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Piracy, let's face it, it's almost dead...

Crimson Dawn Enterprises
#1 - 2012-05-11 14:40:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Torothin
Back when i first started playing Eve, there were no caps, there was no warp to 0, there wasn't even warp to 0 on stations. Camping low-sec entry points that lead to 0.0 could bring you in some serious isk from drops as well as ransoms. Let's also not forget that you could always make isk by performing a docking toll on stations in low-sec or in 0.0. Now it is far less profitable to be a pirate.

You nearly never get any good drops like you used to from people hauling stuff due to the implementation of capitals. The regional gates made things even worse for pirates. Something needs to be done. Something that makes it far more lucrative to live or work out of low sec. My advice to rectify this issue, take hi-sec incursions move them out of hi-sec and into low-sec. This will make things far more interesting in low-sec and add an incentive for players to dwell in low-sec thus increasing the population in low-sec areas which in turn leads to more targets. Thoughts?
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#2 - 2012-05-11 14:43:30 UTC
Piracy isn't dead.

Get yourself sorted.
Zag'mar Jurkar
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2012-05-11 14:50:17 UTC
Since when gate camping is considered "Piracy" ?

And people that stays in hi-sec will stay in hi-sec no matter how low their income becomes reduced, because they do not want to deal with "the dangerous "law-less" zones" that are lo and null
#4 - 2012-05-11 15:13:42 UTC
Piracy can be ransoming someone for their ship then killing them anyway yes?
If so then that happens quite alot from what I've read in the last couple days.

Selling WH CFC Standings 10b/month for +10 with: Lazerhawks, Hard Knocks, Overwatch This, Many Vacancies, Golden Showers, Friendly Probes, Isogen Memed.

Join up for swag C3 Gila/Osprey ratting fleets daily! We also rent C2s out with CV effect!

Dare Knight
#5 - 2012-05-11 16:31:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Dare Knight
Corp infiltrations and liquidations: Check
Ransoming: Check
Ransoming and then killing them anyway: Check
Ganking and looting: Check
Market Manipulation (This is a stretch imho): Check
Gate Camping Freighters: Check
Hijacking/Trolling Forum Threads: Check
Stealing your girlfriend: Check
Ninja-salvaging: Check

In some form or another, they're all piracy-related. I don't think piracy is dead.

Hell, in some ways, anything you do in EVE is PvP and can be looked at as piracy. If I sell something, I fulfilled a buy order that you nolonger can. What?

_It's very simple, really. If you see Tengus on scan, they are ratting. If you see a shitload of Tengus, the Russians are blobbing. If you see Proteuses on scan, they will be on top of you in about a second. If you see a shitload of Proteuses, the big boys are having a goodfight. _

Pinstar Colton
Sweet Asteroid Acres
#6 - 2012-05-11 16:36:44 UTC
Piracy is not dead.
In my travels in low sec I've had my industrial popped. I've also come across the abandoned wreck of other industrials and have profited from their remains.

In the cat-and-mouse game that is low sec, there is no shame in learning to be a better mouse.

Distinguished Gentleman's Boating Club
Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#7 - 2012-05-11 16:44:28 UTC
Just because you cant adapt to changes that happened ages ago doesn't mean anyone else can't.

I used to have a clever sig but I lost it.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-05-11 17:08:56 UTC
So you are mad that 0.0 industrial players have neutral jump freighters that can't be wardecked or ganked? Hey I happily donate cyno kestrels on lowsec midpoint stations to the "pirates". The lowsec crowd is so amusing with all the smack talking and bad-ass posturing when they manage to pop a cyno kessy on the undock with a lit cyno that it makes my eye tear in sadness.
#9 - 2012-05-11 19:12:24 UTC
Zag'mar Jurkar wrote:
Since when gate camping is considered "Piracy" ?

You're dumb.
Crimson Dawn Enterprises
#10 - 2012-05-11 19:21:56 UTC
The goal is to get more people into low-sec allowing for more targets. I guess we have several simple minded people in this thread with their one line zingers. I did not say it was dead. I said it was dying.
Dare Knight
#11 - 2012-05-11 20:07:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Dare Knight
Torothin wrote:
The goal is to get more people into low-sec allowing for more targets. I guess we have several simple minded people in this thread with their one line zingers. I did not say it was dead. I said it was dying.

Point #1) Keep your smartbutt comments like that to yourself. Quickest way to end a thread of anything intelligent yourself and your credibility.

Point #2) We know what you said. We can read. We're telling you that if you consider "Give me isk or I kill you and take your stuffz" the only form of piracy, or in your case getting good lootz from gate camps the only form of piracy, that's not the case. Removing content from highsec and putting it in lowsec isn't going to fix the problem. It never will. People don't want to dwell in lowsec because they either want to 'play safe' or want their very own space, as well as various other reasons that make lowsec not very popular. This has been discussed to death and revoked as valid 'fixes' for some time now. Bringing it up again with a few different words in play isn't going to change that. There's nothing original about it.

