep rate vs incoming DPS for all fleet types in EVE needs to be adjusted. More death is better for the game. Less deaggression tactics makes PVP more meaningful.

[center]The EVE Gateway Blog[/center] [center]One Of EVE Online's Ultimate Resources[/center]

#7 - 2012-05-11 19:05:01 UTC
Logi isn't nearly strong enough IMO. I'd increase their rep power by 2.5x.

Things are only impossible until they are not.

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-05-11 19:09:29 UTC
"1400mm Howitzer Artillery II"

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Terajima Kazumi
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-05-11 19:10:17 UTC
You forgot Counter by shooting the logistics.
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-05-11 19:21:49 UTC
Using your numbers here.

1. 2 sides each with 5 Armageddon's and each with 2 Guardians repping 1700 of the incoming damage with the damage output being 2000.

2. Side one has a half assed FC calling the shots and begins to primary one of the 'geddons.

3. Side two has a more knowledgable FC and calls Guardian A primary dropping the avalibility of the repping power to 851. Call goes out for an overheat of damage upping the damage output to 2750 (which in effect due to the size and natural bonuses of the guardian the incoming damage would be probally half of that so call it 1100 dps)

4. 1100 dps incoming vs 851 damage repped and Guardian A is quickly dispatched. Guardian B has no cap transfer and
can no longer maintain stability and choosing correctly as he isn't aggressed and jumps the gate.

5. Side 1 looses 2 more 'geddons before they can successfully de-aggress and Side 2 is left to loot the field.

I believe we have balance.
Callic Veratar
#11 - 2012-05-11 19:21:51 UTC
What you're suggesting would be that the logis get medium RR only, that means there's an open role for a large and a small logi. While a battleship class logistics vessel might be cool in theory, such a beast would be able to carry a small fleet even better than the cruisers.

What I think needs to happen here is that neuts and damps need a bit of a buff, or, even better, use them in a combination of ECM and damps to shut down a single ship for a long time.

This is the problem with scaling though, bringing 2 logis in a 7 man fleet is overkill, which is why it works. And if you're running into that too often, find a way to break it, there's always a counter. How about a Falcon and Arazu?
Just Alter
Futures Abstractions
#12 - 2012-05-11 19:38:04 UTC
This thread is really bad, even for gd standards.

Logis are completely fine, there's no need to mess with them.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#13 - 2012-05-11 19:48:55 UTC
Eternum Praetorian wrote:
That is an awful lot of healing space wizards.

I'm not a WOW player so I could be wrong here, but shouldn't it be Cleric?

Mr Epeen Cool
Doctor Mabuse
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2012-05-11 19:50:17 UTC
Logis used to only have medium reps.

No-one flew them. Your idea would remove a ship line and tactic from the game
Antisocial Malkavian
Antisocial Malkavians
#15 - 2012-05-11 19:55:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Antisocial Malkavian
Terajima Kazumi wrote:
You forgot Counter by shooting the logistics.

getting pissed at ppl for pointing out the obvious doesnt make it less obvious OR wrong.

DO have a question though; what is the BS logi ship?
Or do logi ships IE say Basilisk "heal" BS sized targets too?

Ive been giving thought to training a logi alt

And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.

My Neutral Toon
#16 - 2012-05-11 19:56:46 UTC
OP must have been recently raped by a fleet that had logi and was following an FC that didn't know how to counter it. RollRoll

...Can't. Tell. If ...Troll? Or Serious....

Butt Hurt about Harrasment? Read first GM post:

Eternum Praetorian
#17 - 2012-05-11 20:27:50 UTC
My Neutral Toon wrote:
OP must have been recently raped by a fleet that had logi and was following an FC that didn't know how to counter it. RollRoll

Funny, I was thinking more like "Look at all the PVP bears not wanting to get rid of their risk adverse I win button, and lose a few ships each fight".

[center]The EVE Gateway Blog[/center] [center]One Of EVE Online's Ultimate Resources[/center]

Eternum Praetorian
#18 - 2012-05-11 20:55:29 UTC
Using your numbers here.

1. 2 sides each with 5 Armageddon's and each with 2 Guardians repping 1700 of the incoming damage with the damage output being 2000.

2. Side one has a half assed FC calling the shots and begins to primary one of the 'geddons.

3. Side two has a more knowledgable FC and calls Guardian A primary dropping the avalibility of the repping power to 851. Call goes out for an overheat of damage upping the damage output to 2750 (which in effect due to the size and natural bonuses of the guardian the incoming damage would be probally half of that so call it 1100 dps)

4. 1100 dps incoming vs 851 damage repped and Guardian A is quickly dispatched. Guardian B has no cap transfer and
can no longer maintain stability and choosing correctly as he isn't aggressed and jumps the gate.

5. Side 1 looses 2 more 'geddons before they can successfully de-aggress and Side 2 is left to loot the field.

I believe we have balance.

A game mechanic balanced on who has the stupidest FC.

[center]The EVE Gateway Blog[/center] [center]One Of EVE Online's Ultimate Resources[/center]

Eternum Praetorian
#19 - 2012-05-11 20:57:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternum Praetorian
Doctor Mabuse wrote:
Logis used to only have medium reps.

No-one flew them. Your idea would remove a ship line and tactic from the game

They would still have plenty of use, they just would not be able to act as the life guards of the sandbox in the same way that do now.

[center]The EVE Gateway Blog[/center] [center]One Of EVE Online's Ultimate Resources[/center]

#20 - 2012-05-11 21:06:06 UTC
ElQuirko wrote:
Counter: Shoot it

Works well when there's only 2, but when you see 10+ fielded, you are dead long before you start making a dent.

I too dislike oversized modules on ships.

When was the last time a micro- shield extender was viable?

I know you're laughing. This was what we all thought about afterburners. And now, a very valid module.

why put all of these modules into the game, then create a world where there is no place for them?

I support the essence of what the op is saying. Respectfully disagree on some points for balance so included my supporting ideology for classes and modules.

There are good ships,

And wood ships,

And ships that sail the sea

But the best ships are Spaceships

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