As it is, your post title is misleading to the content which you're posting. Piracy is alive, will always be alive, just in different forms than your basic "high loot gate camp" from the ages past. As long as there's two people logged into TQ, someone will have something the other person wants, whether that be stuffz, lulz, or tears, and they'll employ several different methods other than gate camping to attain it. And it will NEVER be fair. This has no correlation to lowsec population or the implication of moving things to lowsec to improve the population.

TL;DR -- Adapt.

EDIT: This doesn't even negate the fact that if you moved all incursions to lowsec, there still wouldn't be a reason to live there and run expensive ships with huge amount of loot in them. That's what jump freighters are for, and they're not going anywhere anytime soon.

_It's very simple, really. If you see Tengus on scan, they are ratting. If you see a shitload of Tengus, the Russians are blobbing. If you see Proteuses on scan, they will be on top of you in about a second. If you see a shitload of Proteuses, the big boys are having a goodfight. _

Devore Sekk
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2012-05-11 23:06:08 UTC
Piracy would be in a much better state if you could actually collect ransoms, which no one pays anymore due to all the pirates who don't honor them. Direct your anger at your brethren, not CCP or the carebears.
Nylith Empyreal
Sutar Rein
#13 - 2012-05-11 23:30:04 UTC
I love how every lowsec topic ends with "put incursions in lowsec." It reminds me of Cato, "And I think Carthage must be destroyed."

Who's the more foolish the fool or the fool who replies to him?

Womyn Power
Broski Bad End
#14 - 2012-05-11 23:44:23 UTC
In the months since our inception my corp has made easily 50-60bn in various forms of piracy.

Mostly AWOXing and generally being good at flying cheap **** so that we lose almost nothing while gaining massively from faction mods we loot pretty much daily of ratters.

Piracy isn't dead, you need to think outside the box that lowsec has put you in. If you want to be a pirate, in space security status is not any form of hindrance.
#15 - 2012-05-12 00:04:09 UTC
Piracy, learn to adapt to the changes or else you will become extinct. Ohh and the the Nos Domi was nerf, figure I save you some time, and the Drake is considered useful for PVP now.

Welcome to Eve. Everyone here is an Evil Sick Sadistic Bastard who is out to get you. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either trying to scam you or use you.

Barbie D0ll
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2012-05-12 02:21:52 UTC
Torothin wrote:
The goal is to get more people into low-sec allowing for more targets. I guess we have several simple minded people in this thread with their one line zingers. I did not say it was dead. I said it was dying.

it is not dead or dying, or batman would have retired by now
Garven Dreis
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#17 - 2012-05-12 04:12:31 UTC
Womyn Power wrote:
. If you want to be a pirate, in space security status is not any form of hindrance.

This here is trufax

Terrible Poster Runner-up 2014

Kreeia Dgore
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2012-05-12 05:50:44 UTC
I don't know what happened to piracy, bu ganking is pretty much alive and kicking
Troll Gremlin
#19 - 2012-05-12 06:35:23 UTC
as a former carebear when i wanted to try out piracy i read this blog saying to fit a cheap frig and go into lowsec and roam around until i found some noob mining or missioning, but i found out that, 1. almost no1 mines in lowsec and 2. noobie frigs vs pro lowsec missioners = u in station wondering WTF?
So then i joined a lowsec gatecamping corp, we camped busy tunnel traffic systems and got abit of loot payouts from it but it was so boring that i started to look forward to being hotdroped.
We sometimes roamed into nullsec and u can get a few random kills but this mostly ended up either in us runing from blobfleets or geting into a fight with a anti-neut fleet and then geting hotdroped.
Basically the way i see it this was more pvp as piracy is more find and kill/ransom carebears that can't fight back, so the way i see it the only real form of piracy nowadays (with lowsec only having wannabe pirates in them) that wardecing and ganking in highsec is really the most profitable form of piracy.

So am i re.tard.ed in my way of tihnkingQuestion
Christine Peeveepeeski
Low Sec Concepts
#20 - 2012-05-12 10:11:30 UTC
Piracy isn't dead assuming you mean stealing peoples stuff out of space from under their nose without resorting to meta gaming.

I only recently scanned a guy down in a plex, waited till he'd nearly completed it. entered at the right time on the officer kill, ransomed his ship, stole his officer mod drop (nothing major) and earned myself a nice tidy sum for the day.

I get a fair few ransoms and am forever stealing complexes/radars etc from people and forcing them out so I can complete them.

Gatecamping can be considered piracy if the purpose is to blow ships up, steal mods/cargo and salvage hulls. However most do it for the killmails and to me that's not piracy, it's just pew.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is piracy isn't dead... it's just confused because people seem to call anything that a neg sec guy does piracy.
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